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Offline Asid

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Career Mode Beta Opt-In: FSW
« on: March 25, 2018, 02:13:55 AM »
Career Mode Beta Opt-In

Greetings Airmen and Airwomen,

Our development team have been working on something a little extra from your current Flight Sim World experience and we’d love to hear what you think!

Today, the beginnings of a career mode have been released onto a beta branch which is freely accessible for everyone who owns Flight Sim World. This isn’t a fully-fledged feature just yet, but we are laying the foundations for future work as part of getting IFR functionality and our first jet into the sim.

You can opt in to the beta by right-clicking on Flight Sim World in your Steam library and selecting “Properties”. From there, select the “Betas” tab and enter the beta access code: DFSWpArTester18 and press “Check Code”. You’ll then be able to check out Career Mode once your sim has finished updating. The update size will be approximately: 243.4MB.

Note: Career Mode is the only mode accessible within this Beta branch. You can of course continue to enjoy missions, free flight and multiplayer by swapping back to the main game.

Let us know what you think of Career Mode in the Dovetail Forums![]
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Offline Asid

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Re: Career Mode Beta Opt-In: FSW
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2018, 03:12:14 PM »
Career Mode v0.2 Patch Live

We're heading into the Easter weekend and that means (hopefully) you've got a little extra time for simming this weekend. Regardless of how you end up spending your time, we've got an update for the career mode beta branch that will resolve a number of the bugs you've brought to our attention thus far.

Here's the full list:
•   Landing back at home base should not trigger successful completion
•   Parking markers should show/hide when approaching parking spot
•   Accu-feel setup menu removed from in-flight menu bar as per Free Flight
•   Company balance should now fit in UI when account balance is over a certain size
•   Cents should be dropped from all currency display in UI
•   MEP rated jobs should not appear without valid MEP rating
•   Fixed crash on landing at airstrips with no parking spots
•   Career mode should be locked out when ‘Advanced Weather’ is not enabled, suitable prompt and re-direct should be observed when clicking Career Mode Icon
•   Balance and reputation should be moved into Header bar
•   Balance and reputation should hide and show only when in Career Mode UI
•   Seaplane bases are now excluded from jobs (they will be reintroduced at a later date)
•   Closed airports should be excluded

If you haven't checked out the career mode then you can read up on how to enable it here.[]

Equally, if you have any feedback about career mode then please leave it in our beta feedback forum.[]

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Offline Asid

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Re: Career Mode Beta Opt-In: FSW
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2018, 06:43:11 PM »
Career Mode Update #3

Happy weekend to our frequent flyers,

We've got an update to the public Career Mode branch with a number of tweaks to the missions and the enabling of maintenance jobs. You can find the full list below:

•   Maintenance jobs have now been enabled. However, please be aware that failures of this type of mission are now also supported!
•   Cargo jobs will now have increased weight.
•   PAX jobs will now have increased potential numbers of passengers.
•   Some jobs will now have an increased pay rate.
•   Some jobs (particularly Maintenance jobs) now have a reduced range.
•   Dramatically changed available aircraft for some jobs - for example, slower
•   Cubs will now appear less in bigger jobs.
•   Weather conditions have been changed so that early jobs are less likely to encounter bad weather.
•   Reputation reward has been increased for some jobs (particularly MEP jobs).
•   Difficulty across jobs will now be better balanced and will ramp up in value.
•   Random weather themes and times of day are now supported.
•   Failure support for jobs has now been improved.

Bug Fixes
•   Fixed a bug related to a sky/weather graphical issue.
•   Fixed a bug where MEP jobs should now correctly choose MEP aircraft.
•   Fixed a bug that will now allow for multi-line descriptions in the post-flight screen.
•   Fixed a bug where the cold night theme was not at night.
•   Fixed a bug relating to the text of Delivery Flight job on the Job Board and Front Desk screens.
•   Fixed a bug where the display of total money and reputation were out of position.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Career Mode Beta Opt-In: FSW
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2018, 06:39:06 PM »
Career Mode Update #4 Available Now

We're launching our 4th update to the career mode in the Flight Sim World beta branch. We've added the option to reset your career mode progress if you're eager to move home base or start over and check out some of these updates.

There are also a number of bug fixes, so check below for the full list:

•   Added pop-up message when an aircraft is selected that is not suitable for a job.
•   Added a reset button to the header bar, allowing for a full reset of career mode data.
•   Added failure feedback messages in log window and will now automatically switch to this window when a new message is posted.
•   Users with either the LAPL or Student license should receive into their fleet the PA-18 for achieving 1-star reputation and the DA-40 for achieving 2-star reputation.
•   Fixed a bug that was preventing certain job types being available.
•   Fixed a bug that was providing overly generous job salaries.
•   Fixed a bug that meant that the ATC widget was not appearing at the start of a flight.
•   Fixed a bug that meant that the log window was disappearing when toggling pause.
•   Fixed a bug where certain log messages were disappearing.
•   Fixed a bug where certain jobs were appearing for which the user doesn’t own a suitable aircraft.
•   Fixed a bug relating to the time of day.
•   Fixed a bug related to an intermittent ATC/log window issue.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Career Mode Beta Opt-In: FSW
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2018, 10:37:24 PM »
Career Mode Update #5 Now Live

We're introducing Career Mode Update 5 onto the beta branch, with fixes to issues caused by failures in maintenance missions and a slew of other fixes. This update is majorly driven by feedback that you have provided to us, so please do continue to post in the Career Mode forums with any feedback that you may have. You can read the full list below:

Support for serious failures have now been added:
•   All engine failures are marked as serious failures will now allow for landing anywhere.
•   A Red failure message indicates an engine failure and should will allow a user to land anywhere.
•   Switching off the engine (or just parking, if it has failed) will now bring up the post flight screen.
•   Reputation will be added but no expenses will be deducted.
•   Parking on the runway yields a 50% job reputation increase and landing off runway yields a 10% job reputation increase.
•   Failure messages are marked Yellow for non-engine failures and Red for serious engine failures.

Several updates have been made to the UI:
•   Half stars supported for reputation and both full and half stars should be visible for reputation score.
•   Updated reputation star size and text.
•   Updated job tile text colours.
•   Updated dynamic weather icon.

Added support for switching between different weight measures for cargo.

Added auto-switching to log tab when a new log message arrives.

Added information with further job details, showing distance, weather, passengers, cargo and maintenance data.

Added greater level of randomisation of failures.

Fixed a bug where the ATC voice was not matching the chosen gender in the career mode profile.

Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting a pilot voice in general settings.

Fixed a bug where the ATC tab would be hidden on alternate flights.

Fixed a bug where there would always be 3 failures and failures will now match the job template.

Fixed a bug where the ATC was being muted.

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