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Author Topic: Freeware Tornado Encyclopedia software by Tércio Sampaio.  (Read 3014 times)

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Offline Frankie

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Freeware Tornado Encyclopedia software by Tércio Sampaio.
« on: March 06, 2020, 12:16:27 PM »
Freeware software made by Tércio Sampaio.

Tércio is a gamer, software designer and an avid flight simulator fan (Tornado, DCS, BMS, WOFF, WOTR, IL2, etc.). His dream is TORNADO in high resolution, but sadly that is proving too difficult, if not impossible, because of the coding assets and many calculations needed, involving precise coordinates and variables. So in its place, Tércio has created a TORNADO Encyclopedia as his contribution to the TORNADO Project. His work is a Wikipedia version of TORNADO's Manual's Reference Section (Chapter 12, starting page 297 of the manual).  It acts as an external reference encyclopedia for TORNADO gamers and includes tanks, missiles, aircrafts, helicopters, etc. featured in TORNADO. This is Tércio's first personal contribution to the TORNADO project.

Tércio develops software using RAD languages, and has years of experience as an IT director and as an IT senior admin. It is interesting to note that the CTS utility for DCS was co-developed by him. He is also an active member of Steam.

Tércio' software only browses live Wikipedia pages. Here is the complete list of Wikipedia entries that make up Tércio's Encylopedia:

Tornado GR4
Tornado F3
F-15 Eagle
F-16C Fighting Falcon
A-10 Thunderbolt
C-130H Hercules
E-3D Sentry
MiG-27 Flogger
MiG-29 Fulcrum
MiG-31 Foxhound
Su-25 Frogfoot
Su-27 Flanker
Il-76 Candid
A-50 Mainstay
AH-64 Apache
Mi-24 Hind
CH-47 Chinook
Mi-26 Halo
ZSU-23-4 Shilka
MAZ-543 and SS-1 SCUD
AIM9-L Sidewinder
Active Sky Flash
AA-2-2C Advanced Atoll
AA-7B Apex
AA-8A/B Aphid
AA-10 Alamo
BAe/Marconi ALARM
1000lb Freefall Bomb
Mi-6 Hook
MiG-25 Foxbat
Mirage F1
9K35 Strela-10
Mauser cannon

You may download this software from here. Update: 7th March 2020. Download link has been corrected. It now works.
Note: Tércio obtained permission from Wikipedia's legal department for featuring the pages in his software. It is is neither endorsed nor is part of the Wikipedia Foundation.

On a final note, as a life-long fan of TORNADO, Tércio is also a fan of X-Trident's Tornado for X-Plane 11. If you liked TORNADO, then with X-Trident's Tornado, you can fly multicrew coop flight using the smart copilot add-on. It is not a war simulator as TORNADO was, but you can reproduce a strike in any part of the world and with modern graphics and physics.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 01:04:09 AM by Frankie »
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