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Author Topic: Required for online play with D.O.W.  (Read 10178 times)

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Offline Asid

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Required for online play with D.O.W.
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:04:13 PM »
To play multiplayer on line with the Dogs of War Vu you must meet the following requirements.

•   Our Code of Conduct is always in effect.
•   SB refers to Steel Beasts Pro (PE)
•   You will see a list of requirements for each day with an explanation at the bottom of the post.
•   Where a mission time is listed. You must be in the room 10 minutes prior to that time.

Play with D.O.W. on Saturday missions (D.O.W)

•   Membership of Dogs of War Vu.
•   Proper microphone and headphones.
•   Regular participation with the group.
•   Proper use of D.O.W. Comms procedure.
•   Completed Dogs of War Application Form for online play
•   Completion of at least 1 full set of tutorials in SB (M1A2sep, LEO2A5-DK or M2A2).
•   Familiarity with the SB user interface.
•   Whisper list setup. Knowledge of correctly setting up a WL.
•   Internet connection. You must have a stable and reliable connection.
•   Mission brief.
•   AAR participation
•   Mission chatter.

Play with D.O.W. on Sunday missions (T.A.N.K.S.)

•   Proper microphone and headphones.
•   Proper use of D.O.W. Comms procedure.
•   Completion of at least 1 full set of tutorials in SB (M1A2sep, LEO2A5-DK or M2A2).
•   Familiarity with the SB user interface.
•   Whisper list setup. Knowledge of correctly setting up a WL.
•   Internet connection. You must have a stable and reliable connection.
•   Mission chatter.

Play with D.O.W. on Friday/other days (not including the ones listed).
•   Proper microphone and headphones.
•   Whisper list setup. Knowledge of correctly setting up a WL.
•   Internet connection. You must have a stable and reliable connection.
•   Mission chatter. More relaxed in these sessions but be considerate


Membership of Dogs of War Vu.
You can become a member by joining the forum:

Microphone and Headphones (a decent set).
A good background environment for you to play. It can be annoying and distracting when everyone hears your dogs barking, wife screaming at you, kids going crazy or if you are playing music. Be sensible. Your voice must be clearly audible without large variations in sound level.

Regular participation/interaction with the group.
This promotes a healthier group environment as well as showing commitment. You can fulfil this requirement by the regularly doing the following:
TeamSpeak interaction. Including helping the group and others in our channel.
Forums. Posting and replying regularly on the Dogs of War Vu forum. There are often polls that need your vote.
Sessions. Regularly take part in D.O.W. organised sessions.
Mission testing. Helping to playtest missions and providing feedback is an essential part.

Proper use of D.O.W. Comms procedure.
We have a basic comms procedure. It is simple to learn. It can be found here:

Completed Dogs of War Application Form for online play
You must complete this form in advance and receive a reply before you are accepted for D.O.W. online play. This requires registration on the main website.

Completion of at least 1 full set of tutorials in SB (M1A2sep, LEO2A5-DK or M2A2).
You must have successfully completed one of the tutorials. This will give you a better all-round experience as well as improving the immersion/experience of others in the session.

Familiarity with the SB user interface.
You must be familiar with the SB user interface. This can be easily achieved by doing in game tutorials as well as reading the manual/wiki. For example. How to give a vehicle to another player.

Whisper list setup. Knowledge of correctly setting up a WL.
This is very important as it allows better use of the comms within SB. TeamSpeak is limited so proper use is essential. Here is a link to the setup of whisper lists:,144.0.html

Internet connection. You must have a stable and reliable connection.
This is important as a bad connection can cause problems for others and render the session unplayable. A wireless connection is less than ideal. We suggest a wired connection. The host is notified of bad connections during and after the session. No one likes lag. You can run a test on your connection here:,196.msg700.html#msg700

Mission brief.
You must have read the mission brief before you enter the mission. You will find all information on the current mission here:,10.0.html

AAR participation
The AAR tool is very useful. It is an excellent aid to the debrief at the end of a mission. This works best when all participants of the mission take part. You can give and receive valuable feedback.

Mission chatter.
This is important for immersion and use of the limited TeamSpeak feature. Please do not discuss topics which are not directly related to the mission over the company net (main channel) while in the session.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 04:17:44 PM by Asid »
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