Forum > DCS World

Fix for DCS World 2.2.0 and 1.5.8


Fix for DCS World 1.5.8 and 2.2.0

DCS World 1.5.8 and 2.2.0 have changed the way some LUA addons are working. This is why telemetry export does not work well with these versions. Here is how to fix the issue while waiting for the fix in Tacview 1.7.0:

* Go in the \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\ folder which correspond to your edition of DCS World
* Create a subfolder \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\Hooks\
* Move \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\TacviewGameGUI.lua in \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\Hooks\
This fix will be integrated in Tacview 1.7.0

About Tacview options menu in DCS

ED team is investigating the issue of Tacview special menu which is not displayed in DCS World.

Meanwhile, you can manually open the file \Saved Games\DCS.*\Config\options.lua and edit the Tacview section which should look like the following. If you do not see this section, you may have to copy paste it manually into the options.lua file.

--- Code: --- ["Tacview"] = {
["bookmarkShortcut"] = 0,
["dataRecordingEnabled"] = true,
["debugModeEnabled"] = true,
["playbackDelay"] = 0,
["profilingPeriod"] = 60,
["recordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = true,
["tacviewBookmarkShortcut"] = 0,
["tacviewCompressionLevel"] = 1,
["tacviewDataRecordingEnabled"] = true,
["tacviewDebugModeEnabled"] = false,
["tacviewPlaybackDelay"] = 600,
["tacviewProfilingPeriod"] = 600,
["tacviewRealTimeTelemetryPort"] = "42674",
["tacviewRecordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = false,
["tacviewRemoteControlPort"] = "42675",
--- End code ---


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