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Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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New version v0.7.3.8
17 Mar - 3division

Hello comrades,

Find notes bellow of another update. This one is mostly to avoid confusion for new users... zoom in, in-proper resolution, fixed mouse in the middle of screen when using the full screen etc.. - 17.3.2019 17:40 CET
-Improved DPI setting of application to avoid lock mouse in the middle of screen, also to avoid zoom-IN windowed mode
-Added addional checks on save game, if save is corrupted, cannot be loaded...
-Fixed, game should run even if config.ini is corrupted
-Now default launch option runs SETUP APPLICATION SOVIET.exe, instead SOVIET.exe.. let us know in case it generate some problems for you..
-decreased a bit consumption of electricity by citizens when they are home or in work or during night.. in about -30%

Areas of further focus - next to fix:
-Trying to get what need to be done that asphalt plant become broken, some dumper truck leave the asphalt plant.. but still remain marked as moving inside asphalt plant and this causes other trucks waiting, if someone get save, that everything seems fine (and asphalt plant works - trucks can access inside) and after couple of minutes it become broken.. this would be awesome! :-)

-Trying to figure and understand issue about off road vehicles too.. I found why they are going out of road.. but anyway not sure why they just attempt to going refuel so far from any of the gas station.. anybody also if will get idea about conditions needed to get this broke.. let me know!

-Electricity bug, on all map are broken trims on Voltage and Wattage with bad value, still not sure what exactly cause this situation

-Various loading bugs or crashes, even seems many of eliminated


Peter Adamcik

New version v0.7.3.9
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 3division


Another couple of issues fixed: - 19.3.2019 21:25 CET

•   -Fixed issue with woodcutting post.. truck was not going to collect the wood, when storage was full, but when you connected additional storage, they was not go for wood anyway
•   -Fixed issue with factory connections (and other conveyor, pipelines, etc) if factory something produces or vehicles something to unload.. an random storage was selected, now primarily is selected a storage which is less filled also if vehicle trying something to load, storage which is filled more is selected
•   Snother fix to avoid detection of corrupted config.ini seems previous fix not corrected some of the cases
•   Fixed crash when building railway manually via railway construction train-sets
•   fixed crash/problem when building road or footpath and deleted unfinished road via construction window (hitting that dynamite button)
•   If rail construction office is built, automatically is set limit for internal storage to 25% each resource, to avoid overfill
•   Fixed bug when kids was going to unfinished school (construction)
•   Fixed radio and TV station bug with million negative values while tweaking preferences of broadcast - but is not possible to restore old saves, this issue should not re-appear, please reload your earlier save when you get this problem.

If you previously got an crash (during game or while saving or loading), try your save with this version again.. it's solid chance your issue will be fixed

Most risky fix is the second point mentioned (load unload according how storage is filled) if you have feeling this broke any your setup, just let us know in forum or support, you know ,there are like thousands of possible combination and we can't catch test all.

Also please, even we not answer to every support request here in forum or on our page those saves in most cases are very useful! Thank you!



New version v0.7.3.14
Hello Comrades,

New update, new fixes:

•   Fixed crashes when loading save (some delete buildings remains in construction office vehicle's route plan)
•   Fixed situation when construction office lost road connection to sources or constructions vehicles frooze in the office even after re-building of road connection to construction

•   Fixed an educational/kids bug on easier difficulty - you may get too many child/students waiting on the station, due to out of free flats.. this was fixed by that if kid is without own flat and reached age 30, he will escape..unless he is not last kid from parrent.. so you can experience a lot of escapes after you load your game, only temporary until all old 30+ kids will escape :-)
•   Also previously if some citizen died, his child has been also deleted, now when citizen died, child will take free place and continue - become an normal citizen
•   Added to passenger station window the checkbox, so if you not wish to transport passengers or students, you can check it off
•   Extended +30% waiting time on the station and traveling time in vehicle
•   Increased university minimum age to 15
•   Seems steel mill crash should now be fixed

•   Fixed crash when Importing Railways
•   Fixed crash when Importing Roads
•   Fixed one of the custom house where was unable to build roads

•   Fixed serious bug which may affecting overal stability - if you getting random crash every 0-15 minutes may be your case
•   Corrected small bug in pathfinding - don't expect miracles! :-)

All updates except was tested on test/beta branch.. if you are brave enough to get very recent updates, and you would like to participate in testing of new updates before they were used to all you are welcome.. find here more info:

Update going directly for all..I really can't wait if this will helps for the player with serious crashing problems. If you getting very frequent crashing it may be also issue with GPU - if you have two GPUs (integrated and gaming) ensure you running game on the gaming one.. more about this you can find there:

New version v0.7.3.17


Another version is coming. Almost all version (except the last one, hope not so critical fixes there) has been approved by most of party officials at the beta branch :-)
•   Another fixes to education
-kids which are too young for university (less than 15), if already finished elementary school will not acces bus stop
-citizens older than 35 still living with parents, with finished basic education, will not try to access university (not appear on bus stop)
-kids with already reached university education will not access bus station
•   Fixed issue with refilling truck after get unloaded in the farm building
•   Fixed bug, the pipe engines was not transporting the fuel or bitumen properly from asphalt plant, when there was 2 or more engines/pump in line
•   Fixed random crash bug when too short road is connected to woodcutting post
•   Fixed a crash or small freezes issue when vehicle moving on the footpaths
•   Fixed some crashes when railway deletion (but sure not all)
•   Fixed crash when truck access small piece of road (but maybe more of those issues)
•   Fixed crash when building the city in pause mode.. and then crash shortly after first building finished
•   Increase number of allowed connection of power switches and transformators
•   Sometime workers was go out of footpath, due to strange crossing, this is fixed now
•   Fixed, When Low FPS sometime may truck not unload gravel on the construction site
•   When 1996+ temporary (until we make all vehicles) lock vehicles according year is disabled (all vehicles become available)
•   Vehicle should not spend the fuel when waiting for load/unload
•   Fixed, now even university educated workers can work as staff in hospital or school (if all professors/doctors workplaces full)

not sure fixes (hard to confirm)
•   The electricity problem could be fixed now
•   Also I think the there is solid chance the asphalt plant bug may be fixed.. let me know!

New version v0.7.4.0
3 APR @ 5:13PM - 3DIVISION

Hello Comrades,
Seems Wednesday is good time to post update (as previous week), maybe Wednesday will be a update day! We will see! :-)

Anyway, I think now most of critical issue fixed! Really seems much less crashes and critical issues (or maybe nobody playing the game :-) ), but sure there may be still urgent issues, so let us know about it in forum or on support page.

I will slowly get more focus on the new features and/or various tweaks.. and for new content update - still as first BIG update I wanted to bring you the personal cars mechanics, which is already almost finished.. also maybe a car/vehicle plant factory.. so you will able to manufacture own vehicles... aside of new vehicles from Poland, also some Romanian locomotives and other vehicles awaiting to export into game... Also we have prepared an new prefab buildings (you can check them on our FB or VK page) and also small shopping centre - where both grocery and shop in one building to save the place!

Here are list of issues fixed, let us know if you think any critical issues rises up:
•   Fixed some error while loading a save, which could cause save failure
•   Fixed that rail construction office sometime was not taking the resources from connected storages properly
•   Now should car not get struck at access into construction office or concrete or asphalt plant
•   Fixed problem when hospital is on fire and ambulances are confused
•   Fixed off road problem, now should vehicles not go offroad
•   Luck! I maybe managed to fix this issue with the fuel vehicles.. discovered very serious problem, which could sure caused this all refuel problem - or even also crashes, so hope this is now fixed.. if anybody get with this newest version this fuel bug (vehicles driving to strange buildings, or far away) let me know!
•   Added code for footpaths validation to avoid crashes at loading or saving (same is already in use for a road validation and seems working good)
•   There was not shown the coal or iron transported on conveyor from mine
•   Fixed some crash when building railway with resources and trackbuilders
•   Very annoying SFX glitch was removed when more vehicles on map
•   increased speed of loading / unloading passengers from vehicles by 100%
•   citizens/passengers waiting on the station when they are going to enjoy free time, their counter is slowed down now, while they waiting on the station, so they should catch more things, even not near their home
•   tweak - now should workers step into bus even if in all factories are still workers..
•   fixed problem when vehicle can't find way to unload resources on workers when building footpath
•   sometimes there was situation that 3 or more trucks block each other.. now should be fixed
•   V3S truck was not able to purchase for woodcutting post, now fixed
•   75m tower crane is now available from 1976 to avoid confusion - until this year not exist a truck for it
•   fixed problem, the station check boxes was not saved/loaded properly
•   fixed when building not have functional footpath or road connection, in case of someone from it's citizens get very sick and need ambulance, ambulances trying the find the way constantly and cause long freezes (few seconds), now freezes should be just very short, or any.. depends on your road network
•   Improved verification of footpath and roads (remove badly created segments on load) to avoid crashes
•   Fixed when vehicle waiting to load or unload, there was many consumption of electricity, while no material load/unload, in case storage is empty and vehicle waiting, no electricity is consumpted now
•   Added a functionality for copy vehicle schedule!!!! :-) finally..
•   Small tweak on functionality of copy vehicle schedule, now you are copy vehicle schedule TO vehicle you select (not vice versa as before.. so you don't need to open every vehicle window) just select the vehicle which is already programmed.. and select vehicles which should behave like the one you have selected - thanks to guys on beta branch for suggestion :-) (small edit in code, but big improvement in effectivity :-) )
•   Another fix of infrastructure validation to avoid crash during saving
•   Fixed freezes during fire (if building not have proper road connections), with dense road-network firetruck trying to find way cause freezes


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