FeaturesThe TacPack is changing constantly with new features being added with almost every build. Because of this, we chose to document the TacPack with a wiki, because the product is far too dynamic to benefit from a conventional static source such as .PDF. The wiki can be monitored for changes and provides a much more suitable medium for an evolving product. Please fee free to read it prior to purchase!
Lethal Weapon Systems:The TacPack features many tactical enhancements, but of course the most dramatic ability of the system is the addition of accurately modeled and 100% lethal weapon systems for any aircraft which utilizes the system at the developer level.
• Lethal to all Simobjects: o AI aircraft
o Multiplayer aircraft
o Ships (including carriers)
o FS recorder entities (as of
o Ground vehicles
o Simobject-based structures
• Weapon systems include: o Various cannons and guns
o AIM-9X Sidewinder
o AIM-9M Sidewinder
o AIM-7M Sparrow
o AGM-65E Laser Maverick
o AGM-84D Harpoon
o GBU-10 Paveway II
o GBU-12 LGB
o MK-82LD
o MK-82SE (snakeye)
o MK-83
o MK-84
o Various A/G rockets
• Realistic ranges and maneuvering kinematics
• Thousands of combinations of ordinance can be loaded
• Individual weight and drag indices
• All systems work in free flight and multi-player
Hardcore Avionics:• Fullscreen night vision (experimental)
• Padlock view
• FLIR (ATFLIR) simulation (experimental)
o FLIR video with white-hot and black-hot modes
o MP compatible Laser target designation (LTD)
o MP compatible Laser spot tracking (LST)
• AN/APG-73 Air-To-Ground radar simulation
• Full terrain masking/occlusion
• Multiple, highly realistic modes:
o Real Beam Ground Map (MAP)
o Synthetic Aperture (SAR)
o Ground Moving Target Indication (GMT)
o Sea Surface Search (SEA)
o Fixed Target Track (FTT)
o Ground Moving Target Track (GMTT)
o Air-To-Ground Ranging (AGR)
ACMI Playback:Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) recording provides a highly detailed log of everything that happens during a TacPack flight in any aircraft. Logs can be loaded into Vyrtuoz's TacView for full 3D playback and analysis.
• Record and playback flights in any aircraft
• Records all aircraft (AI and MP), vehicles, weapons, and even target designations and CCIP predictions
• Minimal FPS impact
• Facilitates after-action debriefing/training
Multiplayer Capabilities:• Full multi-player functionality
• Drop AI directly into sessions
• Assets such as SAMs, working carriers, tankers and more may be dropped by team members into the battlefield
• Partial and critical damage modeling
• IFF system for all AI and human players to facilitate division into teams
• Multi-player host options including anti-cheating which verifies the integrity of aircraft joining the session
• Proprietary TacPack server publishing. See and join hosted TacPack servers
In-Game Deployable AI:Deploy AI directly into the sim via a quick, easy-to-use menu system, or create TacPack Scenario Files for automatically loading assets with the flight. Note: The VRS menu system uses standard sim assets. VRS does not supply AI objects except for SAM, tanker, and drone components.
• Deploy aerial refueling tankers through an intuitive in-flight menu system
o Any aircraft can act as a tanker
o Multiple commanded orbit types
o Dynamically adjustable altitude and speed
o A/A TACAN capabilities
• SAM installations can be placed, given a team, and become active threats visible on RWR and destructible
• Target drones can be placed and commanded into various patterns
• Deploy aircraft carriers (or any vessel in your sim inventory)
o Any vessel can be selected and placed at user-defined distances and speeds
o All vessels both moving and static can contain TACAN and ILS which are instantly available to all single and multi-player participants
o Fully synchronized movement in MP sessions
o Vessels can be armed with Sea Sparrow and CIWS point defenses
o Vessels can be assigned teams
TacPack SDK:• TacPack SDK allows advanced integration with third-party aircraft
• Available royalty free to all developers and end-users
• All functions available through XML scripting or C++
• Fully multiplayer compatible
TacPack SDK