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Author Topic: Gary Grigsby's War in the West  (Read 29154 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2019, 05:35:49 PM »
War in the West v1.02.59 Beta available now

Another new Public Beta is available for testing!

It is available from the Public Download area.

This public beta is also available on Steam, you will need to right click the game in your Steam library, select Properties and navigate to the BETAS tab; from there, opt into the Public Beta by selecting it from the drop down menu.

This public beta is also available on GOG, you will need to click the 'MORE' button in your GOG library, select Settings, turn Beta Channels ON and then select the Open Beta Channel from the drop-down menu.

v1.02.59 Beta Change Log

Bug Fixes
In some unusual cases, the Western Allies AI could take control of German occupied hexes without attacking, causing the German units to retreat after they took damage. Fixed.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2020, 01:13:04 AM »
War in the West has been updated to v1.02.59

Gary Grigsby's War in the West has been updated to version v1.02.59

This update brings together all the changes and improvements from 1.02.57 to 1.02.59.

You can download the update here

v1.02.59 Changelog


Bug Fixes
1. In some unusual cases, the Western Allies AI could take control of German occupied
hexes without attacking, causing the German units to retreat after they took damage. Fixed.


Bug Fixes
1. Air units were listed on the reinforcement screen as arriving one turn later than they
actually arrived. Fixed.
2. Fixed another issue with the reinforcement screen.
3. Note that older versions may not load saves made with 1.02.58.

Data and Scenario Changes
1. Leader file – Sepp Dietrich changed from Ground to SS Only leader.
2. Torch to Tunisia – Changed aircraft type in II./JG 51.
3. The 4th Supreme Command – Small changes made.


New Features and Rule Changes
1. Ground Element Mapping added to Unit Table of Equipment [TOE] Window. When
turned on by checking the box, the window displays the specific ground element called
for by the TOE, and the specific ground elements currently in the unit and what ground
type slot they are occupying.

Bug Fixes
1. Some aircraft factories were not expanding as they should have. Fixed.
2. Forts were not building to level 5. Fixed.
3. Production screen – Clicking on the number of units for a type of ground element, where
the number of units was non-zero, could lead to a CR screen showing no units. Fixed.
4. Unit ground elements can get merged as a result of duplicate ground element deletion.
This can lead to rare cases of units becoming extremely over strength. Fixed.

Data and Scenario ChangesData and Scenario Changes
1. 1944 May Start, D1944 May Start, D--Day, and Operation Diadem Day, and Operation Diadem -- Removed nonRemoved non--connected railyard in connected railyard in Anzio.Anzio.
2. Torch to Tunisia Torch to Tunisia -- Removed nonRemoved non--connected railyard.connected railyard.
3. 44thth Supreme Command:Supreme Command:
- MM--36 tank destroyer changed to Heavy Tank Destroyer36 tank destroyer changed to Heavy Tank Destroyer
- 75mm Pack Howit75mm Pack Howitzer changed to Infantry Gunzer changed to Infantry Gun
- 105mm Light Howitzer (and British 95mm Howitzer) changed to Heavy Infantry Gun105mm Light Howitzer (and British 95mm Howitzer) changed to Heavy Infantry Gun
- 105mm Howitzer (AM105mm Howitzer (AM ONLY) changed to Light ArtilleryONLY) changed to Light Artillery
- Medium Tank removed as a CS tank substitutionMedium Tank removed as a CS tank substitution
- ALL substitutions removed for Heavy TankALL substitutions removed for Heavy Tank
- SP ArtillSP Artillery removed as Heavy SP Artillery substitutionery removed as Heavy SP Artillery substitution
- Medium Tank removed as a Heavy Cavalry Tank substitutionMedium Tank removed as a Heavy Cavalry Tank substitution
- PPolitical rating of new high leadership increased to 9 (Manstein, Rommel) to avoid olitical rating of new high leadership increased to 9 (Manstein, Rommel) to avoid being kicked out for minor reasonsbeing kicked out for minor reasons
4. Ground ElementGround Elementss and Ground Typesand Ground Types::
- MM--36 tank destroyer changed to Heavy Tank Destroyer36 tank destroyer changed to Heavy Tank Destroyer
- 15155mm Howitzer (AM O5mm Howitzer (AM ONLY) changed to HeavyNLY) changed to Heavy ArtilleryArtillery
- Medium Tank removed Medium Tank removed from the substitution listsfrom the substitution lists from the following Tank types: from the following Tank types: HeavyHeavy TankTank, CS, CS TankTank, Heavy Cav, Heavy Cav TankTank, Flame, Flame TankTank
- SP Artillery removed fromSP Artillery removed from the substitution list for Heavy SP Artillerythe substitution list for Heavy SP Artillery

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