Its almost ready, so start enrolling. Choose a team and your TC/gunner partner, it is not necessary but would be a good idea to keep partners between missions, of course you can not change teams(blue/red) during battles. Blue team uses Leos 2, red team uses M1A2.
Type of mission: Blind tanks,Hth, multicrew,no enemy map contacts,only 1 tank per player (if you are killed you have no more tanks untill next mission)
Map: Cultana(is on TS flie browser, called Platoon Campaign-test-3)
Time/Day: ( Sundays/22:00 CET=20:00 UTC??)
Misison lenght : 60 min +-5 min random time
Number of players: 16-24
Red Co:Assassin
Blue Co: Cougar
Platoon Campaign
1 Platoon per team,blind and multicrew tanks(16-24 players), several IA units not under player control.ONly friendly map contactsB
Wins the team that first conquers the enemy base
Blue team: Leos 2 (Co can choose between diferent models),Pizarros, ATGM AT-3d,infantry(equiped with AT-4)
Red team :M1A2 ,M2/M3(with the worst model of TOW to be balanced with Pizarro), ATGM AT-3d,infantry(equiped with AT-4)
Co should give orders to IA units before the battle,can be as complex as you want(you can use trigers, loop routes, etc)
Units in Company P must be used only for defending the base, and are not allowed to move outside their starting deployment area
After each battle, both teams receive 4 new (blind) tanks under players control + a fixed number of points to spend on
IA units + a variable number of points depending on the number of objectives you control
At the beginning of each battle the Co must set a Repair and ressuply base(RRB),to do that he has to choose a position the the map and
put together a resuply truck, fueler truck, medical and repair unit.Once they have arrived to the choosen location they cannot move for
the rest of the battle. If units move during the battle or only 1 unit is missing the RRB is considered as not working
New units start at RRB(if is working) or at Blue/Red base, old units start at the same position where they end the last
battle(with the same ammo and damage).
Surviving tanks form the last battle become tanks under IA control, so that in each battle there is only 4 blind and
multicrew tanks under players control
After being killed on the battle you can jump into your reserve unit,a Brad or a Piz on your base, there is only 1 reserve unit per tank,
so if you are killed again you are out of battle
Repairs, resupply,and refuel
Each repair unit in the RRB can fully repair 1 vehicle per battle or all the infnatry
Each resupply unit in the RRB can fully resupply 1 vehicle per battle or all the infantry
Each fueler unit in the RRB can fully refuel 1 vehicle per battle
Each medical unit in the RRB can fully heal 1 vehicle per battle or all the infantry
To Do things: Edit the map a little(add some trees and houses), and decide how many reinforcement points each unit costs