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Author Topic: Empires of the Undergrowth  (Read 43633 times)

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2018, 01:18:51 AM »
V0.13 Early Access Released! NEW Challenge Mode + NEW Freeplay Map!
Empires of the Undergrowth - Mike

It’s time for an update! We’re calling V0.13 the “Interim Update” - it adds a several things that were missing from the game and prepares the path for the major update to come. Without further ado, here are the patch notes! The game should update automatically through Steam.

Please note, right now this is Windows only. Mac and Linux users - we’ve still got a few bugs (ha, ha) to work through for these builds. We’ve made significant progress on that but just ran out of time tonight and didn’t want to delay for everyone. We’re confident we can get stable builds out for you lovely people in short order, so keep your eyes on the news page!

Headline Features

•   Challenge modes added to Rising Tide and Queen of the Hill
  o   The new challenge mode introduces a new creature – the beach tiger beetle larva. This critter lies buried waiting for unsuspecting victims to walk near its trap, then snatches them away in the blink of an eye!
  o   They will only attack if your ants are alone, and can only be damaged for a short time after attacking. Will your colony accept the losses to get the food they need, or will they rip these ambush hunters from their burrows?
•   New Freeplay map – Towhead
  o   Set on a small island near the mouth of a river, Towhead offers a much more intimate experience on the surface, with higher densities of creatures
  o   A map option allows a periodic flooding of the lower level. This will raise your score but at the cost of possibly losing ants and resources when the waters rise
•   Minor Improvements System for Formicarium colonies
  o   Got spare Royal Jelly laying around the nest? Fear not, we have you covered! Minor improvements can be accessed by selecting any already purchased species from the tech tree and selecting the icon
  o   The improvements start cheap and get more expensive the more you buy for a species. Each ant species has their own different improvements which complement various play styles
•   What is that pesky spider’s web at the back of the lab? Could someone have a look at that for us, please?

Other Features

•   Main menu is now a list to make it clearer to new users what content is available
•   Creatures now have various sizes and some sizes can pass through others (this has been done on a visually logical level for example beach tiger beetles can walk over most none massive things, where as a hermit crab cannot)
•   Tunneling to the surface now takes multiple ants and take 5 times as much digging
•   Threat system added. Some creature’s attacks cause them to be a more desirable target for other nearby creatures (mostly in preparation for leafcutter update)
•   Battle Arena creatures have been put into tabs based on which tier of the game they first appear

Improvements / Changes

•   Creature movement has been reworked - should now have less issues, creatures should walk more centrally in corridors and should be more efficient
•   Ants now reserve space on tiles they are taking food to. If all tiles are reserved they instead take the food towards the queen (until all tiles fill- they then drop food as they do now)
•   Increased main menu loading speed
•   Multiple minor optimisations made throughout
•   Optimisation added to creatures searching for other creatures
•   Multiple game assets have been optimised
•   Beach texture improvements (normal and roughness masks)
•   Improvements to pathfinding underground (many distance checks are now tile based rather than path based)
•   All audio passed through new filters and re-recorded, female scientist audio re-recorded
•   New audio lines added in some Formicarium challenges
•   New audio lines added to Freeplay (start and uber spawning)
•   Ubers are no longer affected by food scaling and will drop full food no matter the Freeplay difficulty
•   Food size now changes slower at higher food quantities
•   Queen chamber workers now have a crown icon
•   Ants hatch first from queen tiles
•   Food spend is now taken from random rooms rather than the order they were built
•   Ants no longer drop food when attacked if combat is turned off for the group

Bug Fixes

•   Tiles can no longer be tagged for dig when the game is paused
•   Fixed a bug with food pickup that could cause food to be stored not on top of a tile
•   Fixed an issue that would sometime cause wood ants to misfire on surface tunnels
•   Stun, confuse and other status debuffs are now hidden in fog of war
•   Fixed an issue where AOE attacks could be blocked if something obscured vision
•   Fixed an issue where loaded part-built tiles would appear full built but with a job to build them
•   Various minor bug fixes

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2018, 01:14:11 PM »
V0.132 Released - Mac and Linux builds up!
Empires of the Undergrowth - Mike

We've made some changes to the recent 0.13 build and released the patch for our Mac and Linux-running friends. Hurrah! If you experience any issues with the build, please pop by our Steam forum and we'll have a look.


•   Fixed a tooltip on the improvements panel
•   Fixed an issue on Towhead where the tiles were over the top of the southern tunnel exit
•   Fixed an issue where pressing [ on the keyboard at any point would kill the player's queen (accidentally left in from a test)
•   Fixed an issue where the starting workers on the demo levels were showing up grey rather than the colony colour


Bug Fixes

•   Fixed a bug where the player could stay underground in 2.1 and 2.2 and just wait to achieve victory. Now on first nest attack the player's tunnel will open automatically
•   Fixed an issue where selecting to restart 2.1 or 2.2 would switch ant type to mortar regardless of what the player chose
•   Fixed a lighting issue on some undergrounds that changed lighting in certain camera positions
•   Fixed an issue on towhead causing creatures to try and shoot down cliffs but constantly failing
•   Fixed an issue that could sometimes spawn aphids and ladybirds in walls on Freeplay
  o   Additionally any that were hiding in walls will now fly off (if you had horrible speeds in a freeplay save this could be you!)

Improvements / Changes

•   Made the underground spider a smaller one on Towhead

Hungry Spider level
•   UI now hides in photo mode
•   Spider can now be controlled with the pan camera controls (WSAD or Up Down Left Right by default)
•   Increased the range of Bite and Venom Strike to 150 (up from 100)
•   Sped up the time it takes for abilities to deal damage. Animation is still same length but damage happens sooner in it
•   Spider thoughts have been vocalised

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2018, 01:15:45 PM »
V0.133 Released
Empires of the Undergrowth - Mike

Happy Halloween! That and a few more changes to 0.13 make it the perfect time to try out the Hungry Spider level (click the cobweb on the main menu - before it disappears!). We've also made a few other changes. Notes below!

General Updates and Fixes

•   Added warning text above the play button in level setup telling the player what they must click on to allow them to press the play button
•   Fixed an issue where root aphids would be spawned at 0,0,0 (causing ladybirds to fly to a very strange location in top left of Towhead)

Freeplay Balance and Fixes

•   Some balance changes have been added to Freeplay. This should allow players struggling to start a colony to get off the ground before harder creatures are about. For example setting the starting difficulty to zero will give player 15 minutes where only devil's coach horse larvae, wood worms and woodlice will spawn making the surface a lot more manageable.
•   Medium creatures will no longer spawn below 20% difficulty in Freeplay until 15 minutes have passed
•   Large creatures will no longer spawn below 40% difficulty in Freeplay until 30 minutes have passed
•   Removed the word none from freeplay scoreboard
•   The underground spider in Towhead has been replaced by a devil’s coach horse adult
•   Fixed and issue in Freeplay not displaying the green outline of tunnels to surface before dug out
•   Renamed map option in Towhead to Flood
•   Fixed an issue that would flood Towhead immediately at the beginning of every play (removing all food including fish from the lower level)
•   Fixed death sequences on Towhead (and the ghostly queen)

Hungry Spider Balance and Fixes

•   Slightly increased the spider's attack and Venom Strike speed
•   Fixed an issue that would cause the keyboard controls to stop working when trying to use an ability that is on cooldown
•   Fixed an issue with the spider's projectile causing some particles to fly off to the bottom right
•   Fixed a spelling mistake on the hungry spiders bite ability

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2018, 03:43:36 PM »
V0.135 Released - Fixes and Improvements
Empires of the Undergrowth - Mike

We've corrected some issues and resolved a final few things on our to-do list for Early Access V0.135. With any luck, this is likely to be our final patch before the upcoming major update (bar anything game-breaking). If you spot errors, please continue to report them in the forums, but as mentioned we're now cracking on full-steam ahead with the leafcutters!


•   Creatures should no longer get stuck on grass
•   Ladybirds will no longer leave after 10s unless they are stuck (they will now leave after 15s if stuck) and should be back to their usual aphid eating antics
•   Fixed an issue that could cause creatures to get stuck trying to use an ability
•   Fixed an issue where some high priority narrations could play after victory and defeat
•   Fixed an issue on Battle Arena and Hungry Spider where the UI would be the standard one for a split second before switching to the correct one
•   Fixed an issue where if you tried to upgrade a tile without purchasing the upgrade, then purchased the upgrade and tried again it would tell you you had not purchased the upgrade
•   Fixed a typo on Queen of the Hill notification
•   Fixed the spider’s slow in Hungry Spider
•   Fixed an issue where if an ant was saved with a status effect active on it (such as poison) all future ants born from its tile would have that effect

Changes / Improvements

•   Attack tolerance reduced for all medium and large creatures, meaning they can no longer remain attacking once you have travelled away from them
•   Small changes to movement behaviour on ramps
•   Minor performance improvements with slows
•   Movement speed changes have been unified into one system
•   Navmesh changes should lead to more sensible creature movement around objects
•   Freeplay ambience sounds now working
•   Freeplay music now switches between day and night
•   Freeplay map Towhead now uses the music tracks from Queen of the Hill
•   Hungry Spider level full moon availability extended to 4 days from midnight the day the full moon will happen (up from 2)
•   Added in narration that was missing from 2.2 (final morning announcement)
•   Armour can now only reduce damage to 0.5 and no lower
•   Reduced the armour on the Uber Beach Tiger Beetle to 2 (down from 3)
•   Reduced the range of Uber’s basic attack to 200 (down from 300)
•   rders using the Scheduled Order screen.
•   A Retreat button once you send units over the top. This also works when you use the "Charge Positions" order.

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2018, 10:36:00 PM »
November 2018 Newsletter
Empires of the Undergrowth - Mike

With the exception of a few necessary balance changes and fixes for the more recent playable builds, the team’s sole focus for the past month has been the leafcutter update. Over the past few weeks we’ve been showing off some of the progress on the creatures of Ecuadorian jungle where these levels are based. Our artist Matt has been producing amazing work to bring this sublimely rich ecosystem to life within Empires of the Undergrowth. John and Liam have been working on bringing the creatures into the game and figuring out how they interact with our leafcutters. This newsletter will therefore focus mainly on the amazing biodiversity of the rainforest setting. Without further ado, let’s get to having a look at some of these fantastic beasties!

The rainforest at night

Full newsletter here
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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2019, 04:52:43 PM »
Bug Fix Patch 0.1352 Released
Empires of the Undergrowth - Mike

In this patch we have hunted down a bug that is crashing the game on Queen of the Hill. We thought we had it solved in the last patch but people were still reporting it. Thanks to our great community we have finally found it and interestingly it was to do with the ramp and ants falling through them when the tide rises. We have now changed how these work.

Bug Fixes

•   Fixed an issue crashing Queen of the Hill on certain hardware setups under certain circumstances. This issue was caused by ramps being made pass through-able when the tide rose on 2.1 and 2.2. This would occasionally cause ants that were pathing on them to fall and potentially re-path in a near infinite loop. This bug has been hard to replicate and hence hard to fix but special thanks to our community for helping us locate this one. Due to this we have made changes to how this works.
•   Fixed issues with creatures picking up other creatures (Interpolation should work vertically, creatures should correctly stick to the mouth and animation should play correctly during pickup)
•   Fixed an issue in Freeplay telling the player waves would spawn consecutively after 8 minutes when it should have been 12
•   Fixed a message telling the player waves would come every 5 minutes when in reality it is 6 (if you include the timer countdown)
•   Clicking the door in the lab no longer closes the game
•   Fixed an issue in Freeplay where the warning timer was not using the same calculation as the wave timer
•   All values in ant improvements are now rounded to 2 decimal places
•   Freeplay wave timer info now accurately represents the time between wave spawns and not the time from one wave spawning to the start of the next timer starting (13m setup 6m between)
•   Fixed some issues with the size of woodworm food items
•   Key presses that are meant to switch from above to below ground have been disabled in photo mode to prevent strange lighting changes
•   Fixed an issue where food could get stuck on the surface in your ant tunnel
•   Notification about the Gate mission 1 will no longer appear after you have completed it
•   Fixed an issue shrinking the areas ant could appear on the surface from the nest area
•   In-game UI elements are no longer shown in photo mode (Markers, chamber info ect)
•   Force player out of photo mode and prevent them entering it when victory of defeat is happening

Changes / Improvements

•   Creatures will no longer pass though ramps as the tide rises falling into the water. Instead any ants assigned to markers touched by the water will be immediately sent home when the marker is dismissed.
•   Beach tiger beetle larvae have been given high slow resist
•   On Queen of the Hill Challenge Mode in Easy, Normal and Hard beach tiger beetle larvae will spawn more often and increase the rate of spawns each day
•   Dead creature harvest locations and pickup locations have been more centralised, meaning ants should no longer carry woodworms within their bodies (at least less often) and harvesting should be from a more logical point of the dead creature.

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2019, 01:58:39 PM »
December 2018 - January 2019 Newsletter
14 Jan @ 3:12pm - Mike

Our first newsletter of 2019! A bright, shiny, spanking new year – and it’ll be a big one for ants. After the holiday break the guys are back to working on the 3rd tier Formicairum levels. We’ve also released a couple of glitch-fixing patches in the meantime to deal with some widespread issues. Firstly, let’s get to what’s ready to show from 3.1 and 3.2.

A Formica ereptor queen from MorPacke

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2019, 02:01:15 PM »
January - February 2019 Newsletter
18 Feb @ 11:25pm - Mike

We're now much closer to our first major update, featuring leafcutters. As well as continuing development of the update to completion, we've been dealing with quite a lot of meta-requirement systems in the meantime, such as subtitles (which will be a long-overdue feature beginning with this update). Once we're at a point where we can get meaningful feedback from our closed testing group, we will release it to them and that will soon give us a good idea of how long it will take to correct any detected issues. As always, our policy is to not give vague guesses on release timing, only solid dates once we're certain of them - but we're feeling good about the current pace of things and the rate at which the remaining task list is being ticked off.

A cloud of venom surrounds this Formica rufa queen from alexraptor554

There's been plenty of good visual things finalised and ready to show off over the past month - some of which show off some leafcutter mechanics. So let's have a look at some of the fun things that await when you introduce Atta cephalotes to your Formica ereptor colony!

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2019, 02:03:42 PM »
March 2019 Newsletter
26 Mar @ 3:51pm - Mike   

Although we have a policy of not announcing dates until we’re 100% sure, it is safe to say we are now very, very close to getting the leafcutter beta out to Kickstarter closed beta tier backers. Those of you who are on this tier, please keep an eye on your emails over the next week or so. The coming build for you guys will be feature-complete from a gameplay perspective, but will be missing some things like sound effects (the new creatures currently all sound like the Devil’s Coach Horse adult). Those will be added in throughout the beta as we continue development.

Leafcutters gather leaves in level 3.2 Front Line

As a quick explanation for everyone else – the closed beta group consists of people who supported us at a certain tier during our Kickstarter campaign in 2016. The beta typically lasts a few weeks, where we take feedback on things like balance and glitches. It really helps us polish things to be great for everyone and gives a bigger sample size than just the four of us on the team, and it means when we get the update out to everyone it’ll feel really good to play right from the off. Of course, things like balance and glitch fixes don’t end when the beta does (the size of the beta group doesn’t come close to all users!) so we will still be very grateful for your feedback as things continue.

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2019, 02:05:37 PM »
The Leafcutter Update - Coming April 25th!
2 Apr @ 6:00pm - Mike

Please enjoy our updated trailer, featuring the leafcutter ants and rainforest environment!

We're very pleased to announce that our first major update for Empires of the Undergrowth, the Leafcutter Update, will be coming to the game on April 25th! Featuring an all-new rainforest environment with new critters of all sizes, two new levels which will see you face off against fully-fledged colonies, and a new Formicarium Challenge where the dastardly scientists have something special planned for you.

The jungle floor stirs. Ants of all sizes creep out of their holes to harvest the nearby foliage, travelling far and wide to find the choicest leaves. The odds are stacked against these fledgling colonies - you may be tempted to discount creatures that forage for leaves but with huge crushing mandibles on their side they are not to be underestimated.
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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2019, 11:15:58 PM »
How To Play As Leafcutters
21 APR @ 7:21PM   - MIKE

Only a few days to go now ... get ahead a little by looking at this brief explanation of the leafcutter food mechanics.

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2019, 03:22:03 PM »
Leafcutter update V0.2
25 Apr @ 12:37pm - Slug Disco

We're very pleased to announce that our first major update for Empires of the Undergrowth, the Leafcutter Update, is now available for Windows, Mac & Linux! Featuring an all-new rain forest environment with new critters of all sizes, two new levels which will see you face off against fully-fledged colonies, and a new Formicarium Challenge where the dastardly scientists have something special planned for you.
The jungle floor stirs. Ants of all sizes creep out of their holes to harvest the nearby foliage, travelling far and wide to find the choicest leaves. The odds are stacked against these fledgling colonies - you may be tempted to discount creatures that forage for leaves but with huge crushing mandibles on their side, they are not to be underestimated.

Headline Features

New Formicarium Tier Added
•   New playable species - The Leafcutters
o   Featuring 4 sizes of ant (minims, minors, media and major) which can walk under / over one another
o   Major leafcutters are tank units with very high health and come in two forms:
   -   Stun majors stun targets for 4s and at level 3 will slow them to a crawl for a further 4s
   -   Taunt majors force targets to attack them for 4s and at level 3 at 50% health will reduce all incoming damage by 80% for 4s
o   Unique resource management
   -   Leafcutters need leaves to cultivate a special fungus which is their only source of food!
   -   Leaves can be gathered on the surface from various climbable plants
   -   Once gathered leaves are taken to a leaf drop-off chamber
   -   Each nursery built spawns a free minim ant (tiny leafcutter)
   -   The minims take the leaves from the leaf drop-off to nurseries where it is cultivated into fungus that can be spent
   -   Once fungus is spent, its remains will need to be taken to a refuse chamber where it can safely decompose
   -   The distance between nurseries, leaf drop off chambers and refuse chambers affects the efficient processing of leaves leading to some careful colony design decisions.
•   Two new levels in the rainforests of Ecuador
o   Two very different levels with unique challenges and threats with carefully designed difficulty settings to suit you level of play!
o   The new environments offer a host of new fauna and flora and have a very different feel to them from previous levels
•   A new formicarium challenge - What has the evil scientist got planned this time?
o   Do you think you could hate the evil scientist any more? We think you might after you see what he has in store!
•   Add the mighty leafcutter major to your formicarium!
o   4 unique upgrade options
   -   Sharp - This aura causes attackers of the major and any nearby friendly creatures to reflect an amount of damage back to themselves
   -   Resilient - This aura causes the major and any nearby friendly creatures to take less damage each hit
   -   Durable - All incoming damage to the major is reduced by a set amount
   -   Shockproof - Limits damage to the major in any single hit
o   4 improvement upgrades to spend that extra jelly on!
•   More than double the enemy creatures!
o   Variety is the spice of life and the rainforest is the king of variety! Each of the new creatures comes with its own stats and abilities and will require their own approach to take down

Other changes and improvements
•   Creatures sizes mean you can get more to the front line
•   Minimap now displays food that can be collected
•   Quantity held by all food types is now displayed when showing tile info
•   New enemy creatures have made there way into the battle arena and freeplay
•   Freeplay setup dialogue changed to use more screen space for options
•   Pheromone marker assignment panel now displays the living ants from chambers

Balance changes
•   Queens have been given 50% resistance to slow their deaths
•   Queen Second Wind invulnerability duration increased to 30s (up from 20)

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2019, 12:26:12 AM »
Update 0.2022 - Fixes / Balances for Leafcutter Update + New Demo Level
10 May @ 6:58pm - Mike

Since we launched the update two weeks ago we have received plenty of bug reports and fixed most of them. Additionally we have made a couple of balance changes. We also now have full interface localisation for German, and almost full for Simplified Chinese.

Localisation changes
•   Added in interface localisation for both German and Simplified Chinese (Chinese missing some small areas) languages
•   Most user interface widgets in the game altered to allow more space for text, or made to stretch to text size
•   Corrected a sentence in German translation

•   Added the new demo level "The Crucible" into alpha demo levels (see - "Other Modes")

Changes / Improvements
•   Accept button is now visible but grey when on the reward selection dialogue
•   Tooltip added to the above button whilst disabled
•   The army ant progress bar is greyed out when they can no longer advance to another lane later in the day
•   Thorns have been disabled for projectile users
•   Hotkey for displaying resources has been separated from tile info hotkey (UI elements for these are coming soon) and it now directly affects the option in the options menu rather than being a per-level toggle
•   Scoreboard now mentions the difficulty played after the level name
•   Large praying mantis snatch ability cool-down increased to 8s (up from 6s)
•   Large praying mantis snatch ability healing reduced to 360 (down from 400)
•   Reduced creature spawn difficulty on 3.2 insane by 10%
•   Slightly raised the decal transparency to make them more visible
•   Leafcutter parent node in the tech tree now correctly greys out until the prerequisite is reached
•   Formicarium level select will now scroll to where you are once opened
•   Fixed an issue with the options dialogue and fullscreen / windowed / windowed fullscreen modes
•   Fixed an issue where surface transitions were less visible at night
•   Increased damage of level 3 rapid fire wood ants to 3.5 per hit (up from 3)
•   Increased damage returned by leafcutter "Sharp" upgrade thorns effect to 65% (up from 50%)
•   Added a warning about refuse de-buff to the tiles tooltip

•   Fixed an issue that would cause an infinite loop when deleting major tiles in the formicarium
•   All leafcutter chambers (including speed tiles in leafcutter) now refund leaves when deleted rather than seeds
•   Creatures now drop what they are holding when picked up (fixes the floating leaf praying mantis issue)
•   Fixed an issue that affects the time at the start of missions
•   Army ants no longer gather food if they are heading to attack your queen in 3.2 (fixes the permanent harvesting issue)
•   Fixed an issue where refunding tiles before they are built in leafcutter levels could sometimes award no resources back (and still leave you with waste)
•   Fixed an issue where constantly reloading formicarium 2 would give you free woodworms
•   More of the vine in 3.1 should be harvestable
•   Vines not sitting above a tile grid will now show up as harvestable
•   Fixed an issue where demo levels would always show victory on defeat
•   Fixed a freeplay creature setup issue which could untick all rainforest creatures if all of another type of creature were unticked
•   Upgraded leafcutter tiles will now correctly increase in storage to 20 / 30 / 40 (up from 20 / 20 / 20)
•   Tile upgrades will now always happen once the tile has been marked for upgrade and will no longer not happen if the upgrade points drop during the upgrade
•   Moved an item of foliage in the formicarium so it is no longer overlapping another
•   Removed an invisible food item on 2.1 and replaced it with a dead beach tiger beetle
•   Switch underground keys will no longer work in freeplay
•   Food being processed should no longer show on the minimap or UI overlay
•   Speed tile effects will no longer apply before the tile is built

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2019, 12:04:25 AM »
Update 0.2023 - Fixes and Languages (couple of minor features)
23 MAY @ 9:35AM - SLUG DISCO

This is mostly a bug fix patch (should be the last before the freeplay update barring game breaking bugs) but also includes the final support for simplified Chinese and a couple of minor features.

As always do let us know if you find any bugs and we will continue to squash them as they come in!

•   Added the final simplified Chinese interface translations
•   Removed the default English setting, allowing those with localised languages to default to their language (German or simplified Chinese)
•   Purchase confirm dialogue now fits better with localised languages
•   Repositioned some victory / defeat widgets to prevent overlap with subtitles
•   Added a couple of missing German translations strings

•   Level setup dialogue no longer disappears off the bottom of the screen in certain languages with certain options
•   Fixed an impenetrable tile visual
•   Modified main menu textures so they do not stream (will appear full resolution when they appear)
•   Graphical overlay now correctly shows the positive upgrade points coming from speed tiles
•   Minor improvement of the positioning of numbers from tile upgrade overlay
•   Food will no longer fall through the formicarium on load, and food lost due to falling should be moved to the surface on load
•   Fixed an issue where the queen could get stuck doing the flinch animation
•   Fixed a crash that could happen when drawing the resource overlay
•   Fixed an issue where ants could get stuck inside formicarium plants and objects if fighting near them
•   Possible fix for floating de-buff issue (please let us know if this is still occurring)
•   Fixed an issue where rainforest creatures could only spawn in freeplay of woodlouse was set to spawn
•   AI effects (such as stun or confuse) now force creatures to drop any other creature they are carrying (fixed praying mantises walking around with creatures in front of them)
•   If carrying a creature but not using an ability, the creature is now dropped
•   Removed food gathering from ants spawned into the formicarium through the post gate level spawner
•   Possible fix for an issue where a tile was unbuild-able on after digging it out
•   Upon finishing challenge 3 the players queen is restored to full health. If somehow a queen has died and the game has saved that queen will be respawned on load in the formicarium
•   All sizes of whip spider capsule sizes reduced a lot (this prevents them spawning on top of objects when dropped into the formicarium but also meant more of them can get into a fight)
•   Fixed a bug with pressing a tab after an overlay button

Improvements / changes
•   Removed crystals from black ant tiles for minor performance boost
•   Added biohazard symbol to tiles affected by refuse tiles in the upgrade overlay along with minus numbers
•   Added in UI icons for tile upgrade, creatures and resources overlays to make it clearer they are available
•   Army ant major frenzy effect now looks like a red glow rather than a cloud
•   Added in an unlocked photo mode accessed through shift + photo mode key (F9 by default) - WARNING: Use of this will allow you to see off the edge of the map, under the floor, ect. We do not plan on changing these areas as they were never meant to be seen so bare this in mind.
•   Tile upgrades overlay has seen a significant performance boost (75% reduction in frame rate drop)
•   Creature info overlay has seen a moderate performance boost
•   Held resources are now loaded held
•   Fez hat now has physics
•   Removed markers from the minimap on the hungry spider level
•   Resources overlay will now not appear in the fog of war in freeplay, additionally some resources cannot be seen through the fog

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Re: Empires of the Undergrowth
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2019, 01:52:41 AM »
April-May 2019 Newsletter
29 May @ 6:09pm - Mike

It's been just over a month since we unleashed our first major update for Empires of the Undergrowth - the Leafcutter Update - upon the world. We've worked through most of the glitches and balance issues now, and it's been a joy to see you guys have fun with the new additions to the game. Feedback has been almost entirely positive and we're so happy that you guys seem to be enjoying it!

Leafcutter trail from Steam user Jynn

This newsletter will cover some of the issues that have come back in the immediate fallout, go through what we've added since the update in a bit more detail, and discuss what's going to happen in the immediate future.

The Leafcutter Update

As I'm sure the vast majority of you are aware, we released the Leafcutter Update on 25th April. We're pleased with how it went, and we appreciate the feedback you guys have given us that helped us correct some major issues that we didn't catch during our testing period. Chief of these was a crash that occurred when selling certain tiles - that's now been resolved. There have also been some balance changes to certain creatures and spawning amounts. There may still be some ways to go on this and of course we'll continue to monitor feedback.

Leafcutters collecting leaves from Steam user a white wyrm

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