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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2020, 11:57:10 PM »
Micro blog 12 - Trading good relations
Mon, 15 June 2020

Excess resources can be utilized as gifts to your strategic allies.

The world of Imperiums: Greek Wars is volatile but with clever politics and side dealing you can outsmart even the great states of Athens, Sparta or Macedon.

Nurturing good relations with your allies is the key. Don’t think that they will love you for your beautiful eyes, nothing, least of all their reliability comes for free. However, there are a number of little things that you can do to keep them on your side and show them that you care.

Check from time to time to see if they need additional resources, especially those that you can easily spare. Send these resources as presents now and again with no strings attached. Have they just come through a recent war and now need to repair their border cities? Send them wood and stone to help them re-build their settlements. They will appreciate your concern and if you have provided something they really need, your value as an ally in their eyes will increase greatly. It can go further than just improving cordial relationships, you can cement mutual trust and tie them to you with bonds of true friendship.

Perhaps it seems romantic but the AI knows all about honor and respect!

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2020, 01:27:49 AM »
First preview streams on Sunday June 28!
Sun, 21 June 2020

Tune in on Sunday June 28 to watch preview streams with Nookrium and Writing Bull.

The long wait for the first real glimpse of Imperiums: Greek Wars is over – the time is here!

The big announcement is coming up in a few days and we want to celebrate this great milestone with two fantastic streamers, who will show previews of the game.

Tune in on Sunday, June 28!

Nookrium, a veteran strategy game player will give it a go for the English-speaking audience in his regular show on Sunday 5:30 UTC (Saturday 22:30 PDT) on his Twitch channel and Youtube channel

Writing Bull, a star of the strategy game streaming scene in Germany will stream from Sunday 13:00 UTC (15:00 CEST) at and Two of our beta testers, Linus and Max will be guests on his show to share insights and talk about the background of last stages of the development!

Don’t miss it! Our main developer will be in the chat and ready to answer all your questions!

Live on Twitch on Sunday, June 28
Nookrium at 10:30 PM PDT - 6.30 AM BST - 2.30 AM EDT
Writing Bull at 3 PM CEST - 9 AM EDT - 6 AM PDT

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2020, 01:06:05 AM »
Micro blog 13 - Unwanted General
Mon, 29 June 2020

Powerful Generals may become too ambitious. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating their threat to your throne.
Being quite autonomous gives the Generals a sense of their own importance and power. It is in human nature to always want more. Stronger Generals who have already accumulated some experience execute their orders with better results, but with every new success they become more confident and hungry for power.

Their success and importance goes hand in hand with decreasing loyalty towards their master and can (and often does) lead to mutiny that results in General’s desertion or the usurping of power in part of your empire. He could make himself the leader of a new faction that will stirr unrest and cause troubles right in your own backyard.

Don’t let your Generals grow over your head. Keep them on a short leash and if they show signs of disloyalty, pull them back from their mission and keep them on standby for a while to curb their ambitions. If that doesn’t help, a radical decision might be needed. Giving an order to kill the rebelling General won’t win you popularity among the ordinary soldiers, especially if they are asked to murder a man they admire. It might be tricky to walk the line between loyalty to the emperor and the country on one hand and respect and love to a brave commander on the other. A strong General could easily persuade his assassins to follow him instead of you!

You want experienced and powerful Generals to help you keep the morale of troops high and support your action behind enemy lines, but a radical action might be needed if his strong will becomes a danger to your throne.
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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2020, 01:43:50 AM »
Imperiums: Greek Wars will launch on July 30!
Fri, 3 July 2020

Finally, the waiting is over! Imperiums: Greek Wars is ready to launch.

It has been a long journey, full of hard work and challenges but also with loads of fun especially since the first alpha players got their hands on the game. So many great ideas have been tested and implemented to give the game what we feel is a very unique mix of classical 4X features and adventure elements that make the game more engaging, more creative and definitely more fun.

After months of beta testing and balancing we are now ready for the last phase – release. Set your alarm clocks to July 30 and make sure you have enough sleep because the “one more turn” feel will not let you take a break!

First preview streams done by Nookrium

and Writing Bull (German) are already online so check them out!

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2020, 12:37:22 AM »
Spotlight - History and mythology
Tue, 7 July 2020

Join our adventurers on their travels through the legendary realms of ancient Greece.

One of our primary goals was to make the game as historically accurate as possible. The detailed map of Greece with its cities and initial factions, along with their relationships, was based on thorough research and historical sources.

With the creation of the first Imperiums scenario structure, it occurred to us that the Greeks themselves populated their world with strange beasts and creatures from their myths and legends. These were not just fairytales for children but deeply rooted beliefs of the ancient peoples. They are an important part of Greek cultural heritage, so the inclusion of this mythical layer of the ancient worldview within the game seemed obvious. It also had the potential to greatly enhance the classical 4X genre and the player experience. Often in 4X games a player may only use a small portion of the map and may never see the full extent of the world. Creating side quests for the player around the myths and legends would allow the exploration of all corners of the world making the whole map part of the game.

To begin with we introduced several mythical creatures to the game. The witch Kirke, the sea roaming Sirens and Nereids, Naiads, the water spirits, or the centaur Chiron, the trainer of heroes. Each of these creatures has its own place in the game. Some are always helpful and seeking them out brings rewards and benefits, others are unpredictable in their ways and a visit to them carries certain risks.

Some of them are permanently fixed in their map location and remain static within game. Others, such as the Sorcerer who dwells in the deep northern woods, or the Sirens who lure sailors and ships onto sharp rocks, may move around the map. It makes all travel potentially more dangerous, because these creatures are not visible to you until you run across them on the map but... such was life in ancient times. However in order not to frustrate you too much, you will be warned if one of your units finds itself too close to one of these creatures, providing you with an opportunity to avoid the lurking danger. The locations of many of the creatures will vary with each new game.

Following on, we realized that some of these creatures were privy to important secrets. It was at this point that we started to think about including quests for legendary treasures. You all probably know the stories of the Golden Fleece, the Girdle of Hippolyte or the famous Gordian Knot.

This however led us to yet another important decision. We had to create specialized units to undertake these adventures, thus Heroes and Generals were born. Both are highly mobile units with a number of interesting traits.

Heroes are pure adventurers, their sole purpose is to roam the world undertaking quests, seeking treasures and visiting foreign capitals. Throughout their travels they gain experience and when they are seasoned enough they can be promoted to Generals.

Generals are more advanced multifunctional units. On top of everything Heroes can do, Generals have two powerful functions. They can encourage your troops to increase their fighting spirit and morale and they can use their influence and reputation to persuade foreign cities to defect to your faction (friendly or enemy). Note: We will dedicate a future Spotlight exclusively to Heroes and Generals.

It is important to note, that both the mythological and quest layers are completely optional.

This design decision takes into account the fact that many of our core fans are true history buffs who will enjoy the historical accuracy of the game without any need for myths, legends or quests. At the beginning of each new game the player can decide whether to include them or not, it is simple as that.

We hope you enjoy these myths, legends and quest adventures, we can‘t wait to hear your feedback about them!

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2020, 12:33:16 PM »
Sun, 12 July 2020

Dardanians will have to pay with blood for the lands they claim. Are you brave enough to lead them to their final battle?

Tester’s tips
The Dardanian Kingdom borders Macedonia. From the beginning they must struggle to grow the kingdom against Macedonia's ambitions. Defend the borders? Take the fight to the enemy's territory?

Or try desperately to seek peaceful coexistence, in order to make the land prosper? I enjoy the early choices that the Dardanian's must make.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2020, 12:40:26 AM »
Spotlight - War campaigns
Tue, 14 July 2020

Diplomacy and peacemaking versus military conquest, two sides of the coin that might pave your way to victory.

Diplomacy and war go hand in hand. It is wise to explore all options for peaceful cooperation and to be careful who you choose as an enemy.

Imperiums offers many options for forging close diplomatic ties between countries. Strong relationships and friendships based on mutual treaties, pacts and unions between states can lead to fruitful cooperation. These ties require skilled diplomacy and time to succeed; gaining the trust of your opponents is just the first step in the process.

There are several minor treaties of limited impact - if these can be agreed, trust will improve. As this trust develops, more complex and binding treaties come into play, such as the passage of foreign troops through your territory or the agreement to heal injured and damaged foreign units in your cities and facilities. Eventually you may even agree to the mutual support of troops with supplies. This can extend the reach of your supply lines into new areas that are ripe for expansion.

Trading is one of the best ways to cement mutual relationships. This is especially effective if you can strategically support your ally with their resource shortfalls. These trading inter dependencies create close bonds between states and are much appreciated by the AI.

You can assume the role of peacemaker by requesting that two warring states forget their differences and sign peace. You will be the good guy here even if you have selfish motives (e.g. you need both states open their lands for your trade routes).

You can also request that one state declares war on a third party. It is particularly useful to open hostilities on a new front with your enemy. However, strong demands like these, even if obeyed, may hinder your efforts to improve goodwill and develop partnerships.

A more subtle way of forwarding your goals, at the expense of your neighbors (friends and foes alike), is the use influence in foreign cities. Local governors can be bribed and persuaded to defect, their city becomes yours without the rattle of swords. In foreign territory your Generals can incite city revolts that distract the rulers, in a best case scenario the city may even surrender to you without a fight. Cities that defect come without damage and the immediate transfer of resources, population and territory will be a boost to you and a heavy blow to your opponent. Using influence will definitely not make you many friends but it is certainly a useful way of weakening your enemies!

When it comes to war, old injustices resurface, leading to conflicts that can draw in the entire world. History teaches us that the ancient Greeks could not maintain peace for long periods.

Imperiums will test your strategic and tactical skills to their limits. Wars are expensive and very few end quickly with only minor damage and losses. Planning ahead might save you time and effort, not to mention the lives of civilians and soldiers. Prepare, have your state’s resources and population in as healthy a condition as possible. Specialize and train your units according to the terrain they will be deployed in and the actions they will have to perform (e.g. city raiders, pathfinders, etc.).

Planning a military campaign is not only about building and deploying troops though. Careful attention must be given to supply lines at all times. When invading, be sure not to overreach with your armies, too far and you risk your supply lines being severed and your units stranded and cut off. Starving and injured units are much more likely to desert their command and defect to the enemy!

You will also need to keep a wary eye on the home front; any dissatisfaction along with the lack of local garrison units may encourage rebellious factions.

Agreeing on a military campaign with your allies allows you to plan attacks from multiple directions, dividing the enemy forces to make victory more likely. Joint military campaigns allow you to plan which troops will attack, alongside the timing and location of the attack.

You will need to master diplomatic skills, strategic planning and tactics if you want to survive and grow to greatness in Imperiums!

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2020, 02:06:18 AM »
Where game meets history
Thu, 16 July 2020

Imperiums: Greek Wars is a sponsor of the historical documentaries channel Kings and Generals.

Making a historical game requires a lot of research, especially when you strive to make the game accurate, yet interesting and enjoyable and most importantly, immersive for the player.

We have been following the King and Generals channel for a long time and used their series on ancient Greece as one of our sources of information. We drew inspiration, as well as many useful facts from their series, that helped us shape our game. From there, it was only a small step for us to become proud sponsors of one of their videos covering the epoch of Philip II of Macedon. Here we are.

Here is the story of Demosthenes and Philip. An Athenian politician who led the resistance against Philip’s and later Alexander’s growing power over the rest of the Greek city-states and how he failed to stop the Macedonian rise to dominance.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2020, 01:04:19 AM »
Narrative launch trailer
Tue, 21 July 2020

The release is a week away so whet your appetite with this narrative launch trailer.

The release of Imperiums: Greek Wars is coming closer and to whet your appetite in anticipation of next week, here is the narrative launch trailer.

Philip’s brother Perdiccas was killed in a battle and the way is open for Philip to ascend the throne and lead his nation to the great vision of his dreams. His mentor and teacher Epaminondas is giving him his last advice for this life journey.

If you missed the drama of the battle, you can see it here

To celebrate the upcoming release we will also do a string of preview streams in multiple languages so stay tuned and spread the word far and wide!

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2020, 01:26:40 AM »
Spotlight - Heroes and Generals
Wed, 22 July 2020

Learn to use your Heroes and Generals to make the whole map your playground.

The troops need a commander they can trust and venerate as a man of great courage and morality. There are two special units that act as symbols of honor, prestige and brave adventures – Heroes and Generals.

Heroes rise out of battle when certain unit distinguishes itself against the odds. This new Hero is a non-conflict unit with great mobility. This makes him perfect for exploring foreign lands and seeking adventure on dangerous quests. He is not limited to your territory only; on the contrary, he is able to travel safely through any friendly or neutral lands. He can even venture into enemy territory, however there is a danger of him being attacked or killed there.

When at home, he is welcomed everywhere, his presence increases local happiness as people cheer the famous adventurer.

By traveling the world and hunting hidden treasures he makes a contribution to the state’s wealth and by doing so he slowly grows into a man who can take on bigger responsibilities. Completing treasure hunts and quests for legendary artifacts, encountering mythical creatures and visiting foreign capitals are all ways of learning for him.

He gains experience through all these adventurous travels and when he reaches maximum experience, he earns the right to be promoted to a General. If you ignore this desire for more power, you may lose the Hero’s loyalty and risk his defection to another faction. Better if you call him back home and make a great show of promoting the man to be one of the highest commanders of your state.

Generals are more advanced units, a multitude of attributes and traits make them extremely useful for advancing your plans in many different ways.

They are able to seek hidden riches, but as men of military power they are not welcome in foreign lands. Without the protection of the treaty for unit movements there is a risk that he will be killed as a persona non grata, even if you are not at war with the foreign state.

They are much better use closer to home. They can accompany troops at the battlefront to encourage them and boost their fighting spirit. This increases the troops’ morale which may have a significant impact on the outcome of the following battles.

They can also be sent abroad on secret missions to foreign states. Using their reputation and prestige they may be able to persuade the governors of foreign cities to defect to your empire, thus you can gain a city without a drop of blood being spilled. This is a way of expanding your territory without an official war declaration. However, such actions will not go unnoticed, there will definitely be a deterioration in the relationship that you have with the affected state. Still, it is a powerful way of weakening existing or potential enemies.

You should be extremely careful when sending your General to foreign territories, the risk of attack and death are real. The loss of a General has a terrible impact on the morale of your armies that could have fatal consequences in subsequent battles.

The effectiveness of a General in encouraging troops and inciting rebellions in foreign cities is dependent upon his experience; the more experienced he is the more impact he will have. However, with this knowledge of power comes the desire to rule. His morale and loyalty to you decreases as he becomes more powerful. He may reach a point where he will desert you, or start a revolution in one of your regions to set up his own kingdom. If a revolution occurs there is a good chance that the newly established kingdom will consist of lands taken both from you and the neighboring states.

A General’s loyalty to you will decrease more the further away from your capital he is; a spell in your capital city may restore some loyalty. If a General becomes too dangerous to risk a revolution you can send assassins from your own units to kill him. However if they should fail, the risk you are facing from the General will multiply.

Generals are very powerful units that can serve you well, but they may become too powerful and challenge even you. Do not underestimate the will of one man to rule!

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2020, 12:09:20 PM »
Preview streams I.
Thu, 23 July 2020

Check out one or more of the upcoming streams and videos of Imperiums: Greek Wars.
Imperiums: Greek Wars will be released in a few days and it is time to show it off to the whole world.

There will be a string of videos and streams in various languages, so buckle your seat belts, the ride is about to start.

Lord Lambert (ENG), scarred in many epic battles of this genre, will stream the game live on Sunday, July 26 at 8PM BST. His sidekick will be Lucie from the dev team! Tune in here

Steinwallen (DE), a strategy veteran of the German gaming scene will start his daily walkthrough series on Friday, July 24 at 10am CEST and will continue until release day on his Youtube channel

Dan Field (FR), a tireless gaming explorer hunting for new gems, will show the game to the French speaking audience on Wednesday, July 29 at 12 noon CEST. Check it out here

Here is the schedule in a nutshell

Friday, July 24
Steinwallen (DE) – daily walkthroughs at 10 AM CEST – 8 AM UTC

Sunday, July 26
Lord Lambert (ENG) at 8PM BST – 7PM UTC – 12PM PDT

Wednesday, July 29
Dan Field (FR) at 12 noon CEST – 10 AM UTC

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2020, 11:28:38 PM »
Live in Czech on Tuesday!
27 07 2020

Don't miss the first live stream of the game in Czech by Vortex.

On Tuesday at 5PM CEST we will play Imperiums: Greek Wars live for the first time for our Czech and Slovak fans at Vortex studio.
The guys from Vortex invited the main developer Pavel who will be ready to provide help and explanations. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn more about the game, its mechanics and features. The chat will be open for questions so take your chance!

Tuesday July 28 at 5PM CEST here - Vortex!

This is not our first time at Vortex studio. If you want to check out our previous interview from April, take a look here.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #42 on: July 28, 2020, 12:28:02 AM »
Game Manual
Mon, 27 July 2020

First bite for the impatient – the Game Manual is available now for all fans.

The launch of the game is only 3 days away and we can feel your fingers tingling with impatience so here is a little taste of what’s coming!

The Game Manual is an extensive source of information where you should find explanations, hints and advice. It is divided into sections and text is accompanied by screenshots and references so that you can move sections with a simple click.

Learn all about the main features and mechanics, such as Generals, Quests and Military Campaigns as well as the historical background and much more.

Needless to say though that we love open discussions so feel welcome to share your ideas and opinions on our forums and Discord!

IMPORTANT: If you visit our website after launch on 30th July at 2PM UTC, you will find a pleasant surprise there ;)

Set your alarm clocks, the ancient world is waiting for you to take command!

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2020, 12:06:43 PM »
Spotlight - Custom Worlds
Tue, 28 July 2020

Discover the joy of playing on a map tailored to your preferences and share it with others.

We are proud of our campaign map of ancient Greece. Many hours went into the research and creation of the map with all of its details and aspects. Although you can play as almost 30 factions that ensure a different player experience with every new game, we know the deep rooted desire that sleeps in all of us to explore and colonize new worlds, to face the unknown.

The Map Generator that comes with the base game allows you to generate new worlds tailored to your preferences. For your new world, the settings allow you to select the size of the map and the prevalent climate (which also affects the terrain). To populate the world the number and density of the individual civilizations can be set, as well as their level of development.

The level of development setting allows you a number of starting choices. At the two extremes of the scale, you have, either a start as a basic nomadic society, roaming the wilderness, exploring and building your first villages, or if slow starts are not for you, ready established, developed civilizations, with urban infrastructure, economic and cultural buildings already in place. So the start point for your journey towards your new kingdom is completely up to you.

You can also tweak two aspects of how fair the game will be. You can make the world relatively level, so everyone has more or less the same starting conditions or you can create significant differences between the nations right from the start. In addition you can also choose where on that scale you want your own nation to be. Do you want to have an advantage or the most challenging conditions? You can choose how you want to play, take it easy using a world with many differences, with your nation at the top of the pile, or play as the nation with the least advantageous starting conditions, to see if you can make it to the top, beat fate and prove your worth however you please.

You can set the abundance or scarcity of the resource mines on the map. This greatly affects all player’s abilities to develop their nations and sets the tone for the frequency and brutality of the conflicts over resources. Winning the struggle for survival is dependent on key resources and you can decide in advance how tough this challenge will be.

Alongside these settings come the diplomatic relationships. You can set how friendly or aggressive the neighbours will be.

The presence of neutral cities on the map is also optional. These are not simply idle settlements waiting for you to take over. They spawn settlers to colonize the lands around and military units to defend themselves. They build and improve their city-states as any other nation would do and they will not give up their independence without a proper fight!

Few available resources, crowded map, aggressive neighbours, you will be plunged into a merciless battle for survival from turn one. But of course, this is the only way for masochistic hardcore gamers. For the rest of us you can tune the game in all of the aspects mentioned above and still enjoy the game at the pace you like. This doesn’t mean that there will be no challenges, but you will have time to adjust to the changing conditions.

You can also use these custom generated maps in multiplayer or use them to build your own scenarios and mods. Speaking about moddability, the game has an open architecture which allows for easy modding.

The game comes with a Map Builder which allows you to use an image of a standard map (e.g. one downloaded from the internet), and turn it into a game map. The tool allows you to cut out parts of the map, adjust the size of the final map and define terrains and contours.

If you want to create a world, tile by tile, yourself, you can do this as well. There is an in-built Game Editor that helps you change the map and its settings and values directly. Change the landscape and shape the coast, place new cities, mines and buildings on the map, add rivers and roads, add factions and define their mutual relations, economic and military power, and much more. You are designer and creator, only your desires set the limit.

The dedicated Steam Workshop and forum are there for you to share your creations and inspire others to build wonderful new scenarios for all to enjoy! Did you play an interesting game that you want to share? Upload the save to the Steam Workshop directly from the game. Have you created a nice new scenario or are you working on a mod that you want feedback on? Give access to your creations to others through the workshop.

As well as the many hours of fun you will get from Imperiums’ Greek campaign map, you will be surprised how many worlds can be created, endless re-playability! The custom Map Generator, Map Builder and Game Editor with the integrated Steam Workshop make sure that you will not leave the Imperiums realm unsatisfied.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2020, 01:11:56 PM »
Recent preview streams
Wed, 29 July 2020

Have you missed any of the recent preview streams? They are all listed here.

Thanks to many fantastic youtubers and streamers, the game has now been shown in all the languages in which the game is available. If you missed any of these, choose the one you like and watch it now!

Lord Lambert (ENG) streamed the tutorial of the game together with Lucie from the dev team. You can find the stream here -

Steinwallen (DE) made a series of intro videos playing as Macedonia and you can watch them all here -

Dan Field (FR) decided to make his attempt as Sparta and you can watch his intro video here -

Chiches (ES) introduced the game in a video and live stream on his channel and it is all available here -

Katarhont (RU) tried the game together with Vitali from the dev crew and later took up the challenge himself, and you can take a look here -

Vortex (CZ) hosted Pavel, the game’s main dev, and together they presented the basics of the game here -

Enjoy the preview streams and please leave them all some likes and comments for their great intros!

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