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Author Topic: Ground Branch  (Read 36721 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2018, 11:36:43 AM »
1022 TESTING Build update

Lots of fixes as we try to polish this thing up for Early Access! Some notable items are lots of new randomization with doors and ladders into the rail cars. More breakable glass to and continued optimizations. :)

We also added system where smoke grenades block LOS to AI. It works fairly well but still has some issues. We are also on the trail of the non-sync'd doors.


Build Id: 2997597

Approx. Size: 1.2gb

Dedicated Server

Build Id: 2997602

Approx. Size: 44mb


* fixed clientside items attached to character not being destroyed when dead bodie is removed in non-round based games
* fixed potential nullptr crashing client in UGBVOIPManager::OnVOIPAudioFinished()
* fixed erroneous collision in doorways blocking entry to certain rooms in SmallTown
* FIXED Mis-aligned 1911 magazine
* fixed triggers on door having bullet collision blocked
* fixed collision on Warhouse_Window_Large_A_Glass stopping BP_DestructibleWindow_Depot from working properly
* fixed bad ladder pos in Depot_Geo stopping you getting in box car.
* FIXED NVG headgear intersecting the back of one of the male heads
* FIXED white squares in glass hit effect
* FIXED Large relfex sight not fitting on risers (works on 100mm risers only)
* fixed 90 turn in place angle being set when ever player stopped moving
* fixed right hand IK joint target
* fixed toggle run not being toggleable unless you're running
* fixed ladder movement using MaxWalkSpeed (6m/s) as apposed to MaxWalkSpeedForward(1.4m/s)
* fixed climbing up ladder beyond ladder exents when its incorrectly placed.
* fixed crash caused by TWeakPtr being null in RBEventManager
* fixed roller doors being out of sync between server/client
* fixed sight offset/rotation remanining even when firearm changes
* fixed collision profiles to incorrectly blocking projectiles
* fixed grenade arc staying on character death
* fixed live grenade not exploding on character death
* fixed freelook resetting to aim adding roll to view rotation
* fixed flash bang sound not being attenuated
* fixed terrorist hidey holes near bridge in TankerShip
* fixed incorrect auto-generated collisoin for S_TankerShip_DoorFrame
* fixed incorrect auto-generated collisoin for S_Window_Outside
* fixed over simplified collision for S_Structure_Story_B_Right
* FIXED collision on Tanker Ship windows preventing weapons from going through
* fixed default firing mode not being set
* fixed not having a firearm selected on spawn
    * will now force one up after about 2 seconds if one is not chosen first.
* fixed grenade safety lever / spoon not detaching on clients

* Added random door setting to Euro boxcar BP
* Added random start position to Rollup Door BP
* Depot
    * Added in breakable glass to warehouses
    * Fixed up some missing collision on warehouse outside stairs
    * Setup rollup doors and boxcar doors to have random open/close states upon map start (all gametypes)
    * FIXED tree instersecting gaurdrail
    * FIXED tree that grows and shrinks based on distance
* Storage Facility
    * Broke geometry up into sections for possible streaming optimization later
    * Lots of LOD work settign cull distances and more agressive reductions
    * setup missing physical materials on a few ojects
    * PRODUCTION light build
* Depot
    * Added ladders to boxcars for entry when doors are open
    * Cleaned up a few mesh cull distances
    * PRODUCTION light build
* Cleaned up some bad collision on Euro_Boxcar
* Added LODs to a few meshes
* Replaced old AmericanElm mesh in Depot with newer version that has proper LODs

* TankerShip
    * Added breakable windows to outside walls (Will add rest after some testing)
    * Cleaned up some collision on superstructer parts
    * Refined some LOD settings for various objects
* Cleaned up collision on BoxCar model
* Added LODs to various meshes (required lightbuild on some maps

* adjusted volumes/attentuations of VOIP wrap cues
    * radio squelches and transmit should be much quieter
    * voice is twice as loud
    * radio is three times as loud.
    * attenuation distance went from 25m to 50m
* updated GBVOIPManager
    * changed voice audio attachment to setworld location so that changes in character etc are handled correctly.
    * changed MaxVoiceDistanceSquared from 25m squared to 50m squared.
* updated BP_DestructibleWindowPane_Master to add support for multiple panes
    * decals don't always seem to want to stay around on client for some reason, despite being CLIENT SIDE in the first place :|
* updated BP_DestructibleWindow_Depot to be based off updated BP_DestructibleWindowPane_Master .
* updated laser/flash attachments to turn off on characters death or shortly after being dropped.
* Incremented Project Verion to 1022

* combined obstructed & offtarget curves into one another
    * removed deprecated obstructed curves
    * updated affected Blueprints
    * added support for Curve_Offtarget_AnchorRot in animation blueprints
    * updated base rifle & handgun offtarget curves to add low/high ready & low/high obstructed
* updated GBCharacterMovement
    * removed deprecated functions/code
    * updated affected C++/Blueprints
    * updated ladder movement to make forward always = up, backwards always = down, regardless of view angle
* updated GBCharacter
    * removed deprecated functions/code
    * updated affected C++/Blueprints
    * added temp fix for running while engaged arm jitter - a "FastWalkSpeed" to use against IsRunning() etc.
* updated BP_BoxCar
    * rolled back mesh to one that included ladders.
    * renamed BoxCar_EastEuro to S_BoxCar_EastEuro
    * updated collision to take ladders into account
    * added ladder support to all ladders
    * ensured doors were in sync between server client
    * ensured side ladders are enabled/disabled based on related doors being open/closed
* created BP_TankerCar
    * updated S_Train_TankerCar_A simple collision to better match actual mesh
    * added support for its one ladder based on BP_BoxCar
* removed need for animation blueprint in BP_Door_Rollup
    * removed deprecated ABP_Warehouse_Door_Rollup_A
* updated BP_Explosion_M67 to change how it determines what to damage
    FIXME -  still possibly to avoid damage by becoming intimate with poles :(

* created BP_Explosion_Smoke_Master
    * spawns a visibility blocking collision sphere expands/contracts to prevent AI seeing through
    * updated all smoke grenades to use this as their base explosions
* removed erroneous spawn point for AI in DM-TankerShip
* added additional nav mesh modifiers to Tankship_Geo to prevent possible AI navigation issues.
* added missing low obstructed to rifle curves

* created bDefaultOffTargetToHighReady player setting
    * allows the player to default to high ready instead of low.
* created GrenadeSwitch player setting
    * optiosn include prev items (default), similar grenades or nothing (old).
* removed way out of date ABP_Character_OLD
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2018, 01:37:21 PM »
1022 TESTING Build update

Lots of fixes as we try to polish this thing up for Early Access! Some notable items are lots of new randomization with doors and ladders into the rail cars. More breakable glass to and continued optimizations. :)

We also added system where smoke grenades block LOS to AI. It works fairly well but still has some issues. We are also on the trail of the non-sync'd doors.


Build Id: 2997597

Approx. Size: 1.2gb

Dedicated Server

Build Id: 2997602

Approx. Size: 44mb


* fixed clientside items attached to character not being destroyed when dead bodie is removed in non-round based games
* fixed potential nullptr crashing client in UGBVOIPManager::OnVOIPAudioFinished()
* fixed erroneous collision in doorways blocking entry to certain rooms in SmallTown
* FIXED Mis-aligned 1911 magazine
* fixed triggers on door having bullet collision blocked
* fixed collision on Warhouse_Window_Large_A_Glass stopping BP_DestructibleWindow_Depot from working properly
* fixed bad ladder pos in Depot_Geo stopping you getting in box car.
* FIXED NVG headgear intersecting the back of one of the male heads
* FIXED white squares in glass hit effect
* FIXED Large relfex sight not fitting on risers (works on 100mm risers only)
* fixed 90 turn in place angle being set when ever player stopped moving
* fixed right hand IK joint target
* fixed toggle run not being toggleable unless you're running
* fixed ladder movement using MaxWalkSpeed (6m/s) as apposed to MaxWalkSpeedForward(1.4m/s)
* fixed climbing up ladder beyond ladder exents when its incorrectly placed.
* fixed crash caused by TWeakPtr being null in RBEventManager
* fixed roller doors being out of sync between server/client
* fixed sight offset/rotation remanining even when firearm changes
* fixed collision profiles to incorrectly blocking projectiles
* fixed grenade arc staying on character death
* fixed live grenade not exploding on character death
* fixed freelook resetting to aim adding roll to view rotation
* fixed flash bang sound not being attenuated
* fixed terrorist hidey holes near bridge in TankerShip
* fixed incorrect auto-generated collisoin for S_TankerShip_DoorFrame
* fixed incorrect auto-generated collisoin for S_Window_Outside
* fixed over simplified collision for S_Structure_Story_B_Right
* FIXED collision on Tanker Ship windows preventing weapons from going through
* fixed default firing mode not being set
* fixed not having a firearm selected on spawn
    * will now force one up after about 2 seconds if one is not chosen first.
* fixed grenade safety lever / spoon not detaching on clients

* Added random door setting to Euro boxcar BP
* Added random start position to Rollup Door BP
* Depot
    * Added in breakable glass to warehouses
    * Fixed up some missing collision on warehouse outside stairs
    * Setup rollup doors and boxcar doors to have random open/close states upon map start (all gametypes)
    * FIXED tree instersecting gaurdrail
    * FIXED tree that grows and shrinks based on distance
* Storage Facility
    * Broke geometry up into sections for possible streaming optimization later
    * Lots of LOD work settign cull distances and more agressive reductions
    * setup missing physical materials on a few ojects
    * PRODUCTION light build
* Depot
    * Added ladders to boxcars for entry when doors are open
    * Cleaned up a few mesh cull distances
    * PRODUCTION light build
* Cleaned up some bad collision on Euro_Boxcar
* Added LODs to a few meshes
* Replaced old AmericanElm mesh in Depot with newer version that has proper LODs

* TankerShip
    * Added breakable windows to outside walls (Will add rest after some testing)
    * Cleaned up some collision on superstructer parts
    * Refined some LOD settings for various objects
* Cleaned up collision on BoxCar model
* Added LODs to various meshes (required lightbuild on some maps

* adjusted volumes/attentuations of VOIP wrap cues
    * radio squelches and transmit should be much quieter
    * voice is twice as loud
    * radio is three times as loud.
    * attenuation distance went from 25m to 50m
* updated GBVOIPManager
    * changed voice audio attachment to setworld location so that changes in character etc are handled correctly.
    * changed MaxVoiceDistanceSquared from 25m squared to 50m squared.
* updated BP_DestructibleWindowPane_Master to add support for multiple panes
    * decals don't always seem to want to stay around on client for some reason, despite being CLIENT SIDE in the first place :|
* updated BP_DestructibleWindow_Depot to be based off updated BP_DestructibleWindowPane_Master .
* updated laser/flash attachments to turn off on characters death or shortly after being dropped.
* Incremented Project Verion to 1022

* combined obstructed & offtarget curves into one another
    * removed deprecated obstructed curves
    * updated affected Blueprints
    * added support for Curve_Offtarget_AnchorRot in animation blueprints
    * updated base rifle & handgun offtarget curves to add low/high ready & low/high obstructed
* updated GBCharacterMovement
    * removed deprecated functions/code
    * updated affected C++/Blueprints
    * updated ladder movement to make forward always = up, backwards always = down, regardless of view angle
* updated GBCharacter
    * removed deprecated functions/code
    * updated affected C++/Blueprints
    * added temp fix for running while engaged arm jitter - a "FastWalkSpeed" to use against IsRunning() etc.
* updated BP_BoxCar
    * rolled back mesh to one that included ladders.
    * renamed BoxCar_EastEuro to S_BoxCar_EastEuro
    * updated collision to take ladders into account
    * added ladder support to all ladders
    * ensured doors were in sync between server client
    * ensured side ladders are enabled/disabled based on related doors being open/closed
* created BP_TankerCar
    * updated S_Train_TankerCar_A simple collision to better match actual mesh
    * added support for its one ladder based on BP_BoxCar
* removed need for animation blueprint in BP_Door_Rollup
    * removed deprecated ABP_Warehouse_Door_Rollup_A
* updated BP_Explosion_M67 to change how it determines what to damage
    FIXME -  still possibly to avoid damage by becoming intimate with poles :(

* created BP_Explosion_Smoke_Master
    * spawns a visibility blocking collision sphere expands/contracts to prevent AI seeing through
    * updated all smoke grenades to use this as their base explosions
* removed erroneous spawn point for AI in DM-TankerShip
* added additional nav mesh modifiers to Tankship_Geo to prevent possible AI navigation issues.
* added missing low obstructed to rifle curves

* created bDefaultOffTargetToHighReady player setting
    * allows the player to default to high ready instead of low.
* created GrenadeSwitch player setting
    * optiosn include prev items (default), similar grenades or nothing (old).
* removed way out of date ABP_Character_OLD
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2018, 01:38:16 PM »
A new Testing branch build update - 3001812

Mainly bug fixes and ease of use changes with VOIP. Big thing is really good framerates on Depot Day and Night!


Build Id: 3001812

Approx. Size: 401mb

Dedicated Server

Build Id: 3001816

Approx. Size: 25mb


* fixed animation not updating if in first person mode and not casting shadows
* FIXED bad skin weighting on Mk48_MOD1 LODs
* fixed spectator voice chat not working
* fixed PlayerLocation only being replicated to PlayerState's owner instead of everyone BUT its owner (oops!)
* fixed chat WBP_ChatMessage_Manager showing swapped TeamChat/GlobalChat .

* Depot
    * Fixed collision stopping player from one set of warehouse windows once glass is broken out
    * Adjusted broken glass fade out time to 10-30 seconds
    * Reworked lighting in both Day and Night to have much better performance

* updated GBVOIPManager
    * switched from simply bIsRadio bool to a enumerator for GlobalVoice, LocalVoice & Radio
    * renamed voice references to local voice
    * added sound cue wrappers for global voip & pre recorded radio messages
    * updated TickReceives() to check for and read multiple incoming P2P packets instead of one at a time.
    * updated rules on who can hear who
        * Spectators can be heard by other spectators or other players in RR as a global voice.
        * Players in RR can be heard by...
            * ...other spectators as a global voice
            * ...other players in RR as a local voice or using radio.
        * Players in the play area can be heard by...
            * ... specators as a local voice
            * ... other players in the play area as a local voice or using radio.
        * Players in the RR can never hear other players in the play area.
        * Players in the play area can never hear other players in the RR.

* created PlayerLocation variable on GBPlayerState for use with VOIP etc
* updated GBVOIPManager
    * uses new PlayerLocation variable to determine player to player distance
    * made sure spectators don't ever try to send VOIP buffer to people in play area
* replaced blocking volumes in DM-Depot_Compound near train gate to ensure you can't jump over said gate.
* updated BP_DestructibleWindowPane_Master to try and improve server/client sync of glass
* updated GBCharacter to make sure it clears its player states character reference on the client when ragdolling
* updated GBVOIPManager to default to using PlayerState->GetPlayerLocation() and only try using the character if that player isn't a spectator.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2018, 01:38:49 PM »
Server related testing build update : 3002593
GROUND BRANCH - KrisRedbeard

A small change specifically aimed at supporting professional game server environments.


Build Id: 3002593

Approx. Size: 65mb

Dedicated Server

Build Id: 3002596

Approx. Size: 16mb

* added logging options to GBVOIPManager
* updated IUworks to add support for MultiHome, Port & QueryPort command line overrides.
* updated UWorks target for shipping server build to work
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2018, 12:07:13 AM »
Current Early Access Release Situation

We finally received word from Valve and they requested a few changes be made to both the game and the store page to better reflect the current feature set. Nothing major – items have already been taken care of and resubmitted for approval. While not starting the review process over from the beginning, we do not have a time frame for completion of the follow-up review. It could be another 24 hours or 2–5 business days, so back into a holding pattern we go.

One of the great aspect of Early Access development to us is the ability for the consumer to get a better idea of how games are made: From the cool whiz bang gameplay items, down to all the little things that go into getting a product "out the door" to the consumer. Well, welcome to a front-row seat of some of those little things that happen along the way you normally don't see. :)

Hold tight, it's all worth it. Hopefully our next update will be the announcement that Early Access is finally available!

The BFS Team
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2018, 03:46:48 PM »
Build update for those that have Pre-Order

We have gone ahead and updated the Main branch to be in line with all testing branches in anticipation fro the hopefully soon to be released EARLY ACCESS.

Those running servers, please update so we can minimize any possible confusion.

Thank you!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2018, 06:25:38 PM »
GROUND BRANCH website update!!

We all know at this point that no plan survives first contact, which is why we're unveiling our brand new website right now instead of holding it back until Early Access finally hits:

Lots of info and pretty things to look at in there, so go check it out while we all wait on that sweet Valve approval, and let us know what you think in the comments!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2018, 12:04:17 AM »
GROUND BRANCH Early Access key giveaway


While we are all patiently waiting for the Early Access release…

We’re running a quick giveaway contest for 4 GROUND BRANCH Steam® Early Access keys on social media this weekend, starting now.

For more details, visit:
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2018, 09:55:17 PM »
GROUND BRANCH is now available for purchase!
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2018, 09:45:14 PM »
INTEL UPDATE #001: Launch Recap

Our Early Access launch certainly had its share of suspense and drama, but we are happy to announce that it’s been a pretty good success so far! We’re really enjoying watching and listening to people have a lot of fun with GROUND BRANCH, and can’t wait to see more players jump in as we move forward.

It’s awesome that most of the new players understand and appreciate where the game is headed towards, despite all the rough edges that are to be expected from its current pre-alpha stage. Reaching and maintaining a positive rating for an Early Access title is not easy, and we consider it a big achievement.

So we wanted to take this time to outline a couple things you can expect as we transition from launch to continued production:

•   A quick hot-fix release this weekend will address some of the main issues with the Ready Room, customization menu and visual glitches some players are experiencing. We have gained a lot of feedback that could only happen with a larger scale release into Early Access, so thanks for all the reports!
•   Moving forward past this initial launch week, we would like to get into a bi-weekly update schedule with at least one major new feature or upgrade a month. Of course, there may be times when we are able to deliver more in shorter periods, too!

From the entire BlackFoot Studios team: Thank you so much for your continued support. Stick around, ’cause it’s gonna be a fun ride!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2018, 06:26:42 PM »
BUILD UPDATE #001: Hotfix Patch

As promised, our first hotfix patch since Early Access release is out!There should be enough replication/sync and quality-of-life improvements to make the game a lot more playable for everyone, especially online. Check out the highlights and full change log below and, as always, let us know about any issues! Please remember this is EARLY ACCESS so there may be times where something worked in a previous build now doesn't, or runs worse for some reason. Again, thank you all for all the reports and suggestions—this right here is why they're so valued.

•   Fixed weapons getting stuck at a high-ready/muzzle-up position.
•   Fixed (🤞) players missing body parts when no item is selected for them.
•   See who's talking and mute annoying players via player list (ESC button).
•   Scalable AI settings now work correctly and can be adjusted in AISettings.ini file (This allows us to more easily tune the AI moving forward) .
•   Reduced default amount of team kills required to automatically kick an offending player.
•   Increased TK BanTime from 5min to 60min
•   Ready Room testing range now muted to those outside of the range.
•   30-second countdown now starts after all players have selected an insertion point (it can still be skipped/cancelled).
•   Players who miss round start now have 5 seconds to make it to the Operations Room; they will be spawned at a random insertion point.
•   Quick admin commands to make it easier for admins/moderators to police servers.
•   Working SteamCMD for free dedicated servers (AppId 47460).
•   Turned off OculousVR plugin to stop game trying to start up the headset.
•   Fixed some navmesh placement inside some Tanker Ship deck structures that allowed AI to spawn inside meshes.
•   Removed M24 SWS until proper bolt-action animations can be added.

Known Issues With New Features
•   Muted players cannot be unmuted until server is reset
•   New features are in and working and will be refined with more user feedback in the near future

Build version: 1023
Steam ID: 3045474

For a full changelist please see the blog post on

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2018, 12:55:15 PM »

We've got another small build update ready!Like before, check the highlights underneath and scroll further down for the complete change log. Keep the reports coming and thanks for playing GROUND BRANCH.


•   Unmute now works.
•   Fixed "Spectate" button on ops board for Terrorist Hunt and Team Elimination.
•   Fixed fire mode, magazine weight and other UI elements not appearing after a map change.
•   Fixed NVGs not working after map change.
•   Reduced slowdowns from bullet impacts and muzzle smoke/flash.
•   Team Elimination should no longer start when a single player enters the Operations Room.
•   Reduced/fixed slowdowns in Small Town.
•   Fixed some Tanker Ship map issues.
•   Added "Spectate" to bindable controls—default key is F6.

Build version: 1023

Steam ID: 3053047

Change log

* FIXED navmesh area near SW spawn in SmallTown that allowed AI to sometimes spawn inside large rock pile
* fixed being able to start a vote while another is already in progress (oops)
* fixed vote kick not working
* fixed lighting not being reset when leaving character editor in training maps
* fixed player list blank lines
* fixed BP_Explosion_M67 trying to access possible none due to a component or its owner being marked for destroy.
* FIXED tanks Ship bugs
    * Falling off walkway with no railings between pipes on deck
    * Falling out of map in engine room
    * Falling out of map along lower level of main structure walls (both sides)
    * Engine room walkway stairs not accesible
    * Misaligned geometry causing gap at bottom of mian stair system just before entering engine room
* fixed possible none in WBP_TeamElimination_OpsBoard if game state hasn replicated properly yet
* fixed UGBUIFunctionLibrary::GetChildrenOfClass() failing to find children of user widget blueprint
* fixed firemode, center messages and other related widgets no longer working after map change
* fixed quick admin commands being lost on map change
* fixed calls to ClientMessage() in C++ not displaying very long, if at all
* FIXED missing collision on middle section of cinderblack wall
* fixed team elimination starting if only one person enters the ops room.

* Removed 'Pre' from Early Access watermark
* Added 'spectate' to bindable controls.Default is F6
* Folded built in bipod on Mk48 mod1 so it didn't collide as much

* Set bCastDynamicShadow = false on pouches to help performance

* Optimization of bullet hit effect and weapon muzzle flashes
    * Setting Effects to Medium in Settings reduces amount of GPU based particles so should help on lower end GPU's
* Optimized light placements on Small Town
    * Hopefully this reduces specific area slowdowns some poeple are seeing
* Set Depot roller doors to have a random open state at map startup

* disabled some stubbs in GBAIController & RBEventManager
* added VOIP indicators for spectators
* removed game mode choice from change map vote menu
* enabled ban command to work regardless of player still being online
* added short ban duration to kick to prevent kicked player instantly returning to server.
 * added cancel option to connection screen (just calls 'disconnect' for now)
* disable loop back in voip manager (oops)
* added additional variables to WBP_RadialMenu to John to fiddle with
* changed mutelist storage type from uint64 to fstring.
* tweaked when ops board spectator button is visible/not visible - made need better solution
* set values to some local variables in BP_TerroristHunt & BP_TeamElimination to see if that clears up reported bug
    * shouldn't need to, because as far as I know, Blueprint functions auto-init the values to zero.
* changed "CUSTOM" to "CUSTOM REASON (TYPE IN)" in WBP_ServerAccess_List_Reasons to make it clearer.
* updated GBRoundManager to parse the actual command line instead of relying on game mode options.
* added logging to GBVOIPManager::IsMuted() to find out whats going on with that.

* removed IsMuted() from GBPlayerState.
* changed IsMuted() on GBPlayerController to accept PlayerState instead of UniqueId.
    * updated affected C++ and Blueprints
* removed IsMuted() logging now that it is well and truly fixed.

* renamed WBP_X_BriefingRoom widgets to WBP_X_OpsBoard
* created WBP_OpsBoard_InProgressButton
    * moved functionality of inprogress overlay/spectator button from separate OpsBoard widgets to one that is self contained.
    * automatically shows/hides itself based on round stage.
* updated BP_TerroristHunt
    * cleaned up CheckReadyUp() to make sure it specifically checks the round stage instead of simply checking that it isn't "ReadyUp" stage.
    * rigged it up to replicate desired number of terrorists via AI State to show on OpsBoard.
* updated WBP_TerroristHunt_OpsBoard
    * cleaned up/simplified thanks to removal of inprogress overlay/spectator button to separate widget.
    * added basic 'mission info' - number of tangos + simple objectives (Sweet the area + eliminate threats).
    * this should make the round won't instantly start unless everyone is ready.
* updated BP_TeamElimination
    * cleaned up CheckReadyUp() to make sure it specifically checks the round stage instead of simply checking that it isn't "ReadyUp" stage.
    * this should make the round won't instantly start unless everyone is ready.
* updated WBP_TeamElimination_OpsBoard
    * cleaned up/simplified thanks to removal of inprogress overlay/spectator button to separate widget.
* fixed axis actions bound to mouse button not ending when mousing over interactive widget

* changed Kick command to still add temp ban even if player leaves before they are kicked.
* added vote timeout of 1 minute after map change.
* added map vote timeout of 5 minutes after map change.
* created UGBUIFunctionLibrary::GetFirstChildOfClass() to make it easier to find specific widget without Blueprint shenanigans
* refactored WBP_InventoryBar & WBP_InventoryBar_Heading to fix UE4 bullshit about it being WBP_InventoryBar being out of date (even after I made it fresh!)
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2018, 02:54:11 PM »
BFS server AI settings test

"We are testing out some small changes to the A.I. settings for Ground Branch Terrorist Hunt on the following [BFS Official] servers:

These are based on settings in a post by Skorpi0 here in the Steam discussions and appear to provide a more balanced experience. Give them a shot while we work on some bigger changes/additions, and see what you think."
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2018, 08:45:21 PM »
INTEL UPDATE #002: Keep’Em Coming

It's time for another Intel Update, where we let you all know what we've been up to since you last heard from us. Cut to the chase, you say? A new Build Update is scheduled for this upcoming week, and we're spilling some of the highlights below:

Unreal Engine 4.20.2
We've upgraded from Unreal Engine 4.18.2 to 4.20.2. Along with the numerous bug fixes and underlying improvements, this gives us access to a new networking feature that will help with online play.

Scope glitch fix
We've finally pinpointed what was causing the scope glitch, which seemed restricted to nVidia 10xx series GPU users. No more weird squares popping into view when aiming down magnified sights!

AI suppression
Our resident bot master Phil "zoombapup" Carlisle has worked some new suppression code into the AI programming that makes enemies capable of sensing incoming fire from distances and locations where they can't see the attacking player: They will now take cover and return fire in more contexts, and their reaction is partly mitigated by how much suppression players put on them. These new suppression settings will also be accessible and editable via the AISettings.ini file.

Controls and key bindings
The Controls screen has been reworked to be more intuitive and accessible: More bindings are now exposed and editable, some were given their own independent key, and others were rearranged for future features. For instance, tapping Reload will now result in a tactical/retention reload, while double-tapping will perform a speed reload; holding Reload is being reserved for an upcoming menu that will allow the player to do a mag check, among other related actions. We'll keep updating control schemes and making them increasingly more configurable as we go.

Earlier this week: AI squad commands
Those who follow our Twitter (or @zoombapup) got a sneak peek of Phil's work on squad AI commands—door stacking and room clearing, anyone? Phil will be making a little demo video for those interested in the tech side of AI programming, and that will be posted in our social media channels sometime in the upcoming week. Follow us[//] and don't miss it!

That's all for today. Stay tuned and, as always, thank you for your continued support!
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Ground Branch
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2018, 06:40:41 PM »
A little SITREP update

We're still cleaning up issues from the engine update and, unfortunately, it's unlikely for the new Build Update to roll out before the week ends today. Game development is tough, indie game development is tougher—this is just one of those hiccups along the way.

That said, we'll be working on it over the weekend and the delay should be of a couple days at most, so hang in there! We appreciate the understanding, and rest assured we'll remain transparent and committed throughout this whole process. Cheers!
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