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Author Topic: VBS V3.7 Release notes / Change list  (Read 12178 times)

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Offline Asid

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VBS V3.7 Release notes / Change list
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:33:47 PM »
Below is the current Changelog file for 3.7, as it has not been released as of yet this Changelog could change.

**** VBS3 3.7.0 Release *****

This package will install VBS3 v3.7.0.

Please ensure you regularly re-read the End User Licence Agreement for VBS3 to ensure you remain familiar with its provisons which may be changed or updated from time to time.


This is a completely fresh installation of VBS3 3.7.0. No previous installation is required.


Run the setup file, follow the prompts. If VBS3 3.0 has been previously installed, you will be given an option to uninstall it prior to installing the 3.7.0 version.
You must install the 3.7.0 version to an empty directory.

Major Changes in 3.7.0, from version 3.6:

VBS-31186   ADDED:   Unit Path Recording feature has been added.   
VBS-15988   ADDED:   VBS3 now supports the Oculus Rift kits for VR stereo rendering and head tracking.   
VBS-34076   ADDED:   Helicopters now feature toggleable brakes.
VBS-35508   ADDED:   It is now possible to set azimuth during placing objects, units and vehicles using a "Set Azimuth" button in Object Properties window.   
VBS-32333   ADDED:   Bearing has been added to measuring distance tool.   
VBS-18553   ADDED:   New concussion effects module has been added under Module editor object.   
VBS-31561   ADDED:   An option to turn grid and scale on/off for Terrain Topographical maps has been added.   
VBS-25803   ADDED:   Simulation Option to scale fatigue realism has been added.   
VBS-31018   ADDED:   Ground clutter can now be disabled or enabled with a new setting in video options.    
VBS-31746   ADDED:   Added support for package based installers.   
VBS-31748   ADDED:   VBS3 now supports use of specific content package separation system.
VBS-34228   ADDED:   Reviving all units is now possible from RTE.
VBS-31272   ADDED:   South Korean variant of a KM9 ACE vehicle has been added.   
VBS-31275   ADDED:   South Korean variant of a UH-1H helicopter has been added   
VBS-31260   ADDED:   South Korean variant of a KKAV7A1 has been introduced.
VBS-31269   ADDED:   South Korean variant of an M270 vehicle has been added.
VBS-31680   ADDED:   South Korean variant of a CH-47 helicopter has been added.
VBS-31278   ADDED:   South Korean variant of a UH-60 helicopter has been added.
VBS-30801   ADDED:   South Korean variant of a KM900 armored vehicle has been added.       
VBS-31226   ADDED:   North Korean variant of an Su-25K jet has been added.   
VBS-31215   ADDED:   North Korean variant of a T-55 vehicle has been added.   
VBS-31218   ADDED:   North Korean variant of a T-62 vehicle has been added.   
VBS-31284   ADDED:   South Korean variant of an F-15 jet has been added.   
VBS-31224   ADDED:   North Korean variant of a ZSU-23-4 vehicle has been added.   
VBS-31675   ADDED:   North Korean variant of a BTR-80 vehicle has been added.   
VBS-31241   ADDED:   North Korean variant of a UAZ-469 vehicle has been added.   
VBS-31248   ADDED:   North Korean variant of an MAZ-7310 vehicle has been added.
VBS-31238   ADDED:   North Korean variant of a BTR-40 vehicle has been added.
VBS-31233   ADDED:   North Korean variant of a BTR-60 vehicle has been added.
VBS-30507   ADDED:   North Korean civilian units have been added.
VBS-30498   ADDED:   North Korean soldier models and vehicle crews have been added.   
VBS-30504   ADDED:   Ten South Korean Marine - Woodland soldier models have been added.   
VBS-30501   ADDED:   Ten South Korean Army - Woodland soldier models were added.
VBS-33439   ADDED:   New YPR765 KMAR vehicle variant with a dozer blade has been added.
VBS-34095   ADDED:   Four variants of USArmy UH-60L and CH-47 helicopters armed with a M240 machine guns were added.
VBS-33923   ADDED:   New covered variant of M1083 vehicle has been introduced.    
VBS-30725   ADDED:   NL RNLAF Air F-16C M61A1 variant with droptanks has been added.   
VBS-25495   ADDED:   US Army Helicopters have been updated with a new high definition pilot model.   
VBS-34907   ADDED:   New non-RWS versions of M1133 Stryker MEV has been added.   
VBS-33410   ADDED:   New unarmed version of the Viking ambulance has been added.   
VBS-33564   ADDED:   New MI171s helicopter has been added.   
VBS-33565   ADDED:   CZ Army T-72M4CZ vehicle has been added.   
VBS-33562   ADDED:   CZ Army Dingo 2 vehicle has been added   
VBS-33563   ADDED:   CZ Army Tatra T-810 vehicle has been introduced.
VBS-33561   ADDED:   CZ Army Pandur II vehicle has been added.      
VBS-33558   ADDED:   CZ Army Woodland/Desert soldier models have been added.   
VBS-33567   ADDED:   Variants of the CZ805 assault rifle have been added.
VBS-33566   ADDED:   CZ75 pistol has been added.   
VBS-31627   ADDED:   Working convoy lights for NL vehicles have been added.   
VBS-33529   ADDED:   Visible rank system for the NL Military Police and NL Navy units has been added.
VBSIII-562   ADDED:   Support for timed mines has been introduced.   
VBS-32215   ADDED:   Support for "elseif" statement has been introduced.   
VBS-33013   ADDED:   Added support for script driven collision detection.
VBS-31950   ADDED:   Support for ash layer technology has been introduced along with the "-enableAsh" startup parameter.
VBS-32472   ADDED:   Viewclient readiness indication has been added into the briefing screen.
VBS-31906   ADDED:   Zoom levels for the M1A2 vehicle and a new thermal crosshair have been added and updated as per customer specification.   
VBS-32426   ADDED:   New configuration parameter (tooltipDelay) has been added in order to set a delay in seconds, after which tooltips are displayed.   
VBS-34115   ADDED:   New function "fn_vbs_aar_recordStart" has been introduced.   
VBS-33217   ADDED:   New config parameters in CfgWorlds "roadNetSegments" and "roadNetNodes" have been introduced.   
VBS-32866   ADDED:   New event handler "Moved" has been created.   
VBS-32106   ADDED:   "InvalidateArea" function which forces the engine to reload objects in a designated area has been introduced.    
VBS-31199   ADDED:   New script command "hostScriptedMission" that allows hosting of a multiplayer game without having a pre-build mission has been added.   
VBS-25806   ADDED:   New script commands "setFatigueScaling" and "getFatigueScaling" have been added.   
VBS-33890   ADDED:   New script command "getMaterialComposition" which returns material composition of specific building has been introduced.
VBS-28076   ADDED:   New script command "configParent" has been created. It returns the hierarchical parent config of a config path.   
VBS-31424   ADDED:   New script command "drawOpticsOverlay" which enables/disables the optics overlay for any optics camera and NVGoggles has been added.   
VBS-30490   ADDED:   New script command "camSetFrustum" that works similar to "setCamFrustum" except the frustum is set for a specific camera instead of being a global effect has been added.   
VBS-34427   ADDED:   New script command "privateAll" has been added. Disables implicit access to local variables from parent scopes.   
VBS-27455   ADDED:   New script command "executeWhereLocal" has been added. Passed code is executed only where given object is local.   
VBS-34427   ADDED:   New script command "import" has been added. Imports one or multiple variables from parent scope into the current scope, if implicit variable inheritance has been disabled via the privateAll command.   
VBS-33988   ADDED:   New script command "getSurfaceMaterial" has been introduced.   
VBS-33768   ADDED:   "cloudsAltitudes" config parameter has been added to allow for configuration of the cloud level height.   
VBS-32150   ADDED:   Added "fn_vbs_createVehicle" function which allows for creation of crewed vehicles.   
VBS-34743   ADDED:   There are three new parameters for the "artilleryStrike" function which are specifying a plane delivery delay, type of the plane delivering the ordnance and its inbound vector.   
VBS-32337   ADDED:   New "fn_vbs_displacedSnowDepth" function has been introduced, returning the depth in meters unit will sink in the snow.   
VBS-33614   ADDED:   New script commands have been added: setTimezoneOffset, getTimezoneOffset, getTimezoneOffsetApplyDST, setDaylightSavingTime, getDaylightSavingTime.   
VBS-29947   ADDED:   Implemented time-based fps measurement with configurable sampling time. New scripting commands "startCaptureFPS" and "stopCaptureFPS" have been added.   
VBS-33997   ADDED:   AAR now features an icon for access to digital chalkboard.
VBS-34247   ADDED:   VBS Launcher now features additional startup options such as: cfgProfile, cfgNoSave, ttl, forceSceneManager, epeScnSegmentSize, epeScnManBorderSize, mirror, norpt and avatar.
VBS-31174   ADDED:   Weapons can be deployed in the sniper holes.   
VBS-31690   ADDED:   A new heads up display for AN/PED1 optics has been added.   
VBS-31392   ADDED:   IZLID device support for control through specialized external HW has been added.   
VBS-31661   ADDED:   Indicator of free VRAM has been added to video options screen.   
VBS-31661   ADDED:   New startup parameter "-maxVRAM" that limits max VRAM has been introduced.   
VBS-30693   ADDED:   Support for functional traffic lights have been added.   
VBS-30074   ADDED:   Fusion now supports Sensor API.   
VBS-32945   ADDED:   Multiweapon support for planes has been added.   
VBS-31484   ADDED:   A parameter has been added to the "interop_detonationData" input to set the detonation effect.
VBS-33280   CHNGD:   Animation for throwing grenade out of a trench has been improved.   
VBS-31584   CHNGD:   Simulation options screen tooltips have been improved.   
VBS-25898   CHNGD:   Field for name of the profile has been resized to contain more letters.   
VBS-29045   CHNGD:   New parameter for command "setFormation" has been added, if it is true, units will be immediately teleported into ordered formation.   
VBS-33457   CHNGD:   Tow jaw and towing capabilities have been introduced to all the 290 GD vehicles.   
VBS-33433   CHNGD:   CV9035NL variants no longer feature convoy light cross.   
VBS-33052   CHNGD:   Fuse delay of a VS-50 Anti-Personnel Mine has been reduced from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.   
VBS-33215   CHNGD:   Startup parameter "-noroads" is now automatically enabled when VBS detects roadnet which could be originating from a shape file.   
VBS-35241   CHNGD:   Satchel demolition charge has been changed to M112 demolition charge with reduced blast effect.   
VBS-34822   CHNGD:   Vehicle driver now has the option to detonate an IED that is attached to the vehicle via the OME/RTE or placed into the vehicle's trunk using inventory screen.   
VBS-29276   CHNGD:   Return to Formation subordinate command is now available even if a subordinate group has waypoints.   
VBS-33407   CHNGD:   CV9035NL vehicle now features 7 cargo seats.   
VBS-33462   CHNGD:   LSV Anti Tank vehicle is now carrying 4 rounds of MRAT.   
VBS-27593   CHNGD:   Animation configuration has been restructured.   
VBS-33469   CHNGD:   Rear windows of the 290 GD (10 kN) vehicle are now tinted.   
VBS-33403   CHNGD:   All NL vehicles now feature support for chemlights.   
VBS-32154   CHNGD:   A sniper hole has been added to the OD28 building as per customer request.   
VBS-29396   CHNGD:   Weapon transition animations over LVC have been improved.   
VBS-33490   CHNGD:   Camouflage of the Land Rover 110 XD WW has been updated.   
VBS-32504   CHNGD:   Function "fn_vbs_visual_arrowH" now returns object reference after call.   
VBS-30553   CHNGD:   Radio triggers in C2 are now only available to group leaders.   
VBS-33413   CHNGD:   Correct camouflage is now being used by all NL vehicles.   
VBS-34843   CHNGD:   Commander of Stryker MGS vehicle can now use the Commander Override feature.    
VBS-32030   CHNGD:   Raycast wheels behavior on UGVs has been improved.   
VBS-35327   CHNGD:   In-game help for "setUnitPos" script command has been improved.   
VBS-35236   CHNGD:   Scope magnification values of M110 rifle have been changed to 3.5x and 10x.   
VBS-32497   CHNGD:   "AttachTo" script command behavior used to attach objects to animated body parts has been reverted to its original state present in all previous versions of VBS3.   
VBS-30594   CHNGD:   Additional seat has been added to the Bv206 vehicle as per customer request.   
VBS-35239   CHNGD:   Ammo distribution among the members of a USArmy Machine Gun Team has been adjusted.   
VBS-32253   CHNGD:   Rotating a vehicle on a hillside has been improved, the vehicle no longer sinks into the ground.   
VBS-32323   CHNGD:   AI pathplanning in deep snow has been improved.   
VBS-35282   CHNGD:   NL LCU ship now features destructible glass.   
VBS-34844   CHNGD:   US Army vehicles with mounted M2 now feature weapon safety (safety is engaged by default).   
VBS-33496   CHNGD:   NH-90 Navy and NH-90 RNLAF helicopters now feature door mounted machine guns.   
VBS-9653   CHNGD:   Player can now enter the cargo area of the MV-22 Osprey while being prevented from walking into the pilot’s cabin.   
VBS-33430   CHNGD:   Positions of antennas on the CV9035NL family of vehicles have been updated.   
VBS-33491   CHNGD:   Top soft cover of an LSV Ambulance vehicle is now single color.   
VBS-33434   CHNGD:   Red / white warning markings and amber beacons were removed from all NL vehicles.   
VBS-33162   CHNGD:   Side colors in editor and network menus are now consistent.   
VBS-11931   CHNGD:   Script commands "setParticleParams", "setParticleRandom", "setDropInterval", "setParticleLongRange" and "setParticleCircle" are now global (when called on local network particle source).   
VBS-31960   CHNGD:   Floating zone is now disabled by default.   
VBS-32318   CHNGD:   AI pilots in a helicopter can now fly upwards without any directional movement.   
VBS-30041   CHNGD:   "setDrawMode" script command has been extended. It can now force drawing of different view LODs.   
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 08:42:51 PM by Asid »
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Re: VBS V3.7 Readme/Change list
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 08:34:16 PM »
VBS-28409   CHNGD:   Iveco LMV-unarmed no longer has a RWS console inside.   
VBS-31214   CHNGD:   The hardcoded "lvc_" prefix from interop names has been removed.   
VBS-33477   CHNGD:   Wire cutter on the Boxer Command vehicle has been removed.   
VBS-31566   CHNGD:   Groups in logistic report are displayed in order based on their ORBAT hierarchy.   
VBS-31326   CHNGD:   Groups in exported CSV are displayed in order based on their ORBAT hierarchy.   
VBS-33493   CHNGD:   Two torpedoes without any advanced functionality have been added to the NH-90 Navy helicopter.   
VBS-33471   CHNGD:   290 GD (12 kN) Ambulance now has rear windows tinted.   
VBS-35298   CHNGD:   Red cross on ambulances is now togglable using the via IWV screen.   
VBS-35276   CHNGD:   Buffalo with SPARK II roller has been removed.   
VBS-31924   CHNGD:   Transition gestures animations have been improved.   
VBS-33241   CHNGD:   Surface texture of berms and shooting positions has been changed to better match the terrain.   
VBS-35296   CHNGD:   Distracting interior glass reflections have been removed from vehicle windows.   
VBS-34062   CHNGD:   Unnecessary viewports are no longer rendered for driver of BMD-3 vehicle, thus improving the performance greatly.   
VBS-35275   CHNGD:   M1 Assault Breacher has been renamed to M1150 Assault Breacher.   
VBS-33473   CHNGD:   Bull bar from the front of 290 GD vehicles has been removed.   
VBS-33647   CHNGD:   Cargo positions have been added to the BMD-2 and BMD-3 vehciles.   
VBS-29315   CHNGD:   Second antenna has been added to LAV-R vehicle.   
VBS-30564   CHNGD:   Rftgb 10t and Bv209 Ambulance side mirrors have been adjusted as per customer request.   
VBS-34885   CHNGD:   Stryker MGS gunner now has access to following magnification levels – 3.30x, 10x and 20x.   
VBS-30563   CHNGD:   RTT viewports alignment in Epbv 90, Strf 9040, Lvkv 9040 and Patgb 203 has been improved.   
VBS-34915   CHNGD:   Crew of GMV vehicles has been updated with new SOCOM units.   
VBS-33144   CHNGD:   LAV-R, LAV-C2, LAV-M, LAV-L and LAV-AT vehicles can now provide fire support.
VBS-31892   CHNGD:   Commands captured in ScriptDebugger from the engine have camel case style.   
VBS-34136   CHNGD:   Inventory representation of 100rnd magazine for M249 SAW has been corrected.   
VBS-33492   CHNGD:   Kangaroo emblems were removed from NL Bushmasters.   
VBS-32490   CHNGD:   "setAction" script command now works on remote units.   
VBS-33164   CHNGD:   MEDEVAC editor object can no longer be linked to unsupported vehicles / objects.   
VBS-24293   CHNGD:   Changes done via script command "setUnitPos" now take effect immediately.    
VBS-33414   CHNGD:   All Leopard 2 variants now have a crew of 4 people.    
VBS-33404   CHNGD:   All vehicles with mounted weapon systems should be now able to provide the fire support.   
VBS-32225   CHNGD:   AI is now able to land Mv-22B Osprey correctly on the Land Waypoint.   
VBS-32764   CHNGD:   Unwanted NVG capability for the NL Viking vehicles mounted machine gun operator has been removed.    
VBS-32791   CHNGD:   NL Boxer Ambulance vehicles now have the option to launch smoke screen.   
VBS-31296   CHNGD:   Bridge segments can now be promoted and deleted properly.   
VBS-34572   CHNGD:   Name of the M1083 vehicle has been changed.   
VBS-32121   CHNGD:   Intel dialog and advanced treatment dialog can now be controlled by keyboard.   
VBS-29805   CHNGD:   "supportInfo" script command has been updated and it can now return results in camel case.   
VBS-34890   CHNGD:   Servo sounds (turrets, ramps) now have audible distance set.   
VBS-31661   CHNGD:   The Video Memory list-box has been removed from the Video Options.   
VBS-32452   CHNGD:   Contents of variable "_this" are now displayed in script debugger call stack, script log and virtual machine tab.   
VBS-33325   CHNGD:   NL ground vehicles now have convoy lights.   
VBS-25361   CHNGD:   MOPP Suit user actions are no longer available when the unit is in water or in the air.   
VBS-33353   CHNGD:   The M9 chemical detection paper now responds to "Liquid Chem Agent" and not "Sarin Gas".   
VBS-32629   CHNGD:   In LVC gamer players now enter the 1st available cargo position of an external vehicle when double tapping the "U" key.   
VBS-33485   CHNGD:   XA-188 GVV vehicle no longer features extra cargo position.   
VBS-34048   CHNGD:   "Friendly tag" simulation setting is now disabled by default.   
VBS-33189   CHNGD:   Magnification level is now displayed for all optics.   
VBS-32524   CHNGD:   Tooltips are available for both labels and combo boxes in advanced video options.   
VBS-34465   CHNGD:   Edit inventory dialog is now featuring a close button.   
VBS-32390   CHNGD:   Orbit camera can now be controlled even behind a dialog.   
VBS-16175   CHNGD:   AI drivers no longer turn the lights off when using NVGs.   
VBS-32237   CHNGD:   Library text of the Strb90 now explains a mechanics limitation as per customer request: "The Strb90 has 2 forward facing M2 HMG controlled by the driver, which are fired simultaneously. Due to Game mechanics the ammo of only one of the 2 M2 HMGs is shown in the HUD."   
VBS-33785   CHNGD:   Rifle holding animations were improved.    
VBS-34730   CHNGD:   Unwanted green color has been removed from the NL Army Boxer vehicles in winter camouflage.   
VBS-32604   CHNGD:   VBS3 now automatically uses the Nvidia GPU on laptops with two graphic adapters.   
VBS-29563   CHNGD:   Issue with dead units staying as a part of the group on a dedicated server has been resolved.   
VBS-33278   CHNGD:   Breaching windows is now possible with a hooligan tool.   
VBS-34256   CHNGD:   All Stryker vehicles (except for MGS) now have CREW device attach points closer to the escape hatch.   
VBS-33428   CHNGD:   Leopard 1–AEV model has been readjusted as per customer feedback.    
VBS-15313   CHNGD:   5.1 sound systems are now fully supported.   
VBS-34357   CHNGD:   Amputated limbs now appear warm when observed using the TI sensor.   
VBS-33466   CHNGD:   NL Army 280CDI vehicle is now equipped with both .50BMG M2 and 7.62 Mag58 machineguns.   
VBS-29999   CHNGD:   AAR event log data is now separated with semicolons in the exported *.csv file.   
VBS-33479   CHNGD:   Two additional crew members have been added to the XA-188 GVV – Ambulance.   
VBS-33475   CHNGD:   Camouflage of the YTV 2300 vehicle has been updated.   
VBS-34463   CHNGD:   Paused mission state is no longer transitioning to the next mission.   
VBS-30560   CHNGD:   SE Army units’ loadout has been updated as per customer specification.   
VBS-33536   CHNGD:   Missing commander of an NL Navy Ship - Landing Craft Utility has been added.   
VBS-22427   CHNGD:   It is now possible to add breakpoints in scriptDebugger into init file of a mission.   
VBS-23498   CHNGD:   Script debugger now marks file as dirty (adding "*" to it) also when deleting characters.   
VBS-33452   CHNGD:   Boxer Engineer vehicle now has an RWS armed with an M2 machinegun.    
VBS-24202   CHNGD:   Multiple animations can now be played while switching weapons.   
VBS-32311   CHNGD:   Attic hatch in building OD35 can now be opened.   
VBS-34084   CHNGD:   2D RTE performance in missions featuring large number of entities has been improved.   
VBS-31587   CHNGD:   Turning animation of an AI linked to EO Intelligence Reports can now be optionally disabled.   
VBS-32172   CHNGD:   "Dina" font in VBS3 has been replaced with new "DejaVu Sans Mono" font.   
VBS-34032   CHNGD:   Preloading larger maps during a network game is now faster.   
VBS-19740   CHNGD:   VBS3 now uses direct write fonts as a default and can be switched back to rasterized fonts by using the "-forceRasterFonts" comand line parameter.    
VBS-34115   CHNGD:   Upon saving an AAR, mission name is now offered as default name for the AAR.   
VBS-33427   CHNGD:   Visual representation of the dozer blade on the Leopard 1 – AEV has been improved.   
VBS-33884   CHNGD:   Fishing Boats now allow player to walk on the deck.   
VBS-20058   CHNGD:   FSMs, execVM, compile, user actions and event handlers are now cached. A new startup parameter "-compileCacheSize" has been introduced.   
VBS-30487   CHNGD:   Weapon safety indicator is now red with the safety off and white with the safety on.   
VBS-32376   CHNGD:   Debug Console now uses an easier to read monospace font, new config parameter "paddingTop" has been introduced.   
VBS-30534   CHNGD:   Changing the username in a network lobby no longer creates a new profile.    
VBS-22354   CHNGD:   After inserting characters into developer path in Script Debugger and reopening the dialog, it always ends with backslash    when no character was inserted it displays "p:\" by default after reopening.
VBS-32332   CHNGD:   Redundant "Reset Rotation" contextual option in AAR has been removed.   
VBS-33460   CHNGD:   Commander position has been added to the NL Boxer Ambulance.   
VBS-35087   CHNGD:   Command "generateComRef" now exports to <Documents\VBS3\export> folder.   
VBS-11152   CHNGD:   All planes now support PhysX simulation.   
VBS-34888   CHNGD:   Restrictions for file access interface have been removed.   
VBS-32185   CHNGD:   Pressing "Back" in video options when nothing was changed now results in getting straight back to options without any loading screen.   
VBS-34611   CHNGD:   Jumping animation has been improved.   
VBS-19274   CHNGD:   Scripts for creating smoke particles have been optimized.   
VBS-19884   CHNGD:   AI pathplanning on a pier has been improved.   
VBS-35243   CHNGD:   Weight of USArmy personal weapons has been re-adjusted.   
VBS-30540   CHNGD:   Navigation error is now more random.   (PTR #7)
VBS-36632   CHNGD:   Object aggregation has been optimized to allow for drawing of dense biotopes.    
VBS-20831   CHNGD:   Performance of land shadow aggregation has been improved   
VBS-30591   CHNGD:   Bv410 Logistic vehicle now has a repair capability.   (PTR #61)
VBS-34273   CHNGD:   User action for dropping and picking up the APOBS launcher has been introduced.   
VBS-31878   CHNGD:   Water rendering in TI mode has been improved.   
VBS-30590   CHNGD:   Bv410's turret now has no turn limits as per customer request.   
VBS-35862   CHNGD:   Rotor wash particles were improved. In addition rotor wash now draws circles from inside out.   
VBS-31132   CHNGD:   OD24 collision geometry and textures have been improved.   
VBS-30562   CHNGD:   Patgb 360 commander viewports have been adjusted.   
VBS-33647   CHNGD:   Additional cargo positions have been added to BMD-2 and BMD-3 vehicles.   
VBS-34912   CHNGD:   SA-19 vehicle now features a lock on option for 9M311 launcher.   
VBS-34266   CHNGD:   M1A1 tank now features a safety on M2 Browning machinegun which you can only toggle only while turned out   
VBS-31144   CHNGD:   Tree crowns and bushes no longer give fire protection and vehicles can now drive through them.   
VBS-35159   CHNGD:   APOBS now clears razorwire and wooden fences.   
VBS-26496   CHNGD:   Control options are now sorted properly, there are no uncategorized controls.   
VBS-31462   CHNGD:   The time when breathing sounds start playing has been adjusted.   
VBS-33188   CHNGD:   Only vehicles capable of providing fire support now display the "Order fire support" option.   
VBS-27896   CHNGD:   Performance with many externally controlled units has been improved.   
VBS-35098   CHNGD:   PhysX vehicles can now board PhysX planes.   
VBS-33806   CHNGD:   Unit capabilities are now working more reliably.     
VBS-34659   CHNGD:   Additional description has been added to Complex Animation module.   
VBS-34903   CHNGD:   Smoke cloud from 105mm Howitzer - Liquid Chem Agent strike now disperses and flows with the wind   
VBS-28402   CHNGD:   Command line arguments "-cfg" and "-cfgProfile" now support relative path.   
VBS-32388   CHNGD:   Respawned units now remain part of their original group structure.   
VBS-31009   CHNGD:   Line of sight area can now be calculated from any arbitrary position coordinates ("calculateLineOfSight" script command can now pass AGL position as a parameter).   
VBS-34155   CHNGD:   Iraqi civilians are now using more diverse faces.   
VBS-34073   CHNGD:   External entities are no longer saved as a part of the branch point saving.   
VBS-28902   CHNGD:   Fatigue scaling default has been changed to 0.5.   
VBS-36678   CHNGD:   EPENET is now enabled by default in VBS Launcher.   
VBS-30992   CHNGD:   Adding interop crew into interop vehicles is now possible.   
VBS-28167   CHNGD:   Waypoint error area is no longer calculated from the original position of the unit.   
VBS-32057   CHNGD:   Bike riding animation has been improved.   
VBS-28150   CHNGD:   Cobra MK 2 and Exponent MarcBot UGVs had their armor values tuned to allow for more realistic behavior.   
VBS-30131   CHNGD:   Orange square icon for position in formation changes to a white arrow icon when the position is off screen.   
VBS-24162   CHNGD:   Laser aim behavior in sewers has been improved.   
VBS-37018   CHNGD:   Loading times of long AARs have been improved.   
VBS-30394   CHNGD:   Buildings with houseSimple simulation type now recognize TI parameters.   
VBS-30551   CHNGD:   "Countermeasures" control option has been renamed to "Systems Menu".   
VBS-24230   CHNGD:   Visual appearance of snow has been improved.   
VBS-24598   CHNGD:   Name change in the network lobby is now more user friendly   
VBS-35766   CHNGD:   New parameter has been added to the “animate” script command to allow for control of engine driven animations.   
VBS-30580   CHNGD:   Damping cylinder has been removed from all Strf 9040B vehicles as per customer request.   
VBS-18631   CHNGD:   EPENET is now always enabled when multicast is used.   
VBS-31399   CHNGD:   External entities are now marked in object tree list by “(Ext)” prefix and different color.   
VBS-30596   CHNGD:   Iron sights have been removed from Bv206's Ksp58 optics as per customer request.   
VBS-24943   CHNGD:   Occupants inside of an armored vehicle can no longer be injured by small arms fire.   
VBS-30390   CHNGD:   M4A1 weapon system variants with UGL/MASS have full auto fire mode now.   
VBS-35918   CHNGD:   Interop unit simulations have been optimized.   
VBS-30583   CHNGD:   Bgbv90 crane has been lowered as per customer request.   
VBS-34103   CHNGD:   Connecting simulation client to a dedicated server is no longer considered to be a port scan.   
VBS-28723   CHNGD:   AI pathplanning on snow has been improved.   
VBS-30584   CHNGD:   Ladder from a Bgbv90 has been removed as per customer request.   
VBS-35257   CHNGD:   Destructible buildings functionality has been optimized to allow for structure collapse.    
VBS-36019   CHNGD:   Seagull sounds have been removed from various maps.   
VBS-36056   CHNGD:   Deprecated US Army group has been removed.   
VBS-33547   CHNGD:   LCVP vehicle now has chemlights attached to front right antenna.   
VBS-31851   CHNGD:   "colorOutsideSatellite" config parameter has been added in order to differ between borders of a classic and satellite map.   
VBS-23739   CHNGD:   Pathplanning for vehicles that don't prefer roads has been improved.   
VBS-21133   CHNGD:   Astronomical sky is now realistic, showing correct movements of stars based on the time and geographical position.   
VBS-31377   CHNGD:   Unused Xbox style UI has been removed.   
VBS-29644   CHNGD:   Vehicle and unit behavior on ice has been improved.   
VBS-31740   CHNGD:   Interop created ammo types now pass parameters to "ammoExplode" event handler.   
VBS-35290   CHNGD:   Spare wheel of Leopard 1 ARV has been moved to a correct place on the top of the vehicle.   
VBS-34636   CHNGD:   NL static weapons can now be carried by soldiers.   
VBS-33486   CHNGD:   NL Military Police - Sprinter 315 CDI MP vehicle now features correct siren sounds and lights   
VBS-33476   CHNGD:   NL Army Wheeled - Boxer Ambulance vehicle now features correct siren sounds and lights.   
VBS-31602   CHNGD:   EPENET now works without multicast.   
VBS-33539   CHNGD:   Two M2HB .50cal machineguns were added to front of NL LCU ship.   
VBS-33507   CHNGD:   Middle row seats have been added to the RNLAF C-130H aircraft.   
VBS-33419   CHNGD:   Leopard 2 AEV now has an RWS system.   
VBS-35321   CHNGD:   Simple building models no longer cut terrain to save performance.    
VBS-31033   CHNGD:   AI driven tracked vehicles can now pass each other on bridges correctly.   
VBS-30586   CHNGD:   Turrets on Swedish vehicles can now be traversed faster as per customer request.   (PTR #54)
VBS-33502   CHNGD:   NL RNLAF Air CH-47D helicopter now features door gunners.   
VBS-30381   CHNGD:   Stability and behavior of vehicles with raycasted wheels has been improved.    
VBS-33515   CHNGD:   Brandt MO-60-V 60mm mortar weight has been changed to 15kg and can now be carried around by the player.   
VBS-33550   CHNGD:   Four additional positions have been added to RV160, RV161 and RV162 ships.   
VBS-31792   CHNGD:   Effect of command "setCustomFormation" (without specifying certain units) is now global.   
VBS-31478   CHNGD:   Tracer information has been added to "interop_FireWeaponData" structure.   
VBS-34728   CHNGD:   M113A3 Ambulance now has a proper commander position featuring an optics view.   
VBS-31803   CHNGD:   "setCustomFormation" script command can now be specified for certain subordinate units.   
VBS-35865   CHNGD:   The African destructible building has been optimized to use the better damage model.
VBS-32372   CHNGD:   Script command "createMessageBox" has been updated with a new syntax.
VBS-28194   FIXED:   Exiting VBS3 while loading an AAR no longer causes a crash to desktop.   
VBS-31463   FIXED:   Possibility of creating custom groups has been reintroduced.   
VBS-35344   FIXED:   Locality changes when camera is zoomed in are no longer causing a crash to desktop.   
VBS-36381   FIXED:   On rare occasions VBS3 is no longer freezing after loading a mission from a branch point save.   
VBS-33703   FIXED:   Personal weapons are now held muzzle down when inside of a vehicle.   
VBS-32528   FIXED:   Loading an AAR through "AARload" script command on a dedicated server no longer causes a pop-up error or a crash to desktop.   
VBS-32500   FIXED:   Locked server no longer crashes to desktop when someone connects to it.   
VBS-30556   FIXED:   A crash to desktop after rendering command buffer exceeded maximum value has been resolved.   
VBS-34464   FIXED:   VBS3 is no longer crashing to desktop when loading Silvador project files or files without a biotope component.   
VBS-30962   FIXED:   A crash to desktop after laser designator was used has been resolved.    
VBS-30696   FIXED:   Crash to desktop caused by the Hatchback cars has been resolved.   
VBS-31603   FIXED:   Loading failure of an edited AAR no longer causes a crash to desktop.   
VBS-33595   FIXED:   Executing "hostScriptedMission" command from console no longer causes VBS3 to crash to desktop.   
VBS-35471   FIXED:   Tilia tree is no longer causing VBS3 to crash to desktop when rendered.   
VBS-31337   FIXED:   On rare occasions crater creation caused by firing an SMAW round is no longer leading to a crash to desktop.   
VBS-32474   FIXED:   A rare crash to desktop caused by creation of entities has been resolved.   
VBS-32398   FIXED:   Retrying missions on a dedicated server no longer causes VBS3 to crash to desktop in rare cases.   
VBS-34836   FIXED:   Weapon scope designation for USArmy UCP/OCP Scout grenadier has been changed from RCO to CCO.   
VBS-35382   FIXED:   Ambient helicopter sounds are no longer playing once the helicopter is removed.      
VBS-33068   FIXED:   VBS3 no longer crashes to desktop when using litters on a dedicated server.   
VBS-32506   FIXED:   VBS3 no longer crashes to desktop when a bad network message is received on a dedicated server.   
VBS-31785   FIXED:   "hostScriptedMission" script command executed in AAR no longer causes a crash to desktop.   
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Re: VBS V3.7 Readme/Change list
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2015, 08:36:16 PM »
VBS-31362   FIXED:   VBS3 no longer crashes to desktop when a long AAR (~1h) is replayed.   
VBS-30516   FIXED:   Changing seats in trailer no longer causes a crash to desktop.   
VBS-34250   FIXED:   VBS3 is no longer crashing when incorrect startup parameter syntax is used.   
VBS-27544   FIXED:   Significant performance drop affecting multiple flying PhysX aircraft has been resolved.   
VBS-30475   FIXED:   VBS3 no longer stops responding after video recording is started in full screen mode.   
VBS-29611   FIXED:   Loading a Branch Point Save on a dedicated server no longer causes a crash to desktop.   
VBS-30476   FIXED:   Crash to desktop caused by texture header has been resolved.    
VBS-33636   FIXED:   Placing an Engineering Roller is no longer causing a crash to desktop.   
VBS-37019   FIXED:   Rare crash to desktop caused by rewinding the AAR has been fixed.   
VBS-32362   FIXED:   Crash to desktop caused by an SE BV410 Logistic vehicle has been resolved.   
VBS-32359   FIXED:   Placing an NL F-16 jet no longer causes a crash to desktop.    
VBS-34112   FIXED:   AI can no longer see through various objects on a dedicated server.   
VBS-30471   FIXED:   VBS3 no longer crashes to desktop when switching to a 30mm cannon after a Branch Point Save.   
VBS-34049   FIXED:   Non-local vehicles no longer jump during locality changes when EPENET is enabled.   
VBS-22097   FIXED:   You are now able to pick-up and carry the bodies on the deck of the LCM-8 and LCAC ships.   
VBS-33442   FIXED:   Barrel of the coax machinegun is no longer missing from the YPR765 PRI vehicle.   
VBS-35959   FIXED:   Illumination flares now correctly affect night vision devices.   
VBS-30924   FIXED:   Make Group Leader action is no longer causing a script error when used on a vehicle.   
VBS-36675   FIXED:   Using vehicle call "UPD_RTE" is no longer removing "URN_DIS" variable.   
VBS-33274   FIXED:   Player is no longer getting stuck when crawling / crouching in trenches or underground bunkers.   
VBS-32895   FIXED:   Player can now see properly out of the NL XA-188 GVV vehicle.   
VBS-33553   FIXED:   Red light on NL MP RV-180 ship is no longer absent.   
VBS-34110   FIXED:   Driver dismount is no longer delayed on a non-local vehicle when EPENET is enabled.   
VBS-33482   FIXED:   XA-188 GVV is no longer missing a mounted machine gun.   
VBS-30463   FIXED:   Implemented in-game help for "setTimeLine" script commands.   
VBS-34358   FIXED:   Unhandled exception error message is no longer missing string.   
VBS-30273   FIXED:   Stern deck stairs on a Huon Class ship can now be used by a player.   
VBS-33549   FIXED:   Vehicles on board of the LCVP mk5c - Vehicle Carrier are now displayed correctly when viewed from inside the cabin.   
VBS-33270   FIXED:   OD36 building now has additional 2 doors and a roof hatch with ladder.    (PTR #005)
VBS-33506   FIXED:   MFDs on CH-47D helicopters are no longer misaligned.   
VBS-31434   FIXED:   Chunks of destructible buildings are now properly aligned on the ground when snow is present.    
VBS-33801   FIXED:   Radio protocol is no longer flooded after respawning from a vehicle.   
VBS-34691   FIXED:   NL Viking's Uparmored armor cage is now visible regardless of the distance the vehicle is observed from.   
VBS-34183   FIXED:   Direct write fonts now work properly when used along with the "-cpucount=1" starting parameter.   
VBS-22258   FIXED:   Sounds of footsteps are now properly synchronized with walking animation.   
VBS-30139   FIXED:   Dropped objects are no longer editable in the After Action Review.   
VBS-31412   FIXED:   Proper level of detail is now displayed when viewing the motorcycle models from external view.   
VBS-34625   FIXED:   Get out points for Land Rover 110 XD WW were readjusted.   
VBS-29163   FIXED:   MEDEVAC can now be requested again after a previous failed request.   
VBS-34447   FIXED:   Using two tactical peek animations in a row is now longer causing diver to end up stuck in the seabed.   
VBS-36965   FIXED:   Saving the mission while in the IWV screen is no longer preventing the player from performing any actions upon loading.   
VBS-37079   FIXED:   Using the "Get Up" action inside of a plane is no longer causing damage to the player.   
VBS-37037   FIXED:   Mission name is now displayed properly in the Notepad.   
VBS-34624   FIXED:   Antenna of the Land Rover 110 XD WW is now drawn correctly when viewed from the inside.   
VBS-36027   FIXED:   Displaying logistic reports in AAR is no longer causing script errors.   
VBS-35354   FIXED:   Turret of FV510 Warrior APC is no longer turning on its own and switching weapons will no longer prevent the turret from being able to traverse.    
VBS-33378   FIXED:   Entering a vehicle no longer leads to viewClients getting desynchronized.   
VBS-33745   FIXED:   "hostScriptedMission" script command now works correctly from the OME.   
VBS-33802   FIXED:   LAV-R vehicle is no longer tilted to the left when swimming.   
VBS-36873   FIXED:   External entities no longer disappear after executing a branch point save.   
VBS-29841   FIXED:   Using "setVectorUp" script command on a helicopter no longer resets its velocity.   
VBS-34552   FIXED:   Revive now also works with vehicles.   
VBS-36715   FIXED:   Windows on M1083 vehicle are now placed correctly and can be destroyed by small arms fire.   
VBS-36750   FIXED:   Firing a mounted machinegun is no longer causing XBOX controllers to vibrate indefinitely.   
VBS-36693   FIXED:   Using "invalidateArea" script command is no longer causing VBS3 to crash to desktop.   
VBS-36610   FIXED:   Reviving units in vehicles is now removing the black "You are dead" screen properly.   
VBS-33487   FIXED:   NL Military Police - Hilux 2.4D vehicle now features correct siren sounds and lights.
VBS-36763   FIXED:   Voice can now be heard through direct communication VON channel.   
VBS-33351   FIXED:   Fixed crash to desktop when using "exportMapSHP" script command.   
VBS-36809   FIXED:   Saving and loading a mission in a paused state is now working correctly.   
VBS-33000   FIXED:   BTR-60 turret now heats up correctly when viewed through the TI device and can be damaged as a separate vehicle segment.   
VBS-36533   FIXED:   Manual settings for NV / TI contrast are no longer swapped.   
VBS-34255   FIXED:   C-4 bomb timer is now called "time fuse".   
VBS-36596   FIXED:   Freelook is no longer limited when the player is starting the mission in a flying vehicle on a dedicated server.   
VBS-33005   FIXED:   M49 Obs Telescope can now be properly carried in the inventory and in a carry slot.   
VBS-36654   FIXED:   Vehicle optics are now displayed properly in viewClients environment.   
VBS-36936   FIXED:   Moving a vehicle with trailer attached is no longer causing the trailer to collide with the ground.   
VBS-33634   FIXED:   Commander position is now present in M577A3 Vehicles   
VBS-31932   FIXED:   VBS3 now runs correctly in window mode on machines with integrated card readers.   
VBS-1419   FIXED:   Changing the camera mode is no longer possible when in AAR’s Crew Optics view.   
VBS-35891   FIXED:   Fire Support no longer excludes vehicles without a gunner where a commander has access to mounted weapons.   
VBS-33724   FIXED:   The simulation starts simultaneously across all clients during a network game.   
VBS-33489   FIXED:   Co-driver's weapon in a Land Rover 110 XD WW vehicle no longer sticks through a window.   
VBS-31825   FIXED:   VBS3 now works correctly even when running on a single core setup.    
VBS-35154   FIXED:   URNs on D7 Bulldozer, D9 Bulldozer M2 and D9 Bulldozer Mk19 are now visible on both sides of the vehicle and front dozer blade.    
VBS-33480   FIXED:   Functional smoke launcher has been added to the XA-188 GVV - Command vehicle.   
VBS-36607   FIXED:   Using user defined actions as Buffalo commander is no longer causing script errors.   
VBS-36405   FIXED:   Rear parts of amphibious vehicles are no longer sunk too deep into the water when afloat.   
VBS-36907   FIXED:   A rare crash to desktop in the PhysX simulation has been resolved.    
VBS-35813   FIXED:   Korean destructible buildings can now be damaged correctly.   
VBS-29491   FIXED:   Placing Independent echelon is no longer preventing admin from inserting additional different groups.   
VBS-36820   FIXED:   Turrets of remote entities are no longer twitching when stationary.   
VBS-36802   FIXED:   LR-3 Tigershark UAV is no longer sunk into the ground.   
VBS-33898   FIXED:   M1078 vehicles are now featuring animated doors.   
VBS-36690   FIXED:   Helicopters are no longer falling through the deck of Wasp and Canberra Class LHD ships.   
VBS-35314   FIXED:   "switchCamera" command has been fixed.   
VBS-35187   FIXED:   AU Army M978 HEMMT model is no longer disappearing when viewed from a greater distance.   
VBS-33369   FIXED:   Ink-spot size is now working in accordance to the maximum ink-spot size setting used.   
VBS-35139   FIXED:   Destructible windows were added to M977A2/M977A4 HEMMTT vehicle variants.   
VBS-35222   FIXED:   Extended surfaces are now working correctly on multimaps.   
VBS-35852   FIXED:   YTV 2300 windows are now destructible.   
VBS-35153   FIXED:   Tail lights on all M1977A4 HEMTT vehicles have been fixed.   
VBS-34606   FIXED:   ViewClients are now working correctly with dedicated servers.   
VBS-34918   FIXED:   An issue where the user was unable to use the IWV to turn on lights and engine has been resolved.   
VBS-35185   FIXED:   Military YPR765 - main gun now produces smoke and coax machinegun no longer shows muzzle flash when main gun is fired.   
VBS-34692   FIXED:   Player commanding a non-local vehicle now gains locality.    
VBS-33250   FIXED:   Objects no longer appear white when looking out from the CH-47 helicopter.   
VBS-31340   FIXED:   MGRS grid lines are no longer disappearing from the minimap.   
VBS-29403   FIXED:   Independent groups now have correct markers when attached to a higher echelon.    
VBS-32164   FIXED:   Weapon systems of Bv206, Bv309 and Bv410 are now casting shadows properly.   
VBS-34800   FIXED:   Antennas are now attached to Bushmaster vehicles correctly.   
VBS-29182   FIXED:   Aborting a mission when turned out from a Stryker FSV is no longer causing a script error.   
VBS-34402   FIXED:   Editor listboxes now scroll properly.   
VBS-33807   FIXED:   Windows on M983A4 were updated to be destructible.   
VBS-35118   FIXED:   Unwanted white spots are no longer present on certain configurations when rendering trees and foliage.   
VBS-34561   FIXED:   GB Merlin HC3 GPMG helicopter ramp is shown correctly as opened / closed when viewed from inside of the helicopter.   
VBS-35221   FIXED:   Glass on NL Landing Craft Utility vehicle is now destructible.   
VBS-34093   FIXED:   Weight and color of VS-17 panels has been adjusted.   
VBS-34080   FIXED:   URNs were added to F-16C plane.   
VBS-34282   FIXED:   Iron sights on M109A6 Paladin machine gun are now properly aligned.   
VBS-35164   FIXED:   ACATS ARH - Anti Tank's 30mm cannon is no longer missing during AAR playback.   
VBS-34913   FIXED:   Driver in an SA-15 vehicle is now positioned in such way that his head is no longer sticking out of the hatch while turned in.   
VBS-35322   FIXED:   M142 HIMARS no longer disappears when viewed from a distance.   
VBS-30968   FIXED:   "You are dead" screen is now showing correctly for all players on a dedicated server.   
VBS-30918   FIXED:   Fixed missing preview pictures for multiple objects in editor.   
VBS-35734   FIXED:   Length of rear door hinges on Lvkv 9040, Strf 9040B and Strf 9040C has been adjusted.   
VBS-31332   FIXED:   Interop entities now properly return weapon ID.   
VBS-32985   FIXED:   Parachute model is now deleted correctly from the back of the paratrooper when the object is removed from the inventory.    
VBS-34773   FIXED:   Model textures no longer appear white while being viewed through the M1087 vehicle’s window.   
VBS-34496   FIXED:   Textures of wheels on Bv 309 vehicle are now rendered correctly.   
VBS-33643   FIXED:   Multiple minor fixes have been done to the M1120A4 HEMMTT vehicle.   
VBS-35284   FIXED:   M113A Ambulance can now deploy smoke screen.    
VBS-33998   FIXED:   M978A2 / A4 vehicles now have destructible windows.   
VBS-33524   FIXED:   Spike MR now has laser range finder.   
VBS-35601   FIXED:   "setInterpolation" script command now works correctly.   
VBS-31410   FIXED:   Yetipro V-800 vehicle now behaves more realistically, not flipping over or falling to sides during simple maneuvers.   
VBS-34042   FIXED:   Multiple minor fixes have been done to the M1070 HET vehicle.   
VBS-34673   FIXED:   Trench bunkers no longer appear dark green when viewed from afar.   
VBS-35347   FIXED:   Visual representation of the M2 machinegun is no longer missing when turned out from the M983A4 HEMTT vehicle.   
VBS-35749   FIXED:   Turret of BV410 vehicle is no longer missing a shadow.   
VBS-34929   FIXED:   Small clutter rocks are no longer flickering during camera flyovers.   
VBS-33737   FIXED:   Lights on interop aircraft are now working correctly.   
VBS-33828   FIXED:   Several features of M984A4 HEMTT vehicles have been fixed (CREW device attachment points, windows destructibility and lights).    
VBS-33799   FIXED:   Several features of M1 Assault Breacher vehicles have been fixed (URN is no longer missing and commander is now able to turn out and use personal weapons).    
VBS-31541   FIXED:   AARstats plugin can now be used correctly even when activated multiple times.   
VBS-29994   FIXED:   Mountain bike is now using a bell instead of a vehicle horn.   
VBS-35196   FIXED:   Killed crew members of M1087 Uparmored vehicle are no longer clipping through the chassis.   
VBS-35520   FIXED:   Head of Bgbv 90 driver is no longer clipping through the hatch.   
VBS-35198   FIXED:   Multicast now works correctly when using "-connect=<ComputerName>" startup parameter.   
VBS-34044   FIXED:   Missing URN added for the USMC UH-1Y helicopter.   
VBS-33619   FIXED:   Orientation arrows in Training Scenarios are no longer misplaced.   
VBS-28778   FIXED:   Litters now work correctly when used on the snow.   
VBS-34252   FIXED:   View out of the M1A1 hatches no longer overlaps.    
VBS-32316   FIXED:   Rotation speed now works correctly with interop entities.   
VBS-33711   FIXED:   Doors of the M1157 Dump Truck can now be opened and closed.   
VBS-34106   FIXED:   Objects now rotate in a correct direction when rotated using the mouse.   
VBS-34562   FIXED:   Shoulder of a passenger is no longer clipping through the door of the 290GD (10kN) vehicle.   
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: VBS V3.7 Readme/Change list
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2015, 08:36:44 PM »
VBS-35457   FIXED:   Proxy animations now animate correctly over network.   
VBS-33460   FIXED:   Units can board the NL LCVP ship much easier via the ramp.   
VBS-34637   FIXED:   Doors are no longer absent when viewing 280CDI vehicle from a distance.   
VBS-35099   FIXED:   Text displayed in UAV HUD is no longer being cut off on smaller screens.   
VBS-31869   FIXED:   Brightness and contrast sliders now show the values correctly.   
VBS-34912   FIXED:   Turn out/in feature on SA-19 vehicle has been fixed for all positions.   
VBS-34317   FIXED:   M1087 vehicle windows now have various damage states.      
VBS-34317   FIXED:   CREW devices are now visible when attached to the M1087 vehicle.      
VBS-35948   FIXED:   AI no longer walks though walls and objects on various maps.   
VBS-3901   FIXED:   All weapons now heat up when fired.   
VBS-34317   FIXED:   Tires of M1087 vehicle can now be damaged.      
VBS-29594   FIXED:   Civilian dock workers and reporters are no longer considered to have highest level of body armor.   
VBS-26542   FIXED:   Explosion of IED attached to an individual no longer originates from the position of the unit rather than from the position of the IED.   
VBS-34837   FIXEd:   Commander of M109A6 Paladin now has NV mode available.   
VBS-34445   FIXED:   Bv410 is no longer turning on its own when reversing.   
VBS-33545   FIXED:   Iron sights of machine guns mounted on LCVP ship have been aligned properly.   
VBS-34471   FIXED:   Rendering of units is no longer broken when standing on the top of the sewer.    
VBS-32840   FIXED:   Military working dogs are now more efficient in listening to commands, pathplanning and IED detection.   
VBS-23823   FIXED:   Bodies are not falling through the deck when dropped on LCAL and LCM-8 ships.   
VBS-31450   FIXED:   Vehicles are now following waypoints properly when external camera is used.   
VBS-34676   FIXED:   Periscope views from NL Boxer vehicle are now aligned correctly.   
VBS-35108   FIXED:   M1975 - DSB Launch Vehicle now has correct shadows.   
VBS-34786   FIXED:   Missions from mycontent folder can now be loaded properly on a dedicated server.   
VBS-35283   FIXED:   Multiple smaller issues related to the M1977A4 vehicle have been fixed.   
VBS-34271   FIXED:   AI controlled aircraft no longer take off without valid orders or appropriate waypoints.   
VBS-34377   FIXED:   LAV-R vehicle no longer turns invisible when observed from a certain distance.   
VBS-35242   FIXED:   Position and size of MH-60 MFD has been fixed.      
VBS-33865   FIXED:   Grenades can now be properly thrown out of trenches.   
VBS-33342   FIXED:   Animation of interop entity is now properly set when movement direction is changed.   
VBS-34660   FIXED:   3D icon for complex animation editor module is now shown properly   
VBS-34638   FIXED:   XA-188 GVV vehicle is no longer missing gunner position.   
VBS-34273   FIXED:   Issue with APOBS rocket not launching has been resolved.   
VBS-34847   FIXED:   Black overlay is no longer present when looking left in optics of a M220 TOW.   
VBS-34370   FIXED:   Convoy lights on Dutch Bushmaster CIED and Bushmaster RWS vehicles are now fully operable.   
VBS-33730   FIXED:   Smoke screen is no longer causing a massive performance drop.    
VBS-35364   FIXED:   LCVP Vehicle & Troop carrier no longer has indestructible glass.   
VBS-31659   FIXED:   Running more than one network session at once is now possible on the same network.   
VBS-27517   FIXED:   Copy pasted player unit is now always showing as playable.     
VBS-33797   FIXED:   Entering a locked vehicle position as an admin is no longer leading to player being stuck in the black screen dialog.   
VBS-30410   FIXED:   OME/RTE minimap is no longer offset.
VBS-34741   FIXED:   Sea states script commands are now properly transmitted over network.
VBS-34433   FIXED:   M9 chemical paper is now working even when attached to a dead unit.   
VBS-33905   FIXED:   Several features of M1083 vehicles have been fixed (CREW device attachment points, doors animation and windows destructibility).    
VBS-35270   FIXED:   US Army radio operator now carries the correct equipment.   
VBS-30364   FIXED:   Chunks of destructible buildings are no longer floating in the air.   
VBS-35291   FIXED:   Several features of M997 Ambulance vehicles have been fixed (URN is no longer missing and passenger is now able to turn out and shoot from the window).    
VBS-34179   FIXED:   Dead gunners are no longer clipping through most of the vehicle turrets.   
VBS-27623   FIXED:   Fatigue commands are now synchronized during network play.   
VBS-26252   FIXED:   UAV control link interface no longer appears in 3D OME.   
VBS-30449   FIXED:   Group names now update properly in AAR if they are changed during a recording on a dedicated server.   
VBS-30484   FIXED:   Mines are now moved correctly when manipulated with in OME/RTE.   
VBS-31318   FIXED:   ORBAT is now working for C2 as well. As a user you can only see your subordinates.   
VBS-21124   FIXED:   Awareness Indicator tooltips in simulation options are now correct.   
VBS-29759   FIXED:   Dropped inventory objects are now placed on top of the snow layer.    
VBS-30694   FIXED:   Attaching a vehicle to an object no longer causes a script error.   
VBS-31023   FIXED:   Animation of interop units is smooth whether deadReckoning is enabled or disabled.   
VBS-31135   FIXED:   Building OD24 is now fully accessible even when partially damaged.   
VBS-31319   FIXED:   Navigation error circles are no longer bigger on a dedicated server.   
VBS-31063   FIXED:   Completely demolished state of building OD02A is now present.   
VBS-31123   FIXED:   All breach holes on building OD20 can now be breached.   
VBS-31084   FIXED:   Windows on building OD08 can now be climbed through correctly.   
VBS-31060   FIXED:   Missing door on building OD02A is now present and the texture on a breaching hole has been improved.   
VBS-31054   FIXED:   Building OD1 can now be entered/exited through the lower window frames.   
VBS-30220   FIXED:   Sarin gas effects persistence after respawn has been resolved.   
VBS-31364   FIXED:   Issue with user actions not working in many Oostdorp buildings has been resolved.   
VBS-31165   FIXED:   Building OD35 amount of floor hatches has been adjusted as per customer specifications.   
VBS-30184   FIXED:   Radio signals can now be executed repeatedly after respawn.   
VBS-31108   FIXED:   Building OD17 collisions and textures have been improved.   
VBS-30000   FIXED:   LVC units equipped with a pistol are no longer sliding on the ground when running.   
VBS-29289   FIXED:   Micro air vehicle presence and movement is now correctly visible over LVC.   
VBS-31171   FIXED:   All breaching holes of building OD36 can now be crawled through both ways when breached.   
VBS-31093   FIXED:   Building OD12 textures have been improved.   
VBS-31014   FIXED:   Issue with wheeled amphibious vehicles not being able to get into the water has been resolved.   
VBS-29696   FIXED:   AI controlled units on a dedicated server no longer try to move away when being treated.   
VBS-31081   FIXED:   Walking down the stairs in OD08 building no longer causes unwanted collisions.   
VBS-31078   FIXED:   Issue with Breach holes on house OD07A being unusable has been resolved.   
VBS-31347   FIXED:   NumEnter key no longer needs to be pressed twice in order to switch view to 3rd person on some tracked vehicles (M1 Assault Breacher Vehicle, M2A3, M3A3, M7A3, M9 ACE,..).   
VBS-31150   FIXED:   Attic doors on building OD28 now open correctly.   
VBS-30847   FIXED:   Wheel and particle animations are now displayed correctly for a remote vehicles on a dedicated server.   
VBS-31099   FIXED:   Doors on OD14 building now open correctly.   
VBS-31153   FIXED:   Doors on building OD30 are now positioned in accordance with the blueprints.   
VBS-31129   FIXED:   OD23 building can be entered as well when partially damaged or completely destroyed   
VBS-30849   FIXED:   Trailers no longer generate dust particles when they stop moving and become non-local to the observer with EPENET technology enabled.   
VBS-29672   FIXED:   "setExternalControl" script command no longer causes units to turn in a wrong direction.   
VBS-31102   FIXED:   Doors on OD16 building now open correctly.   
VBS-29382   FIXED:   Parts of destructible buildings are no longer moving around.   
VBS-21924   FIXED:   Freefalling units no longer jitter in the air during AAR replay.   
VBS-29301   FIXED:   Trees generated in Silvador are no longer invisible in VBS3.   
VBS-30943   FIXED:   Remote LVC entities armed with a launcher no longer switch to unwanted stances.   
VBS-31846   FIXED:   Editor F1-F8 hotkeys now work correctly.   
VBS-31844   FIXED:   Issue with backwards compatibility when objects were spawned above ground on older missions has been resolved.   
VBS-31733   FIXED:   Shimmering of vehicles is no longer present when the camera is close to some objects or terrain.   
VBS-30939   FIXED:   Drowning disorienting effects are no longer projected into 3D RTE.   
VBS-31674   FIXED:   Animation for "operate machinery" of the MHT7140L Forklift now works correctly.   
VBS-24019   FIXED:   Clouds are now present upon mission start. Setting Overcast changes clouds correctly.   
VBS-30153   FIXED:   Vehicles with physically animated components no longer roll over.   
VBS-13411   FIXED:   Boat engine sounds now turn on/off correctly with the engine.   
VBS-31774   FIXED:   Pop-up error in AAR caused by new items in Interop structures has been resolved.   
VBS-31938   FIXED:   Server command "#shutdown" now works correctly again.   
VBS-30578   FIXED:   Gaps on the floor in the Strf9040B vehicle interior have been resolved.   
VBS-30250   FIXED:   Active CREW area is now visible in both 2D and 3D RTE.   
VBS-31886   FIXED:   Issue with "UseLVCMarking" configuration parameter not working correctly has been resolved.   
VBS-29397   FIXED:   Remote entities over LVC no longer get stuck in an endless animation loop.   
VBS-32020   FIXED:   Elevation and azimuth applied via turret update no longer reset on a fusion created vehicle.   
VBS-30588   FIXED:   Stretcher handles no longer stick out of the Bv309 ambulance.   
VBS-31798   FIXED:   Attached objects for vehicles created by interop script now get updated immediately and move with the vehicle.    
VBS-31467   FIXED:   Empty control classes are no longer shown in controls menu (Helicopter RTD).   
VBS-31529   FIXED:   Trees no longer flicker between LODs with custom camera frustum values set.   
VBS-31141   FIXED:   Visual errors inside house OD26 have been resolved.   
VBS-31521   FIXED:   Function "fn_vbs_isKindOf" no longer causes a script error and shows correct values.   
VBS-31090   FIXED:   Building OD11 light leaks have been removed and missing shadows added.   
VBS-31168   FIXED:   Small light leak on building OD35 was removed.   
VBS-27842   FIXED:   Player no longer drowns when swimming in Training Mission 07.   
VBS-31114   FIXED:   OD17 no longer collapses when all breach holes are breached.   
VBS-31147   FIXED:   Missing sniper hole in building OD28 has been added.   
VBS-30934   FIXED:   Interop units now change primary/secondary postures correctly.   
VBS-11689   FIXED:   Bad tiling texture outside of map extents has been resolved.   
VBS-6896   FIXED:   Chat now no longer persist after a session restart.   
VBS-31542   FIXED:   The custom marking fields (URN Marking LVC/ URN Callsign) set in VBS3 are transferred correctly and visible via LVC again.   
VBS-30950   FIXED:   All of the UI classes now have an IDC parameter.   
VBS-31660   FIXED:   The Environmental Modifier option in scenario settings now gets properly updated upon biome change.    
VBS-31368   FIXED:   Dropping a parachute as a paratrooper no longer causes a script error.    
VBS-31560   FIXED:   Script error when a unit is equipped with a CREW device on a dedicated server has been resolved.   
VBS-30884   FIXED:   Parachute backpack object is no longer duplicated for each LVC instance.   
VBS-26737   FIXED:   Editor selection box is now drawn correctly in 16:9 aspect ratio.   
VBS-25401   FIXED:   Issue with internal walls of destructible buildings not being destructible has been resolved.    
VBS-30569   FIXED:   Incorrect reticle in commander's optics of an Strf122B has been removed.   
VBS-30568   FIXED:   Thermal camera of an Strv122B commander optics is now correctly black/hot, white/hot.   
VBS-30765   FIXED:   "update of nonlocal object" flood has been resolved.   
VBS-30376   FIXED:   Swedish vehicles no longer gain speed indefinitely when reversing.   
VBS-30582   FIXED:   Issue with clipping grass visible from the gunner position of an Epbv90 has been resolved.   
VBS-30567   FIXED:   Driver of the Strf122B now has access to NVG optic mode.   
VBS-30571   FIXED:   Commanders and gunners of the Epbv90 and Bgbv90 vehicles can now use their smoke launcher properly.   
VBS-30585   FIXED:   Issue with a missing texture on an Llvkv90's driver's hatch has been resolved.   
VBS-30595   FIXED:   Missing right side door on rear wagon of a Bv206 has been added.   
VBS-30997   FIXED:   Issue with rotors of non-pX vehicles not animating over interop has been resolved.   
VBS-30796   FIXED:   Static objects placed on snow are now positioned correctly.    
VBS-30541   FIXED:   Missing ground shadows on Takistan map have been restored.   
VBS-31006   FIXED:   Prone and crouch stances with a raised weapon now work correctly over interop.   
VBS-30682   FIXED:   Issue with snow caps not being correctly displayed on some of the buildings has been resolved.    
VBS-28806   FIXED:   US flags on US uniforms now face the correct direction.   
VBS-30293   FIXED:   Issue with diver water entry/exit animations not playing correctly over network has been resolved.   
VBS-30994   FIXED:   "setAction" script command has been fixed for interop vehicles.   
VBS-25664   FIXED:   Weather changes made in the Real Time Editor are now reset correctly upon mission restart.   
VBS-30921   FIXED:   Issue with Yetipro V800 vehicle not moving at all has been resolved.   
VBS-27030   FIXED:   Posture animation is now played at correct speed.   
VBS-16810   FIXED:   Sunset/sunrise is no longer visible in underground structures.   
VBS-19523   FIXED:   A rendering artifact - bright line visible on the horizon under the water surface has been removed.   
VBS-28163   FIXED:   Unit navigation skill is no longer reset after a branch point save load.   
VBS-29444   FIXED:   URN markings no longer overlap UN and redcross signs.   
VBS-23974   FIXED:   Camera issues occurring when driving a car through a tunnel have been resolved.   
VBS-30442   FIXED:   Animation delay issue in networking session has been resolved.   
VBS-561      FIXED:   Bounding box no longer disappears when hovering with the mouse over a mine.   
VBS-24974   FIXED:   Editor selection box now works correctly in all the aspect rations.   
VBS-29988   FIXED:   Height changes on terrain no longer cause shading issues.   
VBS-30339   FIXED:   Minor issues with LAV textures and shadows have been resolved.   
VBS-30297   FIXED:   Snow height is properly reset everywhere when "setSnowHeightArea" script command is used.   
VBS-30795   FIXED:   PRF and launch mode is now shown correctly for the ARH gunner.   
VBS-30110   FIXED:   Laser designator now shows correct range when used on snow.    
VBS-30119   FIXED:   Issue with water clipping over an ice layer has been resolved.   
VBS-30394   FIXED:   Issue with thermal imaging not displaying correctly on some buildings has been resolved.    
VBS-26970   FIXED:   Errors when deleting static map objects have been resolved.    
VBS-27007   FIXED:   Persistence errors when loading older maps have been resolved.    
VBS-25971   FIXED:   Jump animation is now correctly displayed over LVC.   
VBS-28780   FIXED:   Several issues with view clients and branch point saving have been resolved. Issues fixed: ViewServer and ViewClients crashing to desktop, ViewClients view glitching, script error on ViewServer after loading a mission.   
VBS-30877   FIXED:   Script error caused by a missing base class has been resolved.   
VBS-12464   FIXED:   Incorrect interior view of a LCU-2000 ship has been resolved.   
VBS-25405   FIXED:   Destructible buildings now have indestructible foundations.    
VBS-31036   FIXED:   Issue with helicopters not properly reaching their waypoints has been fixed.   
VBS-30334   FIXED:   Baton animation issues have been resolved.   
VBS-31105   FIXED:   Issue with breach holes on house OD16 being unusable has been resolved.   
VBS-30616   FIXED:   Wheels on UN vehicles now have the correct color.   
VBS-30907   FIXED:   Moving tank geometry no longer exceeds the bounding box.   
VBS-31351   FIXED:   Waypoint speed setting is now propagated to lower echelons.   (PTR #11)
VBS-30284   FIXED:   An AAR played from another folder than the default one, does no longer stutter.   
VBS-31304   FIXED:   Objects are now correctly placed on the snow surface upon mission start.   
VBS-31418   FIXED:   Bounding spheres are no longer drawn 30% larger.   
VBS-30333   FIXED:   Dedicated server is no longer flooding the network with multicast packets.   
VBS-30953   FIXED:   External based biotope is no longer being deleted along with the deletion of Scenario setting EO.   
VBS-30996   FIXED:   Issue with tracks of non-PhysX interop vehicles not moving has been resolved.   
VBS-30434   FIXED:   Previewing a mission created in networking no longer clears the scenario. Player is now correctly moved to player selection in lobby.   
VBS-30154   FIXED:   An issue with View Clients not connecting to a View Server every time upon retry of a mission has been resolved.   
VBS-30881   FIXED:   Entering a remote LVC vehicle no longer causes the player's screen to turn black.   
VBS-30933   FIXED:   Setting a unit's GPS coordinates upon placement now positions the unit correctly.   
VBS-30566   FIXED:   Strb90 driver and navigator hatches are now covered as per customer request.   
VBS-30998   FIXED:   Roads or terrain are no longer flashing when complex biotope is used.   
VBS-29462   FIXED:   Shading on Tgb 141 vehicle has been improved.   
VBS-30565   FIXED:   Gunner position has been raised for all versions of the Patgb 360 vehicles.   
VBS-30561   FIXED:   Prism has been added for driver of all versions of the Patgb 360 vehicles.   
VBS-29416   FIXED:   The Tgb 20 vehicle side mirrors now move with the vehicle doors.   
VBS-31075   FIXED:   Issue with Breach holes on house OD07 being unusable has been resolved.   
VBS-29338   FIXED:   Bv309's rear window can now be shot through.    
VBS-31066   FIXED:   Issue with Breach holes on house OD03 being unusable has been resolved.   
VBS-31069   FIXED:   Issue with Breach holes on house OD05 being unusable has been resolved.   
VBS-30577   FIXED:   Issue with a missing texture on an Strf940B's driver's hatch has been resolved.   
VBS-30592   FIXED:   The gunner's panel is now correctly positioned in front of the gunner's seat.   
VBS-31302   FIXED:   AI driven Patgb 203 vehicle no longer tips over while braking.   
VBS-31003   FIXED:   Issue with dust particles not being generated for interop non-pX vehicles has been resolved.   
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  • Posts: 26318
Re: VBS V3.7 Readme/Change list
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2015, 08:37:12 PM »
VBS-30593   FIXED:   Issue with Bv206 inverted reverse steering has been resolved.   
VBS-30961   FIXED:   Script command "setTIMode" now works correctly for cameras.   
VBS-30230   FIXED:   Issue with an extra waypoint being created on a dedicated server has been resolved.   
VBS-30885   FIXED:   Missing C8 rifle variants have been added.   
VBS-29267   FIXED:   Script error when placing a static ANZAC has been resolved.   
VBS-30404   FIXED:   Incorrect snow height around editor-added buildings on a dedicated server has been resolved.   
VBS-33231   FIXED:   Redundant numbering have been removed from the sewer lids.   
VBS-33296   FIXED:   The sewer lid can now be closed from the inside.    
VBS-33324   FIXED:   Missing subordinate icon of Iraqi Police Ford has been fixed.   
VBS-12229   FIXED:   Issue with alpha of objects being seen in NV/TI fusion on 3D OME/RTE has been resolved.   
VBS-30259   FIXED:   Blending method used for multiple terrain surfaces has been optimized and no longer causes a performance drop.   
VBS-26722   FIXED:   Camera no longer loses its centering point after "ctrlMapAnimAdd" script command is used.   
VBS-32548   FIXED:   Attach to object editor functionality has been restored.    
VBS-32144   FIXED:   Vehicle sounds in the AAR are now replayed correctly.   
VBS-30589   FIXED:   Position of a hatch in BV309 has been corrected.   
VBS-31941   FIXED:   Strv 122B driver night vision is now correctly visible on viewClients.   
VBS-31201   FIXED:   Player damage is now displayed correctly while inside of a vehicle.   
VBS-33112   FIXED:   APOBS can now clear wire obstacles as well.   
VBS-33016   FIXED:   APOBS now has correct 15 seconds launch and detonation delays and correct detonation distance of 25 meters.    
VBS-32994   FIXED:   M252 81mm Mortar now has night vision mode and is reassembled with the ammunition correctly.   
VBS-31416   FIXED:   TI textures of M113A4, M88A2, Buffalo, BMPs. YBZ 3300, NL Vikings and Fennek SWP vehicles have been improved.   
VBS-32070   FIXED:   Issue with texture duplication for bandages and tourniquets has been resolved.   
VBS-29609   FIXED:   Issue with ARH Helicopters being sometimes uncontrollable after take-off has been resolved.   
VBS-33286   FIXED:   The Oostdorp post box has been resized to better match customer reference.   
VBS-33372   FIXED:   Function "fn_vbs_findEmptyLocation" no longer ends up in a loop.   
VBS-32533   FIXED:   Difference in text height between D3D font and force Raster font has been fixed.   
VBS-32971   FIXED:   Visual and configuration fixes for the M270 MLRS have been done.   
VBS-32523   FIXED:   Tooltips no longer appear on items of unfolded combo boxes.   
VBS-33120   FIXED:   Heat signature for Korean SCUD-B has been improved.   
VBS-24492   FIXED:   Library filtering via keyboard is working again.   
VBS-29381   FIXED:   Changing playability of a vehicle no longer causes its group name to be changed.   
VBS-32605   FIXED:   Parachute backpack object is no longer sent via LVC as a separate object unless it is dropped on the ground.   
VBS-30869   FIXED:   An issue where player in a trailer towed by a player in another vehicle might have experienced a few seconds of lag has been resolved.   
VBS-32354   FIXED:   Interop entities are now clamped to the ground correctly at all times.   
VBS-31979   FIXED:   "eyeAccomCut" command now works as intended in a multichannel setup.   
VBS-33000   FIXED:   Heat signature for Korean BTR-60 has been improved.   
VBS-32344   FIXED:   Placing a vehicle with a trailer in the editor no longer causes a script error.   
VBS-33173   FIXED:   Local variables can now be used in "createMessageBox" script command.   
VBS-32345   FIXED:   Pointer position and Position GPS are once again displayed correctly.   
VBS-30555   FIXED:   An issue where a horn sound of a non-local entity was being duplicated has been resolved.   
VBS-32947   FIXED:   A hole visible in the turret interior of an Strf9040 vehicle is no longer present.   
VBS-32984   FIXED:   Camouflage colors of Korean UH-60 helicopter have been adjusted to be more realistic.   
VBS-33210   FIXED:    "KR Marines - Woodland -> Machine Gunner - M240" unit now carries correct ammunition.    
VBS-32678   FIXED:   Issues with units clipping through the back of an SjtpTgb 1314 vehicle have been resolved.   
VBS-33076   FIXED:   Heat signature for Korean ZSU-23-4 has been improved.   
VBS-33982   FIXED:   Numeric representation of the zoom value is no longer placed over the PRF code in the UAV control UI.   
VBS-31813   FIXED:   Ships no longer stay in the air after simulation starts.   
VBS-34028   FIXED:   Textures are no longer missing on Ford Crown Victoria Generic Police Car vehicles.    
VBS-33978   FIXED:   URNs have been added to the M997A2 Ambulances.   
VBS-28006   FIXED:   Terrain is now streamed even outside of the terrain borders thus preventing vehicles from falling through the map.   
VBS-33725   FIXED:   All scripts are now terminated properly when units are killed during the AAR playback.    
VBS-32419   FIXED:   Assertion failed error is no longer present during AAR playback during unit creation.   
VBS-33446   FIXED:   Co-driver of the 280 CDI – Mag 58 vehicle is now correctly equipped with mounted machinegun.    
VBS-33474   FIXED:   Editor preview icon of 290 GD (7,5 kN) - Hard Top vehicle has been fixed.   
VBS-33886   FIXED:   Drivers of Stryker vehicles are now equipped with B&W TI vision screen.   
VBS-34341   FIXED:   Hull alignment no longer lowers accuracy of the turret targeting.   
VBS-33203   FIXED:   IZLID beam is now visible on all network clients when observed through an NV device.   
VBS-34309   FIXED:   Snow is no longer absent from surface above tunnels.   
VBS-31867   FIXED:   TI AutoBC is no longer broken during the day or when looking at a water surface.   
VBS-33710   FIXED:   It is now possible to fire a lowered pistol.   
VBS-33366   FIXED:   Bv410 vehicles are no longer missing rear door when viewed from a distance.   
VBS-32210   FIXED:   Changing the voice pitch in player profile settings now works correctly.   
VBS-33415   FIXED:   Periscopes / prisms in CV9035NL vehicle have been realigned.    
VBS-33610   FIXED:   NL Marine Viking vehicles now feature a different camouflage pattern than NL Army ones.   
VBS-32457   FIXED:   Revived units are now correctly broadcasted over the LVC game.    
VBS-33784   FIXED:   "hostScriptedMission" script command now changes terrain database correctly.    
VBS-32226   FIXED:   Changing the brush size of a terrain editing tool no longer causes script errors.   
VBS-32806   FIXED:   Roads under the vehicle are no longer flickering when player is switching positions.   
VBS-704      FIXED:   AAR Statistics are now showing correct values for units in vehicles.   
VBS-33202   FIXED:   Resolved issue when near clip plane is too far out on side monitors.   
VBS-33576   FIXED:   CZ Army Land Rover vehicle has been added.    
VBS-30879   FIXED:   Towbar towing is now functional even when EPENET is enabled.   
VBS-33833   FIXED:   2D icon of the XM25 weapon system is no longer missing.   
VBS-33776   FIXED:   Script error caused by legacy loadout of units has been fixed.   
VBS-33258   FIXED:   Light leak on OD26 building model has been fixed.   
VBS-32466   FIXED:   Placing a new unit on host machine is no longer causing an error message on non-local client.   
VBS-28389   FIXED:   "damageAllowed" script command now works correctly even after multiple retries.   
VBS-32431   FIXED:   The camera position no longer gets displaced by free look.   
VBS-33720   FIXED:   "setCamFrustumOffsets" script command now works correctly with cameraEffect.   
VBS-33740   FIXED:   In rare cases turning out from the vehicle is no longer causing camera changes on other clients.    
VBS-13196   FIXED:   NVG brightness settings are now kept even when switching between views / cameras.   
VBS-33822   FIXED:   Breach hole breaching now works correctly.   
VBS-31975   FIXED:   Xvid window no longer pops-up when video recording is started in fullscreen mode.   
VBS-33472   FIXED:   Crew’s personal weapons are no longer sticking out of the NL 290GD vehicles.   
VBS-32449   FIXED:   Biotopes set up in map config now load correctly.   
VBS-32261   FIXED:   Firing mode set by the player now persists after weapon switch or entering/exiting vehicle.   
VBS-31717   FIXED:   Issue with snow disappearing over ice during AAR playback has been resolved.   
VBS-30513   FIXED:   Editor placed Sound source objects now work correctly after a branch point save load.   
VBS-30518   FIXED:   Black screen issue upon selecting a seat in a vehicle trailer has been resolved.   
VBS-30684   FIXED:   An issue with unwanted snow patches being created on roads has been resolved.   
VBS-27449   FIXED:   The "Y Axis" inversion controller option is no longer incorrectly labeled as "X Axis".   
VBS-27042   FIXED:   Author name of a received form on a dedicated server is now correct.   
VBS-32083   FIXED:   VBS3 no longer crashes to desktop when an aircraft approaches the ground in a network scenario.   
VBS-31912   FIXED:   Incorrectly configured OPFOR vehicles such as the AF Taliban vehicles Toyota and Land Rover that were in Civilan category now belong under the OPFOR units.   
VBS-32302   FIXED:   Issue with a performance decrease when holding the (ESC) key in the main menu has been resolved.   
VBS-30127   FIXED:   Unit icon in RTE is now correctly updated in case the player is disconnected because of a VBS3 crash to desktop.   
VBS-31713   FIXED:   Issue where opposing forces could see radio chat messages of their enemies has been resolved.   
VBS-32188   FIXED:   Object level of detail is no longer being switched too soon for complex scenes.   
VBS-32179   FIXED:   Issue with missing grid and labels on exported maps has been resolved.   
VBS-31713   FIXED:   Issue where radio chat messages were duplicated by every connected client in network scenarios has been resolved.   
VBS-31300   FIXED:   Issue with units repeating the "Evasive loop" animation in networking and on a dedicated server has been resolved.   
VBS-31299   FIXED:   "setTowParent" scripting command now works with Branch Point Saving again.   
VBS-30386   FIXED:   Admin can now move trailers with vehicles attached to them properly in RTE.   
VBS-30380   FIXED:   Correct weapon selection of the ARH helicopter is now visible from the first person camera in AAR.   
VBS-31696   FIXED:   Hitlines can no longer be seen in C2.   
VBS-31565   FIXED:   Radio conditions are no longer being ignored in the editor radio.   
VBS-27391   FIXED:   Long names are no longer cut off in the network session lobby.   
VBS-30587   FIXED:   Missing textures on the rear door of a Bv 309 Ambulance have been added.   
VBS-31738   FIXED:   "getEditorType" returns the type of currently opened editor correctly.   
VBS-30856   FIXED:   "vbs_screenshot" script command with custom resolution set now captures the screen correctly.   
VBS-32017   FIXED:   Issue with "terrainIntersectASL" script command floating-point imprecision has been resolved.   
VBS-31421   FIXED:   Connect/Disconnect Debugger and Enable/Disable Script Log now work both from the toolbar and Debug menu of ScriptDebugger.   
VBS-31765   FIXED:   Bullet impact and ricochet sounds are no longer ambient.   
VBS-31854   FIXED:   Tracks sound is not stuttering any more for interop created tracked vehicles.   
VBS-32013   FIXED:   Script command "interop_setPosASL" functionality has been restored.   
VBS-31993   FIXED:   Issue with booms of some vehicles such as the Atlas 2, P359 and 7140L not being attached to the vehicle correctly on a Dedicated Server has been resolved.   
VBS-29230   FIXED:   Player color is no longer displayed below the rest of the UI instead of on the top of it.   
VBS-31327   FIXED:   Articulated vehicles are now able to tow a vehicle behind the trailer.   
VBS-26569   FIXED:   External entities now have working animations if their loadout changes.   
VBS-21899   FIXED:   RTE icon of a vehicle refreshes correctly when the occupant of said vehicle disconnects from the server.   
VBS-22117   FIXED:   VBS Launcher no longer exits after clicking cancel while saving a preset.   
VBS-29166   FIXED:   Spawning a large number of units via Interop plugin no longer causes performance and animation issues.    
VBS-32041   FIXED:   Time given to time manager is now calculated correctly when VSync is enabled.   
VBS-11675   FIXED:   Issue with MGRS and UTM grids around zone boundaries has been resolved.   
VBS-32752   FIXED:   URNs are now visible on all versions of the KingQuad 750AXI vehicle.   
VBS-32756   FIXED:   Issue with NL Viking vehicles being unable to launch a smoke screen has been resolved.   
VBS-32767   FIXED:   Convoy lights are no longer turned on by default on the LSV vehicle when viewed from the distance.   
VBS-32799   FIXED:   Missing texture in lower LODs on Boxer Ambulance vehicles has been resolved.    
VBS-30557   FIXED:   Rendering issues with "Alpha to Coverage" and "Postprocessing AA" video settings have been resolved.    
VBS-27074   FIXED:   HMDs in ARH helicopters has now all aspects visible when leaning forward.   
VBS-31313   FIXED:   Issue with firing mode being reset in ACATS helicopters upon a Branch Point Save load has been resolved.   
VBS-24431   FIXED:   Multiple assertion errors have been fixed.   
VBS-30574   FIXED:   Woodland and winter camouflage on swedish vehicles has been changed as per customer request.   
VBS-32800   FIXED:   Missing textures of an XA-188 GVV vehicle have been resolved.   
VBS-22223   FIXED:   Incorrect labelling of LAV-L rear doors in the IWA has been resolved.   
VBS-32807   FIXED:   Missing part of turret a cover has been fixed in all Fenek vehicles.    
VBS-26420   FIXED:   MOPP suit user actions now fade away correctly if nothing is selected.   
VBS-32798   FIXED:   Issue with wooden logs, barbed wire and training targets not being destroyed properly has been resolved.   
VBS-32805   FIXED:   All soldiers in Fennek vehicles are now properly visible from the outside.   
VBS-32775   FIXED:   An issue with unwanted shadows on ruin versions of the OD23 and OD24 buildings has been resolved.    
VBS-31973   FIXED:   Issue with turrets turning indefinitely after using command "setOpticsOffset" has been resolved.   
VBS-32808   FIXED:   An issue with a soldier and a weapon clipping through the rooftop of an NL Bushmaster has been resolved.    
VBS-32773   FIXED:   Ruin version of the OD11 building now has a correct texture.    
VBS-32543   FIXED:   Gap between the weapon info and stance in the heads up display has been resized.   
VBS-32080   FIXED:   User is no longer able to see tactical markers of all sides on the briefing map.   
VBS-28129   FIXED:   URN placement on a Bv410 vehicle has been improved.   
VBS-32495   FIXED:   Issue with a C-17 airplane disappearing at a certain distance has been resolved.   
VBS-30221   FIXED:   Effect of sarin gas on a unit after respawn or while in vehicle has been improved.   
VBS-32473   FIXED:   Pop-up error no longer appears when placing M983A4 vehicle.   
VBS-31978   FIXED:   ViewClients no longer respond to weapon recoil..   
VBS-30256   FIXED:   Additional HUDs are no longer shown for empty positions in a vehicle.   
VBS-32475   FIXED:   Pop-up error message when placing a SE sniper in Ghillie suit has been resolved.   
VBS-32037   FIXED:   Unwanted semi-transparent square texture on a Bv410 Ambulance has been removed.   
VBS-31711   FIXED:   The turrets of empty vehicles no longer point north at all times and now remain in their default position.   
VBS-30327   FIXED:   Vehicles now retain their transmission control setting on a dedicated server with EPENET technology.    
VBS-32195   FIXED:   AI no longer keeps looking at you after an Intelligence report conversation is over.   
VBS-31564   FIXED:   Buildings are no longer missing when "cameraOrthography" script command is used.   
VBS-31826   FIXED:   Physical watch and "dayTime" command no longer get reset upon entering a vehicle.   
VBS-31776   FIXED:   Wheels of moving external entities are now turning again.   
VBS-31586   FIXED:   "setDifficulty" script command now works on a dedicated server correctly.   
VBS-29562   FIXED:   ORBAT group that has only one unit is no longer disbanded upon mission load.   
VBS-22354   FIXED:   Issue with Script Debugger breaking on non-existent breakpoint after reloading a file has been resolved.   
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