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Author Topic: Anglo-German War 39-45  (Read 9171 times)

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Anglo-German War 39-45
« on: May 27, 2016, 06:15:12 PM »

Anglo-German War 39-45 (AGW) is an operational level wargame that covers combat between the Axis and Allies from 1 September 1939 to 5 May 1945.

•   The AGW map is 294 x 264 hexes covering France to Poland, and Southern Finland to North Africa.
•   There are 1351 villages, towns and cities on the map.
•   Each hex is approximately 7.5 miles (center-to-center), and each turn is one historical week.
•   The ground units are primarily divisions and brigade level.
•   The game includes an ability to break/reform divisions into brigades and regiments.
•   Air and naval units are also included in the game.
•   There are 43 scenarios in the game
•   There is a text file method of building your own scenarios.

Unit Scale: Division, Brigade (primarily)
Players: 1 - 2
Hot seat: Yes
AI: Yes

System requirements:

Platform: PC
•   Windows 98
•   Windows XP
•   Windows Vista
•   Windows 7
•   Windows 8/8.1
•   Windows 10

Note Vista users:
Help and music will not work in Vista. However, workarounds do exist. For Help, download the required file from Microsoft. For music, start the Windows media player and select the .wmv file desired.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 06:57:38 PM by Admin »
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