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Steel Beasts 5.0 Thread

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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---The intermediary text sizes, and a number of other GUI related things too. At this point it's impossible to make an accurate prediction about specific features implementations; the point of 5.0 is to implements a new software architecture that allows us to adapt development processes, rather than the implementation of a specific catalog of new features. But, it's safe to say that reworking the user interface is going to be a major component of the task, and that will bring, among other things, the end of rasterized fixed size fonts, so it will work with Windows font scaling (and thus, implicitly, with 4K and higher screen resolutions; once that we can do Windows based font scaling we can also have near-seamless in-application font scaling for map graphics).
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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---It absolutely should. Even if we may not be able to address each and every issue right away, it should at least simplify things enough that we can adapt the GUI to customer requests with much less effort than has been the case since about, well, "always". Redesigning the GUI framework is another major development effort - somewhat comparable to a new terrain engine - less sophisticated maybe, but the UI by definition has ties to about every component in Steel Beasts.
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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---I expect the next update before July, maybe even around end of April/early May.
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Looks like Steel Beasts 5.0 will come at some point after Steel Beasts 4.2. Translated using Google Translate:

--- Quote from: Ssnake ---I don't like this variable numbering. That is why it was abolished again - however, this is a bugfix, which is probably only used in version 4.2.
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Looks like "I expect the next update before July, maybe even around end of April/early May" was actually a reference to 4.167.

--- Quote from: Ssnake ---Q: Will there be an upgrade soon?
A: Not in 2020, probably not in 2021 either. An update? You bet. A big one.
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Looks like I was wrong in my previous post:

--- Quote from: Ssnake ---Thanks for the kind words. There may be a misunderstanding, though. I wrote of a "significant update" (not upgrade) (and this year, not 2022), so it's not going to revolutionize everything. Still, more than a patch, and more than just a patch with a token feature addition. 8)
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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---Just to clarify the wording - 4.161 was an upgrade to previous versions, we charged classic license owners money for it.
All the versions since last August were patches - free bugfixes, no new features.
Updates are in between. Mostly bugfixes, free of charge, and with some new features.
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