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Author Topic: IL-2 Sturmovik offers native support of Tacview!  (Read 9932 times)

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Offline Vyrtuoz

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IL-2 Sturmovik offers native support of Tacview!
« on: August 04, 2017, 07:26:13 PM »
Latest Official Version: 1.6.3


NOTICE: During this early stage, you may notice some discrepancies between your favorite simulator and the numbers displayed in Tacview. This is normal and will be improved in upcoming updates of Tacview and IL-2.

For now,  Tacview may best be used as a tool to understand the battle from a tactical standpoint, to improve your situational awareness, and your general energy management skills. It is too early to attempt accurate analysis of aircraft performances.

Your feedback is very important to me! Be assured that I’m listening to you and doing my best to integrate all your suggestions in upcoming releases. Before posting, please take a look at the FAQ and documentation first.

Follow the development of new features on Twitter and Facebook!

What is Tacview?

Have you ever wanted to understand what actually happened during your last flight? Tacview is an universal flight analysis tool which enables you to easily record, analyze and understand any flight to improve your skills much faster than with conventional debriefings. Whether for the private pilot or the virtual squadron leader, Tacview is an invaluable tool to understand what really happened and to improve piloting style and tactical skills.

With Tacview you can embrace the whole battlefield at once, draw advanced telemetry charts in one click, visualize radar locks, export telemetry for deeper analysis in your favorite spreadsheet or export debriefing logs in CSV or XML file format to create statistics for your squadron.

And don’t forget that Tacview also works with all your favorite flight simulators like DCS World, Falcon 4.0 BMS, IL-2 Sturmovik, Prepar3D, FSX, EECH and also real-life recorded GPS files!

Native Support for IL-2 Sturmovik

IL-2 Sturmovik can now record native Tacview telemetry files. All you must do, is to manually enable Tacview data recording in IL-2 configuration file:

Open \IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\data\startup.cfg and make sure that tacviewrecord = 1. It should look like this:

Code: [Select]
[KEY = track_record]
    fx_sound = 2
    record_graphics_effect = 1
    record_ground_vehicles = 1
    tacviewrecord = 1

Now, every time you will press LCtrl+R during a flight, IL-2 will record Tacview data. Your flights will be recorded in \IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\data\Tracks\*.acmi

What about online games?

If you are playing online, by defaultIL-2 Sturmovik will not record Tacview data. You can enable data recording by editing the *.sds server configuration file. Make sure that the following line is present in it:

Code: [Select]

Q: Is it free?
A: Yes, you can download and use Tacview as long as you want for free, without being bothered by ads or popups. After a trial period, if you wish to continue to use the most advanced features, you can either buy Tacview Standard or Tacview Advanced. A comparison of the advanced features is available online.

Q: Can I upgrade Tacview Standard to Tacview Advanced? How much does it cost?
A: Yes, you can! Just send me an email with a reference to your current license and I will send you back a link to buy the upgrade. It will cost you the difference of price plus the transaction fee.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2017, 08:17:58 PM by Vyrtuoz »
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Offline Longknife

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Re: IL-2 Sturmovik offers native support of Tacview!
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2017, 08:31:52 PM »
Very cool! I havent played IL2 in awhile instead spending my sporadic time in DCS but I will deffinately have to try it out now to watch the fights in TacView!
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Offline Frankie

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Re: IL-2 Sturmovik offers native support of Tacview!
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2017, 10:02:19 AM »
        Longknife slumps down in his chair under Viper's glare.  The
   computer Tacview rendering rolls forward again. He glances back at
   Charlie. She smiles sympathetically at him.

   Unfortunately, the gamble worked,
   or you might have learned
   something. The bandit never gets a
   clean shot...Longknife makes an
   aggressive vertical move here,
   comes over the top and defeats the
   bandit with a missile shot. The
   encounter was a victory, but we've
   shown it as an example of what not
   to do. Ice is next.

   Another Tacview rendering comes up on the screen.
   Hollywood leans close to Longknife and speaks quietly.
   Gutsiest move I ever saw.
   Longknife gives him a small nod of appreciation.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 10:13:35 AM by Frankie »
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After the Dogs of War are let slip, let us smoke the Pipes Of Peace.

Offline Roblex

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Re: IL-2 Sturmovik offers native support of Tacview!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2017, 10:23:11 PM »

 I am confused as to how this works.
I have this in "C:\Program Files (x86)\1C Game Studios\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\data\startup.cfg"
[KEY = track_record]
fx_sound = 2
record_graphics_effect = 1
record_ground_vehicles = 1
tacviewrecord = 1
but when I press LCTR-R it records a track but no telemetry data.    OK I understand it wont work with most MP servers but it wont work when I play a SP quick missions either.  Should it?
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Offline Vyrtuoz

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Re: IL-2 Sturmovik offers native support of Tacview!
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2017, 04:11:21 PM »
I have just tested a SP quick mission in IL-2 v2.012c and the telemetry data has properly been recorded.

Which version of IL-2 are you running? Do you see the little [REC *] in the top right corner of the screen after pressing CTRL+R?

The acmi files should be recorded in [\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\data\Tracks] *NOT* in \My Documents\Tacview\

Also, maybe your IL-2 configuration file is corrupted. You can try to rename it and launch IL-2 to regenerate a file and see of the flight is recorded after that (just make sure tacviewrecord = 1 in the new file)
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