How to enter Community Opt-In BetaIf you wish to help test the beta before it is rolled out to everyone.How can I participate?:1. Go to the
main website and sign into your account.
2. In the top right hand corner, click the
Hello, User! dropdown box and select the My Products/Services option.
3. Once there, press the
View Available Addons button via the pane on the left-hand side of the page.
4. The Community Opt-In Beta should be listed here, so select
Order Now and you should be automatically taken to your Shopping Cart.
5. At this stage, you can press the Checkout button and complete the purchase process. For your payment option, we suggest that you select PayPal as it will skip payment information since the COB is
free. This will allow you gain access to the COB and from there you can open the addon manager and it should automatically update to the latest version of the COB.
The P3DV4 version is available by opting in to the beta.