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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2020, 02:17:59 AM »
Roadmap and 50% off for the winter sale
Tue, 22 December 2020

Due Process is 50% off and we share our plans for the coming months.

Due Process is in Early Access, so it’s only natural that people want to know what improvements are coming. Here is a roadmap for things we will be working on over the next few months.

We also have set up a dynamic version of it, that will be kept updated:

Read the blog post for more details:

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2021, 02:19:28 AM »
Update 572: Temperature Rising
Mon, 11 January 2021

Version 572: Approx update size 4 GB
The winter event is coming to an end. With that, the Winterized Killhouses and backgrounds for CStore and Factory will be returning to normal. Additionally, some other fixes for issues that were already tested and ready are being deployed.

Hotfixes included:
•   Fix for "move here" puck accidentally being deleted if too close to the truck.
•   Fix for player namecards being too hard to read from the map view.
•   Fix on the backend that caused temporary reduction in quality of matchmaking and unexpected closure of game servers during match.
•   Fixes for many errors showing up in logs reported by players, hopefully this will reduce the number of end of match crashes.

•   New maps are included in this update. About twenty five total map generations of the existing three tilesets.
•   The Winterized killhouse variants were limited time versions of the maps and are no longer in the game. Because of this, some old killhouses will be making a return along with a fresh batch of maps.

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2021, 02:43:17 AM »
Update 577: Weekly Map Deployment
Fri, 15 January 2021

Version 577, approx update size 4.3GB

Client Updates:
•   Changed No-Unpacking to be the default deployment method. This should hopefully alleviate certain loading, crashing, and unpacking issues that were affecting many users.
•   Added 23 new maps
•   Updated a couple of maps that were temporarily taken out of rotation due to bugs
•   Adjusted a some existing maps that were not taken out of rotation due to feedback

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2021, 04:21:54 AM »
PTB (Public Test Branch) is Live Today!
Sat, 30 January 2021

Public test branch open now until 5pm PST

Today we are sending an invitation to players to come play our Public Test Branch during the open period. Weapon, matchmaking and other changes included in this update!

PTB Notes:
•   The test branch is not locked, and will show up on Steam clients after a restart. Simply navigate to the game's properties, and select the Test Branch - Unstable option from the drop down list.
•   The test servers may need to go down unexpectedly should issues arise. The main branch will remain open during this time.
•   Stats do not carry over from the test branch to the main branch, you don't have to worry about your rank, so feel free to play Ranked without worry.
•   The new maps for this week are also available on Test Branch.

•   Queuing no longer requires a ready up vote
•   The casual and ranked selectors have been replaced by individual buttons, you can click each button to queue for both ranked and casual simultaneously
•   You can queue for ranked while in a casual match
•   A UI indicator was added to the hud to remind you that you are still queued for ranked while searching for or playing in a casual match.
•   Casual matches can be consolidated whenever there is a match that is too small. It will search for another match at the end of each round and all of those players will automatically move into that other match, and be shown a loading screen that mentions that their match was too small.
•   Resolved issue with players auto-queueing for ranked when not intended

Gun Play 2.0:
•   Weapon recoil has been completely redesigned.
•   Weapon recoil can now be in multiple parts, camera and weapon recoil are not co-dependant.
•   Weapons will auto-readjust after firing if you did not manually control the recoil, making tap or burst firing effective.
•   New animations for firing on all guns with the new recoil designed in mind.
•   Shotgun spread is now different for all three shotgun types, the triple triangle pattern on the standard pump shotguns, circular pattern on the shorty, and a larger open triangle on the auto.
•   Shotguns can enter, leave, or change aim states while pumping and do not automatically exit aim modes during a pump
•   Shotguns have have a base damage reduction, a headshot ratio increase, and a buff to damage falloff which actually provides bonus damage at point blank ranges to help with point blank one shots.
•   Fixed a hit registration bug with certain animation states
•   Hit sounds don't play on obscured targets (except friendly fire)
•   Headshot multiplier doesn't apply to wallbangs
•   Shotguns have had a range limit added to opening doors

Additional Note:

Some changes were pushed to Gun Play 2.0 from our previous PTB test, list included:
•   All Weapons (not shotguns) without lasers:
•   40% increase to Brace Spread
•   All Weapons:
•   Hip Fire Weapon Recoil drastically increased.
•   Ingmar slight increase to vertical recoil
•   Ingmar slight increase to horizontal recoil (after shot 3)
•   Ingmar first shot recoil significantly sharper
•   BLK-TAR slight increase to vertical recoil.
•   BLK-TAR increase to camera Horizontal recoil to shots after 2
•   AP25 slight increase to vertical recoil.
•   AP25 slight increase to horizontal camera recoil.
•   KR82 decrease to ADS vertical recoil.
•   KR82 slight decrease to ADS horizontal recoil.
•   Gruber vertical recoil decrease after shot 3 and does not jump up again
•   Gruber horizontal recoil bias to the left now
•   NACK11 less ADS vertical recoil.
•   NACK11 no longer has falloff damage
•   NACK11 now has a penetration power of 15
•   Shotguns slight increase to point blank damage bonus
•   Increased the time before you can enter ADS from Sprinting by 100ms and enter Brace from Sprinting by 67ms.
•   SAB-R no longer has a lingering recoil

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2021, 03:01:50 AM »
Update 604: Gunplay 2.0
Mon, 15 February 2021

Version 604: Approx update size 4 GB
This large update has a lot of changes! Gunplay 2.0 is being introduced along with Simultaneous Ranked Queuing, Casual Match Consolidation and Drawing Attribution updates from our roadmap!

Gunplay 2.0:
•   Weapon recoil has been completely redesigned for all guns
•   Weapon recoil can now be in multiple parts, camera and weapon recoil are not co-dependent
•   Weapons will auto-readjust back to the starting position after firing, making tap or burst firing easier
•   Note: Manually controlling recoil will negate the automatic recoil return, and will cancel it out
•   New animations for firing on all guns with the new recoil designed in mind
•   Overhaul of tracers, muzzle effects, and smoke effects on all guns.
•   Weapon ammo counter UI overhauled
•   Shotgun spread is now different for all three shotgun types, the triple triangle pattern on the primary pump shotguns, circular pattern on the secondary shorty, and a larger open triangle on the auto
•   Shotguns can enter, leave, or change aim states while pumping and do not automatically exit aim modes during a pump
•   Fixed a hit registration bug with certain animation states
•   Hit sounds don't play on targets that are hit by wall-bangs (except friendly fire)
•   Headshot multiplier doesn't apply to wallbangs
•   Breathing curve added to holding ADS state, after a short period of holding ADS, small camera movements will occur to simulate breathing
•   Brace sensitivity now uses hipfire sensitivity instead of aimed sensitivity slider
•   Shotguns have had a range limit added to opening doors
•   Primary shotgun count reduced on both teams by one
•   Shotgun base damage decreased slightly, headshot multiplier increased, extra bonus damage on all shotguns if point blank
•   Shotgun pellet spread decreased by 40-50% for all shotguns (more accurate)
•   Nack penetration increased to pen Very Thick surfaces, falloff removed
•   Slight decrease in RPM for GAT/LS45 (about 5%), otherwise damage/RPM mostly unchanged on other guns

•   The ability to queue for ranked games while playing a casual game
•   The casual and ranked selectors have been replaced by individual buttons, you can click each button to queue for both ranked and casual simultaneously
•   Queuing no longer requires a ready up vote, it is now unilateral
•   A UI indicator was added to the hud to remind you that you are still queued for ranked while searching for or playing in a casual match.
•   Casual matches can be consolidated whenever there is a match that is too small. It will search for another match at the end of each round and all of those players will automatically move into that other match, and be shown a loading screen that mentions that their match was too small.
•   Resolved issue with players auto-queueing for ranked when not intended
•   Resolved issue where you could only kick players who were part of your squad during a match
•   A banner will notify players left in a casual match if other players in that match have left for ranked
•   Starting a ranked match now requires a ready up vote from all parties, failing to ready up will bring that squad out of queue
•   Ranked match voting/starting/failing have been given a unique sounds to help alert players that their ranked match is ready
•   Some other changes to the matchmaking UI, such as moving the queue timers and updating buttons/password box UI

Drawing Attribution:
•   Display cursors representing teammates while they're drawing and erasing
•   Render the local client's drawn map cube pixels in yellow, on both map and in-world
•   Establish pools of "ink" per player (as opposed to per team) for map drawing
•   Drawing on raised spawnable surfaces will move map cubes to the highest surface to facilitate drawings above the ground level
•   Add option to mute/unmute other players' drawings and persistently store this information
•   Both old and new drawings for players who are "drawing muted" will be hidden from from the map view
•   Highlight map drawings in black when the cursor is up to 3 pixels away and show who drew that drawing
•   Hovering over other player's drawings allows up/down-voting those drawings which other players can use to agree on a plan
•   Enable reporting offensive drawings on Shift + LMB over another player's drawings, also suggested when downvoting drawings
•   Added hotkey for toggling replacement of Player Icons with generic placeholders UI option
•   Fix bug: Auto-Erase map cubes of non-local spectators

•   Gunplay 2.0: New tracers and shooting effects applied on guns.
•   Gunplay 2.0: Metal impacts/sparks for weapon hits updated
•   Gunplay 2.0: Updated Ammo GUI for weapons
•   Levels: Lighting for levels updated to properly get dark when the power is turned off.
•   Killhouse: Some thin surfaces were set as no-thickness and are now set correctly
•   Levels: Grate-like mesh added to surfaces like fences that are hard to read at a distance on the map view only
•   Training: Added other throwables - Smoke, flash, frag.
•   Factory: Fix broken occlusion caused by server panel destruction
•   Updated/polished character eye geometry and textures.

•   Add option to mute/unmute other player's messages in text chat
•   Display muted player's text chat as "muted" in italics
•   Store text-muted players persistently across sessions
•   Misc. optimizations

Additional Note:
Some changes were pushed to Gunplay 2.0 from our previous PTB test, list included:

Change to all weapons:
•   The vertical recoil recovery now starts roughly 50%-100% slower for all weapons (about 1.5x to 2x the Round Cooldown value). The Long range weapons should be a fair bit easier to use with the automatic recovery no longer kicking in before the next shot.

Changes to individual guns:
•   Reduce Horizontal Recoil.
•   Vertical Recoil sharpened (happens faster).
•   More Recoil in the Camera less on the Weapon in ADS.

•   Reduce initial vertical recoil.
•   Horizontal Recoil is less Biased.
•   More Recoil in the Camera less on the Weapon in ADS.

•   Reduce initial vertical recoil.
•   Horizontal Recoil is less Biased.
•   Horizontal recoil slightly decreased in ADS.
•   More Recoil in the Camera less on the Weapon in ADS.

•   Increased recoil animation speed by 30%.
•   Vertical Recoil sharpened.
•   Vertical Recoil reduced slightly.
•   Vertical Recovery start delayed much longer.

•   Increased recoil animation speed by 20%.
•   Vertical Recoil sharpened.
•   Vertical Recoil reduced slightly.
•   Horizontal Recoil decreased in ADS.
•   Vertical Recovery start delayed much longer.

•   Vertical Recoil sharpened.
•   Vertical Recoil increased slightly.
•   Horizontal Recoil decreased in ADS.
•   Vertical Recovery start delayed much longer.

•   Increased recoil animation speed by 20%.
•   Vertical Recoil sharpened.
•   Vertical Recoil decreased by 30% in ADS.

•   Vertical Recoil sharpened.
•   Vertical Recoil increased slightly in ADS.
•   Horizontal Recoil decreased slightly in ADS.
•   More Recoil in the Camera less on the Weapon in ADS.

•   Removed Horizontal recoil in ADS.

•   Increased recoil animation speed by 20%.
•   Horizontal Recoil reduced slightly in ADS.
•   Vertical Recovery start delayed much longer.
•   More Recoil in the Camera less on the Weapon in ADS.

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2021, 03:59:52 AM »
New Tileset Released: Killdome USA
Thu, 18 February 2021

New level type added: Killdome USA

This week's map update features our newest tileset: Killdome USA!
Also, earlier this week, we released a substantial update to our core gameplay experience, including Gunplay 2.0, matchmaking and changes to many other areas, so we've gone ahead and included those changes in these patch notes to give you guys a cumulative update on what's been going on recently in Due Process.

Today, we are proud to introduce your brand new tileset - Killdome USA!

Killdome USA is Alpha City’s #1 prime-time series on Violence TV! Only the best of the best are selected to enter the dome - Enforcers fresh from training on simulated killhouses in the Argus Academy Governor’s Island Complex face off against five ruthless REBELS pulled straight from the streets of Alpha City.
To the victor go the spoils - the best team (or their next of kin) get fabulous cash prizes for victory in this high stakes, adrenaline pumping program!

This environment is all about the rooms and how they relate to each other - let’s take a look at Argus' own marketing for descriptions of what you’ll be fighting in!

Read on......

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2021, 12:40:40 AM »
Update 610: Penitent Judgement
Mon, 1 March 2021

Version 610: Approx update size 40 MB

An update focused on weapon re-tuning after the release of Weapon 2.0. We took in a lot of feedback and made changes, especially to the shotguns. Flares got a buff. Some other fixes and optimizations are also included.

Weapon Changes Summary:
•   Changes to the shotgun pellet damage to improve the shotgun's body shot one shot capability.
•   Attacker Shotgun pattern changed, RPM lowered slightly, spread increased by 50%.
•   Defender Primary Shotgun now has more spread but a radioactive pattern.
•   Defender Secondary Shotgun spread increased.
•   The Auto Shotgun, BLK-TAR, F1-LeGros, Ingmar57, Gruber5, AP25 and KR82u recoils have all been tuned.
•   (See bottom of patch notes for more details.)

•   Flares are now 135 seconds long.
•   Flares should now be thrown correctly when picked up and thrown again after deployment.

•   Updated Training screen with new links.
•   Changed Queue For Ranked text to say "x/10 players needed".
•   Changed spawn pucks so you can no longer grab other player's spawn pucks, should also fix "puck stacking" where you cannot grab your puck when someone else's is on top.
•   Increased maximum zoom (out) allowed on the map view by 15%.

•   Fixed a bunch of errors that were found in logs reported by testers.
•   Some minor optimizations.
•   Fixed a bug where other players would appear to turn 360 degrees in a single tick.

Individual Weapon Changes:
Shotgun Retune:
•   Shotgun Pellet damage is still 15.
•   Shotgun Pellet damage falloff starts at 13 units and drops to .5 at 16 units. Point blank damage bonus has been removed.
•   In general shotgun weapon spread has been increased.
•   Shotgun Pellet Head bonus increased to 1.75x.
•   Shotgun Pellet Torso bonus increased to 1.35x.
•   Shotgun Pellet Abdomen bonus increased to 1.35.
•   Auto Shotgun added strong Horizontal Recoil.
•   Auto shotgun has increased weapon Vertical Recoil.
•   Auto Shotgun Brace greatly reduces recoil.
•   Auto Shotgun ADS greatly reduces recoil (even more).
•   Auto Shotgun spread increased by 50% in ADS and Brace.
•   DL12 RPM reduced from 75 to 60.
•   DL12 spread increased by 50%, its spread is shaped like a crown pushing out to the edges of its ADS sight picture.
•   Its effective one shot range is still very high.
•   TUB12 spread increased by 80%, its now using 3 triangles facing inward in a radioactive pattern
•   Shorty Shotgun spread increased by 30%, now has a random bias in its outer ring.

•   Greatly increased to Horizontal Recoil in Brace.
•   Vertical Recoil slightly decreased on shots with Horizontal Recoil.
•   Added slight horizontal camera recoil in later shots.
•   Added some horizontal weapon recoil in later shots.

•   Moved Vertical Recoil from Weapon to Camera.
•   Vertical Recoil slightly decreased on shots with Horizontal Recoil.
•   Added slight horizontal camera recoil in later shots.
•   Added some horizontal weapon recoil in later shots.

•   Decreased Vertical camera recoil by about 15%
•   Increased Vertical weapon recoil by about 50% (was very slight before)
•   Added slight horizontal camera recoil in later shots.
•   Increased horizontal weapon recoil in later shots.

•   Recoil moved from Camera to Weapon.
•   Vertical recoil recovery starts slowly.
•   Horizontal Recoil is now more jagged between Camera recoil and Weapon Recoil.

•   Moved Vertical Recoil from Weapon to Camera.
•   Decreased Vertical Recoil in Brace.
•   Slight Increase to Horizontal in Brace.

•   Recoil moved from Camera to Weapon.
•   Horizontal Recoil is now more jagged between Camera recoil and Weapon Recoil.
•   Slight Decrease to ADS Vertical Recoil.
•   Spiked Vertical Recoil on Later Shots with no Horizontal Recoil.

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2021, 11:43:10 PM »
Update 614: Dark Buckshot
Mon, 8 March 2021

Version 614: Approx update size 40 MB

Added penalty for leaving ranked matches, enabled emergency lights, other misc. fixes and UX improvements.

•   Players now will receive a penalty to their rank whenever they leave an unfinished ranked match
•   Add ranked penalty warning when leaving a ranked game
•   Ranked matches have a slightly longer waiting period before unbalanced matches will be formed

•   Emergency Lights above certain doorways have been enabled
, they will activate whenever the power is out.
•   Optimizations to equipment to reduce hitching and at round start caused by spawning in equipment items for both teams
•   Fix for Dome anthem playing a second time while unloading the map sometimes
•   Updates to what lines are chosen in dome to make them more random but keep them synchronized between clients
•   Improvements to lighting bakes (for future levels)
•   Reduce lighting artifacts when baking through transparent objects (for future levels)
•   Defender room and background for dome has been updated and polished (was included in level update)

•   Re-enable pinging while in training
•   Ignore pinging action while the chatbox is active
•   Ignore interaction hotkeys while the chatbox is active (pick up, swap, open, close, activate)
•   Ignore voice chat Interaction Key(s) while chatbox is active (push to talk/push to mute)
•   Close chatbox when message is sent instead of leaving it open and requiring second another input to close
•   Slightly increase delay before chatbox goes transparent after closing (because of above change)
•   Update leave button prompts to make them all have the same options and to include ranked leave penalty warning
•   Fixed issue where "Opponent Found" background overlay would not go away when joining a match in progress (transparent square covering player kick options)

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2021, 11:55:13 PM »
Update 619: Ancient Hammer
Mon, 15 March 2021

Version 619: Approx update size 40 MB

Added First Person Spectator, Weapon Changes, Grenade Changes, Dome fixes.

First Person Spectator:
"In addition to the map view you can now watch your teammates from their view but still return to the map at any time"

•   Players on the map who are alive can be clicked to spectate them in the first person view
•   Introduced rebindable hotkeys for spectating, keys for next/last player as well binds for specific members of your team
•   Zoom in from map view when spectating player to give you some positional context
•   Added UI elements to hint that you can press M to either start spectating or return to the map at any moment, as well as hotkey-specific tooltips to change which player you are spectating
•   Modified team status GUI at the top to show you which hotkeys can be used to spectate which player and which one you are currently spectating

Weapon Changes:
"Fixes and polish to various weapon systems. Change to player movement and inertia."

•   Weapons will now automatically perform a rack when held or equipped
•   Additional inertia applied to sprinting movement that causes quick turns to have inertia applied similarly to how strafing has inertia
•   Picking up equipment items now plays the proper draw animations
•   Swapping held items with equipment on the ground/wall now plays the draw animation
•   Usage of the Holster hotkey now correctly plays holster animation
•   You can no longer fire during the draw and holster animation
•   SAB-R and MAWP Scope sensitivity starts when the Scope activates
•   MAWP can no longer be reloaded when already loaded
•   Resolved MAWP destroying bullets if reload was unfinished and it needed to be racked

Grenades/Equipment Changes:
"Grenades will now take longer to use which will leave the thrower vulnerable for longer, and make throwing equipment items benefit more from teamwork. A few states were polished, removing a lot of states where equipment would simply just make no animation."

•   Grenade use now plays an animation and exist in two parts, a prime and a throw. You can cancel a nade that is being primed but not yet thrown.
•   Grenade
must complete their animation before allowing you to switch inventory
•   Grenade throws no longer interrupt other animations
•   You can no longer swap inventory when priming a grenade
•   Pressing Reload or Holster will unready a grenade that is primed but yet thrown
•   Priming a grenade by holding the firing key now has a purpose as it reduces the time needed to throw. Grenades can still be cancelled as long as the key is held
•   Holstering now properly pins a primed grenade (cancels throw)
•   Molotov got an area increase of about 40%

Map Content Changes:
"Mostly fixes to Dome, additional update to improve damage zones."

•   Dome audio events should no longer interrupt the announcer countdown
•   Fixed dome announcer losing track of how many players were alive when someone got a teamkill
•   Fix to dome UAV that allowed it to get sightlines into the map from through the D-Day landing craft.
•   Changes to damage zones (lava/goo) to make them more consistent

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2021, 11:45:24 PM »
Update 625: Vulcan Mountain
Mon, 22 March 2021

Version 625: Approx update size 40 MB

Audio occlusion improvements, some general gameplay changes for equipment, explosive charges, and more

Audio Occlusion Improvements:
•   Previously the audio occlusion system applied audio dampening when sounds were blocked by simple LOS checks on most objects. The sounds would attenuate via distance and whether or not any object(s) were in the way.
•   The new system is a mix of content and audio system improvements to increase the number of levels of audio occlusion that can occur, and certain exceptions have been made for gameplay relevant objects like door kicking and footsteps to make audio easier to understand.
•   Simple objects like props and shelves have low levels of occlusion, while thicker objects like interior and exterior walls, exterior doors gain increasing levels of occlusion.

Increase from 2 to 4 levels of Audio Occlusion:
1.   Exterior Walls:
Unbreachable Walls (typically exterior walls of buildings) occlude most harshly.
2.   Interior Walls:
Medium occlusion effects - Interior Walls, Exterior Doors
3.   Props:
Slight occlusion effects - crates, bathroom stalls, boxes, etc.
4.   Clear LOS:
Only distance attenuation is applied if there is clear line of sight to the sound. But also applies to objects like chainlink fences or metal catwalks in Factory.

Special Cases:
•   Exterior Footsteps:
Footsteps blocked by exterior walls are silenced, except when the listener is close to the footsteps. This helps to mask attackers running around the exterior of the building, all they have to do is keep a small distance to mask their approach instead of walking the whole way.
•   Doors:
Exterior Doors occlude like interior walls, interior doors occlude like props - doors occlude one level down from their surrounding wall, generally
•   Kicking Doors:
Door kicking should always be heard from any distance provided they are not being covered by other loud nearby sounds or flashbang deafness
•   Layered Occlusion:
When multiple types of objects are blocking the sound the effects do not stack the thickest object will set the occlusion value; similarly to player hitboxes, the thickest object "wins".

Other Gameplay Changes:
•   Light emission for map cubes turns off when the power is off
•   Explosive charges now cause extreme concussion if the explosion goes off next to a defender without killing them (returning from alpha)
•   Explosive charge damage radius given slightly increased range, but damage falloff
•   Explosive charge damage radius will be blocked by walls again, re-enabled with return of concussion
•   Clacker now has a light ROF limit to once per tick
•   Flashlight toggling now has a 300ms cooldown
•   You can no longer shoot, use throwables or clack while in the truck
•   In-truck detection for above as well as dropping items back to the truck wall has been changed
•   Barbed wire can be thrown instantly again, like prior to equipment changes
•   Reduced flare light range by about 20%
•   Reduced effectiveness of body light (used when held item does not have a light)
•   Corrected throw position when crouching so grenade throws don't originate from standing height

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2021, 11:49:56 PM »
Update 639: Weekly maps and a small patch
Fri, 16 April 2021

Version 639, approx update size 1.1GB

•   New maps added to rotation, some old maps taken out of rotation
•   Charge placement improvement to make charges more consistently place on the side of the object you are looking at
•   Dome Castle gates can be kicked from the inside, triggering the door opening sequence without a button press
•   Many doors had their densities improperly assigned and have been updated
•   Castle barrel map visibility fixed
•   Changes to castle gate opening/closing sound to make it more telegraphed

Shotgun tweaks:
•   DL12 ADS spread increased to 40 from 30.
•   DL12 Spread Pattern pushed further out towards the edges.
•   Auto Shotgun spread increase from 40 to 50
•   Auto Shotgun RPM increased from 240 to 300
•   Damage falloff starts 13 (down from 15) ends at 16 (was 16) for all shotguns. Primarily effects kill range of the DL12.

•   Fix secondaries not dropping auto-load magazine and instead loading it into the next gun

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Re: Due Process A PVP tactical FPS
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2021, 11:38:49 PM »
Update 640: Torch Paladin
Mon, 19 April 2021

Version 640: Approx update size 550 MB
Icon system, planning overhaul, music and audio updates, misc bug fixes.

Icon System:
•   The map view now contains an assortment of draggable icons that can be placed in the map view
•   The icons can be seen by your team and are representations of gear that you might need to use for the round
•   Once placed in the map via dragging from the tray or using the associated rebindable hotkeys, they will appear as a puck in the map
•   The pucks can be moved, claimed, deleted, and show the claim owner if any
•   Pucks you've claimed will appear yellow to differentiate them between your team(s) pucks, similarly to the player puck
•   Claimed pucks will be given a green check box if the player who claimed them has the indicated equipment in their inventory
•   After claiming a puck, the item(s) on the defender wall/attacker truck wall will highlight in yellow outline
•   After claiming a puck, a flashing icon will appear over the slot in your inventory if you haven't picked that item up yet
•   The map view icon list also shows how many of each item you have left in the armory
•   The map view icon list also has pips for each equipment item, showing how many are deployed for this round and which ones are claimed
•   Icons exist for all placeable and throwable equipment, along with the snipers for both teams
•   An additional exclamation puck exists and can be seen in the world by all members of your team, get creative with it's usage
•   You can use hotkeys to place equipment pucks, these should be ignored during normal gameplay to allow you to bind overlapping keys
•   Icon pucks can be pinged to draw attention to them, using your default ping key while hovering over the puck
•   Claiming a puck will cause it to show up in-world for the claimed player to help guide them to follow the plan
•   Moving through a claimed puck will remove it from the in-world view
•   Barbed wire will show a box on the planning and in-world view when placed, which can be rotated with the scroll wheel while hovering
•   Barbed wire icons will not clear unless a wire is placed in their location

Planning Overhaul:
•   The planning phase has been split into two phases, Planning and Gear-Up
•   Casual and ranked have had some time changes for each gamemode and are no longer the same time in each
•   The attackers and defenders will not be able to pick up gear during the Planning phase to encourage making a plan first and picking up gear second (see next point)
•   However, the Planning Phase for Casual is very short, most of the pre-execution time is in Gear-Up
•   The Planning Phase for Ranked is longer, with a shorter Gear-Up time to encourage more in-depth planning
•   Specifically, the attackers will be locked in new seats added in the attacker truck, while the defender weapon case will remain closed during planning
•   Planning during the Gear-Up phase is not restricted and you can continue to plan during gear-up if necessary
•   Attackers will stand up out of their seat when they have exited the map view during any post-planning phase
•   Players will be forced out of the map at execution should they not realize the round has started and have not yet closed the map at any point to gear-up
•   Casual: 20 seconds Planning, 70 seconds Gear Up (+15s gear up for attackers in setup)
•   Ranked: 50 seconds Planning, 40 seconds Gear Up (+15s gear up for attackers in setup)
•   Hud overlay for phase changes has been changed to be more present and alerting
•   An on-screen countdown for the execution phase was added to give more warning to both teams of imminent execution phase

•   Music is back! Much of the game's soundtrack has been re-implemented for different phases and transitions.
•   An alternate music track for the main menu
•   Music change while queuing for a match
•   Music for loading, planning and short transition tracks for various phase changes in game
•   Dome keeps it's own themes separately from the music tracks used on other maps
•   Asymmetric music per team, attackers and defenders have different music

(Grenade sound changes missed on last patch notes)
•   Frag grenade explosion sound updated
•   Grenades now have separate sounds for pin pull and spoon eject
•   Fixed issue where grenade explosions were not attenuating correctly
•   Door kicks - Fixed D-Day boat door not counting as a door kick sound for attenuation purposes
•   Door kicks - Raised minimum attenuation to make far occluded doors easier to hear
•   Door kicks - Kicks now occlude less if being heard through exterior walls
•   Door kicks - Fixed door kicks in loading screens

Other changes:
•   Molotovs now have an explosion effect when detonating to help identify where they land
•   Fixed recent bug that allowed players to shoot through or over walls in certain circumstances
•   Players should no longer be damaged during certain transition phases
•   Updated EAC debug UI for when client files are in an invalid state
•   Fix barbed wire for sat view

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