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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2021, 04:28:19 AM »
Update #38: Dogfight improvements, better bridge windows, and more!
Sat, 30 January 2021

This update aims to improve fighter versus fighter combat. Before, fighters would be nearly impossible to hit due to slight differences between the location of the fighter on your screen, and the position of the same fighter on the server, especially at faster speeds. This issue should be greatly improved with this update, making dogfights a much less frustrating experience. Additionally, you will now get a little target helper on your screen after aiming at an enemy fighter that shows you where to shoot based on your laser's speed and the enemy fighter's current velocity. It also shows you the hull HP and shields HP of the enemy fighter, so you know if you are actually hitting them.

You will also notice 2 additional side windows on the bridge, that allow you to have a better view over the battle. There are also some performance improvements to those windows to allow for 3 being displayed at the same time, and some visual improvements like fixing them looking weird when looking up/down.

If you have any visual or performance issues with those new bridge windows please let me know! Also, the "Bridge Screen Disable" option now actually works, so you can disable them anytime you want.

There are also some more improvements and bugfixes, like voice chat not starting or stopping sending your voice, and players not being able to move after spawning in some situations. All classes now also have faster HP regeneration!

Full changelog:
-ADDED: smaller fighter aim helper against other smaller fighters (so you know where to shoot)
-ADDED: smaller fighter info about the enemy fighters HP/shields while fighting them
-ADDED: 2 additional side bridge windows

-BUFFED: increased HP regeneration speed for all classes (starts sooner, and regenerates faster)
-IMPROVED: lime capital ship skin visual improvements
-IMPROVED: bridge window visuals when looking up/down
-IMPROVED: bridge window performance

-FIXED: bug that resulted in players sometimes not being able to move after a new round started
-FIXED: lots of voice chat bugs regarding not starting/stopping voice transmission in certain situations
-FIXED: sometimes spawning in walls in frigate vs frigate mode
-FIXED: leaving the enemy info seat in a frigate not removing the player from the seat correctly
-FIXED: multiple bugs regarding smaller fighter HP sometimes being less than intended
-FIXED: "disable bridge screen" option not working correctly and not saving correctly

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2021, 07:26:57 PM »
Update #39: Frigate improvements + first-person flying and more!
Thu, March 11, 2021

This update features a frigate bridge rework, first-person flying for frigates and more improvements!

This update improves the frigates in multiple ways, there are new windows on the bridge and in the hangar area, which got some visual improvements along with the vent area. There is also now first-person flying for the frigates, which works similar to the flying systems of the smaller fighters, and a short-range turbolaser that the pilot can use, which deals quite a lot of damage but overheats very quickly.

There are also some other improvements, most notably fixes for ultrawide resolutions like being able to set your FOV to a wider range of values, settings not being saved correctly when using Linux, and players getting stuck in the communication station of the frigates, The frigate undock lever now also has an outline that is visible through walls while the frigate is docked, to make it easier for newer players to find!

Full changelog:
-ADDED: improved, bigger, and more windows to the frigate
-ADDED: bigger hangars to the frigate with new large windows
-ADDED: first-person cockpit-flying to the frigates, with fighter-like control system instead of having to press a lot of keys at once
-ADDED: frigate undock lever outline while docked (to make it easier for newer players to find)
-ADDED: short-range, front-mounted double turbo lasers to the frigate, controlled by the pilot (torpedo system unchanged)
-REWORKED: settings config system to make settings save correctly on Linux
-IMPROVED: the game now allows a wider range of FOV settings (for ultrawide resolutions)
-IMPROVED: made frigate vents a bit smaller, spinning vents now have 3 blades instead of 4
-IMPROVED: window visuals while moving
-FIXED: skybox being too bright on the "small" battle size
-FIXED: player models getting stuck in the communication stations of frigates
-FIXED: multiple potential fixes for players sometimes spawning in the wrong ship

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2021, 12:04:14 AM »
Update #40: Space Station, respawn system rework and lots of improvements!
Fri, 23 April 2021

This update adds a completely reworked space station, it now spawns a lot closer to the capital ships and features 2 hangars that are always open as well as a brand new interior. Inside you can find fighter purchasing stations similar to the ones on the capital ships, and a capture point that allows your team to gain twice as many resource points while controlling it. To play on a map with the new space station, make sure to select the "Station" battle size!

The exterior of the new space station will reflect who currently controls it, with the lights changing between red, white (undecided), and blue. You can also dock a frigate at the lower end of the space station now, allowing you to basically respawn in the space station and defend it or spawn smaller fighters from there. You can now also choose to send B2 Attack Droids to the space station instead of the enemy ship, they will try to take control over the capture point and get rid of any enemies inside. The droids also received multiple improvements, for example, they are much smarter at dealing with enemies hiding/peaking from behind cover.

But be aware that the enemy Tactical Droid can send droids to the space station as well to try and take control over it. Speaking of the tactical droids, numerous changes have been made to the frigates Tactical Droid to give him a respawn time, which makes it much less frustrating to hijack enemy frigates than before, when he would respawn instantly.

There is also a new respawn system in the game now, in earlier versions you always respawned on the last friendly ship you were on, now you can choose between your capital ship and your frigate (if it exists), allowing you to use the frigate as a mobile spawn station for your team to try and take control over the enemy capital ship or the new space station while being docked to them.

The weapons also received some changes, you now spawn with the correct weapon when changing your class in the ship customization phase, and the pistol and the revolver deal a bit more damage now, with the pistols fire rate also being increased slightly. This means they will only have 10% lower damage per second than the rifle or SMG, instead of being 20-30% worse.

Additionally, lots of improvements and bug fixes are included in this update, you can check those out in the full changelog below. Most notably, keybindings now accept "." and "," keys, the "invert y-axis" option should now save correctly, fighter purchasing stations should work more reliably, and the windows of your ship should no longer look weird when flying around with your drone.

If you experience any issues or have any kind of feedback, please let me know!

Full changelog:

-ADDED: reworked space station, it now has interiors
-ADDED: 2 hangars for the space station, allows players to enter it
-ADDED: capture point in the middle of the space station, the team that controls it gains double resource points
-ADDED: new station texture, station changes exterior light colors depending on who controls it currently
-ADDED: option to launch B2 Attack Pods at the space station instead of the enemy ship
-ADDED: B2 Attack droid logic changes so they know how to capture the capture point inside the station
-ADDED: "Station" battlesize, basically "Epic" size but with the new space station
-ADDED: sentry animation
-ADDED: keybinding support for "," and "." keys
-ADDED: some more cover to the space station
-ADDED: crosshair when flying the drone
-ADDED: functionality to dock one frigate at the bottom of the space station

-REWORKED: respawn system, you now can choose where you want to respawn in the death screen (capital ship or frigate, if available)

-IMPROVED: piloting the capital ship now always makes you look straight ahead (instead of looking behind or sideways when entering it in some situations)
-IMPROVED: frigate tactical droid now takes 10 seconds to respawn, instead of respawning instantly
-IMPROVED: tactical droid can now only control the frigate if it's close to the helm
-IMPROVED: sentry turrets now target Fireo droids
-IMPROVED: B2 attack droid behavior against players that hide behind cover on the station
-IMPROVED: B2 attack droid pathfinding a lot smoother on the station
-IMPROVED: your selected class skin now gets saved for each class

-INCREASED: revolver damage from 60 to 70
-INCREASED: pistol damage from 40 to 45
-INCREASED: pistol fire rate from 100 RPM to 120 RPM
-REDUCED: B2 Attack droid HP from 600 to 500

-CHANGED: space station interior color scheme to be less blue and more neutral (since it can belong to both teams)
-CHANGED: station spawn location to have the same distance to both of the two teams ships

-FIXED: teleporters onboard a frigate now get destroyed when the frigate is destroyed
-FIXED: fighters landing in hangars not spawning correctly sometimes
-FIXED: fighters starting from hangars not correctly freeing up the space they started from, preventing new fighters to be purchased on that side of the hangar
-FIXED: spawning with the weapon of your old class if changing classes in the selection phase
-FIXED: not getting kicked out of the frigate helm correctly when dying
-FIXED: not getting kicked out of the drone correctly when dying
-FIXED: windows looking weird when flying with the drone
-FIXED: smaller fighters showing the wrong key to enter a hangar
-FIXED: small hole inside the space station
-FIXED: red teams repair drones being blue instead of red
-FIXED: windows looking weird when flying with the pilots drone
-FIXED: hangar numbers not being consistent on the map, the signs in the interiors, and the destroyed hangar door alerts
-FIXED: invert y-axis option not saving correctly
-FIXED: civilian shuttles turning into military shuttles when landed in a hangar
-FIXED: energy panel right/middle hull shield buttons having no sounds
-FIXED: fighters spawning in the bio lab instead of hangars on rare occasions
-FIXED: some blue upper hangar doors being locked
-FIXED: everything being too bright when piloting a frigate
-FIXED: player sometimes not correctly getting kicked out smaller fighter when dying, messing up the respawn process
-FIXED: capital ship hangar issue that resulted in the wrong hangar slots being registered as free when starting fighter
-FIXED: changing keybinds not updating the UI hints correctly
-FIXED: weird behavior when player is inside a shuttle of a frigate and that frigate gets destroyed while he's still flying around in the shuttle
-FIXED: fighter displays still showing the old key when changing keybindings
-FIXED: rounding errors sometimes resulting in hull descriptions flashing between"-0% energy due to damage" and "no damage" in the energy controls

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2021, 11:59:24 PM »
Update #42: New tutorial, missions, and fixes!
Thu, 26 August 2021

This update introduces the first of three new missions to the game, that will serve as some single-player content as well as a learning experience for newer players. This first one is called "First Steps" and replaces the old (and outdated) tutorial and guides the player through some basic aspects of the game in small steps combined with some action sequences.

Two additional missions will be released soon, complementing the single-player content with more difficult missions where the player has more freedom than in the tutorial while keeping them in a scripted story, offering some variety to the normal game modes.

There are also a few other improvements and bug fixes you can take a look at in the full changelog below, most notably the smaller fighter cockpit models got reverted to an earlier version to due popular demand.

If you have any feedback or issues, especially with the new tutorial, let me know!

Full changelog:
-REMOVED: old tutorial
-ADDED: new mission tab to the main menu, with 3 singleplayer missions (Mission 2 and 3 will be added later)
-ADDED: first singleplayer mission "First Steps" that replaces the tutorial and guides the player to the basic things inside their capital ship and shows them basic fighter control
-REVERTED: back to the older small fighter cockpit model with the old joystick animations
-FIXED: mouse cursor not dissapearing correctly when closing the ingame menu while in a bridge station
-FIXED: security stations bugs related to forcing the AI robots to specific locations
-FIXED: mission successfull text clipping issues
-FIXED: blue capital ship turrets not firing in the "First Steps" mission
-FIXED: "First Steps" mission not correctly progressing when adding a patrol target to a droid
-CHANGED: temporarily renamed "Missions" tab in the main menu to "Tutorial", will be reverted when more mission get added and players already completed the "First Steps" tutorial mission

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2021, 12:03:45 AM »
Update #44: Visual upgrades, third mission, Halloween event and more!
Tue, 26 October 2021

This update improves the visual appearance of the game, adds a new yearly Halloween event and the third mission in preparation for its full release from Early Access on November 5th!

The visual update consists of a new skybox with a more vibrant blue galaxy background, upgrades to the frigate, smaller fighter, and capital ship textures and particles, and making areas like bridge windows emit more light resulting in a brighter atmosphere. There are also big improvements to the frigate and capital ship UI, presenting important data like speed, distance to the enemy ship, or loaded torpedoes in a much cleaner way. The asteroid field also now is much bigger, with a slightly decreased density and new mineral asteroids that can be mined by shooting them with smaller fighters, resulting in bonus resource points for you and your whole team!

The third mission is now also available, completing the single-player trilogy allowing players to experience the game in a different environment and learning the basics of commanding a capital ship, flying smaller fighters, and controlling a frigate.

There are also the usual bug fixes and improvements regarding UI, frigate collision issues, and the AI along with new main menu music, as well as a pause and skip button for the different menu tracks! More experienced players will now also be rewarded with new black capital ship skins after reaching level 100 ingame and you can now also purchase a new frigate for 400 resource points at the space station, in case your original frigate got destroyed in battle!

Players will also now notice a new Halloween event running automatically every year from October 20th to October 31st, spawning 7 spooky pumpkins inside each capital ship and 2 in each frigate, and allowing players to destroy enemy pumpkins for a resource point bonus!

-ADDED: third mission
-ADDED: mineral asteroids to the asteroid field that can be shot to gain 20 resource points
-ADDED: frigate purchasing station to the space station, requires you to control the station and costs 300 resource points, will dock the new frigate below the station
-ADDED: new main menu music
-ADDED: main menu music skip/pause buttons
-ADDED: space dust effect to smaller fighters when flying at higher speeds

-CHANGED: skybox/galaxy background to be a bit more colorful
-CHANGED: planet and gas field locations
-CHANGED: sun now is a bit brighter and more white instead of yellow
-CHANGED: increased mineral asteroid spawn rate
-CHANGED: asteroid field is now much bigger, with a slight decrease in density
-CHANGED: now all players of a team gain resource points when their team mines a mineral asteroid
-CHANGED: slight changes to interior lighting, and the interior is now a lot darker when a generator is damaged and lights go out
-CHANGED: "Missions" main menu tab is now called "Tutorial" until the first mission was completed (so newer plays can find the tutorials more easily)

-REWORKED: frigate/capital ship flight info UI

-IMPROVED: smaller fighter cockpit crosshair
-IMPROVED: smaller fighter interior textures now emit more light in certain areas
-IMPROVED: hitmaker now is a bit smaller, slimmer, and more bright
-IMPROVED: capital ship and frigate default textures, now brighter on sections that emit light like the bridge
-IMPROVED: thruster FX to have no more random cutouts, and made them brighter overall
-IMPROVED: frigate cockpit UI visibility
-IMPROVED: minor Mission 1 tweaks to explain the class abilities

-FIXED: frigate energy distribution UI issues
-FIXED: not getting the tutorial achievement after finishing the new tutorial (Mission 1)
-FIXED: hacked hangar doors not closing again after 60 seconds, instead staying open until manually closed
-FIXED: hangar hack UI issues preventing players from hacking hangar doors again after they were hacked in this round already
-FIXED: purchased frigates dock lever not being set as docked to the station, preventing players from undocking from the station
-FIXED: mineral asteroids sometimes giving their resource point bonus multiple times per destroyed asteroid
-FIXED: asteroids not colliding with frigates
-FIXED: main menu music not starting a new song when the old one finished
-FIXED: main menu keybindings UI issues
-FIXED: being able to purchase a frigate while already having one
-FIXED: frigate purchasing fixes

-REMOVED: random energy distribution chair in the spawn room that didn't belong there

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2021, 11:27:37 PM »
Update #45: Full Release in 3 days, new homing missile turret and improvements!
Tue, 2 November 2021

With the game leaving Steam Early Access this Friday, this update aims to improve and polish the overall experience players, especially newer ones have in this game.

There are new UI elements added to smaller fighters, tracking enemy fighters and AI interceptors that are currently off-screen to make tracking them easier, and new improvements to the tutorial missions will make some objectives less confusing for newer players.

Another turret option was also added, the new "Homing Missile Launcher" turret will automatically fire a homing missile at nearby fighters or AI interceptors every 10 seconds, giving you another way to defend against those threats. Homing missiles in general received an update, now being a lot more reliable, having better and more consistent collision and damage calculations, flying a bit faster, and having a higher turn speed. Fighter pilots will now also get notified how many homing missiles are currently chasing them, instead of just getting alerted that something is inbound.

Players will also notice a new "Bonus Resource Point" upgrade, and a new ship layout save feature in the customization phase, allowing them to save their current turret, hangar and upgrade layout to quickly load it in future matches. The AI now also utilizes B2 droids for ship defense at higher difficulty levels, instead of only using the weaker B1 droids, making capital ship invades much harder against them.

There are also lots of other bugfixes and smaller improvements you can take a look at below, if you have any feedback please let me know! You can also join the games discord to find other players to play with!

Full changelog:

-ADDED: UI icons for smaller fighters and AI interceptors that are currently off-screen while flying smaller fighters
-ADDED: ship layout save/load system, allows players to save the current turret/hangar/upgrade configuration with a name, and load this configuration in future games
-ADDED: new "homing missile launcher" turret, automatically fires a homing missile at a nearby fighter every 10s, the turret has less HP than others
-ADDED: new "bonus resource point" upgrade, cost 50$ and grants every team member 20 resource points at the start of the round

-CHANGED: capital ship UI icons to be better distinguishable from fighter icons

-BUFFED: increased homing missile turn speed by 50% and homing missile forward speed by 50%
-NERFED: homing missile shield penetration reduced from 50% to 0%

-IMPROVED: minor fighter cockpit texture fixes
-IMPROVED: rotating while spectating is now smoother
-IMPROVED: sweepo spawning when purchasing a lot of sweepo robots in the selection phase
-IMPROVED: B2 Attack robot spawning when multiple B2 Attack pods hit a target at once
-IMPROVED: homing missile collision detection
-IMPROVED: the AI will now deploy defensive B2 robots on higher difficulty settings
-IMPROVED: some capital ship interior visual improvements
-IMPROVED: fighter cockpit now shows the number of incoming missiles
-IMPROVED: homing missile flight path, collision, and damage calculations to be much more reliable
-IMPROVED: mission 2 skybox
-IMPROVED: mission 2 now highlights the enemy communication modules, so they are easier to find for newer players

-CHANGED: swapped ion beam and gauss cannon positions on the default turret layout
-CHANGED: homing missiles no longer damage friendly capital ships
-CHANGED: homing missile turrets no longer fire in the tutorials, to make it easier for newer players
-CHANGED: docked frigate turrets no longer fire automatically

-FIXED: pilots drone sound having infinite range
-FIXED: on-screen now displays smaller fighters as "landed" and not "destroyed" if they landed in a hangar or frigate
-FIXED: capital ship engine truster visuals not being shown when AI flies the capital ship
-FIXED: main menu music skipping not working correctly
-FIXED: droids being able to sit down in chairs already used by players, breaking things
-FIXED: "destroy generator" UI persisting after destroying it
-FIXED: Halloween pumpkins only getting destroyed for server host
-FIXED: chat overlapping in-game menu
-FIXED: frigate torpedo rack not being replenished when purchasing a new frigate
-FIXED: some mission 3 progress issues
-FIXED: mission 3 first enemy capital ship not exploding correctly
-FIXED: homing missile impact location calculation being wrong, resulting in capital ship hits always counting as bridge damage
-FIXED: homing missile maximum distance calculation not being enforced if homing missiles fly smaller circles around their target
-FIXED: being able to use homing missiles while cloaked
-FIXED: fighter cockpits always being red
-FIXED: deleted layout button not disappearing instantly
-FIXED: blue hangar 2 smaller fighter spawn issues

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2021, 11:45:01 PM »
FULL RELEASE from Early Access NOW! State of development + future plans
Fri, 5 November 2021

With this update, the game gets fully released after 20 months of Early Access, with over 45 major updates, over 12,000 unique players, and an awesome community with nearly a thousand members on discord the game now is in a state where it can be made available to a wider audience.

Over the last 3 years, Deep Space Battle Simulator got developed by me alone, aiming to provide a unique playing experience combining space combat with large and smaller ships, and fully explorable interiors, allowing teams of up to 8-16 players to fight against other players or the continuously developed enemy AI, or play alone, controlling the huge spacecraft with the help of the different AI robots, which is able to take over every part of managing and defending the own capital ship to assist players with commanding those giant vessels.

While this is an important goal, the development of DSBS does not stop here, with the usual improvement updates still coming in, as well as lots of cool new content updates on the horizon, with new ships, turret types, game mechanics, and even a completely new game mode combining the space battles with new ground battle scenarios!

Big thank you to everyone who helped me with their constant feedback, the game wouldn't have come this far without you! I am looking forward to meeting you in-game, and implementing your feedback in future updates! If you have any questions regarding the game, please let me know below!
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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2021, 11:43:05 PM »
Update #47: Fighter damage balancing, better engine overclocking and bugfixes!
Fri, November 12, 2021

This smaller update takes some of the firepower of the smaller fighters away, and increases the damage of the capital ship turrets, to shift more power to the capital ships while keeping fighters viable. The damage of the Heavy Fighters rockets got decreased as well, while the bomber only got a slight reduction of bomb damage, which is compensated by reducing the bombers speed and mobility, making teamplay more important since he needs escort fighters, or the team has to destroy enemy fighter defenses prior to making bombing runs.

The engine overclock was also rarely used to resulting in random overheating very fast, to make this feature more viable there now is a 5 second period after overclocking before the engine has a chance to overheat, this is increased to 10 seconds if an Engineer overclocks it.

There are also some bug fixes, mostly relating to tutorial issues where players could die in some situations, making the tutorial incompletable and requiring the players to restart the tutorial. Random fighter models spawning in the blue ships science bay should also be fixed, with the space station receiving some fixes regarding fighters landing in its hangars.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know!

Full changelog:
-BUFFED: increased large and double laser turret damage by 10%
-BUFFED: increased gauss turret shield penetration from 35% to 50%

-NERFED: reduced smaller fighter damage by 15% for all fighters
-NERFED: reduced heavy fighter rocket damage from 50 to 40
-NERFED: reduced bomb damage from 500 to 450
-NERFED: reduced bomber speed from 75 m/s to 69 m/s
-NERFED: reduced bomber turn speed by 20%

-CHANGED: engine overclock now takes 5 seconds before randomly failing, instead of possibly failing earlier
-CHANGED: engineer has 10s instead of 5s overheating protection after overclocking the engine

-FIXED: resource points resetting on every death when "allow mid-round class changes" was enabled, instead of only when switching classes
-FIXED: being able to shoot while in the selection menus
-FIXED: one station hangar slot not being set up correctly, resulting in landed fighter not spawning there, but in [0,0,0] location
-FIXED: player being able to die in the first and third tutorial missions
-FIXED: players frigate being able to be destroyed in the tutorial missions

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