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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2020, 11:41:26 PM »
Update # 15 - Clayton Redesigned
Wed, 22 January 2020

Hey Everyone,

Today`s update comes with a lot of big visible changes. We have redesigned Clayton city, and though it`s still being improved, it`s already an eye candy. Also no more annoying bears and bugs inside Clayton.

We also worked on fixing a wide range of bugs like fixing issues with dropping items and AI disappearing, as well as vehicles issues. Swimming being enabled as well.

You`ll also notice a completely redesigned chat client.

We`ll continue with 16th update later this week – introducing final batch of fixes, completely translation of the game into Russian, Chinese, German and French, as well as new features like horse jumping, and vehicles realistically dealing with water – like horse swimming.

And so lets take a look at Update # 15:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Greatly reworked Clayton town – still being polished
•   New buildings and locations added to Clayton shire
•   New Chat client
•   Players can now properly swim in all bodies of water
•   Fixed all issues with passengers inside vehicles

Fixes and Additions

•   Improved the colour of some of the player charter hair and skin textures.
•   Updated prologue with Droid and Hangar sequence
•   Fixed various issues inside vehicles related to ragdolls
•   AI creatures no longer spawn inside Clayton
•   Increase the number of AI creatures in the game world
•   Fixed issue with AI creatures complete disappearing from the world from time to time
•   Reduced the amount of loot objects spawned in the world inside buildings
•   Fixed issue with dropping loot sometimes completely stopping to work
•   Fixed all issues with syncing when two players are fighting AI creatures
•   Polished arrows fixing last remaining bugs
•   Bears are a lot faster now
•   Fixed a dupe bug when two ore more clan members could open same container a the same time
•   Tigon planet now looks a lot better with realistic looking plants

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2020, 12:50:21 AM »
Update # 16 - New Features & The Big Sale
Sat, 25 January 2020

Hey Everyone,

The team been on a roll lately with 4 updates in two weeks, and are just getting started. We are glad to announce that are working on expanding our core team of 3 developers, so updates will only get bigger and more frequent from here as our workforce grows.

Today`s milestone 0.80 update comes with many new features, and a dozen of important fixes. To start things off you`ll notice quite an improvement in visual quality. This is just a start with a lot more updates to come. Also we are working full speed on making swimming, and underwater exploration become an important part of the game, and this updates lays the foundation with completely rework water interaction - be it swimming with your character, and soon on vehicles and horse.

The Big Sale is here
As always - thanks for your support. And if your on the fence about getting the game, or know friends who wanted to join, we have started a major sale even that will run until February 3rd. This this will be the last big sale on Stars End this year - and we hope you`ll join us.

We`ll continue with 17th update next week week – introducing final batch of fixes, and more new features like amphibious vehicles, horse swimming and jumping, underwater exploration, and much more.

And so lets take a look at Update # 16:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Major visual upgrade with full on HDR
•   Much higher visual definition, sharpness and fidelity
•   Brand new swimming mechanics for characters
•   Jumping into water from heights is realistic with dive mechanics
•   Character smoothly transitions from walking to swimming
•   Character can move up and down in water with Cntrl and Space keys

Fixes and Additions

•   Final fixes for the chat, including coping message with Cntrl+Click, Tell and Clan channel fixes
•   Fixed not being able to enter Spinner
•   A lot more Thrawlers and Bears
•   When player breaks a PickAxe he will no longer be unable to move
•   Fixed issues with one player seeing Mechs and another don`t
•   Fixed all issues with multiple players hunting the same animals
•   Finalized Clayton design
•   Fixed major game freeze when player is killed while container is open
•   When one clan member is killed with container open, others can now open them
•   Increased damage from falling
•   Fixed player names not showing
•   Consuming various foods and drinks now plays correct sound and animation
•   Improved bear sfx

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2020, 01:03:44 AM »
Update # 17 - Spaceport & Amphibious Vehicles
Sat, 25 January 2020

Hey Everyone,

Our 17th update comes ahead of schedule as we just couldn’t wait to share this with you. This update includes major new features - including fully redesigned Beta Prairie Spaceport, as well as amphibious vehicles - Quads and Rovers will now float on water, slowly moving. Swimming on a horse is coming up next.

We have also fixed a few annoying bugs – including Grazer and Bow issues. And last but not least – we went too far with upping difficulty in the last update – so based on your input we greatly reduced number of bears and bugs on the planets surface.

We`ll continue with our 18th update early next week.

And so lets take a look at Update # 17:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Completely redesigned Spaceport on Beta Prairie
•   Rover and Quadbike are now amphibious vehicles that can float on water
•   Added slow amphibious speed for amphibious vehicles
•   Greatly reduced number of Bears and Alien Bugs on planets

Fixes and Additions

•   Fixed buggy looking animation when shooting a bow
•   Fixed character tilting when showing a bow
•   Fixed Grazer not working correctly in third person view
•   Improved Cntrl diving and Space floating up when character is swimming
•   Additional polish to Clayton and Hamlet areas on Beta Prairie
•   Player vs player damage detection is now a lot more realistic

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2020, 11:50:54 PM »
Update 19 - Balancing Part 1
Mon, 3 February 2020

Hey Everyone,

We are glad to see so many new players joining us. The team is on a roll with 4 updates planned over the next two weeks.

Today`s update is a first step towards greatly rebalancing the game. We are also working on a lot of quality of life improvements.

And of course - fixing the last remaining bugs – working towards having the game bug free by the end of February.

We also started work on other planets with first improvements for Eden Prime and Brutus.

This update also completes swimming underwater and introduce a new very powerful AI monster found by the seaside.

And so lets take a look at Update # 19:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   New Oxygen consumption system – activates when player is swimming underwater or space walking
•   Rework damage on all base components – it`s not a lot harder to destroy workstations and other appliances inside the player`s base on PvP.
•   Completely swimming underwater or overwater system – some polish required
•   New AI creature – powerful Oraphant is now spawns in locations near oceans or big lakes – extremely powerful, with high loot
•   Fixed rare issues when player would place a Claim and it would disappear
•   Fixed long time bug with Claimable horses underground, or on top of each other
•   Major changes to spawn of Claimable vehicles and horses – system is truly random and easier to find them now
•   Completed Spaceport design – with new NPCs, Mechs, and a lot of other fixes and polish

Fixes and Additions

•   Some work on Brutus Moon terrain
•   Some work on Eden-Prime planet terrain
•   Greatly expanded the game`s asset base, small increase to the client installation size
•   Started work on underwater visual post-processing
•   Swimming SFX restored.
•   fix for not entering swim animation when enter water from heights.
•   Options menu layout update to match rest of the GUI better
•   Fixed “Furnace Required” text on Materials that required Furnace
•   Adjustments to NPCs and locations in Clayton town
•   Crafting window now show correct categories – instead of always showing Custom before
•   Water Tank and Oil Tank waypoints are now always shown – making it a lot easy to find for new players

Balancing Adjustments

•   Majority of player claim workstations and common appliances now have 30 - 200 hitpoints, before it was 1-5 hit points. Hit point is one hit with a basic weapon like Axe.
•   Fall damage reduced significantly
•   Made the following stackable: CookedMeat, CookedBugEgg, SmokedMeat, RawBugEgg, RawMeat.
•   Increased PowerCell Claim (not hacking) requirements: Quad 1 to 2. Rover 3, Territory 10
•   Bears now drop a lot more Hide and Meat
•   Wooden door – can now be built before Furnace. Crafting adjustment: Removed Nails. Increased WoodPlank from 1 to 5. Added 4 ScrapMetal. Adjusted price.
•   WoodShack – can now be built before Furnace. Crafting adjustment: Removed MetalBar and Nails. Added 12 ScrapMetal. Adjusted price.
•   Changed Dirty Gauze use time from 15s to 4s
•   Reduced Raw Meat requirement for Smoked meat from 3 to 2. Adjusted price.
•   Reduced Clean Water requirement from 3 to 2 for Fiber Soup, Hearty Stew, Meat Stew. Adjusted price.
•   Removed CPU chip from Radar Pad. Adjusted price. Significantly reduced price at Vendor
•   Makeshift Shotgun Ammo requirement changed from Cloth to ScrapCloth
•   Removed Refined Tarphite from crafting Receipts
•   Brown backpack costs 200 more
•   Vehicle Fuel now requires Work Bench instead of Molecular Synthesizer
•   Clean water crafting time reduced to 3 from 5 seconds

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2020, 01:14:52 PM »
Update 20 - Mount Up
Fri, 7 February 2020

Hey Everyone,

Before we get to the good stuff, unfortunately we have to inform you that PvE clans are still broken on PvE server, but this will be resolved earl next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

With that said.... Today`s milestone update comes with many new features, and a dozen of important fixes.

To start things off you`ll notice major changes to riding horses as that was completely redone with new animations, jumping, and new physics.

We also continued working on the game balancing, and this update, completes re-balancing of the mid game. Late game balancing will be in the next update.

We also worked on PvE a bit with Mechs and Oraphants now becoming viable targets for players, with great loot, and proper balance. More AI creatures are coming in the near future.

And so lets take a look at Update # 20:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Reworked Horse from the ground up with new code and animation
•   Added Horse jumping ability
•   Horse can now swim on water with rider on top
•   Horse will now auto-jump when galloping over obstacles
•   New Horse animations include falling of edges, going up and down hill and more
•   Added various tooltips when starting a new character in Survival mode
•   Major update for the way server handles Claims, to avoid situation in the future where Claims cant be placed

Fixes and Additions

•   Fixed mech bullets not damaging player
•   Fixed broken main menu options
•   Improvement to the player crafted ship visuals
•   Improved mech aiming. Now it aims to the center of the target in more situations.
•   Fixed exploit with being able to kill Mech with melee weapons
•   Killing a mech will now make player an outlaw
•   Take All button added to Death loot which also destroys the loot container once items have been transferred.
•   Item sell percentage now shown beside the merchants name in the store UI
•   Added Spacesuit Vendor to all Ferry Terminals across entire system
•   Autorun fixed
•   Players can now enter run or sprint modes from crouch or prone position
•   Orphant rescaled to be much larger
•   Added audio and sfx for Orphant

Balancing Adjustments

•   Hops not properly stack in the inventory
•   Rebalanced Mech to give a lot more quality loot
•   Rebalanced Orphant to give a lot more loot
•   Rebalanced Orphant to be a lot weaker and killable by players
•   Oxygen will run out in space much faster if player is not wearing a suit
•   Adjusted pricing of majority of the items in-game
•   Powercell now requires 4 Tarphite instead of 6
•   Cheese now requires only 1 Milk.
•   RadarPad is now 469 from 1310
•   Plastic requires 2 Polymer to create 1 Plastic
•   Polymers require 2 salt and 3 crude oil
•   Flashlight is now craftable at the Electronics Bench
•   GanyMead is now craftable at the Food Printer
•   LandingPad filter changed from Tools to Housing

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2020, 08:41:33 PM »
Update 21 - The Crew & Water (Beta Available)
Thu, 13 February 2020

Hey Everyone,

...Update 21 is now available in Beta. We expect this update to go live on Wednesday February 19th, after few days of beta testing...

We have a major update today packed with new features. First of all, introducing an all new Clan system – renamed to Crews. Aside from fixing the bugs of the old system, this new system gives a lot more options - different rankings, kicking members, seeing online status and a lot more. More options to customize your Crew is coming soon.

The second major change is Degrading Claims and Base Raiding. All base components now show a health bar, and can be destroyed by any weapon. In addition all base components degrade over time and need to be repaired. Empty Makeshift Claims without a base will degrade in 1 week. All other base components degrade over a month, taking a little damage every 3 days. We will be balancing and improving both systems based on players feedback.

Last but not least the new water and swimming system is finally complete. With beautiful new lake and ocean water, and swimming both over and underwater. All the vehicles and horse is now amphibious as well. This finally opens way for us to start implementing water base construction, rafts, as well as under water exploration mining and gathering. But no rush there - bugs first:)

Important about Reclaim System
It`s time to clean up the game worlds from hundreds of abandoned claims and vehicles all over the system. To do this we set a two week timer from now, during which you will need to approach your claims and vehicle, and press F key when prompted. This is a one time process, and not something you`ll need to do in the future. The vehicle and claims that were not re-claimed during the two weeks will be removed (March 1st will be the day we clean the servers from un re-claimed vehicles and claims.

How to access beta update
You can access the 21st update beta, by right clicking on Stars End in the Steam library, selecting Properties, and then Beta tab. There is a permanent Beta PvP server that doesn`t get reset. Keep in mind Beta has it`s own worldwide server that keeps all the progress and is now reset

And so lets take a look at Update # 21:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   RECLAIM SYSTEM - all existing vehicles and claims must be reclaimed during the next two weeks - approach and follow prompt to reclaim. Otherwise these claims and vehicles will be removed in two weeks.
•   New Clans system - named Crew, fixes all the bugs of the original system
•   Crews show all the members online status, including last login if offline
•   Added several ranks for the Crews - from Commander to Recruit
•   Anyone in the Crew can recruit new members
•   Ower and Commander in the Crew can promote or kick players
•   Claims without any building components will decay in 7 days
•   All base components degrade over a month, taking a little damage every 3 days
•   All base components now display a health bar when standing close to them
•   All base components can now be destroyed by using any weapon
•   Added repair hammer to repair damaged or decaying base components
•   Completely reworked player interaction with objects or characters in TPS mode
•   Base item dupe exploit bug is fixed
•   Completely redesigned water with amazing visuals and effects
•   Major improvements to swimming both by character and vehicles
•   Underwater exploration, mining and gathering is ready to be added to the game

Fixes and Additions

•   Added dedicated place items mode that fixes a number of issues when playing base components
•   System Map is now part of the main in-game menu
•   Fixed closing Clans window by using Tab key not working
•   Fixed issue opening options in the menu
•   Tab Menu header now sits above all windows
•   Fixed issue with moving in the System Map
•   Steam ID is now required for progressing past the game menu
•   Removed navpoint tooltips from Titan and moved it to later in Prologue
•   There will no longer be Bears or Trawlers near player spawn points
•   Fixed issue with interaction prompt appearing and then disappearing a second later
•   Added tooltip near Winter Quest in Prologue about spacesuits and jetpacks
•   Moved the 4th package of Winter quest nearer to the 1st one resolving number of issues
•   Renamed JansonOrbitalMission to TigonOrbitalMission.
•   Improved NOVA mining laser beam art
•   Cancelling placing an item shouldn't open the Esc menu.

Balancing Adjustments

•   Most AI creatures are now as aggressive now, get agroed in close proximity
•   Fuel Consumption of regular flight fuel for SpacesShips lowered by 30%

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2020, 01:14:20 AM »
Update 21 - The Crew & Water is LIVE!
24 Feb 2020

Hey Everyone,

After two weeks in beta, our biggest update so far is ready! Also now that with huge update is done, we are back to weekly update schedule.

So lets jump in it and talk about what`s new.

First of all, introducing an all new Clan system – renamed to Crews. Aside from fixing the bugs of the old system, this new system gives a lot more options - different rankings, kicking members, seeing online status and a lot more. More options to customize your Crew is coming soon.

The second major change is Degrading Claims and Base Raiding. All base components now show a health bar, and can be destroyed by any weapon. In addition all base components degrade over time and need to be repaired. Empty Makeshift Claims without a base will degrade in 1 week. All other base components degrade over a month, taking a little damage every 3 days. We will be balancing and improving both systems based on players feedback.

Last but not least the new water and swimming system is finally complete. With beautiful new lake and ocean water, and swimming both over and underwater. All the vehicles and horse is now amphibious as well. This finally opens way for us to start implementing water base construction, rafts, as well as under water exploration mining and gathering.

This update also fixes majority of really bad bugs that we had in the last build, that has really put a stop on many of you enjoying the game. Sorry it took us this long to release this update, but solution required rewriting a lot of outdated systems.

Important about Reclaim System
It`s time to clean up the game worlds from hundreds of abandoned claims and vehicles all over the system. To do this we set an March 10th deadline, two weeks from now - during which you will need to approach your claims and vehicle, and press F key when prompted. This is a one time process, and not something you`ll need to do in the future. The vehicle and claims that were not re-claimed during the two weeks will be removed (March 10th will be the day we clean the servers from un re-claimed vehicles and claims.

And so lets take a look at Update # 21:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   RECLAIM SYSTEM - all existing vehicles and claims must be reclaimed during the next two weeks - approach and follow prompt to reclaim. Otherwise these claims and vehicles will be removed in two weeks.
•   New Clans system - named Crew, fixes all the bugs of the original system
•   Crews show all the members online status, including last login if offline
•   Added several ranks for the Crews - from Commander to Recruit
•   Anyone in the Crew can recruit new members
•   Ower and Commander in the Crew can promote or kick players
•   Add Social player list - can be clicked in the Chat
•   Added a way to incite players to Crews from the Social player list
•   Claims without any building components will decay in 7 days
•   All base components degrade over a month, taking a little damage every 3 days
•   All base components now display a health bar when standing close to them
•   All base components can now be destroyed by using any weapon
•   Added repair hammer to repair damaged or decaying base components
•   Completely reworked player interaction with objects or characters in TPS mode
•   Base item dupe exploit bug is fixed
•   Completely redesigned water with amazing visuals and effects, including waves
•   Added underwater corals, terrain and other props - not gatherable yet
•   Major improvements to swimming both by character and vehicles
•   Underwater exploration, mining and gathering is ready to be added to the game
•   Completely new character swimming animations
•   New Han-held Radar with new art, and new functionality - detects AI, players and outlaws

Fixes and Additions

•   Fixed all issues when interacting with dead creatures and not being able to select the body
•   Fixed falling through the planet when dismounting a horse
•   Fixed not being able to get back into vehicle of exiting on top of water
•   Fully redesigned Area 22 part of Clayton
•   Arrows now show impact and blood animation when hitting creatures
•   Fixed major issue with elevator pushing player out into space - it`s instant kill now
•   Added spacesuit vendors with space suit display props over entire star system
•   Added dedicated place items mode that fixes a number of issues when playing base components
•   System Map is now part of the main in-game menu
•   Fixed closing Clans window by using Tab key not working
•   Fixed issue opening options in the menu
•   Tab Menu header now sits above all windows
•   Fixed issue with moving in the System Map
•   Steam ID is now required for progressing past the game menu
•   Removed navpoint tooltips from Titan and moved it to later in Prologue
•   There will no longer be Bears or Trawlers near player spawn points
•   Fixed issue with interaction prompt appearing and then disappearing a second later
•   Added tooltip near Winter Quest in Prologue about spacesuits and jetpacks
•   Moved the 4th package of Winter quest nearer to the 1st one resolving number of issues
Renamed JansonOrbitalMission to TigonOrbitalMission.
•   Improved NOVA mining laser beam art
•   Cancelling placing an item shouldn't open the Esc menu.
•   Improved the look of Water Walls with new designs
•   Reworked free Workshop from water walls and other locations
•   Fixed issue with wood shack window shutter not being able to place

Balancing Adjustments

•   Most AI creatures are now as aggressive now, get agroed in close proximity
•   Fuel Consumption of regular flight fuel for SpacesShips lowered by 30%
•   Change Iron refinery to produce2 iron ore for 1 iron and not 3 iron ore
•   Changed Concrete refinery to product 1 concrete for 4 rocks and not 5 rocks
•   Item Economy updated from changes to crafting components, repricing 80 items
•   CPUChip priced reduced from 552 to 373
•   ConcreteFence reduced from 344 to 238
•   ConcreteWall reduced from 321 to 228
•   ConcreteWatchtower reduceced from 841 to 640
•   Hedgehog reduced from 333 to 222
•   MetalDoor reduced from 423 to 363
•   MetalStairs reduced from 733 to 511
•   MetalCeiling increased from 265 to 429
•   MetalWall reduced from 455 to 296
•   ReinforcedShack reduced from 1418 to 1043
•   Distillery reduced from 1211 to 840
•   ElectronicsBench reduced from 1085 to 714
•   LandingPad reduced from 632 to 466
•   Frigate reduced from 8500 to 6490
•   SpinnerFrame reduced from 2605 to 2383
•   SpinnerHull reduced from 1983 1390

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2020, 01:15:12 PM »
Update 22 - The Follow Up
26 Feb 2020
Hey Everyone,

Following the major 21st update earlier this week, there are a few loose ends that we need to clean up. We expect Stars End to be in great shape by next week, once we fix leftover bugs and bring performance back to the previous levels.

To get things started our 22nd update is here to help improve things and fix some of the worse player reported issues.There are also a few good new features in this update. We`ll continue with another update on Monday that should help fix the rest of the issues and performance.

And so lets take a look at Update # 22:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   You can now fill empty bottles near any body of water – lake, ocean et.c
•   Implemented three NAV point visibility modes: only important, all visible, all hidden. Also show notification indicating current mode.
•   Fixed issue with falling through base on spawn and getting stuck
•   First steps in improving overall visual performance after update 21
•   Worked on improving major FPS drops after update 21
•   Fixed other issues when spawning inside the base and getting stuck

Fixes and Additions

•   Base health bars only show if they have lost health
•   Fixed issues that caused some claim components to disappear after update 21
•   Iron & Tarphite mine now has a lot more rocks, and each rock holds more resources
•   Added ramp to Wood Shack building
•   Fixed vehicles not swimming on solo servers
•   Greatly reduced waves
•   Fixed a lot of visual glitches in water due to wave size
•   Fixed player not going up above water while swimming
•   Polished SFX for swimming, horse swimming and vehicles on water
•   Increased loot chances of Oraphant - players never get empty loot for killing one

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #38 on: February 29, 2020, 12:14:21 AM »
Update 23 - Spawning in Vehicles & Base Repair
Feb 28 2020

Hey Everyone,

And we continue with another important update today, with a few critical fixes and some new features. With this update you can finally log out while in a moving space and ground vehicle and be back inside once you log back in. This fixes all the issues with getting stuck under a vehicle or in space.

We have also fully fixed and polished repair hammer, so you can finally repair your base now. Keep in mind that some building blocks like ceiling, foundation and landing pads can`t be fixed yet, but this will be fixed by Monday.

We also started on the big performance update, and are working towards eradicating all the performance problems by Monday.

As always, thanks for your support, and we can finally say we are back on track after the bad month we had with so many things being broken due to huge back-end updates we had to do.

And so lets take a look at Update # 23:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Repair hammer now fully works, restoring 10% health per hit
•   Fixed Territory Hubs resetting all progress on reload
•   Hopefully fixed all issues with vehicles sometimes disappearing
•   Rewrote respawning back in a vehicle, player will never be left in space or stuck again
•   Player will spawn inside the space vehicle when logging out or crashing
•   Fixed for outlaw rewards not being granted
•   Claim laser beams are now seen from afar and look much better
•   First part of performance improvements across the board – performance will be finally fixed in the next update

Fixes and Additions

•   Implemented the physics material system to bullet and melee hits
•   Buildings and stations with full hitpoints no longer show hitpoints bar
•   Fixed an issue where repairing a component could damage it instead of repairing
•   Stopped blood FX playing on certain components when repairing or damaging them
•   Fix for repairing health going over max health amount
•   Mech when hit now show damage FX instead of blood FX
•   Some fixes to bullet collision detection
•   Bullets no longer interact with each other
•   Fixed lag spike when Mechs fire machine guys
•   Optimized NPC collision detection.
•   NPCs that walk around will now also stop sometime and then resume walking
•   Fluid NPC animation transitions for NPC when they stop and resume walking.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #39 on: March 03, 2020, 02:35:19 PM »
Update 25 - No More Lag
Mon, 2 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

Today`s update is all about performance. Our goal is to have Stars End run at perfect 60 FPS for most players across all environments, planets and stations, and today`s update is a good step towards it. For example on space station and Clayton city FPS improvements will be especially noticeable. We are expecting one more performance related update later next week that should make things run even better.

This update also includes the last of the base repairing and damage system, which is now complete. And also some good level design updates around Clayton, and final water bugs have been fixed.

We`ll continue with a very important update later this week - finally adding crafting ques, continuous crafting e.t.c.

Meanwhile, lets take a look at the patch notes, but this time around they are quite short, as no point to list 100s of "Worked on X, to improve performance by Y%"

Major Additions and Critical Fixes


Fixes and Additions

•   Particles now collide with water, so it no longer rains underwater
•   Fixed all remaining issues with repair hammer.
•   Fixed Landing Pad damage/repair issues.
•   Fixed Wood Shack roof damage/repair issues.
•   Fixed some issues with concrete, metal and wood ceilings and added additional health bars to the bottom.
•   New intersection (gas station area revamp) outside of Clayton

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #40 on: March 05, 2020, 11:49:53 PM »
Update 25 - Great Performance Boost
Thu, 5 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

The big performance update is here, as we finally complete work on this. You can expect a major increase with at least double sometimes triple the frames rates across all environments. This update also fixes few more annoying issues across the board like moon-walking NPCs and more.

We continue with a major update on Wednesday next week that will add crafting queue and several other new features. We are also switching to a brand new database - that will once and for all fix all the issues with missing this or that. However - there might be a wipe coming up with this update. If so this will be "A wipe to end all wipes" as with a new database we can guarantee no more wipes in the future, due to it`s design.

Meanwhile, lets take a look at the patch notes, but this time around they are quite short, as no point to list 100s of "Worked on X, to improve performance by Y%"

Major Additions and Critical Fixes


Fixes and Additions

•   Fixed NPCs sometimes not playing walking animations while walking.
•   Fixed issue with water looking different at different distances
•   Fixed issues with layout and no collision for the large Mercantile Tower in Clayton
•   Fixed a bug with rain that could continue as player flies into space

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2020, 12:41:59 AM »
Update 26 - Crafting Queue
07 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

With today`s update we got to add the number one player requested feature – crafting queue. Now players can queue as many crating projects as they like, with up to six types, but unlimited quantity per crafting run. This also applies to the Refineries. Additional polish with Craft All button is to be added soon. This update also comes with more bug fixing across the board.

Please keep in mind that we are preparing to switch to a brand-new database. This will once and for all get rid of all the issues of disappearing vehicles, items and so on. This new database will also make sure we never have to wipe servers again. We expect this update to be ready within a week. However – this time around there`s absolutely no way we can avoid a server wipe. We`ll keep you posted, and thanks for your understanding.

And so presenting Update 26:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Crafting Queue added
•   Crafting Queue Can hold 7 items with unlimited stacks
•   Crafting Queue can dragged around the HUD

Fixes and Additions

•   Adjustments to camera clipping to prevent weird movement when using pickaxe near an object.
•   Fixed some broken materials in Exchange
•   Implemented fog to the shader that's used for ads and signs. Now they will blend correctly into the environment when far from them
•   Non-stackable items won't be stacked in containers

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #42 on: March 23, 2020, 01:47:41 PM »
Major Update Next Week (Available in Beta now)
Sat, 21 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

We are glad to say that our biggest updated to date is almost ready! After nearly 3 weeks of work we are getting ready to release this update later next week. This updates comes with an impressive list of new features, but most importantly it fixes majority of the bugs that were left in-game.

You can already see parts of the new update by playing Stars End in the beta mode.

We`ll follow up with full update change log early next week,

Also please keep in mind that in the near future we might have a full wipe. If it comes to that - there will be no way around it - as we are switching to a completely new SQL database. This move finally allows us to fix all issues with missing items, vehicles e.t.c. It also opens up possibility of MMO like super high population limits. And finally this switch guarantees that we will not need to wipe progress in the future.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2020, 12:23:55 AM »
Update 27 - Colossal Update Part 1
Fri, 27 March 2020

Hey Everyone

We are happy to present part one of our two-part Major Stars End update. We`ll follow up with part two within a week.

Unfortunately, part two of this update will come with a full progress wipe. This will be a necessary wipe as we are switching to a completely new SQL database. This move finally allows us to fix all issues with missing items, vehicles e.t.c. It also opens up possibility of MMO like super high population limits. And finally, this switch guarantees that we will not need to wipe progress in the future.

But for now – lets take a look at what today`s colossal update brings. To name some of the bigger changes: We have reworked and improved resources gathering. Crafting was reworked from the ground up with new crating queues, search functions and a lot more. Beta Prairie planet design is now complete with a lot of updates and improvements. Water and underwater exploration is now also complete. Dozen of worst game breaking bugs in game has been finally fixed. On top of this we have fixed and improved over a hundred other things around the game.

And so lets take a look at Update 27:


•   Crafting Queue added, that can hold 7 items with unlimited stacks.
•   Items shift along in the queue when complete, with separate progress bars
•   Crafting Queue sits on the HUD and can be moved and re-positioned
•   Crafting Queue applied to all types of crafting including refineries
•   Crafting search and sorting added. Type in key words to sort crafting by element, material e.t.c
•   Typing in exact search name to locate specific crafting recipe
•   Toggle crafting search on and off, with clearing results


•   Territory Hubs are now Refueling Stations, and just one of several territory types
•   Refueling Stations are used to refuel your vehicle. Will be essential to produce large space vehicles
•   PVE phased out and replaced with PVPVE (PVE with PVP Areas), other PVE mechanics remain in place, unless in PVP area
•   When you enter a PVP Area a red skull will show on the top right of the screen beside the compass.
•   All of space is a PVP Area but System Stations, Orbital Stations and the Titan are PVE.
•   Fixed a major game crash and other issues when crafting inside a moving vehicle or Ferry


•   Redesigned loot found on AI creatures and Mechs to give at least something all the time
•   Mechs and Orphans now give huge amount of loot all the time and worth the effort to kill
•   All gathering now comes with new visual effects – like sparks, saw dust, rock debris e.t.c
•   When gathering minerals, the rock will collapse into debris once resources are exhausted
•   Logs, broken down rocks e.t.c will slowly sink into the ground after of disappearing
•   Trees now show a health bar when using an axe to show progress
•   Tigon trees now harvest-able


•   Brand new Animations for swimming in water
•   Fixed water appearing bugged when flying above it in a spaceship
•   Major performance improvements to all areas of water
•   Underwater is now much brighter
•   Fixed all issues with swimming on surface in FPS mode
•   Removed waves and fixed issues with player constantly being covered by water
•   Lowered sun reflective quality on water to extremely low
•   A lot of other improvement to the visual look of water


•   Mute chat button added inside the chat window
•   Graphical options are now controlling view distance sliders
•   Adjusted foliage visibility distances for max, med, low settings.
•   Crafting, melee and other interactions now use updated sound system
•   Reworked the gun sound manager to allow hearing shots at a much longer distance
•   Redesigned the look of the health bar across all uses
•   Redesigned chat – to always allow player to type, without having to click the chat again


•   Fixed an issue with vehicles disappearing when stored on a claim
•   Fixed all issues with passengers getting stuck inside a vehicle
•   Fixed issue with trying to enter vehicle again after relog not always working
•   Fixed various duping issues with vehicles parked on the claim
Fixed inactive button delay in vehicles when trying to press buttons
•   Fixed a bunch of issues related to getting out of a vehicle


•   Major performance improvements in busy areas like Clayton city
•   Performance improvement across the entire game
•   Fixed newly placed claim sometimes falling through the ground
•   Fixed all issues with joining and creating Crews
•   Ladders are working again, resolved various clashes with player buoyancy
•   Fixed Issue with outlaw being set from picking up base components
•   Fixed all issues with outlaw system not starting correctly on killing a new player
•   Outlaws can now be killed in PVPVE anywhere in the world
•   Fixed an issue with outlaw markers not turning off, after outlaw has been killed
•   Fixed player getting locked if the weapon breaks while zooming in.


•   Fixed item info popups getting in the way while dragging a window
•   When a weapon breaks, its ammo will go back to the inventory.
•   Various ad signs will no longer be visible through all the fog
•   Adjustments to camera clipping to prevent weird movement when using pickaxe near an object
•   Fixed AIs sometimes moving in place due to not detecting ground.
•   Fix for global loot not storing items correctly.
•   Likely fix for flashlight error on use
•   Fixed Prologue issues with some quests remaining while completing them
•   Fixed issues with players sometimes appearing with their weapons floating or in wrong positions.
•   Visual adjustments to Alderman Rack.
•   Fixed an issue when deleting a player where they would not be removed from clan
•   Fixed an issue when deleting a player where the clan would not delete if the player is an owner
•   Carpets temporarily disabled from crafting and buying until issues resolved
•   Changed up spawn points locations on Beta Prairie to more balanced locations
•   Bow will spend integrity after each use
•   Non-stackable items won't be stacked in containers
•   Health bar added to Shield generators in Territories
•   Generator health tripled – as was way too weak before
•   Limited claim description to 40 characters, to avoid super long descriptions
•   Various optimization to makeshift claim laser effect to be much better visible
•   Removed turning off ignition text when getting off a horse


•   New apartment buildings in Clayton that has been abandoned and presents looting opportunities
•   Terrain around Clayton has been smoothed and polished – might affect players bases
•   Clayton Outpost and Solomans Outpost moved much closer to the rest of the shire
•   Reblanced and polished Titan stating ship – it now has much less containers for player to loot
•   Redberry Spaceport fixed ferry landing pads and removed containers across landing platforms
•   Fixed issues with Redberry outpost being super bright
•   Various improvements to Beta Prairie beach area
•   Cassius moon various fixes for spawning – not players spawn correctly

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2020, 02:29:51 AM »
Updated - The Follow Up
Mon, 30 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

We have a smaller follow up update today that fixes some of the last remaining issues. Specifically Claims have been fixed, together with a couple of dozen other bugs. We are still working on a solution to Crew creation not working and expect this by Wednesday latest. Sorry for the delay.

Work continues on Part II of the Colossal update – that we are expecting later next week, ~7-10 days away. Unfortunately, part two of this update will come with a full progress wipe. This will be a necessary wipe as we are switching to a completely new SQL database. This move finally allows us to fix all issues with missing items, vehicles e.t.c. It also opens up possibility of MMO like super high population limits. And finally, this switch guarantees that we will not need to wipe progress in the future.

Meanwhile, lets take a look at today`s Update 28


•   Fixed major issue with new Claim placing 2kms underground
•   Fixed rock breaking debris damaging and even killing players


•   Reworked rocks breaking after completely mined.
•   Added breakable helium rocks
•   Fixed Nox rocks sounding like wood when mined
•   New health bar for base parts.
•   Adjusted collisions of some Tigon trees that player could walk into
•   Improved the visual of the roads on beta prairie
•   Fixed white terrain by the roads on beta prairie
•   Prologue mission vehicle won't show two waypoints.
•   Fixed rare bugs with health bar duplicating
•   Fixed collisions issues at the hamlet village by Clayton town
•   Implemented new health bar system in all remaining objects, like shields
•   Some fixes to how visibility of navpoints and health bars is calculated

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