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Author Topic: Tacview 1.6.2 is now available!  (Read 5181 times)

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Offline Vyrtuoz

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Tacview 1.6.2 is now available!
« on: July 20, 2017, 10:53:41 PM »
Tacview 1.6.2 is now available to everyone!

Download: HERE

This update brings numerous fixes, plus the following improvements:

The instructors are going to like the upgraded remote controls: You can now assign custom keyboard and joystick controls to remotely controls and assist the aircraft of your trainees flying in DCS World, FSX, Prepar3D and X-Plane. Remote controls can also be used to trigger special features (flags) in your DCS World mission.

The DCS World exporter has been improved to fully record and playback network flights when playing back the corresponding track files in DCS World. The next update will bring an improved anti-cheat system which will enable you to playback any network flight as long as you wait enough time before reviewing it in Tacview.

New command line options have been introduced so administrators can silently and remotely install and update Tacview using the command line.


•   Added support for custom and animated explosions and smoke radius
•   Added support for AGL altitude advanced telemetry data
•   Remote controls will now automatically attempt to re-establish the connection with the host sim
•   Remote controls are now displaying big icons easier to use with touch screens
•   It is now possible to use keyboard and joystick inputs to remote control simulators
•   Added remote control command to toggle wing tip smoke
•   Eject and respawn now requires a double click in the remote controls
•   Added /ConnectRealTimeTelemetry command line option to auto connect real-time telemetry at startup
•   Added /ConnectRemoteControl[:*] command line option to auto connect specified remote control at startup
•   Added /ConfigSet command line option to separately store user preferences for each specific instance of Tacview
•   Real-time telemetry now keeps the current camera mode when connecting to a new session
•   Integrated BMS Balkans terrain and database
•   Integrated BMS Ikaros 4.1.0 terrain and database
•   Acmi files saved from Tacview are now as compact as they are with the latest universal exporter
•   Remote controls are now distinctively colored depending on the simulator host name
•   It is now possible to trigger the flags 1001 to 1004 in DCS World with Tacview remote control
•   Added /ProductKey:"xxx" command line option to register Tacview from the installer
•   Added /InstallFolder:"xxx" command line option for the installer
•   Added /Quiet command line option for the installer


•   Network flights recorded using DCS World track player can now be reviewed up to the end depending on the playback duration
•   DCS World exporter logic has been rewritten to fix rare remote control and real-time telemetry issues
•   Fixed several connection bugs concerning the remote control and real-time telemetry in Tacview
•   It was not possible to pause X-Plane with the remote control
•   Screen-saver will not be active anymore while watching real-time telemetry
•   Cockpit camera keyboard controls were inverted
•   Pitch value was inverted in the charts
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Offline Asid

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Re: Tacview 1.6.2 is now available!
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2017, 01:20:50 AM »
Great. This just keeps getting better  :sifone
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