Spotlight - Regional capitalsThu, July 29, 2021
Fight the corruption of the local elite, create a strong empire by delegating power to regional capitals.Expansion is not only about extending your borders and ensuring a sufficient military presence in newly conquered regions. Incorporating any new territories into an existing administrative structure is a vital step to help bring potentially rebellious or hostile communities into your empire’s fold.
Small states can rule the whole country from the capital because all of the power is concentrated in the hands of the ruling class residing there. The management of a larger empire however, requires a different administrative organization.
Remote areas are prone to corruption by the local elite, who manage their affairs using the motto ‘what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve about’. Such behavior not only hurts the state economy but it also feeds rebellious moods and unhappiness, unchecked, these could easily escalate into nationwide revolts.
The only way to ensure that your will is followed and that all orders are carried out properly, is to build regional capitals. Here, appointed governors and civil servants will enforce your imperial orders to the letter and demand obedience. They will greatly reduce corruption as well as increasing resource production.
However, power itself corrupts. The growing significance of regional capital(s) might feed the personal ambitions of the local ruler and his loyalty to your throne may become questionable. Always keep a close eye on your appointed governors, don’t allow minor opponents to grow too strong in your shadow.
As always, let’s have Pavel explain this new feature in depth.
The snowball effect has always been a problem in 4X games and in general with all strategy games. This is where one player becomes too powerful to be threatened. It basically removes any challenge from the game as it enters its final phase, whereby it is just "a matter of time" before this player wins. There is no way to solve this entirely, because the whole point of the game is that the stronger player wins. The question is though, can we mitigate this problem for as long as possible, to extend the enjoyable playing time?
Different approaches have been implemented in other strategy games, such as hardcoded resource limits or artificial resources causing decay. Let's look at history to see what were the most common causes of failure of large empires (i.e. no viable competitors remaining):
• Civil wars or other kinds of internal collapse.
• Natural disasters (causing changes in societies).
• Surprise defeat in war (e.g. David and Goliath or Alexander‘s conquest of the Achaemenid Empire).
• Economic collapse.
Civil wars and revolts are already included in Imperiums, but from a player’s point of view they are not the right tool to effectively slow down the snowball effect. Revolts and revolutions are used in Imperiums to create local problems that make the game more interesting. However no player likes to have his empire collapse and see all of his hard work undone in a couple of turns, with no tools to be able to stop it (no matter how we might justify it). It would probably be the most realistic way to let empires fall, but the game should be fun and satisfying for the player, it should not induce fits of rage
Natural disasters as implemented in the game follow the same principles. They are included to make the game more interesting, but they are not deal breakers, they are balanced and the power balance within the game will remain largely unchanged.
Similarly a surprise defeat in war to a small nation, albeit to a brilliant general with a super powerful army, would not be accepted by players at all. We can already hear the feedback, it would be `ahistorical`, irrational and rejected completely, and would likely induce more negative reviews than we would like. Events like this are rare, to make them the main reason for the fall of empires in the game would be a little illogical.
So, having eliminated these options, we are left with economic collapse as the only remaining candidate we can use to deal with the snowball effect in the later stage of the game. Causes of economic collapse could be corruption, an insufficient workforce or maybe some other reason. In Imperiums we have decided that corruption is best suited to act as a control on the snowball effect, it is predictable, logical and can be well represented to the player.
You probably already know that we have implemented corruption in the vanilla release. So how will things differ in the Age of Alexander DLC?
• Corruption starts getting more important as the power and size of an empire grows. The bigger the relative power or size of the empire (compared with other players), the greater the corruption.
• Corruption in a city is a location specific variable. It is based on the distance from the capital and the distances from the nearest regional capitals, the further away they are the greater the corruption.
• The intensity of local corruption is represented by the amount of harvested or mined resources that are `lost`. In the real world this would be resources that are stolen or misplaced en-route due to bureaucratic inefficiencies, lack of control or bribes.
• In the game the best way to fight corruption is to build regional capitals.
• Your capital and regional capitals work in the same way, in that they prevent corruption in their proximity. However regional capitals, favored by the nation can cause local jealousies with other nearby cities, the loyalty of which may decrease. This may lead to lower unit effectiveness and higher odds for revolt, etc.
• Regional capitals cannot be created close to one another, they have to be a certain distance apart. Costs depend on the history of the city, if a city used to be an enemy‘s capital, the costs are naturally lower. It should be noted that conversion costs increase over time, the longer a city is `just` a regular town, the higher the cost to convert it to a regional capital. The reasoning behind this is to encourage players to create regional capitals in any recently conquered capitals they have taken from their enemies, sooner rather than later.
• The removal of a regional capital will cause a temporary morale decrease and will lead to higher risk of revolts in such city.
• The selected government is important. The maximum impact of corruption, the time it takes to reach maximum impact (based on power), the minimum distance required between regional capitals, the severity of the loyalty decrease in cities around regional cities, all of these vary according to the selected government. Smaller countries will be able to operate effectively with more types of selected governments than larger countries or empires.
• Corruption is implemented logarithmically, meaning that it slowly increases until it reaches its limit (the maximum corruption impact) from which it will not increase further.
There are few changes related to this new feature that you will notice:
1. Changing capital and regional capitals will be possible in a new window. Detailed information about changes and costs is provided to the player.
2. Corruption is handled in the game as a regular resource with its own Resource usage map.
3. Regional capitals are represented on the map by a "capital" banner but with a smaller flag and shield.
4. A new property of map items (in this case cities) called "default loyalty" has been added to the
Map item detail window and to the Unit menu. This represents the value which loyalty converges to its maximum over time. Until now this value has always been 100% (aka loyalty was slowly increasing until it reached 100%). With this new feature, this value changes according to the distance to the closest (regional) capital.
With all of these changes the game brings more attention to the state organization. No empire can survive without strong economic and political ties to the centre. Give the provinces too much autonomy and they will soon be demanding full independence. Keeping the balance is the key here.