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Author Topic: Modding Tornado  (Read 252049 times)

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Offline Bewsher

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #390 on: April 28, 2021, 08:29:23 PM »
Yep fixed as euro version of lgb1000 in flight is green.

Using Euro version as its closest to The Ukraine crises facing the world now.

Thanks again.

(Edited as was confused with old grey and new winter grey and using wrong flight exe)
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 06:55:29 AM by Bewsher »
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Offline Frankie

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #391 on: April 29, 2021, 03:53:41 AM »
Minor improvement log. 29th April 2021, 10:49AM Kuala Lumpur time.
Corrected the over-boundary view error when the 7-key is pressed after invoking the flyby view of F3, while the Tornado is on the ground. Now if the Tornado is on the ground, hitting F3 and immediately following up with the 7-key and Ctrl+7 (to shift the view perspective vertically down) no longer gives the wrong result.

Previously the effect would be a jump in viewing altitude which was quite jarring and abruptly shifted the vertical view to some unknown height. Now the F3 and 7-key combo feels more natural, when the plane is on the ground.

So now you can hit F3 and then followup with the 7-key or Ctrl+7 key, for a fluid vertical "elevator-like-up-and-down" viewing motion.

Source code modified: VIEWS.ASM
Executable FLIGHT.EXE: Desert Storm Theme exe.

Note: this minor improvement does not warrant a full mod version. This log is more for me to record minor improvements as the days go by, lest I forget.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 05:41:38 AM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #392 on: May 07, 2021, 11:07:43 AM »
191 & 192. Improved Flyby (F3 key) and Weapons views (V key)

Mod#191 - Improved Flyby View with emphasis on ground action (F3 key)
I thought I'd spice up the already modded flyby view by adding a low-level action element. When the Tornado is flying 800 feet or below, and the gamer hits the F3 (Remote view key), the Tornado is viewed flying by from the ground level, looking up. In my humble opinion, this makes for a slightly more dramatic flyby (read: less boring) view.

Low-flying Tornados will be viewed from the ground when the Flyby View (F3) is hit.

Another view from the ground when viewing the external Tornado in Flyby (F3) mode.

Mod#192 - Improved Weapons View (V key)

In the current modded Weapons View, the weapon will fly all the way to the target, usually situated at ground level, and explode right at the target. The screen will be filled up mostly with the crater. In mod 192, I stopped the camera view a few seconds before impact. So the final moments of the explosion are shown together with more of the surrounding area of the target.

GPB1000 hitting its target

Aftermath of the explosion.

Attached is the Desert Storm version of the latest FLIGHT.EXE file.

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: May 07, 2021, 02:49:46 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #393 on: May 28, 2021, 02:13:33 PM »

I sat down and whacked a few nagging bugs. Here's what has been cured:

(1) When the player's Tornado is destroyed, now you can hit Control+Q to end the mission.
(2) Clouds no longer go missing when you activate full-screen mode in the Navigator's panel. I.e., PgDown and Control+D.
(3) There was a rogue orange pixel caused by a misplaced procedure call was visible when in the External View. That pixel was the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)'s travelling bug travelling around its circumference. This has been solved.
(4) Within the Remote View (flyby view that is), when you hit 7 or Ctrl+7, the height of the camera will remain as its adjusted height within the Remote View. It won't reset unless you hit the Tracking View (F1).
(5) I gave the status bar (at the bottom of the screen in the external views) text readouts better colors for both day and night times.
(6) Previously hitting the 4-key would remove both the clouds and stars at night. I changed it so that the stars would not be removed.

Latest FLIGHT.EXE is attached.

Frankie Kam

Update on 30th May 2021!
Previously uploaded FLIGHT.EXE still wouldn't exit the mission when the Tornado dies and you are in the F1 and "i" mode of cinematic rotation external view. I've finally corrected this bug. Re-uploaded the latest and greatest FLIGHT.EXE. Hope this helps!
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 05:53:16 AM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #394 on: June 15, 2021, 03:00:13 AM »
Latest FLIGHT.EXE, as of 28th May 2021, in 3 flavours (palettes):

1. FLIGHTE.EXE = default European palette
2. FLIGHTD.EXE = Desert pink palette
3. FLIGHTW.EXE = Winter white palette

Simply rename to FLIGHT.EXE and copy and paste to the TORNADO/FLIGHT/ subfolder.

Frankie "TornadoMan" Kam
« Last Edit: June 15, 2021, 03:42:29 AM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #395 on: June 17, 2021, 12:36:27 PM »
193. Automatic Fly-by (F3) view

Now when you hit F3, it will display a fly-by view after every 9 seconds. Hands free. Meaning that you need not hit F1 or F3 again after the initial F3 keystroke.

The animated gif above starts with the F1 Tracking view. Impressive initial view, huh? Would look nicer with a Tornado shadow!
Then I hit the F3 key and I leave it as it is, interspersed with the occasional F3 keystroke.

If you do not hit the F3 key again, the next fly-by view will be with the Tornado flying away from you. If after the initial F3 keystroke, you hit the F3 key, the Tornado will be flying *towards* you, before flying past you and receding away into the horizon.

1. Hit F3 (Remote View, a.k.a., the modded to Flyby view)
2. Wait 9 seconds
3. The Tornado will again do a flyby, but it will briefly approach from a side angle, before disaapearing into the distance
4. Step#3 repeats itself again and again unless you intervene with a F1 (Tracking View) or some other view like V (Weapons view) or F4 Spectator view.

1. Hit F3 (Remote View, a.k.a., the modded to Flyby view)
2. Wait 6 to 7 seconds
3. Hit F3 again manually and the Tornado will be approaching you, before flying past you as a flyby view

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: June 19, 2021, 04:44:12 AM by Frankie »
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Offline ajthenoob

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #396 on: June 19, 2021, 03:33:12 AM »
Hey Frankie,

Do the patches compound? Like with this newest one, how can I switch to desert/winter?

Amazing job though! Love the seasons.
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #397 on: June 19, 2021, 04:27:26 AM »
Hi ajthenoob

Thank you for your kind words!

Yes the patches compound. The latest FLIGHT.EXE is always the executable with accumulated patches (mods). Some patches have been discarded and won't make their way into the final FLIGHT.EXE.

The FLIGHT.EXE is the European theater skin executable. I haven't yet done the Desert Storm and Winter themed FLIGHT.EXE. Yet. I am still experimenting with the "automated views once you hit F3 (Remote view), F4 (Spectator view) and F5 (Drone View), then wait 8 seconds for the view to change by itself". Once things sort of stablise, then I will release the Desert Storm and Winter theme versions of the latest FLIGHT.EXE.

Unfortunately, there is no way to dynamically change the seasons in-game. All season code has to be pre-compiled and pre-linked to a FLIGHT.EXE. So if I use the Winter season code, I create the FLIGHT.EXE and rename it to FLIGHTW.EXE and post it on this forum thread. You will then download the FLIGHTW.EXE, rename your currently existing FLIGHT.EXE, to something like FLIGHT.ORI, and proceed to copy FLIGHTW.EXE to the \FLIGHT\ subfolder. Then you rename FLIGHTW.EXE to FLIGHT.EXE and you are good to go.

Clunky I know, but it will give you the results you want.

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: June 19, 2021, 01:28:37 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #398 on: June 20, 2021, 05:34:00 AM »
194 & 195. Automatic Spectator View (F4) view and Cyclic Drone View (F5)

I extended mod 193 to other areas of the 3D simulation engine.

Hit F4 and the Tornado will be shown in the Spectator View. Tornado flies away into the centre, away from the gamer, as an ever diminishing shape. Wait for 6 seconds and the view will repeat itself. There is no need to hit the F4 key. These features apply to all drone aircraft and ground mobile objects as well.

Mig-29 in European colours

Hit F5 and the current Drone (Tornado, F15, F16 etc.) will be shown in the Drone View. Wait for 12 seconds and the view will cycle to the next available Drone. I created this cyclic view because I had, in the modding process much earlier, removed the Drone Demo code.

Boeing AH-64 Apache in Desert colours

In the original FLIGHT.EXE, if you executed a FLIGHT /d1 command at the DOS or DOSBox command prompt, the Drone demo mode would kick in. So I decided to add this feature back into modded FLIGHT.EXE. So to speak.

Sukhoi Su-25 in winter colours

Attached is the latest FLIGHT.EXE in three flavours, packed inside the "" file.
1. FLIGHTE.EXE = European (game's default) colours
2. FLIGHTD.EXE = Desert colours
3. FLIGHTW.EXE = Winter colours

Rename to FLIGHT.EXE and add to taste. And a very Happy Father's Day to all!

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 03:13:44 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #399 on: July 07, 2021, 06:30:47 PM »
196. Minimalist clock

The skeleton clock in daylight colours

I added a minimalist clock display below the skeleton route plan display. Hit F1 for the tracking view, followed by a the "]" (right-square bracket) keys.

The idea came to me when looking at the Advanced Mission Planner. Every waypoint has a real-time mission time deadline. I don't think it is possible to display a waypoint's arrival time one the screen.

The famous and powerful Advanced Mission Planner created by Robin Heydon. Unchanged for nearly thirty years!

However if I could manage to display a waypoint's expected arrival time on the screen, then the clock would show the Tornado gamer how far off or how close to the mark, he is from the actual arrive time.

The clock at night.

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 08:32:42 AM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #400 on: December 25, 2021, 05:22:11 PM »
Merry Christmas 2020 everyone!

I fixed a minor but annoying bug -  when the Tornado is on the ground, and while in external view (F1), pressing and holding the key "1" will cause a horizon anomaly.

This has now been fixed.

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: January 01, 2022, 11:09:26 AM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #401 on: January 01, 2022, 10:13:53 AM »
IN 2022!

The "Rotation of Death" sequence. In this case, it is not a good idea to open the laps while flying at 600 knots!

In Mod#106, I removed the death sequence - which puts the Tornado in its death throes, with the view rotating around the plane - before ending the mission abruptly. After much thought I have decided to add back this original functionality for these two reasons:

1. I could find no way of getting the Tornado to spiral out of the sky and crash into the earth! In most cases, the destroyed Tornado (among the various death scenarios would be: hit a building, exceeded the speed safe limits of its flaps, hit by SAM, hit a hill, etc.) would continue to fly on at a constant speed, even though all inputs would be disabled due to its destroyed state; in other cases, the Tornado would float gently down to earth, as though made from paper - these made absolute no sense of all!
2. The "Rotation of Death" sequence is logical and realistic conclusion that the mission has ended in failure. It is a call-to-action that forces the gamer to restart the mission, create a new character, or to quit the game;

So here is the latest FLIGHT.EXE attached, with the original "Rotation of Death " sequence and mission-end consequence, reprogrammed into the code.


I have also corrected the labels in the Look Down view options. Namely these 3 (highlighted in yellow):

Hit NumLock to view the Lookdown (of Aviator's thigh pants!) view

Shift+4 = Toggle of Bank and Roll labels on status bar
Shift+5 = Toggle of Approach modes (Fuel or VAPP)
Control + Tilde symbol (~) = View the Tornado as level or tilted at an angle in external views when the Tornado is turning at an angle

I also added the undercarriage and flap speed limits information back into the empty space. Helps a lot since I can never remember the limits without having to consult the game's manual.

THAT'S A WRAP for the first day of the New Year! If you have any ideas for bug fixing in modded Tornado, do let me know in this forum thread. And I will see if the correction/fix can be done. If anything, the modded Tornado is chockful of a few years of goodies. All painstakingly coded in by me. So hopefully there won't be too many requests or any difficult requests. So here we are in 2022, and Tornado STILL has no shadow. Still, one can be grateful for the JOURNEY thus far, right?

Frankie Kam
1st January 2022, 7pm, Kuala Lumpur
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 05:06:05 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #402 on: January 03, 2022, 06:56:21 PM »

As it is almost impossible to identify existing working keys from all multiple posts in this DOWVU forum, I have created a compilation of all the new/changed keys that I have introduced in Tornado modding since 2017 until January 2022.

The updated list of keyboard commands used in MODDED TORNADO is here:,6640.0.html

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 01:53:22 AM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #403 on: January 17, 2022, 04:25:07 AM »
197. Improved Fly-By view (F3) - persistent viewpoint after pressing 7 and/or Ctrl+7

The previous Fly-By view's height viewpoint was not persistent. This version of FLIGHT.EXE is!

Use together with
Shift+F1 (reset Tracking view)
Key 7 (lower viewpoint)
Key Ctrl+7 (raise viewpoint)

Note: After pressing F3, the fly-by will last 10 seconds and then repeat itself. During this time, you may change/raise/lower the vertical viewpoint of the camera with 7 or Ctrl+7. At the next cycle of the viewpoint, or just do nothing for 10 seconds after hitting F3, the viewpoint will follow the last changed camera viewpoint's height.

Example gameplay with keystrokes used shown

Frankie Kam

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: September 18, 2022, 02:31:25 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #404 on: July 12, 2022, 08:35:42 AM »
Hi I just realised 6 months whizzed by and I haven't lifted a finger to mod the venerable Tornado! Hope everyone is doing okay.
Frankie Kam
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