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Author Topic: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)  (Read 66828 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #75 on: January 22, 2021, 04:18:16 AM »
Latest Patch 0.8412
January 17, 2021

•   fleets with raid orders now retreating properly if within combat range of enemy fleet
•   fixed: fleets with all ships disabled not retreating properly
•   fixed: AI does not pick further policies to research
•   only "dummy commanders" are now used for fort garrisons
•   dummy commanders that are assigned to fort garrison basic units (below division level) are now not shown in commander's list
•   fixed: garrison commanders of default garrisons get promoted to BG after reloading
•   fixed: garrison commanders lose all fame at scenario start
•   morale malus: men of defamed commanders are “unhappy”
•   improved waypoint-setting on 3D-map
•   fixed: info about unit consumption is now correctly shown, before: needed goods to fill up to 100%
•   AI guard capital feature: units are now not always using 1:1 the position of capital as guarding position, furthermore: using forced march
•   fixed: sudden morale drop of intervention forces
•   fixed: restart of intervention after forces had already pulled back
•   fixed: exceptions related to invasions of European intervention forces
•   fixed wrong values in columns of state recruiting list: men fielded, casualties
•   fixed: AI shall pick one policy to research only
•   adjustment AI guard capital feature: don’t use units for defense that are too far away
•   increased ship image in fleet panel
•   added enhanced battle panel
•   fixed: wrong change of towns when starting campaign/reloading
•   double click on commander image to move to commanding unit does now not rotate camera any more
•   units may now also retreat towards own forts and disintegrate if no suitable path of retreat was found
•   retreat destinations - when set - are now checked if enemy units are close
•   now also groups with defensive stance may join field battles
•   AI units that have low morale and/or are retreating are now removed from any offensive or defensive operation
•   no check for engagements if game is paused
•   no morale malus for European troops fighting on enemy soil
•   improved performance of rolling text elements
•   fixed: autoresolved battles remember prior number of wounded when showing casualties
•   fixed: rearguard action not ending although units have reached retreat destinations
•   fixed: too high skirmishing casualties during rearguard actions
•   fixed: occupied forts do not get default-garrison
•   retreat paths are now recalculated if opponent occupies retreat destination
•   fixed: state casualties not taken over from manually played battle
•   reworked retreat paths for fleets to prevent moving across land, added disintegration of fleets
•   fixed: rolling text sometimes stays on screen or is shown multiple times
•   fixed: movement of ships across land, especially when destination in a river is chosen
•   fixed: newspaper content for AI policies not shown correctly
•   retreating units now do not use trains
•   raids are now only effective within combat range, reduced commander range
•   fixed: unit info panel, next unit arrow jumps over last unit on same hierarchy level
•   slightly updated campaign map, note: although save games are basically compatible, there might be some issues with fort garrisons placed on the wrong position when reloading (!)
•   AI fleets now holding distance to blockaded harbors

•   reworked objectives for historical battles
•   fixed exceptions related to very long paths
•   fixed: routed units that have left the field are reappearing in the corner of the map when reloading
•   units now only retreat through entry points if losses exceed a certain trigger, otherwise try to rally
•   fixed: wrong battle date and commander in chief shown in battle result screen when battle was reloaded
•   left guns are now correctly shown grey on papermap when reloading
•   rebalanced fatigue
•   couriers now use galopp
•   chasing enemy units after charge command now ends if both units are too far away
•   fixed: flanking fire malus received in wrong situations
•   fixed: units that are falling back receive outflanked malus
•   engaging dismounted cavalry now does not give malus “engaged by enemy cavalry”
•   fixed: some commanders are promoted a few days to early for historical battles
•   fixed: when changing group formations the heading of new formation is aligned along commander’s facing instead of old group facing
•   now taking into account detached unit strength for calculation whether to rout due to losses
•   fixed: running movement option is unlocked if stop or double quick is pressed
•   now allowing groups with defensive stance to have greater deployment radius in order to be able to occupy defensive objectives
•   added a workaround for stuck couriers, due to processing time
•   fixed: arrival of reinforcements during nighttime may lead to AI cross-linking groups
•   AI now redeploys overnight
•   units now move directly to final destination after engagement instead of returning to last waypoint
•   fixed: pontoons not visible/constructable in campaign games
•   fixed: pontoons constructable also by non-engineers
•   reworked calculation of construction time for constructions during deployment
•   fixed: moving of directly attached AI brigades and unit commanders to map edges, due to linking
•   performance improvements in sprite engine

•   added 36 new colored commander pictures
•   redesigned morale icons
•   slight improvement in sprite quality
•   fixed wrong scenarios loaded or exceptions when reloading campaign battle saves, autosave and return to campaign
•   fixed: sometimes savegame is shown wrongly as autosave or non-autosave in list
•   changed sorting of savegames: newest on top
•   added debug function (debug.txt) to enhance number of autosaves
•   general rebalancing

Please use the forum "Bug Reports" if any issues arise:

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #76 on: February 14, 2021, 03:31:24 AM »
Latest Patch 0.8509
February 2, 2021:

•   fixed: telegraph connections in WV causing cross links and adding 1000 range circles
•   fixed: red-colored buildings stay on map when selecting different construction type while menu is still open
•   performance improvement
•   enemy unit spotting marks are now placed in direction from the spotting unit to the enemy unit, not in all directions
•   fixed: production panel shows wrong port names and levels
•   battles with European nations without player participation are now auto-resolved
•   fixed: bug in perk calculation that led to never ending sieges
•   combat range is now also blocked by mountain passes
•   enhanced unit disintegration dispatch
•   ships of disintegrated fleets are now scuttled
•   raiding units do not occupy enemy terrain and towns any more
•   added rolling text info about skirmishing casualties during raids
•   cracked troops are rallying slower now
•   commander attributes: appointed political officers to increase support in their home states
•   commander attributes: politicals to have double the chance of feuds, volunteers to have -50% chance of feuds
•   commander attributes: professionals to have -50% exp loss from promotions to higher command
•   fixed: sailing/steam ship filter showing opposite ship types
•   units are now not supplied if on forced march, furthermore condition of men, horses and guns is reduced
•   fixed: wrong national morale effect of autoresolved combats
•   fixed: revolving naval battles due to too short retreat ports
•   fixed: forced march button resetting during march and not highlighted when reopening panel
•   now terrain is used to evaluate what type of ship can be added to a fleet to prevent stuck fleet situations
•   added 1864 campaign scenario
•   rebalanced “defend capital” strength and distances - CSA should now hold fewer reserves if capital is not in danger
•   no AI + auto operations on financials while game is paused
•   fixed: casualties for autoresolved battles are added twice to stats, in realtime and at the end
•   if a corps of an army is envolved in a battle that happens while within radius of its army, further corps may reinforce if within army radius, even if not within radius of the corps triggering the battle
•   fixed: construction cost and reprovisioning of ships under construction are deducted again if game is reloaded
•   fixed: sales and purchases of buildings are influencing treasury balance directly
•   expanded terrain restrictions (rivers, mountains) to commander range, including effects on reinforcements and raiding
•   removed range radius of forts as the opponent units anyway have combat radius
•   fixed: available ship technologies not correct
•   ships from pool with wrong movement type may now not be dragged to fleets with opposite terrain type
•   forts now engage river/sea transports, reduced combat strength for embarked units (increased by perk river expedition)
•   pre-war armies now have symbol XXX instead of XXXX
•   changed visualization of telegraph connections if units are selected/button “telegraph connections” is active
•   fixed: friendly units keep connected to enemy telegraph lines if ownership changes
•   campaign units with low morale now withdraw instead of triggering battle
•   fixed: resetting to earlier saves after returning to campaign when saving in campaign battle
•   fixed: parent armies not shown as reinforcements in battles, although subordinate corps may attend battle
•   added minimum recruitment time per unit type

•   performance improvement
•   AI extending of lines now moving slightly behind the main line to reduce exposure to enemy
•   AI cavalry in groups now used actively to fight and flanking maneuvers
•   refixed: stuttering fallbacks if AI decides to retreat, start of retreat timer if AI has fallen back - this to prevent battles lasting too long after AI decides to fall back
•   AI does not set new objectives any more if it has decided to retreat/fall back
•   fixed: slight and permanent falling back of limbered artillery units
•   added activate objectives and ownership function for historical battles
•   fixed: units are changing formation for a short time during movement if a new waypoint is set (order delay on)
•   fixed: parapets and breastworks showing wrong direction when loading
•   fixed: parapets and breastworks disappearing when saving a battle a second time
•   fixed: not able to construct parapets/barricades on Chancellorsville & Murfreesboro map
•   fixed: cancelling orders of higher hierarchies stops prior paths of subordinated units
•   added workaround for transferred paths from campaign to battle layer
•   brigades now do not perform rotation if close to enemy to deploy faster
•   fixed: commander’s falling back in movement due to terrain slopes
•   victory balance now calculated per single unit, not per group - this to prevent too high influences of groups with few units only
•   AI now only deploys skirmishers for units in first row when double line is chosen [still WIP]
•   fixed: same siege combat intensity for assault mode, rebalanced fighting intensity in general [still WIP]


•   added 166 new colored commander pictures
•   fixed: saving a loaded campaign battle again does not save the campaign data
•   connection lines now thinner
•   tooltips with long content now fit to screen y size
•   fixed: startup default setting too low on wide-screen resolutions

Note: due to changes int the campaign map old saves - although compatible - may lead to disappearing fort garrisons.

Please use the forum "Bug Reports" if any issues arise:

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #77 on: March 01, 2021, 02:07:02 AM »
Early Access Situation Report #3
Sun, 28 February 2021

The latest patches brought performance increases, auto-recruitment options, a complete policy overhaul and much more.

February -21 brings more player requested features, as the recruitment system is upgraded with an option for faster creation of units, and policies are overhauled. Since January, the 1864 campaign was added along with performance improvements and a lot of other changes, big and small. Let’s take a look at the most important ones!

Quality of Life — Recruitment

Many in the community have requested speeding up the flow of recruitment. Especially when starting a new campaign, it takes time to get the recruitment going, getting weapons upgraded, and so on. To make life easier, we have added a speed recruitment option in the army management panel.

The functionality is quite simple. First you select the Headquarters you wish to add the new units to. Then in the quick recruitment options select the number of units per type to be recruited. You can also change the initial strength of the units, from 50% to 75% to full 100%. The smaller units will start growing in strength later with additional reinforcements. Once happy, click to recruit, and the units appear under the selected HQ. The recruitment state is chosen with fastest arrival time (recruitment delay & movement to join the army) in mind.

You can also upgrade weapons for the best types available by simply clicking on the Headquarters in question, and then upgrade.

Other recruitment related improvements are the availability of volunteers via militia, and other, acts. Also the recruitment delays are slightly increased. These combined mean that it will be slower to recruit large armies early on in the campaign.

Policies Overhauled.

Another requested feature has been the policies and how they work. We also thought that the policies are not well balanced enough, and that it was too easy to activate the maximum amount, as research took quite little time. Instead of minor changes here & there, the whole system, along with policy effects, was revised. This is part of the campaign balancing, which has been ongoing, and will continue till the game is released in full.

First change is in the pre-war policies, which are chosen when the campaign is started. These policies included many weak ones and a few overpowered ones, making the choice — for those who wish to change them from the historical ones — rather simple. Now the policy effects are more balanced, so the choice should be more interesting. As an example, some of the pre-war policies are required during the campaign to proceed past certain policies: pre-war industrialization is required for industrialization III-IV policies, and so on.

Also the policies <-> subsidies link is changed. Previously they made too little difference, as without any policies you could invest up to a million to each subsidy, and policies would eventually increase this by 50% at most. In the revised system, without a policy there are no subsidies available at all, and the subsequent policy levels increase the investment cap with increasing steps. The level IV policies for industrialization, agriculture and military will also include a bonus to nation’s morale, support or military experience.

With the changes in place, the policies and acts will become more powerful and interesting to use. The previous updates, which made the research speed depend on national support, and multiple simultaneously researched policies slower, adds to this. Now the player needs to think a few steps ahead.

1864 Campaign.

The late war campaign, that was added in January, kicks off right before the Overland Campaign and Atlanta Campaigns commenced. Lt.Gen. Grant, now in command of the Union armies, has the task to end the war, preferably before the presidential elections of 1864 in November. Previous summer Lee was defeated at Gettysburg and Grant captured Vicksburg. But this does not mean the Confederacy is beaten. Already the Red River Campaign by Banks has failed to capture Shreveport.

The main forces in this campaign are those of Grant, Lee, Sherman, Johnston, Banks, Kirby Smith and Butler. And the fighting ahead would be the bloodiest during the war.

With the new campaign, we have also updated the campaign map and the number of commanders available within the game files has been bolstered to more than 1700!

Other Changes.


Performance increase, with +10 FPS on average,
First steps with scalable UI,
Some UI improvements with very high resolution screens,
Fog of War calculation changed to instant when loading a campaign/battle,
Fix for the blurry screen after a fresh install, when using high refresh rates.


Battle type improvement, with defensive/offensive operations changing the initial deployment,
Rebalanced skirmishers’ effectiveness in general,
AI use of cavalry improved,
Rebalanced unit routing and army retreats, that should lead into less casualties per battle, especially early in the campaign when units are green.


Terrain now blocking combat and command radii of armies, mountain ranges now block arrival or reinforcements,
Rebalanced autoresolved battles, sieges,
Added rolling text information on the map informing about casualties from skirmishing, rear guard action, movement speed changes,
Changed raiding functionality so, that raiding armies no longer capture terrain, infrastructure is burned only within the combat radius of the unit, and raiding armies will skirmish with all enemies within their combat radii,
Improved AI defensive operations near capital city,
Before Military II -policy only early armies can be formed, and after the policy grand armies with multiple corps can be formed, grand armies made more flexible with rebalancing of command radii of armies,
Rebalanced intelligence gathering by armies, making scouting and use of cavalry much more effective in spotting enemy movement,
Added a large number of Grand Herald news from the Civil War, and around the world, for further immersion.

…and many more improvements and bug fixes, that can be found in the patch release notes.

The Next Steps.

The work continues to get the game ready. With recent feature updates, focus is back in fixing bugs reported by the community. In the background we are writing a proper game manual, creating more battle maps, preparing new tutorial videos and improving the game play experience with fixes to most requested topics, such as campaign & battle retreat routes, and melees & surrendering in battles.

Most Respy,

Gen’l. Ilja Varha,
Chief Designer.

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #78 on: May 18, 2021, 11:31:42 PM »
Patch 0.8719
Tue, 30 March 2021

Note: due to massive changes in the file and folder structure we recommend to do a file integrity check after installation of this patch.

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

•   AI construction of banks removed
•   fixed: backwash of disintegrated fleets stay on map and appear pink
•   fixed: low/none casualties in garrison battles with only one artillery battery as defender
•   fixed: fleets are sending attached ships permanently to harbor when located close to a harbor
•   group movement speed now takes into account the speed of attached units
•   recovering morale on enemy soil now slower, casualties on enemy soil result in higher loss of state support
•   rebalanced CSA recruiting
•   added additional cities to map
•   fixed: UI leak sometimes led to policies being activated accidentally
•   fixed: influence of politically assigned commander on state support always zero
•   overhauled unit retreats
•   fixed: fort related issues (transfer, construction progress, UI area)
•   fixed: transferring units resets contract dates
•   allowing small AI recruitment pre-war even if no opponents are close
•   fixed: defensive stance sometimes not recognized when deployment area is calculated in defensive battles
•   changed production focus of companies to get less volatile production figures
•   fixed: regulars act creates troops with strange strength and state origin
•   fixed too high consumption of artillery from reinforcements
•   fixed issue leading to too many sunken ships in naval battles
•   fixed: naval battles not ending although one side has zero participating ships
•   added random battlemaps
•   fixed: placing telegraph lines leads to permanent exceptions
•   fixed: damaged IIP’s delivering full supply
•   added connection lines from selected unit to connected supply depots
•   supply line animation changed for units: now only show connection to supply depot and closest local IIP
•   added emergency AI policies if recruitment or financials are critical
•   occupying towns now takes time, depending on strength of the occupation force
•   fixed: newspaper messages popping up after reloading stating Lincoln has lost 1864 elections
•   enhanced tooltip for goods production lines when opening company panel on map
•   retreating units now search for friendly towns, forts, iip’s or units near the final retrat destinations
•   units need to have at least one active brigade attached in order to impact frontlines
•   added available supply map filter
•   increased available workforce for companies
•   fixed issue that caused low supply for especially units in the West, related to wrong price calculation of available local IIP’s
•   fixed: supply shown at 100%, although no supply depot or IIP is connected
•   replaced wording “of the WAR of >THE< Independence”
•   convenience topics (removing some UI glitches)
•   added enhanced tooltip for “fielded men” in top panel
•   added probability for casualties in higher commander ranks for autoresolved battles
•   added officer loss report after battles, starting from division commanders upwards
•   now preventing replacements of wounded/killed commanders when autoresolve battle is still under way
•   fixed exceptions related to West Virginia objective in 1864 campaign
•   fixed: effect on treasury through “bank act”, “print notes” policies too low
•   AI offensives are only continued if supply state is sufficient
•   out of provisions and forage now impacts condition of men and horses
•   fixed: AI raising armies in enemy states, esp. pre-war
•   now removing top tier policies when policy subsidies are lowered
•   rebalanced disintegration logic
•   added “soft” disintegration by maintaining armies with heavy losses if friendly towns are in retreat range
•   fixed: state support may run above 100 after assigning political commanders
•   fixed: non-spawned armies may occupy towns in pre-war scenario
•   engagement checks are performed more often now to prevent overshooting of two armies at highest game speed (still needs some rebalancing)
•   fixed saving error related to unit history data
•   changed calculation base for sick soldiers and the related mortality and recovery rate, this led to low number of sick soldiers in smaller units before
•   fixed: fort bombardments with fort condition down to zero resulting in performance drops
•   added: AI construction of supply depots
•   added information about morale recovery in morale tooltip
•   low supply ratios are now also leading to slower reinforcements
•   fixed: building and iip occupation changes slightly after game start and condition suffers
•   fixed: both units may retreat due to low morale in autoresolved battles
•   fixed: IIP’s damaged when secession happens
•   improved: AI offensives on campaign map (still work in progress)
•   increased necessary morale for units to participate in battles
•   supply depots do not fill up “digital” now depending on available products but slower if goods are short
•   fixed: supply consumption in armies not scaled up to a week
•   rebalanced supply depots capacity

•   fixed: loading error when units were inside buildings, resulting in wrong battle and unit data
•   overhauled unit retreats
•   overhauled melee logics: units break sooner, fall back and recover faster
•   fixed: AI still reacts offensively in defensive battles
•   fixed: assigned battle flag lost when returning to campaign
•   improved exactness of deployment zones
•   fixed: AI does not carry out movements in historical battles if strategy is “defense”, eg Union at Gettysburg
•   reworked AI objective settings for defensive battles
•   fixed wrong objective point calculation to determine offensive/defensive battles
•   added arrows to switch between armies in OOB
•   increased sensitivity for units surrendering, maybe needs further rebalancing
•   fixed: timed movement counter not updating
•   AI now uses detachments to grab guns more carefully
•   added slower morale improvement above the morale value at the start of the battle to - take into account low morale situations in campaign
•   fixed: active objectives were arranged between defender and attacker, now correctly arranged around the defender
•   fixed: AI is performing first assault move, although defending
•   fixed: initial unit setups: group formation shows march columns while deployed in single lines
•   refixed: fatigue does not recover EOD
•   fixed: high collected objective points were leading to sudden victories/defeats
•   fixed: units that had routed and reached retreat destination further added to negative morale of nearby troops

•   UI layout improvements
•   added further game options: UI scaling, zoom speed, lock campaign map rotation
•   fixed resetting of UI scaling when opening options menu again

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Offline Asid

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #79 on: May 18, 2021, 11:33:05 PM »
Patch 0.8819, uploaded April 27, 2021
Tue, 27 April 2021

Patch 0.8819, uploaded April 27, 2021.
Hotfix 0.8820, uploaded April 28, 2021.
Hotfix 0.8821, uploaded April 29, 2021.

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

•   no rail movement on enemy territory
•   added hint about low morale groups (reinforcements) in battle panel
•   fixed: recruiting panel: sorting states by volunteers and drafts not working
•   units with low strength are now disbanded after a battle
•   added blinking symbol to inform player about available but not used research slots
•   fixed: influence on state support coming from appointment of political commanders is counted every reload
•   AI now takes state support into account when recruiting
•   restricted “state to raise” for USCT/CSCT to main states
•   units now may not move pre-war, garrisons may not be reinforced or transfered pre-war
•   no trade of military goods between Union and CSA, also pre-war
•   units get new name if commander is changed (CSA)
•   added text search function for filters in military panel, eg. for commander names
•   fixed: too slow construction progress for small buildings, eg. telegraph stations
•   fixed: tooltips for colors, unread dispatches
•   fixed: regulars are also resetted when researching conscription act, newly raised units now get longer contracts
•   removed military installations from economic report “company foundations”
•   added additional battlefields
•   fixed: AI has more than 3 grand strategies activated when reloading
•   fixed: loading info shows old policy descriptions
•   fixed: units or garrisons across rivers do not block town occupation anymore
•   horse artillery is now smaller
•   fixed: rearguard actions not happening while a (multi-day) manual played battle is still raging after returning to campaign
•   renewed readiness logics: now only units with high readiness may enter enemy territory, readiness is recovering and consumed depending on factors like commander attributes, weather etc.
•   refixed: enemy fleets blocking town occupation
•   fixed: lower pre-war unit sizes lead to negative sick numbers and unusual high brigade strength
•   fixed: reloading resets number of sick soldiers
•   AI now assaults in sieges if strength is appropriate
•   fixed fleet renaming input caret
•   fixed: when switching from fleet to army panel the old commander stays selected
•   when replacing a commander the filter are now automatically adjusted to army/navy
•   sea, river, rail movement buttons deactivated by default
•   fixed: message for bond issuances also launched when enemy faction issues bonds
•   fixed: wrong weapon type for 2 brigades in 1864 scenario
•   fixed: unit icons may be displaced at the end of moving
•   commander attributes are now correctly shown in commander management, taking into account lack of experience
•   fixed: switching from a full readiness unit to low readiness unit while construction menu is open allows construction for low readiness unit too (Hotfix 0.8820)
•   fixed: fleets recover readiness too slowly (Hotfix 0.8821)

•   fixed: AI movement is sometimes stuck on an objective although already taken
•   groups with low reinforcement times now appear immediately/faster on the battlefield
•   reworked AI deployment and AI entrenchments, note: overlapping deployment zones still in work
•   all subordinates of groups that arrive during night are placed immediately on the battlefield
•   potentially fixed: deleting sprites in battles may sometimes lead to exceptions and lags
•   fixed: Church0_0 disappearing when coming close with camera
•   adding higher speed for horse artillery
•   fixed: parapets receive wrong level when reloaded
•   construction in game phase of parapets that were planned in deployment phase not possible any more
•   added option to clear message log for battles
•   fixed: changing group formation does not change formations of single brigades if order delay is on
•   fixed: campaign influences (state support, national morale) are taken from campaign scenario start, not the latest values
•   units may surrender now if routed and national morale & average army morale is low
•   fixed wrong activated objectives in historical battles
•   neutral objectives are removed in campaign battles to prevent sudden switches of defensive to offensive battles
•   trenches and barricades are now hidden in FOW
•   routed units EOD are withdrawing from battlefield at night
•   reinforcements now entering in double line formation
•   fixed: redeployment close to borders may shift units out of the map
•   fixed: clouds not visible
•   refixed: FOW visible for a second at game start
•   added historical battles: Appomattox, Glorieta Pass
•   units falling back now do not stop to engage enemies until their fallback destination is reached
•   fixed: reloading campaign battles reduces commander attributes (Hotfix 0.8820)

•   fixed: date inaccuracy leads to delayed changing of flags
•   debug logs can now be deactivated in build
•   added buttons to dispatches: “Mark all as read”, “Delete all read dispatches”
•   fixed: first dispatch symbol remains on screen although deleted
•   fixed: message log button remains active if LMB on empty dispatch paper
•   added larger cursor for high resolutions
•   added GT mouse cursor for main menu
•   added additional commander pictures

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #80 on: May 18, 2021, 11:33:18 PM »
Patch 0.8907
Tue, 18 May 2021

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:
•   commander attributes now show stars with 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% instead of 20%, 40% etc.
•   fixed: fleets stuck in battle/retreating if engaged in fort bombardment and naval engagement while strength gets low
•   fixed: units do not stop although engaged in defensive battle
•   newly raised units and units being transferred are now excluded from readiness calculation of the parent group
•   added message for units that withdraw due to low morale, not only low strength
•   fixed: AI chooses further grand policies when reloading game or returning from battle
•   fixed: McDowell shows weird commander attributes
•   fixed: AI is stuck constructing supply depots and not carrying out offensive/defensive operations after a while
•   added: non-constructed military buildings are removed after a few days if no friendly troops are close to finish construction
•   changed back: non arrived (recruited) units now reduce readiness of group
•   fixed: medium of transport for paths not saved when reloading
•   fixed: commander stats: battles participated always zero
•   fixed: secession of WV in early scenarios not leading to Union territory
•   fixed: town occupation continues although enemy unit is pulled back during occupation process
•   rebalanced company foundations: the probability new companies is reduced by the already founded companies this month
•   fixed: unrealistic (too high) Union unit numbering
•   fixed: units joining sieges or autoresolved battles later are not shown in the monument tooltip
•   fixed: sometimes units are retreating from autoresolved battles but still showing status “engaged”
•   reworked AI army composition
•   fixed: commanders are always defamed at their historical date
•   general rebalancing of readiness
•   fixed: transported units do not consume readiness
•   changed: units do not consume readiness order delay is running
•   fixed: zero population growth
•   fixed: reloading or coming back from battle resets population and probably lowers number of volunteers/drafts

•   fixed: stuck path arrows when placing group HQ in deployment phase using ALT
•   fixed: group HQ can be placed outside deployment zone while using ALT
•   units do not execute lay down or rotation orders during movement to not override order delay
•   retreating units do not reset retreat path if no enemies are close
•   fixed: exception related to removed units leading to not-ending battles although retreat timer has expired
•   fixed cohesion impact on sprite placement not updated regularly
•   improved: HQ’s with independently operating subordinates sometimes may run through enemy lines
•   fixed issues in historical AI movement, leading to waiting groups (eg. Reynolds at Gettysburg)
•   tidying up redeployment: divisions now also influence frontlines, brigades are shifted into nearest deployment zone if they are still left outside
•   AI now takes reinforcement balance into account when evaluating stance changes
•   fixed: although SHIFT is pressed units are searching for covers after reforming from march column
•   fixed: units create off map routes if targets (RMB) are assigned which then are disabled
•   fixed: AI commanders always position on flanks without nearby enemies
•   fixed: some AI troops may still be placed outside deployment zone, esp. skirmishers
•   preventing redeployment of AI units in offensive battles (adjustable in debug.txt)
•   removed: allow AI defensive behavior in offensive battles / has led to non-moving units due to low force balance
•   rebalanced: linked groups to update new paths at a slower pace
•   fixed: artillery guns are sometimes stuck at the old position for a few seconds until redeploying EOD
•   bonus for commanders with correct branch of arms now only applied if he was a graduate of Westpoint
•   only dismounted cavalry and infantry units may construct breastworks now
•   added a workaround for AI units that are linked to other units although they should operate independently, sometimes led to hardly moving AI units
•   fixed: AI sprites stay on the old position for a while when redeployed

•   added game option “Always full Readiness” to options panel
•   fixed: commander in chief attributes influences into the wrong direction
•   fixed: loaded time (minutes) differ slightly from the saved time

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #81 on: July 25, 2021, 11:34:19 PM »
Latest Patch 0.9010
Thu, 24 June 2021

Note: this update is the first build after upgrading the Unity engine and means a huge download. We hope for better stability and less driver related crashes following the latest Windows 10 updates!

Also the log destination has changed to:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Grand Tactician\The Civil War (1861-1865)\Player.log
(is a hidden folder and needs to be set to unhide in explorer)

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

•   commander attributes (stars) now show correct values, weighted by experience
•   fixed: commander attributes are reduced by exp at scenario start and during gameplay
•   increased movement updates for smoother movement
•   fixed: AI does not use train, sea and river movements
•   commanders now gain experience through service, although less than through battles
•   measures to better represent victory conditions: national morale is now converging towards average state support and vice versa, added influence of economy (private wealth) on national morale, town occupation in enemy states reduce support for the cause
•   changes in AI recruitment: adding target recruitment rate
•   reworked AI army deployment for recruitment
•   reduced immediate effect of recruiting policies on available manpower but added running increase of manpower
•   added slower growth of available volunteers in high population states
•   changes in campaign objectives: first major battle now only counts for the first side to achieve and excludes smaller engagements, encourage Europeans now used as trigger for European intervention and is available if intervention level is close to 100%
•   fixed: USCT leads to a sudden reduction of available volunteers
•   added reduced annual growth rates for volunteers for longer contracts
•   changes in commander auto-assignment: now trying to avoid commanders whose rank is too low, replacements are taken from own army first
•   fixed: wrong calculation of commander in chief when old commander is not available anymore (probably needs further work)
•   fixed: wrong comparison in private wealth and tax income for monthly economic report
•   added enhanced info in strategy panel about latest changes in state support
•   fixed: text color turns dark after mouse moved over in campaign finish screen
•   fixed “running time” effects in policies, eg permanent influences in support, recruitment
•   fixed wrong directions of “arrows” in commander attributes at scenario start
•   fixed: effect of running policy influences too high (eg. CSA triggering Militia Act before Union) leading to high probability of secession of border states
•   added option to hide battle monuments in tools panel
•   added enhanced tooltip info in top panel for manpower and influences manpower
•   fixed tooltip info: units needed for reinforcements
•   improved “defend capital” AI mechanics: units maneuver better towards own capital if in danger
•   fixed: support <> national morale convergence too fast
•   AI units with low supply first head for near supply depots or towns before constructing a supply depot
•   fixed: searching for fort construction sites leads to increase in occupied forts objective variable
•   fixed: entrenchment levels increasing for units in defensive stance although moving
•   AI now pre-recruits manpower lost through contract expiries in coming months
•   fixed: USCT already researchable in Chapter II

•   AI now deploys EOD AFTER player redeployment
•   added AI behavior: “retreat if outflanked on both sides” and “refuse flank if outflanked on one side”
•   fixed: when reloading a campaign battle some objectives may be switched/deactivated
•   worked on measures to reduce blobbing: AI groups now do not use same objectives at once
•   fixed: weird placement of subordinated units if parent units are redeployed but subordinates not (eg. AoNV vs. Left Wing in 2nd Manassas)
•   removed unit names for detachments in paper map view
•   fixed: ordered single brigades jump immediately to destination after deployment phase has ended
•   fixed: commander is MIA if a detachment surrenders
•   changed the logic how offensive/defensive battles are determined: units - moving/entrenched or not
•   reduced weight of objective points for victory conditions slightly for day 2+
•   fixed: AI countermeasures against outflanking (refuse flank, retreat) sometimes use wrong facing

•   improved sensitivity when adding waypoints (RMB), one click movements without determining the facing are possible now
•   reworked smoke engine
•   fixed: changing sound volume in videos not working
•   added video controls, cancel videos now with ESC
•   fixed: weird or non visible savegame entries if save panel is opened a second time

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #82 on: July 25, 2021, 11:36:22 PM »
Latest Patch 0.9113
Sun, 25 July 2021

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

Note: although we have changed weapon production mechanics it may still not work as intended as economic production hardly matches consumption. We will focus on this in version 0.92!

•   added disabled tooltip info for armies
•   rebalanced desertion rates in low-support and low-morale environments
•   added tooltip infos (nato symbols) about current engagement: probability of victory and estimated length
•   added “flame” symbol for damaged/blocked IIP’s/companies behind the symbol
•   added info for infrastructure damages and losses for each IIP/company in tooltip
•   added railroad track list with economic info and construction duration, railroads can now only be constructed using the icons in this list
•   added alert symbols for units with low supply
•   fixed: commander in chiefs are replaced by low rank officers
•   AI now takes into account enemy units in recruitment when setting own recruitment goals
•   higher levels of supply depots deliver supplies now faster
•   added info about connected depots and its supply capacity in unit panel
•   fixed rare situations where armies may end on non passable terrain after retreats
•   rearranged top panel UI
•   now using a 3-month average to determine the change in commander attributes, experience influence is now taken into account, further UI info to follow later
•   battle monument info now only shown if no other tooltip is visible (eg. from units)
•   fixed: missing “The battle of “ in naming of naval battles
•   fixed: when combining artillery units the guns are not adjusted
•   added tooltip info about fleet firepower and used gunnery
•   ships without ammo (and returning to harbor) now counting as disabled
•   multiple groups now tend to coordinate defensive operations better to fight together
•   reworked retreat functions
•   connection to supply depots is now shown faster after game has started
•   supply lines are now colored red/yellow/green, depending on the supply efficiency
•   changed info about low morale units in battle start panel
•   AI defensive operations are now cancelled if strength gets too low and moving around strong enemies
•   AI now prefers to rally nearby friendly units next to an enemy instead of launching new defensive operations from far away which led to accumulation of AI units in a certain area
•   contract expiries in army management panel show now days if below 1 month remaining
•   fixed: dropping a ship from harbor pool into the harbor pool does add it to the selected fleet
•   fixed: opening military tab while fleet is selected mixes up army and fleet view
•   replaced economic cycle graph in finances panel by overall goods production
•   added tooltips for change in commander attributes
•   added tooltips for army strength in campaign panel
•   assumed fixed: sometimes units are not retreating if enemies are too close
•   fixed: issue with monthly economy report may have led to strange UI glitches
•   fixed: officers returning from WIA or POW not visible in officers panel
•   fixed: commander attribute influences from commander in chief used multiple times for each hierarchy level

•   reworked minor/major victory/defeat mechanism, now depending on casualties relation and military experience, affecting readiness and carried supplies when returning to campaign map; step 2 will follow adjusting retreat mechanism
•   fixed: AI deployment behind breastworks not accurate enough to receive cover bonus at the start of the game or EOD
•   units now use doublequick to move into final position before engaging enemy if initiative is on
•   adjustments to AI micro behavior: brigades are now not spreading out that wide but try to keep together
•   adjusted brightness on Manassas map
•   assumed fixed: redeployment of own/enemy units in opposite deployment zone if they were cut off before, needs further testing
•   reduced number of rifle fire if units are inside buildings
•   fixed: AI group setup sometimes leads to non-moving groups, eg. Jackson at Chancellorsville
•   Unit tooltip for single brigades is now regularly updated when moving over unit
•   continuing old group path now cancelled if player has at least moved one subordinate while group was stopped to engage
•   fixed: points counter visible if top panel is minimized/maximized although continuous vp counting deactivated
•   AI now defenses less often if number of held objectives is comparable
•   low morale units do not break immediately at start but have a minimum & capped morale
•   reworked retreat mechanism
•   fixed: when giving movement orders to top hierarchies the group sometimes is not repositioned if contact to enemy is established but simply stopped
•   added battle field book

•   fixed: scrolling log messages & exceptions when removing messages
•   moved internal debug log messages to file “scenelog.dat”
•   improved field book guides
•   field books now auto-shown only once at start per layer

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #83 on: August 11, 2021, 11:58:41 PM »
Latest Patch 0.9205
Wed, 11 August 2021

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

If you experience lags after playing the game for a while please send us your log to identify the issue. We have seen a handful of issues related to adding a modified 1862 scenario (while loading old 62 campaigns) and fixing a building bug in 0.92.

•   captured or removed weapons (through upgrades) can now be used to upgrade existing units
•   fixed: sometimes retreat paths are running too close, added also revolving retreat calculation if retreat destination is not on own soil
•   fixed: wrong influences on commander attributes from senior officers
•   fixed: building upgrades happen immediately
•   production of companies now much lower for goods that do not generate profits
•   added further AI bonus features, linked to AI bonus settings at campaign start
•   modified 1862 scenario: McClellan is now starting on the Peninsular
•   fixed: workforce in companies is too low
•   rebalanced production and demand in economy, as well as weapon availability
•   rebalanced army and fleet upkeep costs
•   fixed: if campaign is reloaded or a battle is manually played shortly after another one was finished units may become stuck
•   measures if economy lacks transport ships and locomotives: transport capacity of IIP’s reduced,, supply and reinforcement speed is slowed
•   IIP’s now create demand for transport ships and locomotives
•   fixed: sometimes AI units in (autoresolved) combat get another moving order leading to a re-triggering of the combat/siege
•   added info about total corporate production in monthly economy report
•   fixed: wrong construction progress for ships
•   fixed: IIP damage at start of scenarios
•   fixed: fort changing hands count as captured at the start of scenarios
•   improved AI behavior for defensive operations close to capital
•   AI now should be a bit more aggressive in defensive operations
•   fixed: researching draft acts are only increasing volunteers numbers for a short time period before falling back to pre-act levels
•   fixed: building upgrades are not saved during upgrade process

•   units now recover morale slower if low experienced
•   rebalanced: lower gain of fame through battles
•   fixed: commander of non arrived units do not gain fame
•   rebalanced construction times of entrenchments
•   fixed: groups are counted for supported morale bonus
•   rebalanced morale influences
•   added enhanced morale info in unit panel
•   added info about loss resilience in unit panel
•   fixed: AI units don’t carry out fallback orders properly
•   skirmishers rebalanced, now have a lower loss resilience and inflict no flanking malus
•   AI now deploys deeper inside the map in offensive battles
•   fixed: group movements sometimes left back single units
•   units now break links if routed
•   added workaround for units that were stuck in impassable terrain
•   AI now withdraws at night if it was not successful in capturing an objective within a given time and has not earned victory points
•   fixed: issues with upgraded parapets when reloading battle save, leading to disappearing parapets and weird unit positions

•   fixed: messages sometimes not appearing as icons on the left side of the screen, eg. monthly economy report

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #84 on: August 15, 2021, 11:24:07 PM »
Latest Patch 0.9301
Sun, August 15, 2021

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

•   fixed: reloading campaigns sometimes influences state support in a wrong way, due to historic commander appointments
•   name search field in military panel is now cleared when tab is switched
•   added “ready for duty” filter criteria for commanders in military panel
•   reworked objectives description
•   changed: units that are in winter/summer quarters AND entrenched are not suffering increased attrition anymore
•   added AI construction of forts
•   fixed: upgrade progress for procedural buildings lost when reloading save
•   rebalancing of campaign objectives
•   removed initial strength check for engagements for first engaging units, now strength including reinforcements is taken into account
•   fixed: too many captured guns after a victorious battle

•   captured soldiers now excluded for loss resilience calculation
•   routed friendly units now do not surrender to routed enemy units if still engaged in melee
•   no morale updates during night (pos & neg)
•   fixed problems with loading of some random maps
•   fixed: units are getting permanent retreat orders if routed, although no enemies are close
•   removed: units falling back turn around or stop during movement
•   units now do not stop under enemy fire when crossing a ford or bridge
•   assumed fixed: lags in some maps, related to failed terrain specs assignment

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #85 on: August 21, 2021, 11:59:11 PM »
The End of Early Access.
Sat, 21 August 2021

Special Dispatch, August 21, 2021.


This day, August 21, 2021, marks a full year of Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) in Early Access. That release, a year ago, saw the game receiving already positive comments from the game media, even as the game was far from finished. Now, after one full year of further development, the game has finally received a release date:

September 24, 2021!
(1800 UTC, which is 1400 Eastern / 1100 Western US time, 1900 Central European)

The year in development, in Early Access, has helped us to improve the game with the help of our superb community -- we'd like to offer our warmest thanks! In addition to fixing bugs in the game, we have added a lot of features and content, and implemented player requested features. During the Early Access period, which has had its highs and lows, we've been happy to see how the feedback and reviews have improved. Many players have already commented, that the version they are playing to-day feels like a totally different game when compared to that, which was released a year ago. The game is now enjoyable and has all the features, and more, that we originally planned for the full release.

But we're not done yet and will keep developing the game further, even after the full release, see the Post-Release Road Map below.

When released in full, on September 24, the game will be available for $ 44,90. While the game is still in Early Access, the price is 10% lower, at $ 39,99. The game's soundtrack is, and will continue to be available for $ 9,99, and a bundle of the game and the soundtrack is 10% off.

"I already have the Early Access -version. Do I need to buy the full game to be able to play it?"

No, you do not! The Early Access version will automatically upgrade to the full 1.0 version of the game on September 24.

Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) initial Early Access version vs. version 1.0:

•  3 --> 5 campaign scenarios (Pre-War 1861, Summer 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864)
•  10 --> 16 historical stand-alone battle scenarios (1st Manassas, Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, Glorieta Pass, Shiloh, Perryville, 2nd Manassas, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Olustee, Wilderness, New Market, Bentonville, Appomattox)
•  Over twice the number of battle maps
•  Over 1,500 historical commanders
•  Improved performance and stability
•  Improved battle and campaign AI
•  Improved game play balance in battles and campaign
•  Updated and scalable User Interface (UI)
•  Improved information in form of addition tooltips and in-game manual ("Field Book"), an external manual, and tutorial videos

Post-Release Road Map.

The game's development will not stop when we release it. During the development we've already come up with a lot of ways to improve the game further. Above are the first steps of our Post-Release Road Map. These steps include features and content, that will be added in regular updates, for no cost:

•  Rare Weapons: Gatling gun, Coffee Mill gun and 1-pdr Williams gun will be added to the game's list of available weapons. Maybe even more!
•  Building Options: Player will be allowed to construct government subsidized industries. Hospitals improve recovery of wounded troops and captured enemies construction require POW camps, otherwise the field commanders will offer paroles that will see part of the captured troops returning to service.
•  New Maps: Further battle maps will be added.
•  Avatar & Commander update: Players will be able to create their own personal commander (avatar) with their own appearance and preferred attributes. The avatar can appear in the campaign game. Commander attributes can be randomized at the start of the scenario and there will be some improvements in officer management as well.
•  Visual Improvements: Updating the game's visuals will improve immersion and the looks, while offering further customization options for your troops.

These are the ones we have already decided to add in the game, and further information will be released when the new content is developed!

In case you want to know more about the development of Grand Tactician, don't hesitate to contact the team using the links below - or join the conversation at the game's Steam Discussion forum.

We are, Sir / Ma'am, Your very ob't se'v'ts,

The Grand Tactician -team.

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #86 on: August 24, 2021, 11:34:04 PM »
Latest Patch 0.9409
Tue, 24 August 2021

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

•   fixed: withdrawing sometimes runs into wrong direction
•   withdrawing now results in more intense rearguard activity and higher casualties
•   fixed: sometimes units are stuck in permanent retreat because retreat direction was not far enough or inside enemy terrain
•   fixed: forage not stored in supply depots
•   fixed: upgrade price for rifles is shown wrong in weapon list
•   reduced income of income tax massively, increased army upkeep slightly, increased fleet upkeep massively
•   fixed: sometimes unit withdraw into wrong direction
•   fixed: exceptions related to siege and navy engagement of same fort
•   fixed: retreat destinations also take into account neutral and hidden units
•   refixed: WIA/POW/KIA/Available for service commander filters not working
•   fixed: disabled commanders from lower unit hierarchies are not replaced automatically
•   changed wording for intervention tooltip: player needs a major victory in order to provoke Europe to intervene & French interventions needs “Mexican Intervention” policy
•   rebalanced: intervention forces are now moving faster due to high transport capacity
•   fixed: intervention forces may now use allied territory to redeploy, before: only invade enemy terrain
•   AI is now recruiting in states with higher distance to the target army to meet recruitment goals
•   changed: checking for initial strength relation including reinforcements to evaluate if enemy shall withdraw

•   improved AI micro-maneuvering in front of the enemy
•   fixed: AI stance settings in historical battles sometimes lead to zig-zag movements
•   AI now tries to avoid defended bridges and river crossings in macro-movement
•   if AI decides to retreat EOD the timer is resetted to zero
•   manually assigned targets are now relieved if enemy routs (except for cavalry)
•   fixed: broken units sometimes not retreating but holding position in front of the enemy
•   units that have surpassed loss resilience are now leaving the battlefield via entry point
•   fixed: remaining lags that occur if units are stuck close to dense forest and retreating/surrendering
•   fixed: effect of perks for sharpshooters and zouaves were switched, battle perks now achieved faster
•   fixed: additional battle flags not available
•   fixed: battle flags are not updating if a new unit is selected immediately, battle flags not saved when leaving battles
•   using smaller AI groups to deploy faster
•   commanders now tend to stay closer to subordinated infantry and cavalry units instead of artillery units to stay closer to the front
•   assumed fixed: AI brigades running into enemy troops without stopping
•   larger AI groups (eg corps) are now separated into smaller groups when engaged (eg divisions) to improve micro AI behavior
•   AI groups initially redeploy more towards center of the deployment zone if no objective is located inside
•   assumed fixed: initial deployment of AI groups within opponent’s deployment zone

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #87 on: August 29, 2021, 11:38:13 PM »
Latest Patch 0.9504
Sun, August 29, 2021

This patch can be seen more as a hotfix for the melee and surrender problems in 0.9409.

Please use separate threads in the forum <Bug Reports> if you experience any issues:

•   fixed: sorting commanders by administration not working
•   changed logic for commander filters
•   raiding of blockade fleets now does not influence national morale anymore
•   added workaround for units that are placed on navmesh islands and cannot leave
•   AI now constructs forts on fewer and better suitable construction sites
•   added preset commander filters when replacing officers
•   added enhanced tooltip for interventions, though not working as intended yet
•   fixed high number of disintegrations related to huge block areas around enemy troops
•   fixed: late game buildings are shown from start on

•   increased influence of losses on victory balance
•   units now retreat in slightly larger distances towards enemy units to prevent moving through small gaps in enemy lines
•   fixed: melee status not resetting, leading to surrender of routed units
•   fixed: AI artillery fallback not working if enemy is close
•   cavalry and artillery now mount when retreating

•   added “X” and “ESC” to close panels, removed similar functionality by using RMB

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #88 on: September 25, 2021, 12:46:31 AM »
Grand Tactician version 1.0 Released!
Fri, 24 September 2021

After over a year in Early Access, Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) has been released!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Early Access players -- your help and encouragement has been invaluable!

While the game has now reached maturity and released -status, this does not mean the end of further development. Instead, we are planning on continuing to expand the game's features after the release. The first steps can be seen in our Post Release Road Map, which you can find here:

You may also find the game's manual, fresh from print, in the game's install folder, Steam store and library pages, as well as behind this direct link:

We are, sir/ma'am, Your very ob't se'v'ts,

The Grand Tactician Team

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Re: Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)
« Reply #89 on: October 19, 2021, 11:59:44 PM »
Latest Patch 1.0115
Fri, October 15, 2021

Thanks again to all development patch testers!
Please report bugs and/or ideas in the following forum:

fixed: ammo consumption too high in autoresolved battles
reduced effect of debt and negative surplus on rating slightly
added positive effects on AI rating when using higher difficulty
fixed: economy report cumulates monthly founded companies
now showing also killed and wounded brigade commanders in officer loss report
fixed: upgrade of greyed out (not available) weapons possible
added certain weapons to initial stock
commanders may now be promoted manually
fixed: construction icon prevents setting waypoints
tidying up: fort names and conditions are now visible on map only if mouse is close
army icons are now always placed in front of buildings, towns or IIP’s
fixed/enhanced: tooltips and updating numbers for minimized unit panel stats
improved drag and drop behavior, especially for fleets
added campaign tutorial
added workaround for units whose campaign stances are greyed out though no order is delivered anymore
fixed: raiding enemy installations in allied states does not lower own support anymore
fixed: support influence king cotton not counting for allied but for slave states
rebalanced high effect of raiding on state support
changed logic for drag- and dropping of ships: now the full space is used on both sides (except ship list)
probably fixed: empty groups and fleets are not removed, officers not promoted when leaving the military panel via other top panels (eg. strategy, trade etc.)
commanders now can only be promoted if they are active
fixed: captured weapons now also show up if no tech is available
fixed config bug in prefs that probably led to low reinforcement speed
fixed issue that could have led to permanent increase of the number of wounded through reloading saves, though not resetting the numbers in older saves
now preventing replacement of wounded/killed commanders of dummy garrisons
no contract expiries happen for units that are engaged

added approximate restrictions to line of fire for units
fixed issues with blocking own units in line of fire
commander initiative off now prevents units from wheeling
commander initiative default can now be turned on/off for all units in main menu options menu
deadly volley: units need to be at fire range 50% instead of 25% in order to gain perk experience
fixed: Battle end screen showing “Courier to xxx” instead of army name if McDowell commands
fixed: rare exception when cavalry units are linked and battle is reloaded
fixed: potential freeze of units in Chickamauga historical battle when entering day 2#
added auto-resizing of sprite numbers for huge battles that could have resulted in stuck loading or memory crashes, note: further improvements planned later
added battle hints for certain unit events below top panel, can be deactivated in options menu
added battle tutorial
fixed: submenus of bottom panel sometimes auto-close while a unit is selected
fixed: timed movement & bombardment on 2nd day starting immediately

game is now paused while newspaper, message log and dispatches are opened
added tutorials for campaigns and battles
fixed: some game options are now automatically adjusted for tutorials to prevent stuck tutorial situations
added auto pop up for patch notes in main menu

Outlook on 1.02:
- further improvements in battle and campaign AI
- enhanced info for auto resolved battles (land + sea)

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    Started by Asid

    Replies: 117
    Views: 57028
    Last post April 01, 2024, 02:38:37 AM
    by Asid