(30 September 2020)Tenth Testing Version of Version 1.1 [ADDED] All remaining default PACX aircraft cabins
[ADDED] Revised hungry, thirsty and sleeping wording on the cabin view
[FIXED] SimBrief importing using block time instead of air time
[FIXED] Remaining time counting down after landing
[FIXED] Possibility to have delays generated after landing
[FIXED] Repetitive error message from PACXBridgeMSFS under some conditions
[FIXED] 0 byte record files causing PACX to crash
[FIXED] PACXBridgeMSFS not working when MSFS2020 is running as an administrator
[CHANGED] Pending uploads that already exist in the cache are now discarded
[CHANGED] Online flight records will now display the information relating to the career they were flown on
[CHANGED] PACX record files are now validated internally to attempt to repair/prevent errors automatically* (28 September 2020)Ninth Testing Version of Version 1.1 [FIXED] Passenger bathroom behaviour, causing many passengers to stand up at once to go to the bathroom.
*This version is an alpha, meaning that bugs and issues are likely and will occur. If you find a bug, please open up a new ticket at
https://support.tfdidesign.com/support/tickets/new* (25 September 2020)Eight Testing Version of Version 1.1
[ADDED] New volume sliders for cabin announcements, boarding music and cabin announcements in the settings dialogue.
[ADDED] Cabin validator which will return improved errors on cabins. This feature will detect cabins with unwalkable areas and disable them to prevent passengers and cabin crew freezing in place.
[FIXED] Random passenger behaviours and increasing values for their factors over time.
o This will resolve issues involving all passengers of the aircraft standing up and wishing to use the bathroom at the same time.
[FIXED] Behaviour relating to app focus and app disappearing.
[CHANGED] Simulator menu will now show "Show/Hide PACX" instead of "Show PACX".
*This version is an alpha, meaning that bugs and issues are likely and will occur. If you find a bug, please open up a new ticket at
https://support.tfdidesign.com/support/tickets/new* (24 September 2020)Seventh Testing Version of Version 1.1 [FIXED] Most EU countries receiving unneeded customs announcements
[FIXED] An issue causing passengers/crew to attempt to walk over unreachable cabin locations
[FIXED] An issue causing reduced pathfinding options for passengers/crew
[FIXED] An issue preventing the passengers/crew from diagonally navigating when needed
*This version is an alpha, meaning that bugs and issues are likely and will occur. If you find a bug, please open up a new ticket at
https://support.tfdidesign.com/support/tickets/new* (23 September 2020)Sixth Testing Version of Version 1.1 [ADDED] Ability to report cabin/in-flight service freezes via the cabin view
[FIXED] Show/hide popup not hiding the application
*This version is an alpha, meaning that bugs and issues are likely and will occur. If you find a bug, please open up a new ticket at
https://support.tfdidesign.com/support/tickets/new* (22 September 2020)Fifth Testing Version of Version 1.1 [ADDED] Error message which is displayed if vocal recognition is unavailable.
[ADDED] Update alerts for all release channels (beta and alpha channels).
[FIXED] Crash relating to cabin grid mesh.
[CHANGED] Flight phase will now be logged on change.
*This version is an alpha, meaning that bugs and issues are likely and will occur. If you find a bug, please open up a new ticket at
https://support.tfdidesign.com/support/tickets/new* (21 September 2020)Fourth Testing Version of Version 1.1 [FIXED] Crew will sometimes permanently wonder around the cabin, without stopping.
[FIXED] In-flight service not advancing.
[FIXED] Low PACX HUD performance in Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS2020).
[FIXED] A scenario causing passengers to be unable to navigate the cabin.
[CHANGED] Aircraft with incompatible adjacent cell counts will be logged and ignored. This issue would sometimes prevent passengers from boarding the virtual cabin.
*The this version is an alpha, meaning that bugs and issues are likely and will occur. If you find a bug, please open up a new ticket at