Translations for our friends around the world.

Author Topic: BLACK DAY  (Read 28963 times)

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #60 on: January 13, 2019, 12:04:08 AM »
Beta 1: New translations ready! Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Portugese - Brazil !
12 January - [FR] Helios Production

You understand! 5 new translations!

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #61 on: January 19, 2019, 11:32:03 PM »
BETA 1 release: Massive update !

Dear Gamers,

The Alpha is over! Beta 1 is now online and without a doubt this is the biggest Black Day update so far. There is so much new content that i don't know where to start. So let's try to stay simple and concise.

5 new translations:
Before anything else i would like to thank the community who helped with the translations.It is important to name them all as follow.
- Russian:
Evgenii Tamens / MuDDy_BLooDy / Vitaly “Vital” Ulianov
- Spanish:
Pablo Moya
- Portuguese - Bresil:
Gabriel Monteiro dos Reis
- German:
Vincent Oggier
- Italian:
Lorenzo Rende

Thank you all infinitely !

Optical camouflage
New equipment is available for your soldiers: The optical camouflage suit. Extremly powerful,this suit will allow you and your teammates
to be almost invisible for a short period of time while infiltrating enemy lines.
This ability has a short lifespan and a long recharge rate so use it wisely.

Photo Mode
With a simple keypress ("P" by default), you can now immortalize your actions by taking the best looking photos.
All the options are available for you to edit and create your own original images.

Equipment Save
Save and load in a few clicks your favorite equipment configurations for you and your teammates.
You can save upto 10 different custom configurations.

2 new weapons
AS-Val: Silenced assault weapon ideal for covert missions.
Chippa Rhino: Tactical revolver extremly polyvalent.

2 new maps
Hospital central: small map 100% close-combat ideal for fast and intence missions.
Old Ruins (winter): A variation of the old ruins map covered in snow.

9 new outfits
Headsets,pants,vests,jackets... everything necessary to even more customize your characters.

Revision of the user interface
New main menu, new character customization menu, refurbished HUD... In short, a more clear and prettier rendition.

Graphical enhancements
Every map has been completly reworked(shadows,lights...)

I will stop here because the list just goes on! I leave it to you to discover the complete list of changes.

This BETA version could have some gameplay bugs, translation errors...Do not hesitate to use the steam forum and
the official game discord to leave feedback.

Stay fun and Rock'n'Roll!
Helios Production

- Reset save file
- Overhaul: Graphics rendering
- Overhaul: Drivable helicopter
- Overhaul: Cinematics intro for each map
- Overhaul: XP required for each rank
- Overhaul: XP required for each weapon/map/gear/game mode
- Overhaul: Difficulty XP reward
- Add: Spanish translation
- Add: German translation
- Add: Russian translation
- Add: Italian translation
- Add: Portuguese - Brasilian translation
- Add: Optical camouflage gear (default key: Left Ctrl)
- Add: Photo mode (default key: P)
- Add: 10 Save slots for clothing/weapons/gear in Squad and Gear UI menu
- Add: New weapon - AS Val (Assault Rifle)
- Add: New weapon - Chiappa Rhino (Revolver)
- Add: New map - Old Ruins (Winter version)
- Add: New map - Central Hospital
- Add: Clothing - New category - Headphones
- Add: Clothing (Category HEADPHONES) - Headphones + 8 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category HELMET) - Cap + 5 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category GLASSES) - PMC Glasses
- Add: Clothing (Category SHIRT) - PMC Shirt + 10 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category SUIT/PANTS) - PMC Pants + 4 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category SUIT/PANTS) - PMC Pants 2 + 4 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category VEST) - PMC Vest + 4 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category VEST) - PMC Vest 2 + 4 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category BAG) - Little backpack + 4 CAMOS
- Add: 3 new CAMOS of Balaclava
- Add: 3 new CAMOS of Russian Helmet + Russian Helmet 2
- Add: New menu soundtrack
- Add: New Helicopter model
- Add: New plant mine/c4 animation
- Add: New computer interaction animation
- Add: New defuse mine animation
- Add: New hack animation
- Add: New hide body animation
- Add: Interactions SFX
- Add: New Knocked/Wounded/Stand up animation
- Add: Switch attachment animation
- Add: Call airstrike animation
- Add: New character customisation design
- Add: Customize weapons player directly in squad menu
- Add: Disable AI teammates increase XP reward
- Add: Disable drivable vehicles increase XP reward
- Add: Cinematic insertion
- Add: Cinematic launch mission
- Add: Startup movie
- Add: New camera cone VFX
- Add: security Lasers for each map
- Add: Lasers triggers closest alarm
- Add: Sniper aiming sound
- Add: Lasers can be destroyed with bullets
- Add: New game mode pictures
- Add: New selection type of map
- Add: Progress bar to next rank in Main menu UI
- Add: Progress bar for each rank in Rank List UI
- Add: Crosshair on Drone UI if drone armed
- Add: Dog's instincts based on sensor settings
- Add: Reflex sight on Panther
- Add: Automatically use knife if cannot use classic takedown
- Add: Random speed rotation of camera
- Add: New icon game
- Add: Smoke grenade SFX
- Add: Use sprint with a ladder
- Add: New music on Paradise Resort
- Add: Init squad formation automatically choose by size map
- Add: New screen of Lost Island
- Add: New screen of Jalh-Ab desert
- Add: New screen of Country town
- Add: New screen of Conira Castle
- Add: New screen of Heaven of peace
- Add: New screen of Area 47
- Add: Slide sound
- Add: Keybinding icon (select main and secondary weapon) to Vehicles UI
- Improve: Weapons recoil behavior
- Improve: AI teammates behavior
- Improve: AI teammates squad formation
- Improve: AI pathfinding
- Improve: AI sight
- Improve: AI reinforcements spawn
- Improve: AI teammates attack priority
- Improve: AI faction war spawn
- Improve: Lasers optimization
- Improve: General brightness/contrast
- Improve: Increase cleanup corpses at 10 minutes
- Improve: Jalh-Ab Desert sounds background
- Improve: 3dRudder inputs
- Improve: 3dRudder sensitivity
- Improve: Foliage - Country town
- Improve: Landscape - Country town
- Improve: Retexturing AH-6 enemy
- Improve: Treat animation
- Improve: Sphere radius of conquest point based on size map
- Improve: Flashbang blinding display
- Improve: C4 necessary only add if none teammates
- Improve: Player character acceleration
- Improve: Quality shadows (Avieno Land - Winter)
- Improve: Color saturation (Paradise resort)
- Improve: Color saturation (Conira Castle)
- Improve: Color saturation (Medieval city)
- Improve: Color saturation (Lost Island)
- Improve: Color saturation (Avieno Land)
- Improve: Color saturation (Country Town)
- Improve: Light Rendering (Avieno Land)
- Improve: Light Rendering (Medieval city)
- Improve: Light Rendering (Conira Castle)
- Improve: Character customisation UI
- Improve: Sandbox UI
- Improve: Insertion Menu UI
- Improve: Main menu UI
- Improve: HUD UI
- Improve: Inventory UI
- Improve: Tooltip weapon UI
- Improve: AI command UI
- Improve: Spot UI
- Improve: Drone UI
- Improve: Synchronized shot UI
- Improve: Chopper/Tank UI
- Improve: Spot sound UI
- Improve: General tooltips UI
- Improve: Slide bars behavior
- Improve: Map picture instead of XP required
- Improve: Insertions pictures (Country town)
- Improve: Disable automatically vehicles/Air units if not available on map
- Improve: Spot sound UI
- Improve: Rotation character in squad menu
- Improve: Weapon aiming block
- Improve: Hostage cannot be spotted by enemies if alert off
- Improve: Switch item keybinding only visible if more one item
- Improve: Ctrl/Shift keybinding icons
- Tweak: HALO jump not available on small maps
- Tweak: Teammates use copy stance by default
- Tweak: Keypad size text
- Tweak: Teammates dead and cannot be revive if "No revive" difficulty enabled
- Tweak: Synchronized shot disable with Apocalypse mode (useless)
- Tweak: Increase vehicles health
- Tweak: Increase robots health
- Tweak: Increase cyborgs health
- Tweak: Increase turrets health
- Tweak: Reduce noise emitter in night
- Tweak: Reduce AI sight distance detect dead body
- Tweak: Machinegun M240-B scale
- Tweak: Night visions only visible on Head 1
- Fix: Sun position (Country town - day)
- Fix: FPP animations errors
- Fix: Some spawns errors
- Fix: Animations interactions finish
- Fix: Auto change clothes doesn't work correctly
- Fix: Undesirable damages if hit a mine
- Fix: Medieval city doesn't build AI pathfinding navigation
- Fix: Medieval city errors spawns
- Fix: Footstep position if use specific animations
- Fix: Undesirable assets in air (Redwood forest + winter version)
- Fix: Contrast/Luminosity settings doesn't apply on Redwood forest + winter version
- Fix: White icon if keybinding not found
- Fix: Use interaction or action while already action launched
- Fix: Left hand position with handgun and sprint
- Fix: Empty task after success/fail
- Fix: Weapons/Attachments materials errors in Squad menu
- Fix: Change teammates number produce a little freeze
- Fix: Shoot with Panther crossbow instantly detected by enemies
- Fix: Camera could be spot player outside of sight cone
- Fix: Missing french texts
- Fix: Player affect by flashbang
- Fix: Cannot interacte underwater
- Fix: Cover speed with 3dRudder
- Fix: AI shoot error script
- Fix: Grid undesirable open
- Fix: Launch grenade animation
- Fix: C4 could spawn in air
- Fix: Init enemies spawn
- Fix: Main HUD doesn't update inventory correctly
- Fix: IK footstep locations if wounded
- Fix: Cannot switch TPP/FPP camera when used a ladder
- Fix: Launch grenade errors scripts
- Fix: Lasers doesn't work correctly
- Fix: Turrets doesn't work correctly
- Fix: Camera FOV after use binoculars
- Fix: Outline rendering with interaction meshs
- Fix: Debriefing text if task fail
- Fix: Some barrels collisions
- Fix: Market stall collision
- Fix: Table collision
- Fix: Grid collision
- Fix: Grid tents block vision and bullets
- Fix: Flatbed collision
- Fix: Assets collisions on Area 47
- Fix: Crossbow without arrow
- Fix: Static cars collision
- Fix: Left hand location of teammates with specific animations
- Fix: Customization character animation if use none weapon
- Fix: Some cinematics intro start
- Fix: Use binoculars error after use aiming
- Fix: Grid collisions (Redwood forest + winter version)
- Fix: Missing pover tower (Paradise resort)
- Fix: Landscape (Conira Castle + winter version)
- Fix: Assets locations (Conira Castle + winter version)
- Fix: Some errors scripts
- Fix: Tons of bugs thanks to lastest Unreal Engine version
- Remove: No XP required option
- Remove: Unnecessary lakes (Conira Castle + winter version)
- Remove: Rolling prone movement (had too issues)
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Offline Asid

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« Reply #62 on: February 01, 2019, 01:54:20 PM »
BETA 2 Release: Simplified chinese translation, Intervention suit, AI improvements, fixes...
1 Feb - [FR] Helios Production   

Dear Gamers,

Beta 2 is now online!

New translation: Simplified Chinese
I would like to thank "Fung Chieng Jie" who helped with the translations !

6 new outfits
Head,pants,vests,jackets... everything necessary to even more customize your characters with interventions.

- Restore: Roll movement
- Add: Simplified Chinese translation
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Intervention 1 + 7 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Intervention 2 + 7 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Intervention 3 + 7 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category SHIRT) - Intervention Jacket + 7 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category SUITS/PANTS) - Intervention Pants + 7 CAMOS
- Add: Clothing (Category POCKETS) - Intervention Pockets + 7 CAMOS
- Add: Ladder in tutorial level
- Add: Photo mode in tutorial level
- Add: Meteorites SFX
- Improve: Redwood forest lighting rendering
- Improve: Redwood forest (Winter version) lighting rendering
- Improve: Old ruins lighting rendering
- Improve: Max quality shadows rendering (Lost Island)
- Improve: Max distance shadows rendering (Lost Island)
- Improve: Max distance shadows rendering (Conira Castle)
- Improve: Max distance shadows rendering (Avieno land)
- Improve: Photo mode get automatically Post-Process rendering
- Improve: Shift key icon
- Improve: Alt key icon
- Improve: Ctrl key icon
- Improve: Lean movement
- Improve: Behavior of AI reinforcements search
- Improve: AI combat behavior
- Improve: Recoil intensity
- Improve: Reload stand/crouch animations
- Improve: Reload prone animations
- Improve: Launch drone prone animation
- Improve: View squad feature
- Improve: AI pathfinding avoidance
- Improve: AI teammates launch only smoke grenade if team member is wounded
- Improve: AI teammates treat directly player and doesn't try to drag body
- Improve: "Open parachute" change color instead of player's altitude
- Improve: Use "Interaction" instead of "Action" for execute a takedown
- Improve: Switch item automatically if current item =0
- Improve: Flashlight rendering
- Improve: Hide body SFX
- Improve: HALO UI
- Improve: HALO air control
- Improve: Search medics function
- Tweak: Neutralize enemy only with knife
- Tweak: Settings menu
- Fix: Undesirable SteamVR launch with game
- Fix: AI helicopters detection daytime
- Fix: Flashlight attachment camo error
- Fix: Laser camo attachment error
- Fix: Spawn task error
- Fix: Extraction point task error
- Fix: Knife damages
- Fix: Settings UI
- Fix: Undesirable teleportation based of AI teammates drag casualties
- Fix: Undesirable player teleportation if wounded
- Fix: Steal/Sabotage mesh task rotation
- Fix: Double laser/flashlight camo error
- Fix: Number of tasks visible if apocalypse selected
- Fix: Shadows of weapon if flashlight enabled
- Fix: Quit photo mode doesn't keep lastest "Show UI" of player
- Fix: Cinematic intro doesn't work (Conira Castle winter)
- Fix: Cinematic intro doesn't work (Redwood forest winter)
- Fix: Cinematic insertion (Heaven of peace)
- Fix: Camera rotation of photo mode if player is prone
- Fix: Factory building glass opacity
- Fix: Aim offset player if photo mode enabled
- Fix: Insertion UI - task test alignment
- Fix: Left foot position with lean movement
- Fix: Tutorial zone doesn't detect player pawn
- Fix: Use slide conditions errors
- Fix: Time remaining (synchro shot) always display if show UI disable
- Fix: Wounded if prone
- Fix: Can use slide loop
- Fix: Stone walls collisions
- Fix: Warehouse roof collision
- Fix: Plank rubble collisions
- Fix: Radio task LOD
- Fix: Assets locations (Central Hospital)
- Fix: Stairs collision (Central Hospital)
- Fix: Stairs railing collision (Central Hospital)
- Fix: Cannot disable AI command if wounded
- Fix: Missing translations
- Fix: Italian translations
- Fix: Russian translations
- Fix: French translations
- Remove: Takedown animation (have too issues) - replace by attack with a knife
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Offline Asid

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« Reply #63 on: April 09, 2019, 12:02:36 AM »
Some news ;)

Dear gamers,

I'm so sorry, I don't give news since 2 months on Black Day. Don't worry, I continue to work on my game ;)
But I have less free time since 2019. Maybe it require some explanations.

I'm a dad :D and take care of my sweet daughter need many times (like change diapers)
I'm hired for work official missions of ArmA 3 future extension (cannot say more...)
I'm hired too for work AI system on a VR game.

So, I have so much work for this year. Don't worry I continue to work on Black Day but updates will be more long to release.

Stay cool and ROCK'N'ROLL !!!

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2019, 12:05:22 AM »
BETA 3 Release: New maps, new weapons and improvements...
24 Apr @ 7:13pm - [FR] Helios Production

Dear Gamers,

Beta 3 is now online!

Two new maps:

Prison: small map 100% close-combat for fast and intence missions.

Natura: Medium map in forest

2 new weapons:
M-910: Compact machinegun
SxS: Powerful shotgun

No XP Required option added

As usual other corrections have been made and feedback is always welcomed. Already on BETA 4!
I leave you to discover on your own the complete changelog of this update and as usual i hope this content pleases you all.

- Add: New map - Prison
- Add: New map - Natura
- Add: New weapon - M-910 (Machinegun)
- Add: New weapon - SxS (Shotgun)
- Add: Restore "No XP required" option in sandbox menu
- Add: Access code memorize in task text
- Improve: Main HUD UI
- Improve: FPP behavior
- Improve: AI combat optimization
- Improve: Dead body detection optimization
- Improve: Shoot animations
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Lost Island)
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Paradise Resort)
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Heaven of Peace)
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Jalh-Ab Desert)
- Improve: AI commander speed movement
- Improve: Chinese translations
- Improve: Reload prone animation with rifle
- Improve: Tanks resistance
- Improve: Reduce M240B recoil
- Improve: Sniper scope UI
- Improve: Helicopter cinematic post-process rendering
- Improve: Switch weapons animations
- Improve: Reload weapons animations
- Improve: Launch drone animation
- Improve: Launch grenade animation
- Improve: Control box mesh in Alarm and Scrambler
- Improve: Camera shake near explosions
- Improve: Dead menu UI
- Improve: Hit effect display
- Tweak: Default Constrast/Luminosity values
- Fix: TPP camera collision if player use ladder
- Fix: Binoculars doesn't save in gear slot
- Fix: Skyline (Conira Castle)
- Fix: Extraction point doesn't found correctly
- Fix: Undesirable hole in russian suit
- Fix: Some default keybindings errors
- Fix: AI detection in daytime
- Fix: Crosshair visible if prone and move
- Fix: Default walkable floor angle
- Fix: Auto exposure doesn't work correctly on Conira Castle
- Fix: Some errors scripts
- Remove: Finish up ladder animation (too bugs)
- Remove: Hits animations
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Offline Asid

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« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2019, 03:23:59 PM »
BETA 4 Release: German mouse fix, improvements and more...
25 Apr @ 2:19pm - [FR] Helios Production

Dear gamers,

Just a little update with improvements and fixes.

VERY IMPORTANT !!! For each german player, I fix the mouse problem. Make you sure to delete your savegame if your current language ingame is german.
Re-launch Black Day, change language (English->German), Re-start game.
Normally, that's allright ;)

- Add: 10 new face camos
- Add: Background blur in Main menu UI
- Add: Background blur in Inventory UI
- Improve: Play only action music with Faction wars mode
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Old Ruins)
- Improve: Some animations shoot speed
- Improve: Scope UI rendering
- Improve: Camera on Squad custom rendering
- Fix: Mouse axis with Deutsch localization
- Fix: UI Interaction text location on Alarm and Scrambler
- Fix: Cannot hit Laser
- Fix: Cannot hit Camera
- Fix: Camera security remove after deactivate
- Fix: Insertion UI tasks location
- Fix: Missing SFX reload with prone shotgun reloading
- Fix: Maps size indication
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2019, 12:02:03 AM »
BETA 5 Release: New map, new weapons and more...
6 Jun @ 8:48am - [FR] Helios Production   

Dear Gamers,

Beta 5 is now online!

New map:

Natura: Medium map in a medieval castle

2 new weapons:

M4-Night: Tactical assault rifle
PKM-7: Powerful machinegun

As usual other corrections have been made and feedback is always welcomed.

- Add: New map - Travost Castle
- Add: New weapon - PKM-7 (Machinegun)
- Add: New weapon - M4-Night (Assault rifle)
- Add: Missing translations (All languages)
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Jalh-Ab Desert)
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Natura Plain)
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Proving ground)
- Improve: Lighting rendering (Tutorial)
- Improve: Ground texture (Natura Plain)
- Improve: Footstep SFX crouch volume
- Fix: AI search pathfinding errors
- Fix: AI could be walk in water (Lost Island)
- Fix: AI could be walk in water (Paradise Resort)
- Fix: Laptop task rotation spawn

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2019, 09:05:26 PM »
BETA 6 Release: Improvements, mouse fix and more...
18 Jun @ 1:14pm - [FR] Helios Production

Dear gamers,

Beta 6 is now online! Just a little update with improvements and fixes.

- Improve: Shoot animations
- Improve: Meeting task UI follow always theirs characters
- Improve: Acceleration/Decelerration player character
- Improve: FPS sight camera rotation
- Fix: Mouse pitch axis
- Fix: Actions key list doesn't use correct language
- Fix: Help location mesh of tracker always visible if task success
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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« Reply #68 on: June 24, 2019, 11:27:23 PM »
BETA 7 Release: Improvements and fixes...
24 Jun @ 1:24pm - [FR] Helios Production

Dear gamers,

Beta 7 is now online! Just a little update with improvements and fixes.

- Improve: Lighting rendering (Country Town)
- Improve: Shadows rendering (Country Town)
- Improve: Foliage (Country Town)
- Improve: Landscape (Country Town)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Redwood Forest)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Redwood Forest Winter)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Jalh-Ab Desert)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Proving Ground)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Natura Plain)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Old Ruins)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Old Ruins Winter)
- Improve: Night lighting rendering (Stronghold)
- Improve: AI teammates
- Improve: Default Gamma
- Improve: Default Contrast
- Improve: Russian translations (by Vital)
- Fix: AS-Val holster error on enemy soldier
- Fix: Trailer wood collisions
- Fix: Shadows opacity (Conira Castle)
- Fix: Shadows opacity (Travost Castle)
- Fix: Missing floor (Country town)
- Fix: Photo mode - Mouse pitch axis reverse
- Fix: Some errors scripts
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2019, 02:16:54 PM »
BETA 8 Release: Last Stand feature, 6 new weapons, new camos (multicam...)

Dear Gamers,

Beta 8 is now online!

Last Stand feature
New feature available! If you receive damage which would normally kill them, they will drop onto their back. But now, take out their weapon and continue to fight until to be revive by a teammate.

6 new weapons
SASS - Sniper rifle
M24-R - Sniper rifle
MP6 - Submachine gun
UMG-11 - Submachine gun
M9A1 Ghost - Handgun
Deagle Ghost - Handgun

New camos
11 clothes receive new camos (Multicam/Forest/Winter...)

- Add: Last Stand feature (drop to the ground and pull out your weapon)
- Add: New weapon - SASS (Sniper rifle)
- Add: New weapon - M24-R (Sniper rifle)
- Add: New weapon - MP6 (Submachine gun)
- Add: New weapon - UMG-11 (Submachine gun)
- Add: New weapon - M9A1 Ghost (Handgun)
- Add: New weapon - Deagle Ghost (Handgun)
- Add: New camos - US Jacket (Multicam/Desert 2/Desert 3)
- Add: New camos - US Jacket with gloves (Multicam/Desert 2/Desert 3)
- Add: New camos - US Pants (Multicam/Desert 2/Desert 3/Forest)
- Add: New camos - US Vest (Multicam/Desert 2/Winter)
- Add: New camos - US Vest II (Multicam/Desert 2/Winter)
- Add: New camos - US Helmet II (Multicam/Desert 2/Forest/Winter)
- Add: New camos - Panama (Multicam/Desert 2/Winter)
- Add: New camos - Little backpack (Multicam/Desert 2/Winter)
- Add: New camos - Shemagh (Multicam/Desert/Forest)
- Add: New camos - Hat (Multicam/Desert/Forest/Winter)
- Add: New camos - Bags (Multicam/Desert/Desert 2/Forest/Winter)
- Improve: Level menu
- Fix: Night light (Country town)
- Fix: Cannot use Photo mode if wounded
- Fix: Weapons locations if wounded and use switch weapon
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2019, 12:46:19 AM »
BETA 9 Release: Spetsnaz / Delta force outfits, UI Improvements and more...
Thu, 12 September 2019

Beta 9 is now online! Add 20 new outfits and more...

Dear Gamers,

Beta 9 is now online!

20 new outfits

Head,pants,vests,jackets... everything necessary to even more customize your characters with Spetsnaz and Delta force style.

As usual other corrections have been made and feedback is always welcomed.
I leave you to discover on your own the complete changelog of this update and as usual i hope this content pleases you all.

- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Delta Force 1 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Delta Force 2 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Delta Force 3 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Delta Force 4 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Spetsnaz 1 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Spetsnaz 2 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Spetsnaz 3 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Spetsnaz 4 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Rebel 1 (+5 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category HEAD) - Rebel 2 (+5 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category SUIT / PANTS) - US Pants 2 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category SUIT / PANTS) - US Pants 3 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category SUIT / PANTS) - Russian Pants (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category SUIT / PANTS) - Rebel Pants (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category SHIRT) - US Jacket 2 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category SHIRT) - Russian Jacket (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category VEST) - US Vest 3 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category VEST) - US Vest 4 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category VEST) - Heavy Vest 2 (+12 CAMOS)
- Add: Clothing (Category VEST) - Russian Vest 2 (+12 CAMOS)
- Improve: General font
- Improve: Squad customisation UI
- Improve: Task UI
- Improve: Notification UI
- Improve: Sandbox UI
- Improve: Apocalypse UI
- Improve: Ranks UI
- Improve: HUD UI
- Improve: Insertion/extraction UI
- Improve: Recoil weapons
- Improve: Shoot effect
- Improve: Lean speed
- Improve: Lean animations
- Improve: Simplify UI inventory
- Improve: Squad customisation light rendering
- Improve: Player character speed pitch rotation
- Improve: Main menu level design
- Fix: Barn walls collisions
- Fix: Change interaction actor if already used
- Fix: Some errors scripts
- Remove: Night vision goggles displayed in Squad menu

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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« Reply #71 on: November 05, 2019, 01:17:07 PM »
BETA 10 Release: +90 new weapons camos and more...
Tue, 5 November 2019

Dear Gamers,

Beta 9 is now online!

- Add: +90 new weapons camos
- Add: New UI selection weapon camo
- Improve: AI Optimisation
- Improve: Increase Enemy time to spot
- Improve: 3st person view camera rotation lag
- Improve: 3st person view crosshair
- Improve: General borders UI
- Improve: Command UI transparent buttons
- Improve: Conira Castle lighting rendering
- Improve: Paradise Resort lighting rendering
- Replace: Attachment docter sight high by Docter sight normal (AK47/Micro Uzi/Micro Uzi Ghost)
- Fix: Crosshair visible in Insertion introduction
- Fix: L86A2-LSW attachments locations
- Fix: L86A2-LSW aiming view
- Fix: Assets location (Paradise Resort)

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #72 on: March 10, 2020, 01:56:39 PM »
BETA 11 Release: Mouse sensitivity, UI teammates...
10 March 2020

Dear Gamers,

Beta 11 is now online! Sorry for this long delay, I'm very busy with another project ;)

As usual other corrections have been made and feedback is always welcomed.


- Add: New possibilities spawn enemies after finish last task
- Add: UI teammates in main HUD
- Add: Reverse mouse option Axis X and Y only for drivable vehicles
- Add: AI move to destination even if have obstacles
- Improve: Shoot animations
- Improve: Some UI design
- Improve: Scrollbar size UI
- Improve: Ocean color rendering (Lost Island)
- Fix: Some AI navigation errors
- Fix: Apocalypse UI invisible if None HUD enable
- Fix: Reverse axis mouse doesn't work correctly
- Fix: Sensitivity axis mouse doesn't work correctly
- Fix: Ruins building collisions (Old ruins + winter version)
- Fix: UI teammate size
- Fix: Some errors scripts

Stay cool and rock'n'roll !

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #73 on: May 14, 2020, 12:09:01 PM »
80% Discount!
Thu, 14 May 2020

80% discount for a limited time!

-80%   £11.39   £2.27
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« Reply #74 on: July 26, 2020, 02:01:54 PM »
BETA 12 release: New graphics rendering, new animations, AI climb and more...
Sun, 26 July 2020

Dear Gamers,

After long months, Beta 12 is finally online! Sorry for this long delay. This update content new animations pack for gun and handgun, AI use climb system, a complete new light rendering for each map and more...

- Add: New rifle animations
- Add: New handgun animations
- Add: AI teammates and enemies can climb
- Improve: General rendering
- Improve: Ragdoll physics
- Improve: Foot IK placement
- Improve: Shoot SFX rendering
- Improve: Jalh-Ab desert daylight rendering
- Improve: Redwood forest daylight rendering
- Improve: Redwood forest (winter) daylight rendering
- Improve: Haven of peace daylight rendering
- Improve: Haven of peace night rendering
- Improve: Avieno land daylight rendering
- Improve: Avieno land (winter) daylight rendering
- Improve: Behdrahi Town daylight rendering
- Improve: Behdrahi Town night rendering
- Improve: Area 47 daylight rendering
- Improve: Area 47 night rendering
- Improve: Area 47 shadows quality rendering
- Improve: Medieval city daylight rendering
- Improve: Conira castle daylight rendering
- Improve: Conira castle (winter) daylight rendering
- Improve: Middle eastern village daylight rendering
- Improve: Lost island daylight rendering
- Improve: Lost island night rendering
- Improve: Travost Castle daylight rendering
- Improve: Travost Castle night rendering
- Improve: General shadow opacity rendering
- Improve: Tutorial daylight rendering
- Improve: Central hospital optimisation
- Improve: Lost island foliage
- Improve: Conira castle foliage
- Improve: Reinforcements spawn only if alert squad spotted
- Improve: AI pathfinding
- Improve: Characters meshs optimisation
- Improve: Shadows rendering on enemy
- Improve: Slide SFX volume
- Improve: Water swim SFX volume
- Improve: Grenade frag SFX
- Improve: Mines SFX
- Improve: Max dynamic shadow distance for some maps
- Improve: TTP center camera location
- Improve: Use sprint if crouch return to stand position automatically
- Improve: Animations in edit squad menu
- Change: Return default cursor to adapt for each resolution (especially 2K, 4K)
- Fix: Interaction UI position with FPP view to 2K and 4K resolution
- Fix: Sandbox UI might not have correct resolution (especially 2K, 4K)
- Fix: Teammates UI always display if "No hud" enable
- Fix: AI teammates might not execute order correctly
- Fix: Foot IK might not work correctly on some characters
- Fix: Gamepad Y axis reversed
- Fix: C4 radial damages on buildings actors
- Fix: AI teammate could be shoot even if wounded
- Fix: Some characters collisions errors
- Fix: AI teammate might not use "Neutralize" order correctly
- Fix: Shotgun shoot animation might not work correctly
- Fix: Foot IK if use sprint
- Fix: Foot IK if use climb
- Fix: FPS camera rotation if wounded after fall
- Fix: Disable XP required might not update sandbox UI correctly
- Fix: Error to select attachment if cannot switch weapon
- Fix: Damages animations on teammates
- Fix: Fall damages error
- Fix: Some errors scripts

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