How to install modsMod files need to be installed in the correct directory to be usable in the game.
The default location for Mods are:Matrix version:C:\Matrix Games\Scourge of War – Waterloo\Mods.
Steam version:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Scourge of War Waterloo\Mods
Most Mods are downloaded as compressed files. The compressed file must be unpacked using appropriate software such as 7Zip or PKZip. The maker of the Mod will be able to tell you which program was used to create the compressed file.
This screen shows the list of all Mods installed in the Mods directory on your computer on the left side of the window. A Mod can be activated by clicking on the brown box to the left of the name.
An active Mod will have a check mark in the box.
The active Mods are loaded in the order shown on the Mods screen from top to bottom. In some cases, Mods will need to be loaded in a specific order. To change the order, click and hold on the name of the Mod. Drag it up or down the list as needed and unclick when it is where you want it.
The right side of the screen shows any information about the Mod that was included by the person who created the Mod. Not all Mods have information.
When you have selected the Mods you want to activate or deactivate, and you have them in the correct loading order, click on the “Use Selected Mods” button at the bottom of the screen. This will record your choices and return you to the Main Menu.