D.O.W. Sunday Mission 30/04/17 @ GMT19:00 – Attack on Jellibah airfieldAttack on Jellibah airfield by Magnus Ronner aka Alpha Sierra modified by LusikThis scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.
You are part of a Spanish detachment within NATO forces in Iraq to support local Iraqi forces in the AI. You arrived a couple of weeks ago but was held in the rear until now. Our Leopardos will be needed to support an attack Jellibah airfield that is held by the enemy.
MAPExcerpts of the battalion commander's (HAVOC 6) orders for...BLUEFOR (D.O.W.)1) SITUATIONa) Enemy: The enemy occupies the Jalibah Airfield and is defending with a mechanized Company composed of BMP2's, T72s. Our intel reports that enemy may receive support of T-90s
-The enemy is defending with one ADA platoon, consisting of ZSU-23's.
-The enemy maintains the ability to call for a flight of Mi24 attack helicopters that are stationed at the airfield.
-The enemy maintains a reserve force of 1x Tank CO south of the airfield, and will deploy them if necessary.
-The enemy may still call up artillery in spite of our aviation activity we believe that they still have considerable force in their rear.
b) Own: You command a Tank CO/TM with 2x platoon of Leopardo 2Es, 1x platoon of Pizzaros and a section of VECs.
2x PLT Leopardo 2E
1x Pizzaro
1x VEC section
Resupply and Medic
c) Attachments and detachments: 1x Flight (2x) AH64 CCA (Trigger: CAS)
1x Support Platoon (refuel / rearm/ casevac) led by the First Sergeant.
155mm Artillery support (HE, Smoke and ICM). Priority targets 1-4.
2) MISSION: Destroy the enemy Jalibah airfield
3) EXECUTION: Attack and seize Jalibah Airfield.
Destroy refuelers at hangars east and west of the airfield.
4) TERRAIN AND WEATHER: We have good weather with good visibility. It's early morning so the temperatures will rise quickly.
** Notes **
SB Version: 4.019 64bit
Mission Name: Attack on Jellibah Airfield
Created by: Magnus Ronner aka Alpha Sierra
Modified by: Lusik
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Section
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: Approximately 90 minutes depending on players
Minimum number players: 4
Date: Sunday Mission 30/04/17
Time: 19:00 GMT
Time (local): Event time Teamspeak IP: dow.ts.nfoservers.com wait in lobby for access to other areas.
Room: Steel Beasts Pro
Player Skill/Ability:• Completion of at least 1 full tutorial of Leopard 2A5 or any other Leopard 2 or Pizzaro
• Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
• HAVOC designated members and Red Alert
• Our goal is to have the DOW session more immersive and realistic.
Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)Leopardo 2E Click here Pizzaro Click here VEC Click hereManning list:CO CO Leopardo 2E:
RedWardancer C/2 Leopardo 2E 1/2 C
Cupcake2/2 C
4/2 C
3/2 C
C/3 Leopardo 2E 1/3 C
Lusik2/3 C
4/3 C
3/3 C
A/2 Pizzaro 1/2 A
Rinix2/2 A
4/2 A
3/2 A
HHC /3VEC Reconnaissance section1/3
SupplySupply Trucks
M113 Medic
Wisent ARV
Any positionLumi