D.O.W. Sunday Mission 14/12/14 20:00 GMT
LZ Bastogne custom made by Cougar11 for D.O.W.
Mission summary:Ukrainian separatists have taken control of the small city of Bastogne. The separatists have heavy reinforcements on the way. You the 101st Airborne 1st Brigade 502 Air Assault Battalion must take the LZ within 8 mins with all 10 helos. Take and clear the town. You must hold the town till re-enforcements can arrive by air, approximately one hour. There is a marine detachment in the area for support, and if the separatist’s reinforcements arrive you can have an armor company that can be called on for support.
MapExcerpts of the battalion commander's orders for... 101st Airborne Reinforced. 1) SITUATION: a) Enemy:
Ukrainian separatists have taken control of the town of Bastogne. They are inside the city with a company sized infantry force minus. The enemy has reinforcements on the way to include PC’s and Armor.
b) Own:
101st Airborne 502nd Air Assault is flying into clear the town. To the West is a Marine detachment of IFV’s, TOW units, and wheeled vehicles with mortar support once they arrive. Battalion HQ has set a Forward Operations Point near the LZ to the South. Further to the South is a company of armor to assist once they arrive.
c) A Marine detachment, and Armor Company once in the AA’s.
2) MISSION:502nd Battalion 101st Airborne Air Assault conducts a air assault into LZ Nuts South of the town of Bastogne. 502nd will then clear the LZ, and move into and clear the town of Ukrainian separatists. Marine detachment will be called on for support in the city and surrounding area, and if heavy mechanized forces are in the AO, the Armor Company will move in for support. Hold the town for two hours until reinforcements can arrive.
3) EXECUTION: Conduct air assault into LZ Nuts, and secure the town of Bastogne.
Intent: 502nd will conduct air assault and clear LZ Nuts. They will then move and clear the town of Bastogne. If called upon the Marine detachment will support 502nd in the Town of Bastogne and the surrounding area. If enemy heavy mechanized forces in the area are encountered, the Armor Company will move North and support.
a) Concept of Operation:
Designed by Player.
i) Maneuver:
Designed by Player.
ii) Fires:
Designed by Player.
iii) Additional assets:
Designed by Player.
b) Tasks to Maneuver units:
Designed by Player.
c) Tasks to Combat Support Units:
Designed by Player.
Designed by Player.
Designed by Player.
** Notes **SB Version: 3.011
Mission Name: LZ Bastogne
Created by: Cougar11
Single/multi?Single player or COOP
Number players?Recommend 4-15 players
Largest command 2 Companies plus infantry air assault
Smallest command Platoon
Multi-Crew: Possible at CO's discretion
Single Crew: Yes
Mission Duration: 60 - 120 mins approx.
Date: Sunday 14/12/14
Time: 20:00 GMT http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20141214T20&p0=136&msg=DOW+Steel+Beasts+Meeting&csz=1Teamspeak Download (windows): http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_windows_client_latestTeamspeak IP: , Port 9987
Room: Dogs of War
Player Skill/Ability:[/COLOR]
• Completion of at least 1 full tutorial of Leo2A5 or M1A2Sep.
• Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
Player Vehicles:M1A2Sephttp://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=M1A2_%28SEP%29M2A2(ODS) http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=M2A2Leopard 2A5-DKhttp://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=Leopard_2A5-DKM1025-HMMWVhttp://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=M1025_HMMWVU.A.V.http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=UAVM113-FOhttp://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=M113-FOIf you need Port forwarding or ANY help then please come earlyYou can just listen if you wish by using Teamspeak. You do NOT need Steel Beasts.Required:
Teamspeak Download (windows):
http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_windows_client_latestTeamspeak IP: , Port 9987
You can watch it live. You do NOT need Steel Beasts. Stay tuned....
All Welcome