Reentry has been updated to 0.86 - Guidance, Ascents, Systems, PhysicsThu, 3 February 2022
Reentry has been updated to 0.86! I know this update is way overdue and that it has been a good while since the previous update, but it comes packed with a lot of good things.
The 0.86 update is all about iterating on existing systems, tools and game mechanics. Below is the list of the main aspects of the update, and a list of other issues that has been fixed. Keep in mind that this is an update that dives deep into the core of the game, so you might encounter issues or strange things. Please let me know of these on Discord - it's easy to revert back to 0.85 if you wish, see below.
Thanks to the Test Pilots, Alpha-Floor testers and everyone else who has reported issues or has provided suggestions.
Major changes in the Command Module IMU and inertial platform, and P01 alignment
When you prepare the CSM/Saturn V for launch, you typically start by running P01. This will align the platform with the planned launch Azimuth. This entire program has been rewritten to reflect some major changes in the IMU.
Note: You should never use timescale during P01.
You should no longer experience that alignment rotates multiple times, and during ascent, the FDAI attitude will typically start at 90 degrees pitch and move down towards 0, heads down. Earlier you might have seen this moving towards 180 degrees, but still heads down and correct way. This was due to an issue internally in the IMU logic, leading to quite a few strange "180 degree roll" issues scattered around the entire mission in the CM.
FDAI during P11 - notice the heads down and pitch relative to 0 and 30 degrees
FDAI during P01
Major changes in the LVDC (Saturn V computer) used during ascent and TLI
A similar update to the CM IMUs is seen in the LVDC. The ascent guidance logic has been change, as well as how it behaves both before and during TLI. It should now much more precisely hold the attitude during TLI burns (less ping/pong), and the TLI calculations and guidance has received a huge level up. Still far to go on the TLI burns but a good step in the right direction.
Saturn V during Liftoff by YourHistorian
The S-IVB holding attitude through the IU/LVDC
Improved LM P12 ascent logicThe LM ascent guidance has been improved. This is executed by P12 after liftoff from the Lunar Surface. The thruster issue where a thruster could get stuck firing for long periods of time has also been fixed, and the entire staging mechanism has been fixed so the ascent stage and the descent stage will separate (you should no longer be able to lift-off with the descent legs still attached, even if you have properly separated from it).
Apollo Maneuver Planner improvementsThe Maneuver Planner has received a lot of internal changes. The Maneuver Planner has been made context aware, and has received preliminary support to plan LM DPS burns. It tries to automatically take the weight into account (CSM only, CSM+LM, LM only, LM ascent stage, ..) to calculate the burn time. To create LM maneuvers, open it with the LM as the active craft, and for CM maneuvers, open it in the CM as the active craft as previously.
CM and LM jet physics improvementsThe CM and LM jet physics has been improved to reduce the ping/pong effect between the configured deadband (DAP setup). It also reads the DAP setup to better calculate thrusting durations to compensate rates into desired, within the deadband. It should still ping/pong but stabilize and be able to hold the attitude much better than before. Most of this work has taken place in the PGNCS (CM) and the PNGS (LM).
R62 - Crew Defined Maneuver and R03 - DAP SetupOn both the Apollo Guidance System (AGC) and the Lunar Guidance System (LGC), V49E will now realistically call R62. R62 is Routine 62, and will require a few more steps than before.
The CM Academy Lesson: AGC & AUTOMANEUVERING has been rewritten and updated to cover the R03 and R62. I highly suggest you to retake this lesson.
The earlier procedures was to manually change N18 to the desired attitude and execute with V49E. Now V49E must first be called to run R62. R62 will first show N22 where the desired attitude should be inserted/accepted, then N22 is copied to N18 and V50 N18 will require a PRO to start the maneuver. The CSM will have a direct mapping from N22 to N18 as both nouns are RPY. In the LM, N22 is YPR, while N18 is RPY. This is an important detail to know about.
The DAP setup has been improved with more options. A DAP setup checklist exists for both the LM and the CM, so you can follow this to set up your desired automaneuvering parameters.
To do this, key V48E to start R03. This will first ask you to input the DAP setup strings into R1 and R2. Proceed will ask you to enter weights. These weights are used to calculate jet thrusting. A new circular button named "Request Weights Data" has been added to the CM and the LM. This will give you the weights you need to input into the DAP Load. This should be frequently updated.
- New/updates checklists are available for the CM and the LM for R62
V34E will terminate any running Routine. If you run a routine without completing it, strange things might happen, so use V34E if you experience this.
Lunar Guidance ComputerP30 has been updated for the LGC to reflect the latest changes, and P40 has been added to execute DPS burns. P52 opt. 1 has also been added to let you align the inertial platform with the preferred burn direction.
Added support for V24 and V25 (AGC and LGC)
Apollo Guidance Computer
Added support for V24 and V25 (AGC and LGC)
Command Module Electrical System updates
I have rewired and change some logic related to the DC busses internally. Some strange behavior in the EPS related to the batteries, battery busses and the flight bus has been located to these issues that now has been fixed.
Panel 275 FLT/PL bus cbs incorrectly appear to affect battery availability entirely (DC Voltmeter reads zero on bat a/b if the FLT/PL Bat Bus A/B CBs are open)
EDS appears to be non-functional if Panel 275 FLT/PL BatA/B cb open
Command Module "Cold & Dark" updatesSome of the checklists and runnable steps has been updated to make the C&D setup better. Some circuit breakers was easily missed if running the checklist, and some things has been added to the activation checklists. More improvements will be made here as we have an ongoing C&D focus group in the #alpha-floor channel on Discord. If this is your thing, feel free to join!
CM SPS Injector ValvesThe SPS injector valves should now be visible and functional depending on the system you use to ignite the SPS. All 4 valves should point towards the right when closed, and left when open (burning).
Improved Gemini Rendezvous burn calculationsThe rendezvous burn has received some improvements to make the rendezvous burn more precise.
Gemini on its way to LEO - by YourHistorian
Improving the Checklist GuideChecklist System has now received support for naming the labels. Myself and contributors are working on adding this data to the new system. This allows the Checklist Guide show you "Set ASCS to AUTO" instead of "Set ASCS to Left", or "Set DC VOLTS to Main Bus A" instead of "Set DC VOLTS to 4" etc.
The PRO button has been rebound to B instead of T (due to a conflict in the Lunar Module ROD) and the PRO label in the button has been replaced with a check-icon.
Unit Standardization to ImperialStarted to standardize everything to imperial (nautical miles, pounds, feet). This is a huge task and will be an ongoing process as many missions still refer to this. The main radio comms and tools should be updated in this patch. If you stumble upon a place that uses Metric (except for the console and some orbital mechanics readings), please report them so I can convert it.
Experiment: Preserve field of view on the different cockpit cameras (CSM only)
I have started to test a common request by users. This is that the field of view is preserved between camera changes in the CSM only. As usual, double-click the middle mouse button (wheel) to reset it whenever you want.
I think the next step in this experiment will be to also preserve the camera orientation. This will let you move from the COAS to the AGC and back without having to readjust both orientation and zoom.
Let me know what you thing about this idea. It could be a setting that is toggleable.
Earth seen through the CSM window by JFast
Not finding your resolution?I started the work to try and find the issue that prevents some users to find their monitor resolutions. If you are one of them, please try to use the new console command to list all detected resolutions and see if you find it there. During alpha-testing, this has made the missing resolution appear (more data needed). If not, you can use the tool to set the resolution directly.
Added a command to list the detected resolutions supported by your monitor:
s -resolution -list
Added a command to the console for setting a screen resolution (test).
The command is:
s -resolution w h fullscreen
s -resolution 1920 1080 1
This will set it to 1920x1080 in fullscreen
Being blocked in this version compared to the 0.85?
Use the BETAs page on the game properties in Steam to switch back to the 0.85 branch, I have stored it there.
Note: A branch containing an old version can be deprecated at any time for various reasons.
Other bugfixes:In the list below I have stripped away most of the things covered above.
For a full history, see the alpha-floor thread: Lots of Mercury checklist updates
Mercury Checklist Dictionary updates
Gemini Lots of Gemini checklist updates
Gemini Checklist Dictionary updates
Checks for the retro burn circuit breakers
Apollo: Command Module DAP is now integrated with the save state
Fixed so that P40 automatically sets the deadband to 0.5, overriding the DAP
ASCP/ATT SET tw should now go between 0 - 359 again
ATT SET 180 roll offset hot fix
New CSM checklists and section changes
Fixed multiple typos in the Virtual Cockpit labels
Huge CSM ECS rebalancing
Changes to the CSM T&D checklists and removed the old deprecated NO LM version
Updated the CSM Deorbit and Entry lesson
The Burn Planner should now prevent interaction with the panel behind it
Fixed so MOCR renders the CSM attitude rates in deg/s instead of rad/s
TLI calculated dV should now be visible in the MOCR RTCC program, previously it rendered as zero
Fixed the time to SOI in TLI tool and MOCR, it used the wrong calc and was showing time to LOI or time to return SOI instead. This explains the 49h vs 60h seen in MOCR Monday.
Fixed so the Apollo Current Objective tool does not get stuck on drogue and chute deploy. Corrected a couple of other states that had the same issue as this.
Changed the CSM RCS Command switch to a spring switch. Both this and the SM Transfer switches should now be spring loaded
LOI and SPS burn physics fixes
TLI burn physics fixes
Apollo: Lunar Module DAP is now integrated with the save state
Removed the red band on the Thrust Indictor. It should be all yellow.
Fixed multiple typos in the Virtual Cockpit labels
LM Water Separator caut lt fix
Fixed so the LM Event Timer Seconds-Units increase it with 1 and not 10 seconds.
The Burn Planner should now prevent interaction with the panel behind it
Added Helium regulators instructions to the LM descent and ascent lessons
Fixed so the ascent stage does not lift off with the descent legs (visual issue), if unable to ignite due to He pressure. A race condition made it partially "possible". Thanks, good find folks!
Made some fixes with the He pressurization on the LM RCS, as well as oxid/fuel consumption.
Made some tweaks to the RCS quantity indicators
LM DSKY remains lit when powered off