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Author Topic: PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS  (Read 13094 times)

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« on: April 13, 2017, 03:11:43 PM »

Spiritual Successor to the Microprose Classic “Red Storm Rising”.

Official Site: Here
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Online Multi-Player

Early Access launch trailer

About This Game
PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Starting with nothing, players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a battle to be the lone survivor. This realistic, high tension game is set on a massive 8x8 km island with a level of detail that showcases Unreal Engine 4's capabilities.

PLAYERUNKNOWN aka Brendan Greene, is a pioneer of the Battle Royale genre. As the creator of the Battle Royale game-mode found in the ARMA series and H1Z1 : King of the Kill, Greene is co-developing the game with veteran team at Bluehole to create the most diverse and robust Battle Royale experience to date

Not Just a Game. This is BATTLE ROYALE

Realistic gunplay mechanics, with 17 weapons & 35 attachments.

Community-driven development
Since we started this project a year ago,
we have reached out to the Battle Royale community to gather suggestions
and feedback about what they want and expect from the game.

Ever since we started our pre-alpha testing,
we have worked with them to implement suggestions,
get feedback about gameplay, and ask their help when we ran alpha and beta testing.

Custom Games
During Early Access, we will have custom games
on private servers available for our partners.

We will expand the reach of this program
once the core system is working well.

From the very start,
we wanted to provide players with the ability
to create new game-modes and mods based in our game.

We have created a highly detailed world, and provide content creators
with a wealth of vehicles, weapons & items for use in their own mods.

Our players will have the full use of our assets
and can create their own content for inclusion in their mods,
by using the highly powerful Unreal Engine devkit!

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« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2017, 02:10:32 PM »
Early Access Month 1 Update


This week we roll out our first monthly patch. This patch will the first of many to address performance, fix bugs and add new content to the game. I must stress that we will not be able to fix all performance issues with a single patch. For this patch, we focused on stabilizing performance for all users, trying to ensure there would be less FPS drops, and improve performance for those with lower spec systems. Optimizing the game will take us time, and will continue all through early access, so please have patience while we work to improve the game experience for all players.

We are opening a Test Server to better manage our updates and ensure stability before we push updates to the Live Servers. We will push each new update to this server on the Wednesday of the week, to allow a full days testing before updating the live servers. We will have the exact time you should expect this server to be online tomorrow, so stay tuned to our Twitter!

We are aware that some of you are experiencing what appear to be memory leaks, and we will work on fixing this going forward, but over the last month, we have been concentrating on improving the performance for min spec systems, and stabilizing FPS for everyone no matter what their PC specs. We are still a relativity small team, so we must focus on one problem at a time right now. We are working to expand the team, but finding the right people with suitable experience and capabilities takes time, so please bear with us.

Next I need to address a slight price change for the game in New Zealand. We’ve been seeing some abnormal patterns in our New Zealand sales. It turns out that due to the comparatively low price in New Zealand (roughly US$25) and the fact that gifting from New Zealand to other countries is not restricted the same as it is for other countries like China, Russia and Brazil, people seem to be exploiting the system. We have slightly raised the price to US$28 to combat this.

I also want to address server lag once again. The lag you experience on the servers is not due to the hardware or size of the server, nor does it have to do with the number of players online. It is due to a networking issue with the core engine code, and it is something we are working hard to resolve, but it is not a simple issue to fix, so it will take us some time. Please bear with us and we will get it fixed as soon as we can.

Finally, before we get to the patch-notes for this month’s update, I want to once again thank everyone for their support over the past month. We broke 100,000 concurrent users on Monday which is a huge milestone for any game and we wouldn’t have done this without the tremendous support of every player, so from all team here, a sincere thank you.

This patch will be deployed for both clients and servers Thursday, April 20, 5PM KST/1AM PDT/8AM UTC and is expected to take approx. 1 hour to complete.

Early Access - Month 1 - Patch Notes

Known issues
•   The motorbike leans slightly to the right when being driven straight.
•   The tires of the motorbike cannot be shot out at the moment
•   [Non-English Players] There are some mistranslated in-game texts and they will be shown in English
Client Performance Improvements
•   Made some improvements to address the issue of FPS drops when opening the inventory UI
•   Reduced the load on the CPU through instance rendering so that the GPUs can function to their full capabilities
•   Made improvements to address the issue of FPS severely dropping when in the vicinity of Yasnaya, Polyana & Georgopol
•   Rendering performance on PCs with minimum system requirements has been improved
•   Graphic performance and quality on PCs with minimum system requirements has been improved
Server Performance Improvements
•   Performance improvements have been made with relation to the items spawned in the world
Content Updates 
•   Added Vector SMG. A very powerful SMG most appropriate for short to mid-range combat that is spawned in the world
•   Added Motorbike w/ sidecar. A sidecar-less version will be added in a future update
•   Added a 2X Aimpoint scope
•   Added a Ballistic Mask
•   Added 3 new color variations for the Dacia
•   Added the crossbow back into the game
•   Adjusted the density of environmental elements to be identical across all graphic options
•   Adjusted object placement to address issues of characters getting stuck
•   Adjusted placement of trees that were spawning inside houses or above the terrain
•   Adjusted the frequency of thunder sound effects
•   Revised certain system messages and item descriptions.
•   Added descriptions for attachments
•   The dead team-mate icon will now disappear after a certain time and distance when in team modes
•   Map markers are now visible to all teammates
•   Names of teammates now appear on the world map
•   You are now able to move sideways and backwards in the REVIVE state
•   The REVIVE timer will no longer decrease when a team mate is attempting to revive you
•   When attempting to revive a team mate, the reviving timer icon will now also be visible to the player being revived
•   Adjusted the character position slightly when in the REVIVE state
•   Made improvements to address the issue of characters shaking while being spectated
•   You are now able to open the world map when spectating
•   You can now view the casting bar when the teammate you are spectating uses heal and/or boost items
•   You can no longer use heal and/or boost items when in water
•   Adjusted the overall balance on all attachments
•   Adjusted the overall balance on Assault Rifles
•   We will continue to balance all weapons and attachments throughout Early Access
•   Fixed the issue that caused cars to temporarily stop when their tires get shot out
•   You can now sprint when in the crouch stance
•   Fixed the issue of “Armed/Unarmed” state not being applied when there are delays in the server network
•   The blood hit effect size now varies according to the weapon caliber
•   You can now move when in aiming and/or scoping in the prone state
•   Fixed an issue with the sitting position of the character in the back-right seat of the UAZ
•   Fixed an issue with the position of the left hand when reloading the AWM
•   Fixed an issue where aiming from vehicles was not accurate
•   The positions of bullet hits are now the same for both yourself and the others
•   Fixed an issue that caused the hit box for the head to be slightly larger than the actual head
•   Adjusted the ragdoll physics for dead characters to be more natural
•   Fixed an issue that caused the character to use the wrong aim offset when using the freelook function while holding a grenade
•   Fixed an issue that caused the landing-from-a-high-altitude motion to seem awkward when holding a pistol
•   Improved the quality of zoomed-in scope views
•   Bolt actions are now triggered even after the final shot has been fired, so that you can starti re-firing as soon as reload is complete
•   Added swimming animations to go upwards and downwards
•   Fixed an issue that caused the reticle to appear even when in situations where you are not able to shoot
•   Your character now uses a different animation when in crouch stance while holding a melee weapon
•   Made improvements to the reload animations for the M249
•   Made improvements to the reload animations for the P1911
•   The muzzle flash is now brighter than before and is now visible from a longer distance
•   There are now sound effect differences for supersonic and non-supersonic bullet speeds
•   Made adjustments so that the sound of the bullet flying through air doesn’t play when shots are fired from a short distance from your character
•   You can now figure out what floor the opponents are at just by listening to their footsteps
•   Adjusted the firing sound of the SKS in mid to long range combat
•   Adjusted the volume of the footsteps
•   We have opened a test server to better manage our content and secure stability for our live environment updates
•   Additional in-game texts have been localized
Bug fixes 
•   Fixed a bug that caused some buildings to not be visible at long distance
•   Fixed a bug that caused a knocked out player to be ejected in front of a vehicle. If knocked out in a vehicle, you will now be ejected to the side
•   Fixed a bug that caused weapons to clip through walls
•   Fixed a bug that caused the icons for certain “pants” items to not appear correctly
•   Fixed a bug that caused the PLAYERUNKNOWN shoes to not render properly
•   Fixed a bug that caused the hit effects to play at random
•   Fixed a bug that caused bald characters to have hair
•   Fixed a bug that caused disconnects after 5 minutes into a match

See you in-game,

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« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2017, 08:59:23 PM »
Early Access Week 5 Update


Today on the dev blog we look at what we have updated in this week’s upcoming patch. Before we get to that I want to quickly explain what happened with the loot balance after the first monthly patch last week.

To facilitate the custom game feature allowing users to change the balance of the loot in their games, we had to change the core loot system. When this new system was implemented, we missed a bug that altered the balance of weapons spawned in the world. We have now resolved this issue and the loot balance will be restored to how it was before the update last week. Going forward, we do intend to apply balance passes to the loot, and we will update you here on the dev blog when any of these passes are implemented.

In case you missed it yesterday, we announced our first Charity Invitational[], which will be taking place next Thursday, May 4th.  We are excited to help Gamers Outreach[], and hope you will tune on in on Twitch and see some great streamers battle it out and raise funds for this worthy cause.

Finally, next week the team will be taking a well-deserved week off, so there will be no weekly update. We will be back in the office on Monday May 8th refreshed and ready to push more updates your way!

Now onto what we have changed for this week’s update!

We will first roll this patch out to the test server tomorrow, Wednesday. No ETA for when this will happen yet, so stay tuned to our Twitter for updates!

This patch will be deployed to the main servers on Thursday, April 27, 5PM KST/1AM PDT/8AM UTC and is expected to take approx. 1 hour to complete.

Early Access - Week 5 - Patch Notes

Client Performance Improvement
•   Improved the drop in FPS when firing a gun or driving a vehicle
•   Rolled back the item spawn balance
•   Reduced the amount of health lost when a character is ejected from a flipping motorbike
Bug fixes
•   Fixed a bug that caused the door to open towards the player
•   Fixed a bug causing incorrect lighting on the 2x scope
•   Fixed a bug that caused loot to be not shown in the inventory when a character first obtained it
•   Fixed a bug that caused crossbow attachments not to show up in the vicinity pane
•   Fixed a bug that caused the sound to stutter

See you in-game,
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« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2017, 03:49:35 PM »
I feel like this might perhaps not actually be the "Spiritual Successor to the Microprose Classic “Red Storm Rising”."  :whistle
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Mp Decisive Campaigns: Blitzkrieg videos (finished)

PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Season One complete; Fantasy Wars AAR

Survive Harder! Season Two complete; Blood Bowl Amazons AAR

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« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2017, 05:51:24 PM »
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds climbing, vaulting, and weather trailer

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« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2017, 02:04:31 PM »
Early Access Week 13 Update


This patch will be deployed to the main servers on Thursday, June 22nd, 5 PM KST / 8 AM UTC / 1 AM PDT and is expected to take approx. 1 hour to complete.

Server Performance
•   Resolved an issue with server performance dropping drastically in certain circumstances.

Client Performance
•   Improved rendering performance of other characters.
•   Improved client performance during ranged combat.
•   Improved rendering performance of vehicles, motorbikes, and boats at a distance.
•   Improved the rendering performance of weapon effects at a distance.

Bug Fix
•   Fixed a client crash that occurred when changing character appearance.
•   Prevented users from removing shadows by changing Steam launch options.
•   Fixed a bug that caused players to fire more ammo than the amount loaded.
•   Fixed a bug that caused lung icon to be displayed as full while taking damage due to lack of oxygen underwater.
•   Fixed an issue with indoor walls and objects overlapping each other.
•   Fixed a bug that caused the wooden doors inside houses to have a metallic gloss.
•   Fixed a bug that caused some parts of the clothing to be shown when firing a weapon while aiming down sights, using 4x or higher scopes.
•   Fixed a bug that caused players to enter the DBNO state after drowning. You will now die immediately after taking fatal damage from lack of oxygen.
•   Fixed a bug that prevented the use of healing items after firing full auto mode.
•   Fixed a bug that caused flower beds to be shown incorrectly at a distance
•   Partially fixed a bug that caused a character to be stuck in terrain.
•   Partially fixed a bug that caused the camera to pass through some objects.
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« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2017, 02:07:19 PM »
PUBG has banned 25,000 cheaters in the past 3 months

Snuck into today's PUBG patch notes was a short update on Bluehole's progress against the cheaters that've made residence in the popular battle royale-style shooter.

"We have also been working hard to tackle down cheating players. This is an ongoing battle, but one we are committed to fighting," wrote PlayerUnknown. "We have banned 25,000+ users in the last 3 months, and work daily with BattlEye to add new protections and detections for cheats appearing on the market."

25,000 is a little more than 0.6% of the 4 million copies of PUBG sold. Of those sales, SteamSpy seems to think that PUBG has about 2.8 million active players right now. Anecdotally, PUBG doesn't have a massive problem with hackers, but in a game with such a large number of players per match, one hacker can negatively impact a lot of people.

Above: an apparent instance of cheating, recorded in April.

However, the number of players banned is dwarfed by other major competitive games. In February of this month, Blizzard banned almost 23,000 Overwatch players for cheating in Korea alone. In another spike, Valve banned 11,000 Dota 2 and CS:GO cheaters in a single day last September. Monitoring website indicates that a few hundred Steam accounts receive VAC bans on an average day, with spikes and dips in between.

Battlegrounds uses BattlEye, the same anti-cheat technology as H1Z1: King of the Kill, DayZ, Arma 3, Rainbow Six Siege, and ARK: Survival Evolved. BattlEye began as an anti-cheat solution for Battlefield Vietnam in 2004.

In 2015, Bohemia Interactive's Eugen Harton gave a GDC talk about the studio's approach to keeping pace with cheaters as its survival game surged in popularity.

For more on this subject, read our investigations into cheating as a business, and why cheating is so difficult to eliminate completely in multiplayer games.
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« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2017, 02:08:21 PM »
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds studio wants to add cross-play between PC and Xbox One

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is kind of a big thing around these parts, and it will likely become an even bigger thing when it comes to the Xbox One later this year. And at some point after that, executive producer Chang Han Kim told VG247, developer Bluehole hopes to let people on both platforms play together. But first, there are a few wrinkles to iron out.

"Cross network play between the PC and the console is definitely something we want to do down the road, and we don’t anticipate we’ll have any technical issues with that," Kim said.   

"But… when you consider the competitive side of the game, I do feel that there’s a balance issue between controllers and keyboard and mouse. That’s what’s making it difficult for us to do right away. If we’re going to allow players to use controllers we need to have the aim assist added in and things like that. We’re not going to be supporting it right away, but it’s something we’d like to look into later."

The more the merrier, but I'm not sure what adding cross-platform play to PUBG would accomplish aside from creating headaches for its developers. Even with aim assist, controllers are at a distinct disadvantage when put up against mouse and keyboard, so the odds of an Xbox One player ever winning a round are really not good—and on the off-chance that it does happen, all credit (or blame, more likely) would go to the aim assist, which is clearly—so the angry forum post would no doubt go—out of whack and overpowered. No matter which way it goes, somebody ends up mad.

That said, it's not entirely unprecedented. The Coalition first tested, and then permanently added, cross-play to Gears of War 4 earlier this year. The online intermingling is limited to "Social Quickplay," while Core and Competitive play remain segregated to keep them "as closely matched and competitive as possible." But it's not unreasonable to think that PUBG could take the same approach as it is with its new Zombies mode to accomplish basically the same thing: Give players the option to select either cross-play or single-platform action, and then let them eat the consequences.

I've reached out to PUBG for more information about its cross-play plans, and will update if and when I receive a reply.
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« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2017, 03:32:56 PM »
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds 'guaranteed' to leave Early Access by October

The meteoric rise of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has been staggering. Alongside a host of pre-release updates, the MMO battle royale recently hit four million sales in just three months—a feat all the more impressive given its Early Access status. Yet, despite the numbers, there remains a large chunk of prospective players who won't pick up Bluehole's runaway hit till it's launched in full.

Which is fair enough. The question is, then: when can we expect PUBG's final release?

According to its Steam Early Access blurb, Brendan Greene—aka PlayerUnknown himself—suggests he and his team "don't expect Early Access to last longer than six months." In an interview with RPS at Rezzed earlier this year, one week following the game's EA launch, Greene was however far more forthright.

"Game development is hard. What makes it hard is, we work with Unreal, which is a joy because they have a company that is focused on making an engine," he says. "So there’s 40 people just working on code for the engine. You look at Daybreak and Bohemia, they’re working on their own engines, and that’s just infinitely harder. I think the ForgeLight engine is a ten year old engine. Now, they’ve improved it considerably since then, but it’s the same with the Arma engine, it’s 15 years old. Now DayZ are making a new engine, and that’s just something which takes time.

"It’s something a lot of people don’t understand and they get a lot of hate because of that. I just try to correct them whenever I can. It’s like, listen, guys, they will get finished. Companies are not going to abandon games like that, you know? People say, ‘oh, DayZ will never be finished,’ and of course it will. People tell us we’re not going to be out of early access in six months; challenge accepted. I can guarantee you, six or seven months and we’re out of early access. It’s the team. It’s a matter of honour, you know? We will finish this game in six months."

Which would see PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds launched in full before the end of October, assuming all goes to plan.

In the meantime, this here might be the deadliest attack I've seen yet:
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« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2017, 12:16:25 AM »
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds weekly update finally fixes stuttering cargo plane

The latest weekly patch for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is live now on the game's test servers, and is due to launch in full tomorrow, July 13.

Focusing on bugs and UI tweaks for the most part, the Week 16 patch has finally fixed the irritating stutter suffered by the pre-fight care package plane. Players can also no longer shoot underwater from submerged vehicles, and are no longer required to press 'F' when opening doors that've been wrecked by red zone and/or player-fired grenade explosions.

A number of other adjustments have been applied—such as now being able to "always spectate your teammate's screen in colour".

Here's the list in its entirety:
Client performance
•   Optimized Care Package airplane.
•   Improved UI performance.
Bug fixes
•   Fixed an issue where the starting airplane became immobile in sky at the very start of a round.
•   Fixed inventory display issue on 4:3 resolution.
•   You can always spectate your teammate's screen in colour now.
•   You can no longer fire weapons in a vehicle from underwater.
•   Fixed an issue when you could not pick up mags from some areas of the lobby (starting island).
•   You no longer have to press the F key to pass through doors destroyed by grenades or Red Zone bombs.
•   Fixed an issue whereby if you got knocked out while zooming in with a scope, you won't be zooming in when revived.
•   Fixed an issue when grenades were not available to throw periodically.
•   Fixed an issue of armed weapon not getting displayed on HUD UI, when switching weapons with number keys while having inventory open.
•   PUBG's Week 16 Update is live as of tomorrow, July 13.
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« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2017, 12:17:02 AM »
PUBG to get FOV slider, dedicated first-person servers in July update

Update: Brendan Greene, PlayerUnknown himself, has confirmed dedicated first-person servers for PUBG's next monthly update, despite prior reservations voiced earlier this week.

Following the publication of our original story this morning (featured below), Greene subsequently tweeted this:

A follow-up tweet reads: "We will bring 1st person only to EU/NA SOLO & DUO games first, and once we have polished the system, we will expand to other regions."

Which is good news for all you first-person fanatics. 

Original story:

Since its Early Access launch in March, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has focused its monthly updates on improving server performance, adding new weapons, motorcycle physics, and destructible environments among other things. One feature that's sought after from players is the introduction of an FOV slider, which it seems is en route in the via its incoming July patch.

As spotted by VG24/7, Smookie, one of the game's developers, made the announcement via Twitter in the wake of a recent livestream—suggesting FOV slider functionality has already been implemented internally. Due in two weeks, this feature will be specifically tied to the game's first-person view.

A dedicated first-person mode for PUBG may be a ways away, however. VG24/7 again reports that Brendan Greene, aka PlayerUnknown, addressed this very point via the game's official Discord forums.

He said: "Dedicated first-person servers will take some time as it requires a lot of work from all teams, [it’s] not as easy as just flipping a switch. Our game, platform, engineering, and gameplay teams all need to do work to make it happen, and they are all quite busy with optimisation work at the moment!"

In the meantime, PUBG's Week 16 Update arrives later today.
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« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2017, 01:15:05 AM »
[Early Access] Patch Notes - 26/7/17

In case you missed it last week, due to complications with a client crash bug last week, we need to push the monthly update to the 3rd of August. We will, however, have a small patch this week, which will mainly address bugs you have reported. We are also working on resolving the issues seen on the servers over the past week and we ask for your patience as we get them fixed.

Early Access – Week 18 - Patch Notes
•   Fixed a bug where characters got stuck in doors after partially destroying them
•   Fixed a bug causing the door Interaction UI to appear even after doors were completely destroyed
•   You can now use consumables while browsing the inventory during a reload
•   Fixed a bug where characters could not pick up items while running despite seeing the looting animation
•   Fixed a bug where characters would shake in spectator mode while running
On August 3rd, we will be adding the following to the game in our monthly update.
•   1st Person server options are coming to NA and EU SOLO & DUO game-modes
•   FOV Slider for the 1st person view will be added to the game
•   A new rifle will be added to the game

Today I also want to talk about character customization, our plans for Gamescom this year.
We’re aware that many of you want new in-game skins to further customize your character. While we won’t be rolling out the full system until we move out of early access, we would like to provide more content as well as test the basic crate & key system we want to implement in the final version of the game.
On August 3rd, we will be launching three new crates. All three crates will contain items inspired by the Battle Royale movie, some of which you may have seen in our older artworks. The first and second crates, named the Wanderer Crate and the Survivor Crate, will be free to open. Each of these crates will include one set of the themed clothing, on top of other cosmetic items. The third crate named the Gamescom Invitational Crate will have the most diverse pool of themed clothing.
At Gamescom this year we will be holding our first offline Invitational. We will be inviting a group of the best BATTLEGROUNDS content creators, and run events each day for the duration of the convention. We will also be holding daily qualifiers so attendees at Gamescom will get a chance to compete in the GAMESCOM PUBG INVITATIONAL!
We have implemented a very basic key and crate system for this test. You can use your Battle Points (BP) to buy the crate on the REWARDS page. While the Wanderer Crate and the Survivor Crate will be free to open, the Gamescom Invitational Crate can be opened with a key which you can buy for $2.50 each.   
Proceeds from the sale of the keys to open the Gamescom Invitational Crate will be used:
•   To provide funds needed to organize the event
•   To provide a prize pool for the invitational winners
•   To support a selection of charities

Once Gamescom is complete, on August 27th, the Gamescom Invitational Crate will be no longer available and removed from the game. We will then return to the free-to-open system. The Gamescom Invitational Crate, Wanderer Crate and Survivor Crate will be tradeable on the Steam Community Market going forward. Keys for a Gamescom Invitational Crate purchased on the Steam Community Market will still be available to purchase in-game.

The GAMESCOM PUBG INVITATIONAL will be livestreamed on official PUBG channels. Stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for more details over the coming weeks!

See you in-game,
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« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2017, 12:28:57 AM »
PUBG patch notes shed light on contentious paid crate system

The dedicated first-person servers and FOV slider that were promised for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds earlier this month, along with a number of other features including colorblind mode, a new vsync option, and Xbox controller support, have now arrived on the public test server. The update will be pushed to live servers later this week, creative director Brendan Greene explained in the patch notes, "as we need some extra time to test the new first-person view." Anyone who owns PUBG can access the test server by downloading the separate client through Steam.

Greene also used the patch notes to say a few words about the upcoming "crate and key system," which hasn't been universally popular with Early Access players. "While our intention was and still is to add the full feature to the game when we move into actual release, we do need to test it prior to launch and at Early Access so that it is stable and ready to be fully introduced to our community," he wrote. "The idea of testing, prior to full implementation, is at the heart of adding every new game feature in our game, and this includes the crate and key system which we believe will serve as the foundation of a healthy economy after launch."

Greene said that the new system will put a cap on the number of crates a player can receive each week, in the same way the current free-to-open system does. Prices will be reset each Monday, and crates can be freely traded on the Steam marketplace. He also pointed out that the specifics of the "full cosmetic system" are still being worked out, "and we are taking your concerns into consideration when it comes to the ability to get free cosmetics by playing the game."

"I do understand your concerns about the system, but I feel testing for a sturdy economy on the Steam Marketplace is necessary at this stage and ultimately beneficial for the game," he wrote.

"But still, I must admit that our messaging wasn’t very clear, so I extend my sincere apologies for the confusion caused. The process of communicating our intentions precisely to our fans and communities should have been done in a more careful and prudent manner. I’ve learned a lot, and we’ll try to communicate better moving forward."

The full update 4 patch notes, and a few crate pics, are below.

Server Optimization:
•   Optimized fences, doors, and windows
•   Optimized vehicle physics

Client Optimization:
•   Optimized memory usage for world objects
•   Optimized terrain rendering
•   Optimized vehicle physics
•   Optimized User Interface

New Items:
•   Added new weapon Mk14 EBR. Mk14 EBR is a Designated Marksman Rifle that can only be obtained from Carepackages. This weapon is chambered for 7.62mm and sniper rifle attachments

•   Added two new face presets and hairstyles to character customization for both genders

•   Added 1st Person server options to NA and EU Solo and Duo game-modes
•   Players who choose 1st Person mode will be matched together
•   Character view is set to 3rd Person mode in starting airplane and during free fall from the airplane. This will be set to 1st Person only in a future update
•   Camera will stay still while looting items to prevent dizziness
•   Added a new feature to report players
•   Some people killed knocked-out teammates in order to avoid giving kill count to an opponent who knocked them down. Now the kill count will still go to the opponent in this specific case.
•   Added new animation when using different consumables Improved camera transition when disabling Free look feature (Alt Key)
•   Decreased the reload time of VSS
•   Players may now re-enter games if they have been disconnected mid-game
•   You may now play with Xbox controllers, and we will continue to make improvements with Xbox controllers
•   Sound volume difference from inside and outside of building is more obvious
•   Added new sound effect while scoping or aiming weapon
•   Added new effects when a character is running or sprinting over different types of surfaces
•   Improved character animation without any weapon or with melee weapon
•   Added slight delay when using the drag-and-drop feature on items in inventory UI. We implemented this delay to provide a fair gameplay environment to all players
•   Improved post-process effect when a character takes damage outside of the blue circle

Items and Vehicles:
•   Added a lower rail attachment slot to SKS
•   You may now honk a car horn when sitting in the driver's seat with Left Mouse Click
•   Decreased the chance of vehicle explosion after the vehicle gets stuck in objects
•   Vehicle driving sound will change slightly in FPP and TPP modes
•   Added new sound effects for motorcycle tire screech while driving
•   Eliminated firing delay of S1897 from pump action after reload
•   Improved effects of boats
•   Added spark effect to flat tires
•   Reduced cast time of First Aid Kit / Painkiller to 6 seconds
•   Reduced cast time of Med Kit / Adrenaline Syringe to 8 seconds

•   Added more features and hot keys to the Options Menu
•   Added new option for V-Sync
•   You may now designate a maximum of two different keys for each key bind
•   Added new option to set toggle on certain actions and features
•   You may now use Mouse wheel up/down as one of your key binds
•   Added new keybinds, such as all mute (Ctrl+M) and switching Voice Channel (Ctrl+Y), and a new option to adjust the volume of voice chat
•   Added new keybinds to use specific throwables
•   Added Colorblind Mode
•   Added an FOV slider for 1st person view
•   Added some region names to the mini map
•   Added new option to display helmet, vest, and backpack equipped on HUD UI. This HUD UI will be updated further in the future
•   Added new option to display all equipped weapons on the right side of the screen. This UI will be updated further in the future

Bug fixes:
•   Partially fixed client crash issues
•   Fixed an issue of weapons sporadically ceasing to fire despite being set to auto firing mode
•   You may not use consumables in vehicles underwater
•   Fixed bugs below while spectating another character
•   A character appeared to be shaking when the character moves around
•   Camera swing when a character scopes while walking
•   Camera swing when a character peeks left or right while scoping
•   A character appeared to be shaking when the player moves his mouse while scoping in Prone
•   Characters farther than 500m away from a vehicle will no longer hear the tire screech sound
•   Fixed post-process bug underwater in FPP mode
•   Fixed an issue of the reloading sound getting played repetitively after dropping a weapon while reloading
•   Fixed the probability of getting rainy weather to previous value
•   Fixed a bug where a character could not equip attachment with full inventory
•   Fixed a bug where weapons would continue to play looped reload animation even after canceling the reload
•   Fixed a bug where a character could see through the other side of wall when scoping or crouching against certain walls
•   Fixed a bug where a character sitting on objects inside of certain buildings could see through ceilings and walls
•   Fixed sporadic issue of disabling in-game UI
•   Eliminated bombing outside of Red Zone

Survivor Crate (free-to-open):

Wanderer Crate (free to open):
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2017, 05:33:20 PM »
Early Access Week 20 Update


Today we look at what we have changed and fixed in our week 20 patch.
This patch will be deployed to the Test Servers on Wednesday, August 9th, and if everything is stable, to the Live Servers on Thursday.

Client Optimization
•   Optimized game performance for 6-core or higher CPU
•   Optimized UI

Sound Effects
•   Decreased motorbike engine and vehicle skid sound volumes

Bug Fixes
•   Improved character animation when using throwables while prone
•   Fixed a bug that occasionally disabled voice chat on the Starting Island
•   Fixed a bug that caused your character to stand before crouching when revived
•   Fixed a bug that prevented players from rebinding Unarm to an alternate key
•   You can now see the mark from the character you are spectating on both the Mini Map and World Map
•   Fixed a visual bug with the scope while a character you are spectating is prone on a hill
•   Fixed a bug caused by changing "Graphics" - "Quality" - "Effects" from Settings
•   Improved the wrist positions on the steering wheel
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2017, 05:33:57 PM »
PUBG weekly update lets dead players view markers on mini and world maps

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has deployed its 20th weekly patch to Test Servers ahead of live introduction tomorrow. With it, comes a typical host of bug fixes, some optimisation tweaks, and a world and mini-map adjustment designed to aid team play. 

From front to back, a bug that caused players to stand before crouching has been fixed, as has one which prevented players from rebinding 'Unarm' to an alternate key. Character animations when using throwables in the prone position have been improved, as has default wrist positions on vehicle steering wheels.

Sadly, a bug that occasionally disabled voice chat on the Starting Island has been fixed, which means you're once again forced to mute the torrent of incoherent racial slurs that exist there. Optimisation improvements target the game's UI, as well as game performance for CPU's boasting six-cores or more.

The latest update's biggest asset, though, lets dead players view their still-living comrade's markers on both the mini-map and the world map. In turn this make tracking the game following your demise a lot easier—and creates scope for remote coaching from the afterlife. Until now, markers placed after you'd met your maker were only visible to your squadmates still in the game.   

As always, this weekly update is live now in PUBG's Test Servers and, all going well, will appear on Live Servers tomorrow.
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