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Author Topic: Idea to avoid movement measurments in miniature wargaming  (Read 9887 times)

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Offline gameleaper

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Idea to avoid movement measurments in miniature wargaming
« on: July 25, 2019, 04:56:08 PM »
Idea to avoid movement measurments in miniature wargaming

each player or side , takes it in turn to move a single unit, or a single vehicle carrying a unit. you must follow a path to the destination, at any point in the path your opponant can interdict if the moving unit enters a zone of control of any enemy unit, but the opponant may choose not to interdict. if interdiction occurs the moving unit must stop and end its movment. if a unit is already in a ZOC it may not not move if the enemy wants it to stop BUT an interdiction counts as a movement, so play will not pass to the enemy after an interdiction, instead you may move another unit.

the interdition is not always successful, you have to account for travel vunrability, this means if a unit is protected by armour it is less likely to be stopped, so an interdiction die roll is used, roll two differrent colored dice, one colour for for the traveling unit and one colour for the interdicting unit, the higher one wins, but you add modiferes for how well armored , or how much firepoer is used. or how fast the unit is. the interdiction rule promotes good defence by having to cover all paths.

this simultes fast travel for a single unit or a slow advance of many units , the slow advance is because you would only move a set of units a small distance to keep them together. I have found this system fantastic for miniatures, Im ruler free for movment.

ZOC’s communicated/measured it varies drastically on the scale and era of game, EG: in a WW2 game you may use if in line of sight then your in its ZOC, in a medieval you may use a circular piece of card placed above the interdicter to see its ZOC, you may simply use a die roll and if its a four five or six thenyour in its ZO, Im a solo player so I just fairly judge what I believe fits the situation

EG a plane may get 10 advantages for speed +10 and -3 for armour, a fast tank may get +3 for speed and +2 for size -2 for being under attack by two possible positions. you need a little bit of inventiveness to calculate the advantages and dissavantages, I realise I may not of been clear +1 adavantages, what I meant was +1 fast +1 really fast +1 lightning fast all = +3, I play with this system with Victory and valour counters on a tabletop instead of minis because WW2 need plenty of scale, but the point is it works well, I also use this movement for FIW minis. I BELIEVE WE ALL BENEFIT FROM MINI MOVEMENT WITH NO RULERS. I may not be perfect at explaining or even in execution, it works for me,  the interdiction roll is only once per unit interdicting for a unit that is moveing so interdictcting twice is wrong( I know I did not explain this , so sorry) so interdictincting the same unit twice with the same interdicting unit is not allowed.
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