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Author Topic: The Withering  (Read 27742 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #45 on: April 07, 2018, 11:37:21 PM »
The Withering 2.0 - Development Update #8.5

Hello again everybody!

As I was saying in my last announcement here:

I wanted to show you the progress made, rather than just talking about it.

In the following screenshot you can see the smooth horizon transition that I was talking about. It was taken with maximum settings and a new maximum drawing distance.

This setting works well with the lowest drawing distance, more suitable for low end machines as well. You can see that happening on the next screenshot.

Additionally, if you look at the next screenshot you can see the new ground textures that I mentioned in my previous announcement and the amount of ground details that are now present on the new map.

If you look at the hillside on the right from where the character is standing, you can see how the new textures form a relief on the ground. This is being achieved by utilizing the shaders and new textures. Looking at the far hills, you can see that the amount of nature elements are almost three times more than the original screenshots I posted.

All that was achieved by utilizing a complex DirectX 11 technologies, and the great part about it is that it does not require DX11 at runtime, even if low end video cards will fallback to using DX9.

In this next screenshot you can see that enemies are being spawned at the location and the navigation system is working. The enemies will also dynamically load and unload with the location.

This last screenshot will display how players can see the locations from a far. You can see the buildings and the roads of this small town, however the rest of the details will gradually be loaded as players approach the location.

Some additional details were reworked, like skyboxes with better textures and more details.

Thank you, cheers!
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Re: The Withering
« Reply #46 on: May 12, 2018, 11:15:19 PM »
The Withering 2.0 - Development Update #9
28 April - CrochaN

Hello everybody!

I would like to share the progress on the development of the new free roam wilderness map as well as talk about some of the features it will bring into the gameplay and a course of the development for the upcoming week.

Overall I am happy with the progress and internal performance testing is showing good results!

Over the last couple of weeks I was able to develop, design and build several location templates that will help with the construction process a lot and will also speed things up. Now, just to clarify what I mean by templates..

It does NOT mean that the locations will look the same, no. The templates I'm referring to are technical templates that allow me to easily create location layers. The locations will be different and I would like to show and talk about some of them.

In the screenshot below, you can see an example of an industrial type locations that will be available for exploration.

Here is another example of a rural location.

Players will often find abandoned cars and trucks on roads and highways.

And of course, gas stations and other service area locations.

Most of the locations will have one or more events with increased chance for higher grade loot.

I plan to continue working on constructing the free roam map for the next week and then start preparing the build for an update that will include a portion of the free roam wilderness map.

Thank you!
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2018, 12:46:55 PM »
The Withering 2.0 - Development Update #10
The Withering - CrochaN

Hello everybody!

It's an end of another very busy week and I have good news to share! I will be releasing an update with the new free roam map by the end of next week and this update will include a much large section of the map that I originally estimated! The development is going very well and the construction is exceeding my expectations.

The new map that will become available will hold more than 20 locations to explore, including 2 towns. The playable area of the map will be span across half the full size of the final release of this free roam. So, half of the map will be fully playable by the end of next week.

Lots of different locations, abandoned cars, industrial areas, military, gas stations and of course towns. As I mentioned before, these locations will have a chance for an event and all of them will also have a chance to spawn an equipment crate with higher grade equipment that can be found on the city map. so, exploration will be rewarded.

I'll be posting a detailed breakdown at the moment of the release and will work hard to try and implement a map interface for this upcoming update.

Thank you.
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2018, 12:49:22 PM »
The Withering Update
The Withering - CrochaN

The Withering Update is now live!

Hello everybody!
I'm very excited to introduce with this update the new wilderness free roam exploration gameplay mode, that I was talking about for quite some time now! The new map is now available and can be accessed from the camp, in HUB vendors area.

Important Information
Players are strongly encouraged to provide feedback on the new map and gameplay. Please keep in mind that this is still a work in progress and some parts of the map and gameplay might be a bit rough on the edges.

The landscape has not yet been fine tuned and players might see some broken / rough terrain in several places. These elements will be addressed once the map is complete and I will be able to do the final fine tuning run across all terrain.

The draw distance settings have been adjusted for the new expansion. Please configure them accordingly for your systems.

I would very much appreciate the feedback on performance and memory consumption while playing on a new map. Please provide your findings in this post.

The Wilderness
The new map consists of a very large rural area, with multiple locations for players to explore and loot. Most of the locations have one or more active events, and equipment crates.

Currently about 50% of the map has been constructed and available with this update. Additionally, a map "M" by default, has been added for the new exploration expansion.

This update also addresses multiple issues that were reported by the community or discovered during internal testing.

What's Next?
I will keep working intensively on the exploration map construction, and with the next update I plan to have it completed 100% and available. I will be posting a development update with details and estimated release date soon.


Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:

Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2018, 12:38:22 PM »
The Withering 2.0 - Development Update #11
11 June - CrochaN   

Hello everybody,

I would like to share the development update with you and announce the next update estimated date.

The new free roam wilderness map is nearing a completion! I am currently working on finalizing the map locations and loot spawns. The next update is estimated to be rolled out by the end of this week and it will have a full scale free roam wilderness map for players to explore!

I will be rolling out an update the week after where I plan to fine tune the map looks and some additional spawns, both enemies and loot.

Once these updates have been rolled out, I will focus my attention on the community reports and suggestions.

Thank you.
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2018, 12:39:35 PM »
The Withering Update
18 June - CrochaN   

The Withering Update is now live!

Hello everybody!
With this update I am happy to announce that a full scale wilderness free roam map is now available for exploration. Additionally, the main menu has been expanded and now will allow players to reset the game progress by starting a new game from the menu.

Important Information
Players are strongly encouraged to provide feedback on the new map and gameplay. I would very much appreciate the feedback on performance and memory consumption while playing on a new map. Please provide your findings in this post.

What's Next?
Now that we have a full scale wilderness map I will be spending the upcoming week on fine tuning it by adding additional details, working on landscaping, adding more spawn points and adjusting current ones.

Once this phase has been complete, I will focus on the issues and suggestions reported by the community.


Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:

Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.

Thank you!
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2018, 01:23:15 PM »
The Withering Update
The Withering - CrochaN

The Withering Update is now live!

Hello everybody! With this update I'm introducing a new bandit enemy with an automatic rifle. Also, bandit's behaviour has been adjusted! Bandits will now look for possible firing positions and engage player. With adjusted spawn system, players now might encounter bandits or infected at majority of locations on the Wilderness map. A lot of tweaks have been implemented to further enchance performance. New events have been placed on City map and a map interface has been added for the City. Some tweaks have been made to the player controller to increase responsiveness.

Update Notes

* Added City Map
* Added New Events on City Map
* Added New AR Enemy Bandit
* Adjusted and Added New Spawns on Wilderness Map
* Multiple Performance Tweaks
* Adjusted AI Behavior
* Adjusted Player Controller Behaviour


Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:

Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #52 on: August 17, 2018, 11:17:35 AM »
The Withering Update
The Withering - CrochaN

The Withering Update is now live!

Hello everybody! This technical update is mostly focusing on the backend of the game mechanics. For the last few weeks I was working hard on optimization of the code for every game component, as well as cleaning up and catching up on the bits and pieces that were on my TODO list.

Additionally this update introduces an expansion to the item database. Some new trinkets and new weapon rarities are now available. The HUB and Black Market vendors were updated to support the new extension.

Update Notes

* Multiple+++ optimizations for various game components
* New trinket items
* Legendary grade weapons are now available from Hub vendors
* Rare and Epic grade weapons can now be purchased from Black Market

Crafting system framework expanded in preparation for new recipes coming in the next update.


Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:

Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.

Thank you!
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2018, 12:19:35 PM »
The Withering Update
The Withering - CrochaN

The Withering Update is now live!

Hello everybody! With this update I am expanding the item database and introducing new crafting recipes into mix. Players will now be able to craft all armor types and rarities up to Epic, as well as new components required for these new recipes. The Legendary grade items will remain available from Faction traders in the HUB.

Update Notes

* Item Databse expansion to support the new recipes
* New Armor crafting recipes
* New Components crafting recipes
* Camp vendors inventory has been updated

List of new recipes:


Hardened Plates
Improved Fasteners
Advanced Weapon Components
Advanced Toolbox

Armor - Rare

Improved Scavengers Armor
Improved Scavengers Guards
Improved Scavengers Boots
Improved Scavengers Bracers
Improved Scavengers Gloves
Improved Scavengers Shoulders
Improved Scavengers Holster
Improved Scavengers Goggles

Improved Scouts Armor
Improved Scouts Guards
Improved Scouts Boots
Improved Scouts Bracers
Improved Scouts Gloves
Improved Scouts Shoulders
Improved Scouts Holster
Improved Scouts Headguard

Improved Raiders Armor
Improved Raiders Guards
Improved Raiders Boots
Improved Raiders Bracers
Improved Raiders Gloves
Improved Raiders Shoulders
Improved Raiders Holster
Improved Raiders Headguard

Improved Pioneers Armor
Improved Pioneers Guards
Improved Pioneers Boots
Improved Pioneers Bracers
Improved Pioneers Gloves
Improved Pioneers Shoulders
Improved Pioneers Holster
Improved Pioneers Headguard

Armor - Epic

Advanced Scavengers Armor
Advanced Scavengers Guards
Advanced Scavengers Boots
Advanced Scavengers Bracers
Advanced Scavengers Gloves
Advanced Scavengers Shoulders
Advanced Scavengers Holster
Advanced Scavengers Goggles

Advanced Scouts Armor
Advanced Scouts Guards
Advanced Scouts Boots
Advanced Scouts Bracers
Advanced Scouts Gloves
Advanced Scouts Shoulders
Advanced Scouts Holster
Advanced Scouts Headguard

Advanced Raiders Armor
Advanced Raiders Guards
Advanced Raiders Boots
Advanced Raiders Bracers
Advanced Raiders Gloves
Advanced Raiders Shoulders
Advanced Raiders Holster
Advanced Raiders Headguard

Advanced Pioneers Armor
Advanced Pioneers Guards
Advanced Pioneers Boots
Advanced Pioneers Bracers
Advanced Pioneers Gloves
Advanced Pioneers Shoulders
Advanced Pioneers Holster
Advanced Pioneers Headguard

In the next update I will be adding new Firearm Weapons to the item Database and according crafting recipes. The new weapons will also be available from scavenging in the world and a Legendary rarity will be added to the Faction HUB traders.


Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:

Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.

Thank you!
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Withering
« Reply #54 on: October 22, 2018, 10:52:43 AM »
The Withering Update
The Withering - CrochaN

The Withering Update is now live!

Hello everybody! With this update I am expanding the item database again with new weapons and crafting recipes accordingly. The Legendary grades of the new weapons are available from Faction traders in the HUB. Additionally, several fixes for various mechanics are a part of this update.

Update Notes

* New weapons
* New crafting recipes
* Fixes the issue when players would sometimes get stuck in jumping
* Fixed the issue with barracks upgrades landing in wrong inventory
* Multiple fixes to unarmed, melee and gunplay controller mechanics

List of new weapons:

A medium range assault rifle

A long range assault rifle

A close range high rate of fire SMG

All new weapons can be crafted or purchased from the black market vendor.


Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:

Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.

Thank you!
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