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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #45 on: November 21, 2019, 01:28:34 PM »
Provincial Units Infographic - Full List
21 Nov 2019

In Field of Glory: Empires almost every province in the game has a unique unit. These units are often quite powerful or have unique traits but the cost of each unit will increase as you raise more.

Provincial units are usually slightly more effective than the generic unit of their type. In addition, some are very useful such as archers and some cavalry units. Others are a very powerful and valuable addition to any army.

Wondering what type of Provincial Unit will you unlock in Hiberia? Or are you in desperate need for some good Infantry Unit and want to know where to recruit it?

Check the infographic below and discover how massive the world of Field of Glory: Empires is.

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2019, 11:11:45 PM »
Field of Glory: Empires updated to version 1.0.6 (with a news about Diplomacy)
04 Dec 2019

A new version is available for Field of Glory: Empires - 1.0.6 - and it is dedicated to adding some custom content for Kolchis and Armenia, a very interesting tweak in the Nation Panel and may other improvements.

You can download the update from here

But before diving into the new content, some pleasant news. Version 1.0.6 is meant also to prepare the game for something very special. Brace yourselves as the Diplomacy Update will be the next one. We will give all the relevant information in the next announcement, so stay tuned for further updates!

Version 1.0.6 Custom Content

Kolchis custom content

The nation of Kolchis, located along the coasts of Pontus Euxinus (also known as the Hospitable Sea, or the Black Sea) possesses several thriving cities where Greek merchants prosper. In the hinterland, rough mountain tribes are often a problem, but they do provide the cities with fearsome warriors, very adept in hills and mountains warfare.

For this update, Kolchis benefits from a heavily revised setup, as they are now a Kingdom with the  Hellenistic tradition and with a merchant perk. Their cities will be more advanced and their standing army more powerful. But that’s not all, as they now gain access to no less than 8 Missions to perform!

Missions are optional goals to pursue, with very diverse possibilities. Subdue a neighbour, establish a trading route, drain the swamps that plague part of Kolchis and more.
A new reports tab in the nation panel will let you follow the current mission status.

Armenia custom content
Armenia enjoyed some independence under the Persian Empire, as a satrapy with loose control from the Persian court but was dominated by the Seleucids up to 190 BCE when it gained full independence. Artaxias expanded the realm in the Caucasus region and under Tigranes the Great, the realm reached Antioch and Damascus and defeated the Parthians. At this time, the Armenian Kingdom was de facto an Empire, and Tigranes named himself ‘King of Kings’ as he had several client-states.

In this update, Armenia receives 3 new custom buildings, one custom unit, and several missions.

3 Custom Buildings
•    Tigranocerta (Special prestigious building)
•    Levy Camps (Quickly recruits low quality troops)
•    Naphta Workshop (enhance siege resistance)

1 custom unit
•    Azatavrear Cataphract (Elite noble cataphract)

3 Missions
•    Create Greater Armenia (expand Armenia to what Tigranes the Great managed to do)
•    Be the King of Kings (have at least 2 client-states, as Tigranes who had 4)
•    Between two giants (manage to be friends with both Rome and Parthia, no small feat)

Nation Panel

The nation panel now let you access an interactive mini-tree where you can navigate, starting with your current government status, the various possible stages of your nation. What will happen if you evolve, what will be the result of the decadence of your empire? Everything is now accessible, with a list of possible effects!

Full Changelog

• Kolchis setup revised, with 8 Missions to perform.
• Armenia gets 3 missions, 3 new custom buildings and an extra unit.
• Government Aging and Progress UI (access it by clicking on the government button, nation panel)

GAMEPLAY and SETUP (improvements and fixes)
• Smarter dynamic objectives
• Fixed issues with Builder Guild and late wonders
• Added exclusivity to well and irrigation canal
• Fix to tools factory
• Fixed hospital chain of buildings
• Fixed Babel Tower modifier not properly given
• Capital region food need for growth increased
• Brigantes now have Tin resource, not lead.
• Caucasian ethnicities don't have access to phalanxes
• Tweaked pop growth formula - harder to get really big population
• Fixed issue with Hunting Grounds & Master Hunter
• Military buildings have greater importance in max metal and manpower stockpiles
• Deficit spending and modifiers – the bigger the deficit you run, the higher the penalties!
• Fixed Sagittarii not provided to Rome in some cases
• Improved how the game determines who is defending (outside of assaults)

• AI will have less animosity against the legacy leader.
• Slightly less AI ship building
• AI doesn't snatch a siege from player

• Government Aging and Progress UI
• New reports tab for ongoing mission(s)
• next region shortcut: ENTER, next idle region shortcut: SPACE
• Changed colors of a few provinces
• Make T hotkey behave exactly like the trade tab button
• Show leader portrait with red skull overlay at end of battle if they died.
• Update ledger when cancelling construction
• Fix stockpiles not initially showing current expenses in recruitment

• Various engine optimizations and speed up
• Display error when failing to save game

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #47 on: December 13, 2019, 12:01:57 AM »
Diplomacy Open Beta
Thu, 12 December 2019

Field of Glory: Empires developers didn't rest on their laurels. As previously anticipated, the next big thing about Empires is the Diplomacy Update, designed to enhance greatly the way the game makes players and AI kingdoms interact through diplomatic efforts. You won't have to wait any longer as today is the D(iplomacy)-day.

Since this update is significantly massive and would probably affect the overall balance and gameplay mechanics in multiple ways, we opted for releasing the Update as a public Open Beta. Everyone willing to help us with feedback and thought is very welcome to download it and to try it.

The update is a separate installer, meaning that it will be like downloading a separate game, so no one will be forced to play with the Update in place if that is not his intention.

The Diplomacy Version can be downloaded in the members area section accessible through the "My Page Area". We have created a dedicated sub-forum thread here.

But how the new Diplomacy system work? What are the new features and mechanics that would be added in the update?

I – Legitimate ownership
Now when you are at war and conquer a region, it is flagged as ‘war-occupied’. It means that if you were to make a peace which returned the original regions to each side you would also cede back the conquered region. Said differently you no longer instantly gain regions you conquer in a war; it must be claimed during the peace negotiation.
Note that during a peace deal, you can also ask any region owned by the opposing side and are not restricted to demanding just what you managed to conquer.

II – Warscore
When war erupts, a warscore will appear in the Diplomacy Interface. That’s the measure of how the war is going on. A positive value means you are winning (slightly or substantively, depending of the value). A negative value means you are losing. Three things affect warscore:
Region conquests
Leader deaths

Warscore is used as the currency when settling peace.

III - Peace Treaty
When a side wants to settle peace, and once you have clicked on the ‘Peace’ button, a new panel will open showing you the current warscore (although you can always see this from the main diplomacy interface), the stance you are adopting in the negotiation and a list of possible clauses.

If you are winning the war (positive warscore), you can ask the defeated to give, relinquish or accept clauses for your benefit. There are 12 possibilities so far.

If you are losing the war (negative warscore), then you can only cede items (including regions). You can’t bargain and ask for a few things while mostly giving away other items.

As you ask for items, as the winner, your warscore allowance will reduce towards zero. In turn, you’ll change stance progressively, as you are demanding more and more things. Initially, you’ll be set in a Generous or Conciliatory stance, but it can shift to ‘Extorting’, if you are pushing the limits.

There are two interests in staying within a not too demanding stance. First, the acceptance chance by the defeated is much bigger. Second, this will have a profound effect on the new relationships between you and the vanquished. If you don’t care they hate you for a long time, then try to pressure them to the maximum. But if you want the peace to be a long lasting one, then you might want to stay with a conciliatory stance.

Once you are satisfied with the items requested or given up, validate the treaty. There will be a one turn delay before the other side sees it, and then another turn to receive their answer.

There can be 3 kinds of answers
Yes, No, Counterproposal.

The first two are rather self-explanatory. As for the third, it means the other nation perceives some interest in your proposal but is not quite satisfied with some entries. The counterproposal issued, if you accept it, will be the final Peace Treaty.
If you disagree with the new terms, you too have the options to say simply No. Or to issue another counterproposal.

IV – Transaction Treaty
The transaction treaty is very similar in concept and in format with the Peace Treaty. It can be issued between two nations which are not at war. Here too, you have to play with a currency, which is not the warscore, but ‘Bargain Points’.
The main difference compared to a Peace Deal is that in this transaction, or trade, both sides can ask and give at the same time. So this is a rather free-form deal, where you can give away a region, in exchange of some gold and … why not, some war elephants?

V – Possible Clauses
There are twelve possible clauses. Most can be used in both treaties, but some are restricted to only one type. (T) means it is only available in a transaction treaty while (P) means it will only be available in a peace deal. If nothing is indicated, both treaties support the clause.

Client-State: The nation becomes a client-state of the other nation.

Cooperation Treaty (T): As part of the transaction, add a cooperation treaty.

Alliance (T): As part of the transaction, enter a mutual alliance.

Absorb the other nation: The proposing nation is completely absorbed into the other nation. In practice it means being removed from the map!

Ask (or Give) Money, Metal, Manpower: A straightforward clause where you ask (or give) one of the three.

Humiliate (P): This will cause a loss of legacy, and a portion of the lost points will be received by the requester.

Regions: Cede or give a region (or several) that you legitimally own.

Province: A convenience Clause that will add at once all possible (and legit) regions of a given province.

Units: Provide or request special units. The other side doesn’t have to have the actual units in his army but he needs to be able to produce them. Only provincial units and a very few special units can be requested. There will be an extra fee of 75 Money per unit to be paid by the gifter, so as to cover recruitment and transportation cost (abstracted).

Disband (P): Accept or demand the other side disband part of his army or fleet. The cost will vary with the size of the enemy military and the percentage to disband. Units will be disbanded randomly until the required percentage is reached.

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #48 on: February 25, 2020, 11:39:00 PM »
Diplomacy Update is officially released
Mon Feb 24, 2020

The day has come.
Field of Glory: Empires has been updated to Version 1.1.0, bringing the newly enhanced Diplomacy system on the table. It is a massive update, improving and impacting many game mechanics and features so be sure to check out the full changelog below.

Thanks to all players who helped us fine tune the new diplomacy system through 3 Beta Patches. You have done great and we hope to see you apply to our new round of beta!

You can download the update from here

Version 1.1.0

Balance and tweak to diplomacy

    • Declaring a client state does not prevent getting regions from them
    • Allies loiter less in your home territory
    • Can't get ships from the 'Give Special Units' diplomacy clause
    • Validating a transaction returns you directly to the intro Diplomacy panel
    • One-sided transactions will either increase (gift) or decrease (extortion) relationships
    • AI will propose many less transactions
    • AI Allies capturing a region formerly owned by another nation (legitimate owner in advanced diplomacy) will give it back immediately
    • Can enter regions of a nation with whom you have a peace treaty (allows evacuating your army when stranded) – Human player only.
    • If all your capitals are besieged (or lost), severe penalty during peace treaty
    • You can now demand regions owned by the vassals of your enemy
    • Having hold of an enemy region when making a peace deal makes the region cheaper
    • AI Vassals don't give back regions to human overlord anymore
    • AI more reluctant to be absorbed or client-state if the other nation is not bigger
    • AI will value more money, metal or manpower if it lacks some, and value less if it has enough
    • AI less interested in trading units if not enough money
    • Small factions will be much less prone to send transactions (less spamming)
    • Explicitly name winner and loser factions in clause tooltips
    • Region Clause: Lowered significantly cost if at war
    • Give Units Clause: Can only be done if neighbor (sea-neighbor ok)
    • War control gives less penalty
    • War exhaustion triggers more rapidly (emphasis on wanting to make peace faster)
    • AI will want to make peace faster as War Exhaustion accrues
    • AI will not propose a cooperation during a bargain if already allied
    • AI will only demand or accept the Relinquish objective clause if neighbor
    • Validating a transaction returns you directly to the intro Diplomacy panel
    • Additional texts for Diplomacy (FRE SPA GER)

Other changes
    • Added the Sacred Estate building, an improvement to the worship place with a special effect (GC310 has some in Egypt, Armenia, Media)
    • Objectives show the turn they were given in nation panel
    • Sinope harbor position nudged east
    • Gaining a slave in battle might mean losing a population in the region
    • Updated quotes and hints, courtesy of Neilbala the Brythonic King
    • Fix to Armenia having too many levied units
    • Dynamic objectives can be given according to more criteria
    • Food stockpile never goes below zero
    • Periplus not given if you own the region
    • Too big World Factions groups lose 10% of their units per turn (depending of AI level)
    • Fixed overcrowding tooltip which was erroneously mentioning region terrain and not city terrain.
    • Rex Custodiae can now be built from a Palace building (if CL 3)
    • Nomad herd don't have cattle as a bonus anymore
    • Fix to a typo in Ptolemaic Egypt gameplay text
    • Units: war elephants now provide 2 support values
    • An old objective won't be phased out if you own a region adjacent to it
    • Fix to Stoa bug
    • Added translation for French, Spanish and German.
    • Mercenary decision has a 500-money prerequisite
    • Kolchis / Armenia missions fixed and tweaked
    • Debts modifiers added after gain back factored in
    • Updated Empires DB archive

Compatibility notes 1.06 to 1.1.0
100% compatible
Previous versions
It is advised to restart a game

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2020, 12:47:36 PM »
Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE is coming soon
17 March 2020

One of the most innovative videogames in the grand strategy genre is ready to strike again.

Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE new campaign starts 2 centuries before the Empires campaign. It brings players at the time when Athens and Sparta were still vying for supremacy over Hellas world while the Achaemenid Empire is more and more looming on the other side of the Aegean Sea.

This DLC adds new custom content for each faction in the game. Every nation will receive new sets of tools to further their goals alongside a totally revamped system of Impediments and Perks.

Federate some barbarians, form new colonies, decide to declare the Olympic Games, and many more options available!
Major nations of this time have seen a ‘special’ focus. Don’t expect to play Persia as you play Athens or Lydia! New Events, missions, national modifiers, special units and specific buildings will make you play differently.

Get more information about the game from its official product page.

You don't need any FOG2 DLCs in order to play Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE

Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE is currently in BETA. Join us in polishing and giving the final touches to the game.

Are you eager to see the game in action? DasTactic will be playing Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE today on our
at 6 pm GMT.

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2020, 01:33:05 PM »
Field of Glory: Empires Persia DLC - New screenshots
Thu, 30 April 2020

Persia 550 - 330 BCE DLC development is proceeding fast.

You won't have to wait for long for the the first expansion for Field of Glory: Empires to be released, we will be revealing its Release date very soon.

In the meantime, take a look at these new screenshots, featuring nation traits, Egypt and its neighbours, angry spartans and more!

Stay tuned for further updates

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2020, 02:24:55 AM »
Focus Faction: Persia
Thu, May 14, 2020

Persia will be the nation that sets the tempo of the campaign for a long time. The speed will define the strategy of all the Hellenic world, with the effects reaching as far as Italy and Rome.

Persia and its ruler, Cyrus II (soon to be known as ‘The Great’), starts the campaign at war with Media and will make short work of this vast empire. The Persian army is fairly strong at start, and Cyrus is a superb leader. But of equal importance, Media will fall only a few turns after its capital falls, which can happen very rapidly, as was the case historically.

Custom gameplay

During its early period of conquest, Achaemenid Persia (named after the tribe that originally revolted against Media, the Haxāmanišiya) achieved stupendous and lightning-fast success against several neighboring nations. As such, Media, Babylon, Lydia and Elam might spontaneously lose one region a turn to Persia, if they are not Glorious.

In addition, Media can crumble in one go if the capital is lost!

Persia, Athens and Sparta vied for the control of Asia Minor for centuries. These three will not stay at peace for long! Persia will regularly enjoy various moderate rewards as long as Athens and Sparta have poor relations.

Satraps (literally 'Protectors of the Realm') are governors of the Persian provinces, with a lot of independence in how they rule. On the one hand, they will provide free troops for the King of Kings army. On the other hand, they might band together to secede if the central government is weakening.

The Persian ruler will receive missions from time to time (9 in total). There is no penalty in not doing them, but if you succeed, you’ll get extra legacy points and a special reward. Also note that if you fail a mission and if it is still valid, you might get it again in the future. Examples: Conquer Babylon, Build the Royal Road, Return of the Jewish People, etc.

Persia has several custom buildings at its disposal:
• Chapar Khaneh
A Royal Post placed at regular interval along the royal road, it slightly improves positive token chance.

• Persepolis
A grandiose city providing culture and legacy.

• Palace of the King of Kings
Impressive palace providing decadence reduction. As many Persian kings build palaces, you can have 3 of them in the Persepolis region!

• Jewish District
In Babylon, has a role in one of the Persia missions. Help them and you’ll get new friends.

• Qanat
This is a sort of underground aqueduct, using no structure slot (common to all Iranian nations).

The Immortals are a very tough medium/heavy infantry of high effectiveness.
Sparabara is Persia medium infantry; they are adept archers.
Persia light unit are in fact Eastern Archers, they are deadly in numbers.
The heaviest unit is the Mercenary Hoplite. You can get extra through a custom regional decision.
The army is also supplemented by hillmen and nomad cavalry.

Once you get the right infrastructure in place, the Iranian Armored Cavalry can smash through a lot of opposition!

Persia enjoys 3 custom decisions in addition to the 15 or so general ones.
• Recruit Mercenary Hoplites
Easily get hoplite mercenaries (heavy infantry) in Hellenes regions, if their loyalty is not too high.

• Hellenes Interloper
Degrade relations between Athens and Sparta – just to be sure these two are not banding together. It can backfire though, depending on the rulers involved and how skilled they are in diplomacy.
• Absorb local administration
Persia, and Cyrus, had no qualms about using the local nobility and administration. This decision adds a free courthouse in the region and instantly provides 100 culture points.

Stay tuned! Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE will be out next week, on May 21st

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2020, 01:47:44 PM »
Focus Faction: Athens
21 May 2020

The best starting strategy for Athens is to be careful on the military front whilst trying to be aggressive in peaceful expansion. The city has the potential to be very strong economically, and thus militarily, thanks to mercenaries, but will be vulnerable for quite some time. This is not a nation we recommend to players who are still new to the game, as you’ll have to juggle many priorities at once, and one wrong judgement can spell doom.

Athens will be in constant rivalry with Sparta, unless both are at war with Persia. As such, for a good part of the campaign, you’ll run the risk of being conquered by the Lacedemonians, and you’ll often be tempted to strike at them … just in case they were planning something foul!

Custom gameplay

If Athens is not allied with Sparta and neither is at war with Persia, then there will be a regular check to see who has the upper hand. This considers who has the most regions, the most legacy, the biggest fleet (at start there is no supremacy, but it can change very fast).
If one has supremacy over the other, then a reward will be given to the winner, and a penalty to the loser. Note that none of the rewards mean more legacy, extra ships or extra regions.

Starting in 500 BCE, Regions with at least one Hellenes ethnicity in coastal Asia Minor with less than 75 loyalty and less than 60 combat power of units may revolt, if not occupied by a Hellene nation. Once one revolts, others that satisfy the conditions will do so too, once. If Athens can go to war with the occupier(s), it will do so instantly. If it can go to war, the region goes to Athens, and the city immediately receives one Armored Hoplite, 150 money, 25 manpower and 25 metal for each region in revolt.

Athens will produce better ships as the nation has the ‘Shipbuilder’ trait (+1 Experience Level), the city itself has a ship house building from the start (Neosokoi) adding extra experience, and the initial shipyard will make production faster. But that’s not all, as the Neosokoi will permanently reduce the upkeep of a nearby ship by 1 or 2 gold per turn! With all these advantages, supremacy at sea will be easy to achieve provided you invest regularly in the navy.

Athens benefits from having eight special missions at its disposal. There is no penalty in not doing them, but if you succeed, you’ll get extra legacy points and a special reward. Also note that if you fail a mission and if it is still valid, you might get it again in the future. Examples: Build an Academy for your philosophers, Form the Delian League, Rival Macedonia, etc.

Athens has two new custom buildings at its disposal in the DLC, in addition to the 10 special buildings each Hellenic nation has

• Makra Teiksè
The Makra Teiksè, or Long Walls, were of great importance to Athens, as they protected Piraeus harbor from being captured, the port being over 5 km from the city itself. They provide extra garrisons and defense, which with Athens’ own city walls and the Acropolis, give the city-state a formidable garrison that can beat even a strong army.

• Neosokoi
Actually not specific to Athens but an addition to all Hellenic nations, these ship houses were used to build, repair and train the crew of many Greek states. In addition to free starting XP, they will refit one ship a turn (it must be in the harbor or adjacent to it) by permanently reducing the upkeep by 1 or 2 gold (up to -50% of base upkeep).

The army is made of Armored Hoplites, Citizen Hoplites, Javelinmen and Javelin cavalry.

Athens, as a Hellenic nation, has three custom regional decisions at its disposal. They also start with Implant Trade Settlements x2 and Naval Support x1 at turn 1, giving them a head start in snatching coastal regions (which incidentally is also the objective of one of their custom missions).

• Implant Trade Settlements
Implant a trade colony in a coastal region controlled by an Independent nation. Yes, the region becomes yours!

• Panhellenic Games
Improve relations with the targeted Hellenic nation (even if at war). If your ruler is a good diplomat, the decision can even stop an ongoing war.

• Naval Support
Inflict damages to an enemy force adjacent to one of your fleet. A friendly army must be adjacent to this enemy force or in the same region (in case of a siege). Very handy to soften up the opposition just before an important battle.

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #53 on: May 21, 2020, 01:49:06 PM »
Focus Faction: Sparta
21 May 2020

Sparta starts strong, with a very powerful army, and as such should not have too much of a problem conquering a few extra regions, with Argos foremost amongst them. Athens and you are constant rivals, so war is around the corner, but it won’t happen until a few turns have passed, as a peace treaty is running.

Be prudent though, as once you besiege Athens, the huge citizen garrison can make a sortie that can defeat you in the open field. Athens will want to drag out the war to amass enough gold for extra mercenaries, so don’t delay too long.

Sparta has a unique regional decision which enables the kingdom to levy an average quality troop, Perioikoi. They have a nice perk, in that they cost only one manpower in upkeep. This will prove handy to fill up your battle line with something other than Helots.

Beware of the Helots, they will revolt several times unless you maintain very high loyalty in Sparta itself.

Custom gameplay

If Athens is not allied with Sparta and neither is at war with Persia, then there will be a regular check to see who has the upper hand. This considers who has the most regions, the most legacy, the biggest fleet (at start there is no supremacy, but it can change very fast).
If one has supremacy over the other, then a reward will be given to the winner, and a penalty to the loser. Note that none of the rewards mean more legacy, extra ships or extra regions.

You can have up to 3 Helot revolt in Sparta (Laconia region), if your loyalty is under 75. The more slaves you have, the more chance of revolt, and this probability is only slightly reduced by stationing troops. It is nevertheless a good idea to do so, as the army will rack up XP quelling the revolt.

Sparta can receive up to five missions during the course of the game. There is no penalty in not doing them, but if you succeed, you’ll get extra legacy points and a special reward. Also note that if you fail a mission and if it is still valid, you might get it again in the future. Examples: Conquer Athens, Befriend Syracuse, Form the Peloponnesian league.

Specific Buildings
Sparta has one building at its disposal in the DLC, in addition to the 10 special buildings each Hellenic nation has. Note that Sparta has no access to the Ships Houses though (Neosokoi).
• Stratopedon
If used right, the stratopedon is very powerful. This is a field camp, that will only function if the region has no wall. It can give 5 XP per turn to troops, up to 20 units a turn!

The almighty but costly Spartan Hoplite will put a drain you all your resources, including your precious manpower. It also has a ‘Money Increase Cost’ of 20%, so you won’t have many in your army. To supplement it, you can draft numerous Perioikoi (but not in Laconia, see below) and round up the roster with Helots, which are cheap as dirt (and are worth about as much in battle).

Sparta, being a Hellenic nation, can use three regional decisions unique to this ethnicity. In addition to these, a fourth decision is unique to Sparta, Draft Perioikoi.

• Draft Perioikoi
Will draft between three and seven Perioikoi in the region, depending on the skills of the leader in charge. They will start without any XP if drafted from Laconia (this represents drafting the unruly Messenians) but can start with as much as 100 XP if you had a Military Expertise of 10 (10 XP per point).

• Implant Trade Settlements
Implant a trade colony in a coastal region controlled by an Independent nation. Yes, the region becomes yours! Note: Athens will receive this decision more than any other Hellenic nation.

• Panhellenic Games
Improve relations with the targeted Hellenic nation (even if at war). If your ruler is a good diplomat, the decision can even stop an ongoing war.

• Naval Support
Inflict damages on an enemy force adjacent to one of your fleet. A friendly army must be adjacent to this enemy force or in the same region (in case of a siege). Very handy to soften up the opposition just before an important battle. Contrary to Athens, Sparta doesn’t have access to the heavier ships until reaching Civilization Level III, so it will be harder to have enough combat power to use this decision.

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #54 on: May 21, 2020, 01:51:28 PM »
Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE Release Stream Today
Thu May 21, 2020

Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550 - 330 BCE will be released in few hours. At 6 pm BST Slitherine/Matrix will be streaming the game on their official Twitch Channel!

Tune in at
and take your chance to see the new content featured and highlighted!

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2020, 03:19:04 AM »
Version 1.3.4 (September 2nd 2020)
(save game compatibility: see at end of patch notes)

Amphora Fabrica fixed
Forced march decision fixed
Administrative Burden was always greater than expected, because it also factored in the income of the new turn
Fix to a message about slave dispatching
Fix to a minor bug cancelled interception
Fixed a few typos

Quality of Life and UI improvements
Loading game is three times faster than before. Can now load really late-stage games much more easily.
Clicking on a trade good in the trade panel will show it specifically on the map.
Unit Maintenance cost shown in detailed tooltip
RGD button bounces until player clicks on it once or plays a decision.
Conversion chance is shown in the ethnicity tooltip (if absent, then the ethnicity is made only of slaves)
Added more shortcuts: overlays now mapped to 1 to 7 then SHIFT 1 to SHIFT 7. Can switch between region and province with CTRL-SPACE
100% healthy units will have a bright green triangle on the Unit Panel, different to other healthy units (66-99%)
Added a message when a new herd is given to nomads’ nations
Provincial capital shown in the region panel.
Fix in overlay 'free building slots' where idle regions not part of a province would never show

Various rules change or improvements
Distance is now a factor when checking who trades with who
If you have two identical main capital/palace buildings, then one will be removed, even if you are within the limit of the number of capital regions.
The last possible mission will still deprecate now, removing the oddity of seeing a negative turn number.
Ships can't be deployed on land
Ships are now ignored in case of land battles but don't prevent exporting to FOG II
Population boom event restricted to regions with 75+ loyalty
Increase in combat stat from decision 'motivate troops' factored if exported to FOG II
Modifier added to a region will reset the current timer if the modifier was already present (previously the new one would be ignored)
In transactions, AI will value a region which is one of its objectives more highly
Persian usurpers in the DLC campaign won't have access to Immortals anymore
Persia staging tweaked.

Setup and data changes
Immortals have money Inc +50% but are not national unique anymore
Units exported in FOG II now get +5% quality and +5% cost if they have an equipment (armorsmith etc.)
Kartli fortress bonuses (special unique fortress for Kolchis) were wrong
No more Celts as provincial unit in Galatia when playing Campaign 550 BCE
Epiteichismata can be disassembled
Carthaginian Sacred Band fight centered in all terrains
Elephants deployment revised in bad terrain
Fix to elephants recruitable in Epirus region
Hellenes friction: Penalties toned down depending of number of owned regions for Athens and Sparta
DLC: Egypt now has Egyptian names for generals

Compatibility with games in 1.30+ version: Full
Before this point, most of the features would work, but we don’t recommend continuing multiplayer games.

Version 1.3.3 (June 3rd - 2020)
(save game compatibility: see at end of patch notes)

Revolters cannot be from the ruling nation
Carthage gains back the Carthage Senate
Fixed 2 issues with missing rulers names
Fixed identical regional decisions played in different regions synchronizing between themselves
Freedmen decision fix
Fix to absorb bug sometimes reversing outcome

Various rules change or improvements
Smarter Regional decisions recycling
Each time a decision fails, for whatever reason, it is refunded
Decisions triggering at start of turn do so before the siege phase
If you have 3 or fewer regional decisions, you will get some bonus extra ones
Minor AI with fewer than 5 units and no regions becomes inactive
Cooperation easier to achieve, with possibly even a bonus for high relationship
AI generates slightly more diplomacy proposals
Can disperse slaves up to 50 populations
Client-states have better chance of breaking treaty with liege if relationships are low (including Client-state AI)
You can now gain some 'free' warscore each turn, if you hold a significant territorial advantage vs your main opponent (no client-state)
Added some missing texts in non-English languages
You can only Seize Fleet (national decision) near to a sea or an ocean ­- not a lake
Prospect for resource decision could issue a message even if no resources were added
Prospect for resource decision now issues a message if an impediment is removed.
Impediment-removing structures chance increased from 2% per tier to 3% per tier (and turn)
Enemy nation’s national capital region will always be a valid dynamic objective
Liberate a nation should give a client-state more often, unless you have a bad diplomat as a leader.
Removed extraneous comma in the list of possible structures that could be built in a region
If a palace replaces another, then the old one is immediately removed, it will not coexist one turn (King Residence > Senate e.g.)
Fixed an issue where the centre unit in battle would never be fired upon in the ranged phase
Armies standing behind destroyed walls lose their garrisoning status
You can now ask an ally or client-state to forfeit an objective they have in either your own or your allies’ territory.
Higher chance to capture landlocked fleets
Can't export battles to FOG II if total units more than 512, or if ships are present

Setup and data changes
Athens long walls is now the Makra Teikhe (and not Teikse). Extra fixes to some Greek words.
Cyprus now given to Egypt at start
Royal Tombs will only appear in region legitimately held for at least 10 turns.
Athens trade settlements mission only given if you have at least one corresponding regional decision in reserve.
Medium Semitic Cavalry (looking like Greek cavalry even though it was not) has been removed from roster
Ishtar gate in Babylon
Melita is Hellenic, Ordessus is Nomadic
Missions 'mutual benefit' for Carthage was not working
Macedonia and Sparta will revolt less often
Liberate Lydia mission for Athens should be easier (Lydia will take priority among liberation candidates).
Macedonian provincial cavalry gets +1 attack, -1 flanking
Most Impediments and Perks cannot be destroyed by raids. A few can.
Prospect for Resources (and remove impediments) can be used up to 30 population in region
Epirus cannot get elephants before 350 BCE
Changed misleading 'liberate' to 'own' in the People in Exodus Mission for Persia
In French, validating a treaty was labelled as cancelling it.
Much lower chances as Athens to have a citizen captured by Persia

Compatibility with games in 1.30 version: Full
Before this point, most of the features would work, but we don’t recommend continuing multiplayers games.

Version 1.3.0 (May 14th - 2020)
(save game compatibility: see at end of patch notes)
This patch is the companion patch to the DLC: Persia 550-330 BCE.

Fix to random buildings in setup not added if pop is not high enough
Fix to returning garrison bug
Fix to unwanted move (left over intercept) bug
Fix to no structure proposed in some regions
Fix to (yet another) moving capital bug
Fix to crash when a land trade route is longer than 32 regions
Fix to an old bug in AI giving away a region in battle

AI produces less ships

Various changes or improvements
Improved Battle Deployment
Free buildings slots overlay replaces useless Combat power overlay
No accidental death of rulers before turn 10 in any scenario. For leaders, not before turn 5.
Cannot have revolts in a sea
Equipment added by Experts buildings are indicated as an icon on Unit Card.
Tweak to defensiveness formula
National Decision: Periplus never given if one already present
Tyrannies can't raid anymore (Although Tyranids still can)
Fix to Administrative Burden cost where very high treasury was not impacted as they should
Bonus to leader quality from Academies or other modifiers doubled
Conversion chance slightly lowered but with guaranteed 1% minimum
Decadence from size reduced comparatively to building one (the latter was anecdotical compared to the former)
Retouched combat power formula
Inactive factions lose 1% of their current legacy per turn, with a minimum of 10 legacy if feasible
Intercepting an army entering water will stop interception. The sea giveth, but the sea taketh too.
Skirmishers have twice as much chances to be targeted in ranged combat than any other unit
Potential Structures report if they will fill nearby missing bonus or needed resources
Can browse through all regions even if one can't build a building, using the region panel navigator

Setup and data changes
Phalanxes have money increase 10%
War school added
Sparta palace is a military building because Sparta
The Acropolis of Athens added as a specific building
Citizen Hoplite (HEL MI): +1 Defense, Besieger becomes City Defender (+1 siege resist instead of +1 Besiege). Slightly upped costs.
Armored Hoplite (HEL HI) has now Besieger. These two changes will instill a much more defensive profile to Hellenes nations.
If you want more Besieger, hire mercenaries hoplites!
City guards also provide +5 loyalty
Brigantia has a lead mine instead of a tin mine

Diplomacy & War (De Jure / De Facto ownership)
Up to 48 clauses per treaty (was 12)
Can ask regions from a losing client state
Can enter regions of allied client states
Winning against a client-state changes properly the liege warscore
Improved region tooltip, indicating legit owner and relationship value
Peace treaty fixes to 'ping-pong' effect
Simple treaties Client-State, Cooperation removed from UI as redundant
War occupied regions shown with special stripes
No message issued when retroceding regions in peace treaty
Indicate liege in region tooltip
Refined calculations of cost for clauses Vassal, Absorb, Region
Fix to gift in transactions giving too low relation boost
When you send a treaty, you get a short notification at the top of the screen
AI will propose less transactions
Fix to war exhaustion not factored in peace chance (despite being shown in tooltip)
Slightly tweaked war exhaustion values (a bit harder)
World factions (rebels, indeps, slaves, bandits) will remove previous legitimate ownership past 3 turns. In the meantime, if retaken, an allied AI or CS will give back the region to his legitimate owner.
In case of revolt, if there is a legitimate owner different from occupier, the revolt might be from the legitimate owning nation.

Compatibility with older games
Although old saves (up to 1.10) were tested and are working in the latest version of the game, not all new features added will be active in your ongoing game. We also cannot ensure with a 100% confidence that there can’t be a glitch or two, although we saw none during tests.

Base game campaign (GC310) with the DLC activated

If you acquire the DLC “Persia 550-330 BCE”, then the base campaign (310 BCE) will have impediments, perks, regional decisions and some of the custom missions of the DLC campaign, if applicable to the time period.

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #56 on: September 23, 2020, 04:31:50 PM »
i have friends who buy everything they make and love them to bits, but now even them are saying the same thing, and feeling somewhat fleeced

a helmet and shield, that will be $3 please, thanks :doubt

Did you already check this tube? Its hard to resist laughing:  :coffeescreen

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“We were the ones who knew but did not understand, well informed but without insight, overloaded with factual data but poor in experience and wisdom. So we went, not stopped by ourselves."

Based on Roger Willemsen R.I.P.

Offline Asid

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #57 on: November 06, 2020, 01:16:03 AM »
Home of Wargamers Live - Field of Glory II: Medieval
04 Nov 2020

On November 12 we will finally reveal Field of Glory II: Medieval, an event totally dedicated to the new standalone game by Byzantine Games.

Don't miss the live broadcast that will kick off at 5pm BST / 12pm EDT / 9am PDT on our Twitch channel. We will talk about the game and interview its creator Richard Bodley Scott who will stay with us to answer your questions in chat.

After the event, don't go anywhere, because we will also be showing an historical battle played exclusively by Richard Yorke.

Get comfortable and make our
your home for this special event. We look forward to seeing you there.

To know more about the product, please consult the official product page: Field of Glory II: Medieval

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Re: Field of Glory: Empires
« Reply #58 on: June 06, 2023, 08:10:31 PM »
We are excited to invite you to our Field of Glory Day event
Tue, 6 June 2023

A special day dedicated to the Field of Glory franchise on June 6th

We are thrilled to announce a special day dedicated to the Field of Glory franchise on June 6th, in partnership with the University of Winchester.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the fans who have supported the franchise over the past 6 years. In celebration of this milestone, we have organized a live tournament in collaboration with our beloved community with some of the top 8 players of Field of Glory in Europe. This thrilling competition will take place at our brand-new office in Milan.

In collaboration with Professor Robert Houghton from the University of Winchester, Slitherine will host a live Twitch event centered around a historical discussion of Field of Glory II: Medieval and Field of Glory Kingdoms. Join us to look into the narratives and intricacies of these immersive strategy games with: Professor Ryan Lavelle from the University of Winchester, Professor Lysiane Lasausse from the University of South-Eastern Norway, Professor Vinicius Marino Carvalho from Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Professor Juan Manuel Rubio Arevalo from the Central European University, and Robert Houghton himself.

To make this occasion even more special, we have invited the renowned miniatures wargamer painter, Aurelian Leclerc. He will share valuable insights on improving your miniature painting technique.

But that's not all! For the first time ever, we will show unpublished gameplay features from the highly anticipated Field of Glory: Kingdoms. Get an exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming game as the developers, led by Philippe Malaicre, showcase the exciting new additions and improvements.

Mark your calendars and join us on June 6th at 14:30 on our Twitch channel for this extraordinary event dedicated to the Field of Glory franchise.

See you there

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