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Author Topic: P.A.M.E.L.A.  (Read 47716 times)

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #105 on: October 25, 2018, 05:56:22 PM »
Update: PAMELA v0.4.5.6 is Live!
P.A.M.E.L.A.ฎ - The Other Guy

Hey Everyone!

This week’s update adds some much needed love to our poor NPCs. On top of our standard bug fixing Part 1 of our NPC update includes a much higher range of NPC diversity, new death ragdoll effects, and the (very) much requested ability for turrets to be able to target Stalkers.

Wait, you said Part 1? You haven’t said anything about a Part 2.

It’s a heck of a tease isn’t it? Feel free to speculate wildly if that’s a thing you’re prone to doing! In the meantime, here is a breakdown of what is in part 1…

•   NPC Randomization - We have added new variants to the randomization pool of many NPCs and smoothed out the logic for a much more interesting (and creepy) population of Eden.
•   NPC Ragdoll on Death - NPC death animations were proving “problematic” with changes in elevation and world geometry. But thanks to the power of physics and joints NPCs will now bounce, crumple and fall in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways. If you want to push the higher limits, look for items that increase Force.

•   Turrets are now able to target Stalkers once they are visible.
•   Sprint stamina costs have been reduced and speed has been increased.
•   Added sound effects for the medical station and augment station.
•   Added sound effects for Surgical Laser charge, activate and deactivate.
•   Lowered Observer threat level (so Afflicted won't stare at the blinking floating ball while you punch them in the back of the head).
•   Bumped up the running speed for Afflicted and Widow, as well as overall Reaper move speed.
•   Added a slight slowdown effect to player melee attacks when they connect to make them feel more impactful.

•   Fixed an issue with our animation blending causing phantom hits when the NPC was clearly doing something else.
•   Added a collider that was missing from a wall in Garrison Armory.
•   Fixed an issue where the wounded effect and sound didn’t apply after continuing the game from main menu.

OK, that’s it for me for now, but I’ll be back soon.

Thanks everybody, and as always, let us know your thoughts in the comments and forums!

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #106 on: November 09, 2018, 12:06:11 AM »
Update: PAMELA v0.4.7.0 is Live! Ranged NPCs Combat Improvements
P.A.M.E.L.A.ฎ - Mirus

Hi everyone!

Today we have a pretty exciting update that includes a number of exciting improvements as well as a big new feature! We've added ranged weapons to both the Seekers as well as Stage 1 afflicted which should definitely change up combat quite a bit. We've also made the player motor feel more responsive and a little bit faster, especially when walking sideways and backwards. You will also notice that punching has been sped up significantly. All of this put together is a big improvement on combat, and you'll be seeing quite a bit more of this in the next update or two.

To give you a little taste of what's to come in the next update, we're currently tweaking weapons to be more common, spawn with random durability, random upgrade nodes already slotted as well as a larger difference between a non-upgraded and a fully upgraded weapon. We'll also be improving the new ranged NPCs, so please comment about any feedback you may have about them!

Other than all of that, there are some nice fixes which you can read about below!

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the update :)

•   Added ranged weapons on Stage 1 Afflicted and the Seeker.

•   Made punching faster and more responsive.
•   Made the player movement more responsive.
•   Changes were made how NPCs choose a new target, they shouldn't bounce back and forth between targets anymore.
•   Quick melee feels more consistent, your fists will stay raised.

•   Fixed NPC gravity so that they no longer hover when coming down the stairs or falling off a ledge.
•   Fixed a bug where stomping could cause the player's fists to stay raised forever.
•   Removed a few NPC door triggers that shouldn't have been there in Arcadia.
•   Loot now clears off corpses correctly.

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #107 on: December 13, 2018, 02:02:05 PM »
Update is Live - Geist Update
12 December - NVYVE Studios

*This update will wipe saves due to the large nature of what's been added*

Hi everyone!

Today we are very excited to release our long-awaited Geist update. We've been working on this one for quite a while now and there's a lot to cover, so let's dive in!

New Area
We have a large new area what was previously unreachable, the contaminated nanite area on the other side of the red glowing fence in Oasis. You won't be able to get there right away without being injured, you'll have find some new items to craft the new Hazmat suit. The new area is full of never before seen dangers, low visibility and new challenges. This isn't for the feint of heart.

New Enemies
There are two new enemies that you'll encounter, the Shade and the Revenant. Both were once human, but due to the extreme concentration of nanites in the area, are now only husks of their former selves. You'll have to figure out what their weaknesses are before engaging a group of these!

The Shade is the more common of the Geist creatures, keep your eyes and ears open as they fade from cloud form back to physical in the blink of an eye.

The Revenant is a powerful new flying creature that has control of the nanites around him. He can materialize Shades around him and cast destructive projectiles from a distance.

Contamination Spread
There's a new mechanic that's been added that will come in to play several game days into each play through. The nanite contamination is beginning to spread throughout Eden and you'll begin to find the Geist characters in new places other than just behind the red wall in Oasis. They might be worth exploring if you have your Hazmat suit handy.

NPC Combat
NPCs have been more more aggressive across the board and numerous tweaks have been made to help make combat feel more responsive, faster and fun.

And Much More
As always, check out the full list of changes below! We hope you love this update and we can't wait for your feedback on it. Have fun exploring the new areas and trying to master the new enemies and combat.

•   New Geist area outside Oasis.
•   New Shade NPC.
•   New Revenentant NPC.
•   New Geist growths that spread throughout Eden.
•   Afflicted can now play dead.
•   You can now press the 'IVG' button (default 'R') to pick up all from a container.
•   New Blood FX and sounds.
•   New Hazmat suit armor.
•   Added death effect for Observer.

•   Melee weapons are now more responsive.
•   Weapons are now more common.
•   Weapons have been made weaker by default.
•   Equipment now have randomized durability when spawned.
•   Upgrade core drop rate has been increased.
•   Equipemnt can now be found in the world with some upgrade nodes already in them, be sure to check equipment that you pick up, it might be better than what you have now.
•   Javelin has increased rate of fire.
•   Javelin has faster draw back time.
•   NPCs now pull allies from a much further distance when in combat.
•   Ranged NPC projectiles have been sped up and made easier to see.
•   Halved resonance damage from 10 to 5.
•   Map icons have been made smaller so they don't block the map as much.
•   NPC combat has been tweaked, they are far more aggressive now.

•   Enemies could attack themselves to death after getting blocked by a shield.
•   Fixed some issues with aror set bonuses.
•   NPCs should now despawn correctly when the world resets in a permadeath game.
•   Fixed a bug where you weapon could stay in its overcharged state.
•   Added some extra save/load protection on the player corpses.
•   NPCs would misjudge distance to the Observer because it's a flying character and sometimes would run in to it forever without attacking.
•   Stage 1 and Stage 2 NPCs were giving out the wrong amount of XP.
•   NPC inventories were not clearing on respawn.
•   Tweaked the values on some prefab pools to help lower memory.

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #108 on: December 18, 2018, 04:15:23 PM »
Patch is Live - Holiday Bugfixes
P.A.M.E.L.A.ฎ - NVYVE Studios

Happy Tuesday! We've got some pre-holiday bugfixes ready for you to enjoy, all to do with the recent Geist update, along with a deadly new trap to craft.

The most egregious bug that is resolved in this patch pertains to buliding not being allowed in certain areas - build away to your heart's content!

Check out the full list below, and enjoy! From the NVYVE Studios team, have happy holidays and an excellent New Year!

•   Added Blaze Trap

•   Shock trap deals less damage but also stuns enemies
•   Electicity damage now deals 1.5x damage to robots
•   Fire damage now deals 1.5x damage to Geists

•   Fixed certain zones which were incorrectly blocking buildable items from being placed
•   Fixed a blockaded area in which player could get stuck in new Geist area
•   Fixed several props overlapping with level geometry
•   Fixed several floating item spawn points
•   Fixed an FX texture which was not scrolling correctly
•   Revenants now correctly trigger traps
•   Eletricity attacks will now correctly buff the Revenant's damage

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #109 on: January 30, 2019, 12:49:53 AM »
Update: PAMELA v0.5.1.1 is Live: Optimizations and Game Balance!
29 Jan - NVYVE Studios

Happy Tuesday! We've got a fresh new update ready, including a major rendering optimization and a whole ton of game balancing.

Performance optimization has always been high on our list of priorities, and lately we've been doubling down in this area to alleviate some of the issues plaguing many of you. This update includes a pretty significant optimization that deals with some back-end distance culling of dynamic objects in the game. In our testing, we saw a pretty signicant reduction in object drawing cost.

On top of this, we've been working with the fine folks over at Unity to get PAMELA upgraded to the latest version of the engine. Since we rely on some custom engine code to bring PAMELA to life, this process is a bit more involved that it would be for a game running on vanilla Unity. The good news is that we've made some solid headway towards this goal, and (fingers crossed) should be able to push a live build on this new version (Unity 2018.3, specifically) in the near future. Other than benefiting from a bunch of engine bugfixes and stability improvements, we will be able to implement some awesome new features such as Texture Streaming which should net us even more performance improvements.

Aside from optimization, we're working towards the next, most meaty update of all time – the Story update. This has been a long time coming, going through multiple iterations on the drawing board, and we're as anxious as you are to get it out the door. Once we finish up some of the remaining optimization tasks and get the core foundations solidified, we'll be moving full-force onto this major update.

We want to thank everyone for their support and patience. It's heartwarming to hear from those of you who've been with us right from the beginning over a year and a half ago. Although the path to getting PAMELA 1.0 out the door hasn't been a straight line (when is it ever, in game development?) we are commited to making it happen as soon as we're possibly able.

Hope you enjoy the update! Let us know your thoughts on the balancing tweaks in the comments, and stay tuned for the next update.

•   Added Genesis and Nirvana themed versions of Sec-RTs

Balance & Improvements
•   Implemented a rendering modification which uses more efficient distance-based rendering for dynamic objects, yielding a 20-40% reduction in amount of (unnecesary) objects drawn
•   Reduced enemy senses slightly to make sneaking slightly more forgiving
•   Nerfed shields slightly – recharge delay and delay penalty after overloading shield have both been increased slightly, and shield now drains slowly over time when activated
•   Enemy spawn rate has been modified so that after “clearing” an area of enemies, you will have a brief window of calm before enemies start spawning back in
•   Base fist melee damage has been increased slightly, with a slight reduction in knockback strength
•   Added flytext to indicate a level-up
•   Slightly reduced item drop rate
•   Increased base thirst and hunger drop rate slightly
•   Increased sprint stamina depletion rate
•   Increased base NPC damage, and reduced base NPC health

•   Fixed bug with randomized weapon starter upgrades not instantiating correctly
•   Fixed bug with randomized weapon durability not applying correctly
•   Fixed flashlight type & description not saving correctly in some instances
•   Crafted items will now (correctly) spawn with full durability
•   Fixed infinite Sonar Pulse audio cue
•   Fixed a dye bug in which player's dye color would affect NPC weapon color as well
•   Fixed a bug in NPC pathing that prevented them from crossing doorways
•   Fixed an unreachable keycard in Arcadia

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #110 on: April 06, 2019, 12:15:18 PM »
Dev Blog #88: Development Update
25 Mar @ 9:49pm - NVYVE Studios   

Happy Monday! It's been awhile since our last update so we wanted to share what we've been working on, and why we haven't been able to push any updates in the last little while.

We've been quite busy on a few fronts lately! First up is Optimization & Porting to Unity 2018.3.

Optimization and Unity Version Porting

We've been pushing for some time now to port the game forward to the latest version of Unity, which we've largely finished, but are unfortunately being held back by waiting for some custom engine features to be ported forward alongside PAMELA.

Long story short - the folks at Unity added some extra bells and whistles to help us bring PAMELA to life on the previous version we were using (2017.2) and now those changes need to be brought forward to 2018.3

What this means, sadly, as that we can't launch an update using a "standard" version of Unity, and are waiting on Unity for these fixes to be ported forward. We could have stayed on 2017.2, but we REALLY needed access to some new engine features and optimizations to address performance concerns;
we were stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak.

The good news is we've done most of the hard work and are just waiting an a stable release version from Unity.

On the optimization front, we've also worked on reducing the amount of memory item spawning took up, as well as some music memory optimizations. Along with texture streaming (a new feature of Unity 2018.3) you should see some pretty significant memory improvements on the GPU and CPU.

NPC Abilities

The Widow and Reaper have received some love, gaining some nasty new abilities and attribute tweaks. Widows will soon have very poor eyesight but excellent hearing, as well as a deadly lifesteal attack.

Reaper are gaining a Roar attack, which will drain stamina if caught in the blast. This ability makes them an even more fearsome melee combatant!


We've done a wave of item spawn balancing, including readjusting the game's economy to encourage exploration of higher-level areas to find rare items.

Story Mode

Last but definitely not least is Story Mode (which will be the default option when we hit 1.0 release). We've been working on a ton of foundations behind the scenes, as well as designing new items and areas. We're moving full steam ahead on this and are aiming to be getting it out into the wild later this summer.

That's it for now! As soon as we're able to resolve the Unity engine blockers we mentioned above, you'll be getting a pretty meaty update. We can't wait for that to happen, and want to say thank you for the patience while this gets ironed out behind the scenes.
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #111 on: August 06, 2019, 11:52:40 PM »
Dev Blog #89: Progress Update
6 Aug @ 2:43pm - NVYVE Studios

Happy Tuesday! We've been a bit quiet lately, and wanted to share a quick update as to what we've been working on.

First the bad news... unfortunately we are still being blocked by a Unity engine bug that is preventing us from pushing an update. We understand that it is frustrating to keep hearing this, trust us that we're also frustrated at the delay and we're doing everything in our power to work with Unity and get this resolved. Due to the extensive nature of PAMELA's environment and the underlying lighting systems being used, we're stuck on a custom build of the Unity Engine, and require this version to be updated before we can get this next update live.

That being said, we wanted to share a sneak peak of what you can look forward to once this issue is resolved! In no particular order:

New Buildable Item: Solar Accumulator

This item will recharge nearby Power Transmitters during daytime, allowing you to power your outdoor base much more easily!


We've added 4 more VISR types, with different types of information displayed depending on the type.

New NPC Abilities

The Reaper and Widow have received some new abilities, such as the Reaper's roar shown below, which depletes your Stamina if you're caught in the blast!

Missions & Challenges

As part of the Story update, we've been adding various challenges and sidequests with xp rewards.

Environmental Traps

Explosive barrels, electrical conduits, and flammable oil slicks have been added throughout the world! Use these to your advantage during combat when using the correct elemental weapons.

EXP System & Genome Points Update

The exp curve has been rebalanced to be less grindy at higher levels, and when starting a new game, you now have the option to re-spec Genome Points.

Lot of Optimizations

Aside from the new Texture Streaming in the version of Unity we are porting to, we've made a bunch of other optimizations in Camera rendering, particle systems, text, containers, and item spawning. Combined with the Unity engine updates, these should all result in a nice performance improvement across the board.

After the Next Update - Story Missions

We've been putting a ton of time into fleshing out the main Story missions. New areas have been designed and built out, new dialogue has been written as is being recorded, triggers are being placed... things are coming together! We're super excited to be finally bringing this to the game after some unfortunate delays.

Stay tuned for further updates - the latest we've heard from Unity is that they are aiming to have this issue resolved over the next week. Thanks for the patience and understanding, we truly appreciate it and can't wait to get this huge update live for you as soon as the blocker is resolved.

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #112 on: September 28, 2019, 01:33:47 PM »
Beta Update is LIVE!
Fri, 27 September 2019

Opt into the Beta Branch for an Alpha-Preview Build

As we promised the other day, we've got a BETA update ready for you to all to test out, if you're interested! You can opt into this update by swapping over to the "beta" branch. If you're not sure how to do that, follow these steps:

How to Access the Beta:

1. Right click PAMELA in your Steam Library, the click "Properties"
2. Click the "Betas" tab.
3. In the dropdown, select "beta".
4. Close the window; Steam should start downloading the beta.

Important Notes being trying the Beta Build!

There are 2 important things to note with this beta: as there are MANY updates, additions, & optimizations, this update will reset your world save file. This new save file will not be compatible with the Release version of the game either, so whatever you do in the beta will be beta-only.

To back up your save before playing the beta, do the following:

Cut everything inside C:UsersYourUserNameAppDataLocalLowNVYVE StudiosPAM_GameLauncher and then paste to a new location. To revert to this safe when returning to the Release branch, simply paste these files back into their original location.

The second note is that we've had to disable level streaming systems (while we wait on Unity's lighting fix) so the load time and general performance will be slightly longer & worse respectively.

What's in the Beta Build?

Well, LOTS! We've been eager to share this boatload of updates for some time now, and decided that releasing this beta build is a good step while we iron out the technical issues with Unity for the Release build.

We'll be posting this changelog again in it's entirety when the Release build is ready, but for those of you taking part in the Beta, read below for the full notes included in this preview build!

Not included in this update is our progress on the Story Mode - we're keeping that back so it can be released all at once, as it is a MAJOR update to the game that is best experienced as a complete package. Stay tuned!

Beta Build Changelog

NPC Updates

•   Widow has life stealing ability, attacking non-robot target will regen her health
•   Widow now has very poor eyesight but very strong hearing, and she will chase you a long way before giving up. So try to be quiet if you don’t want a fight
•   Reaper’s roar will drain the player's stamina, make it hard to fight him at close range
•   Adjust npc’s hitbox to make their melee attack more accurate
•   NPC with ranged weapon will always drop upgrade cell.
•   Added idle animation and spot player animation, NPC’s behavior is smoother

Item & Equipment Updates

•   All 7 weapons have a special version, upgrade will boost the damage more comparing to normal version. Also each of them has a new ability to unlock
•   Crafting table is now backwards compatible, meaning you can craft anything once you have a level 3 table.
•   Item spawn balancing, rare items can now be found more easily in certain higher-level Districts
•   Alcohol can boost your melee attack but will increase your fatigue
•   New buildable: Solar Accumulator: This new item will auto-charge nearby power transmitter under sunlight
•   New VISRs: ARK, Engineer, Stealth, Civilian

Gameplay Updates

•   Picking up an item will no longer bring up your IVG
•   Dynamic Riot Event: a large amount of NPCs will spawn in a massive riot; join the fray, or wait carefully by the sidelines!
•   Dynamic Blackout Event: fluctuations in Eden's power grid cause the power in a District to fail; keep that flashlight handy!
•   Player is able to reset genome points when starting a new game
•   Updated statistics in Datapad
•   Added optional missions which reward EXP. Their progress can be checked in the Datapad
•   Player can save the game manually without going back to main menu or quit, but not during combat.
•   Balancing the exp system for a more gradual EXP requirement curve to level up at higher levels
•   Add option in the settings for Toggling blood decals on/off

Performance Optimizations

•   Extensive code cleanup and optimization to reduce memory footprints
•   Optimized text-camera rendering performance
•   Optimized item-spawning code to reduce memory usage


•   Map icon missing (world repair and locked door)
•   Damage reduction from armor will now show in status properly
•   Fixed a bug that would cause "combat" state to last indefinitely
•   Fixed Sonar Pulse infinite sound effect

We want to say a big THANK YOU again for the patience these last few months; we have been as frustrated by the delays in getting this lighting bug resolved as you have, and are happy to bring you this sneak peak at what you can look forward to on the Release branch soon. Let us know what you think of this beta in the comments, have fun!

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #113 on: December 21, 2019, 02:47:19 PM »
Major Update: PAMELA is LIVE!
Fri, 20 December 2019

NPC improvements, Gameplay & Item additions, & Major Performance Optimizations!

Warning - due to the significant scope of this update & memory optimizations, this update will wipe existing world save files! Please select "New Game" after updating.

Happy Friday! We've been hustling to get this update out in time for the Holidays, and are beyond excited to FINALLY be bringing you this major update!

While we've been working away on the 1.0 Story Mode update, we've been hard at work on other areas of the game, including balancing, combat improvements, additional item variation, and major optimizations. Performance has always been a battle as we've been pushing the Unity engine to the limits, and we are very happy to say that with this latest update we've made some big strides in this area.

Here's a snapshot of Unity's profiler before/after our optimizations... massive improvement on our development machines!

In our internal testing, we're seeing performance improvements of up to 50-100% in some areas of the game! We're excited to hear your feedback on how these improvements run on your machines.

See the full changelog below for the full notes! As always, please let us know your thoughts in the comments and forums!

From the whole NVYVE Studios team, we wish you all happy holidays, and want to thank you for the support and patience as PAMELA edges closer to 1.0 status. Please enjoy this latest update, and stay tuned for the full release of PAMELA featuring the Story Update early in 2020!

Version Changelog

Note - many of these notes were present in our previous in-development beta launch, but are now running on an updated version of Unity including many additional optimizations that had to be removed for the beta build.

Gameplay Updates

•   Added environmental traps - explosive barrels, conductive puddles, and flammable oil slicks, which can be used to strategically defeat enemies!

•   Picking up an item will no longer bring up your IVG
•   Dynamic Riot Event: a large amount of NPCs will spawn in a massive riot; join the fray, or wait carefully by the sidelines!
•   Dynamic Blackout Event: fluctuations in Eden's power grid cause the power in a District to fail; keep that flashlight handy!
•   Player is able to reset genome points when starting a new game
•   Updated statistics in Datapad
•   Added optional missions which reward EXP. Their progress can be checked in the Datapad

•   Player can save the game manually without going back to main menu or quit, but not during combat.
•   Balancing the exp system for a more gradual EXP requirement curve to level up at higher levels
•   Add option in the settings for Toggling blood decals on/off

NPC Updates

•   Widow has life stealing ability, attacking non-robot target will regen her health
•   Widow now has very poor eyesight but very strong hearing, and she will chase you a long way before giving up. So try to be quiet if you don’t want a fight
•   Reaper’s roar will drain the player's stamina, make it hard to fight him at close range

•   Adjust npc’s hitbox to make their melee attack more accurate
•   NPC with ranged weapon will always drop upgrade cell.
•   Added idle animation and spot player animation, NPC’s behaviour is smoother

Item & Equipment Updates

•   All 7 weapons have a special version, upgrade will boost the damage more comparing to normal version. Also each of them has a new ability to unlock
•   Crafting table is now backwards compatible, meaning you can craft anything once you have a level 3 table.
•   Item spawn balancing, rare items can now be found more easily in certain higher-level Districts
•   Alcohol can boost your melee attack but will increase your fatigue
•   New buildable: Solar Accumulator: This new item will auto-charge nearby power transmitters under sunlight

•   New VISRs: ARK, Engineer, Stealth, Civilian

Performance Optimizations

•   Improved compression settings for faster startup and reduced size on disk
•   Extensive code cleanup and optimization to reduce memory footprints
•   Major NPC & physics optimizations - up to a 2x performance improvement in some cases!

•   Optimized text-camera rendering performance
•   Optimized item-spawning code to reduce memory usage

Visual Tweaks

•   Implemented more advanced bloom effect, which incorporates dynamic lens flares
•   Adjusted overall color grading for a more atmospheric effect in dark areas

Bug Fixes

•   Map icon missing (world repair and locked door)
•   Damage reduction from armor will now show in status properly
•   Fixed a bug that would cause "combat" state to last indefinitely
•   Fixed Sonar Pulse infinite sound effect

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #114 on: January 08, 2020, 03:13:51 PM »
Update: PAMELA is LIVE!
Wed, 8 January 2020

Saving/loading, performance, UI fixes, and more!
Due to fixes & safety checks added into the saving system, this update will invalidate old world saves. We apologise for the inconvenience, but this should resolve the saving issues going forward. Please let us know in the forums if you continue to have issues after starting a New Game on this version.

Happy Wednesday! We've been keeping a close eye on the discussions since the last update and have been hustling to fix the issues some of you have been running into.

Check the patch notes for any issues you've been running into; if you don't see your issue fixed here, please let us know about it! We've got a backlog of fixes in progress, and are always adding to that list with any bugs reported on the forums.

Version Changelog


•   Reverted to previous Bloom in response to player feedback
•   Adjusted lighting to retain more color & definition in dark areas

Bug Fixes

•   Added several safety checks to prevent save file corruption (world save files from previous versions of the game will be wiped to accomodate this update)
•   Fixed issue in which changing FOV to anything other than the default value of 75, saving the game, and reloading, would cause UI and transparent objects to be rendered incorrectly
•   Fixed NPC pathfinding colliders to allow them to more easily pass through thresholds
•   Fixed Genome Point menu buttons not functioning in certain cases
•   Fixed Sleep Menu not working
•   Fixed a bug that could cause being arrested by Seekers to not function correctly
•   Fixed a memory leak causing performance to degrade over long play sessions
•   Fixed a bug in scene lighting which caused some objects to render black when in bright areas. This could lead to Hydroponics not growing correctly in these areas.

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #115 on: January 15, 2020, 11:04:42 PM »
Update: PAMELA is LIVE!
Tue, 14 January 2020

Fixes, fixes, and more fixes!

Happy Tuesday! We've got a fresh new update ready for you today, in which we've addressed a ton of recently reported issues and crashes.

Most significantly we've fixed a couple major save/load/crashing related bugs; if you previously had an issue with save corruption due to the bugs we've fixed in the changelog below, you will be able to continue your game without issue in this update.

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has been providing great info & sending in save files to help drill down into these issues. This info is invaluable in helping to catch some of the more obscure cases, and we truly appreciate you taking the time to do so.

While we are in bug-fixing mode, we are also trucking along with progress towards the story update which we are aiming to launch early this year. Stay tuned for more announcements as that gets a bit closer to showtime!

Find the full list of changes & fixes below. If you don't see your issue fixed here please let us know and we will make sure it is added to our list if it isn't already.

Version Changelog

Tweaks & Optimizations

•   Optimized physics performance slightly
•   Buffed environmental traps to be more deadly

Bug Fixes

•   Saving/Item Spawning - fixed issue that could lead to a attachment cases spawning extremely high numbers of attachments, which caused slowdowns, crashing, and broken saves. This was the cause of crashing in multiple save files we received since the last update.
•   Saving/Loading - fixed issue which caused game to not load when Nascent VISR is equipped
•   Fixed occasional memory leak in pathfinding logic which could lead to slowdown & crashing
•   Fixed keypad which was partially intersecting with wall geometry in Arcadia
•   Fixed an issue causing Documents and Echo logs not to be saved properly in Datapad in permadeath mode
•   Fixed issue which would cause previously discovered Datapad entries to be lost
•   Fixed bug causing Widow to go idle forever after killing target
•   Fixed bug in which Reaper would play taunt sound when not taunting
•   Fixed incorrect Graphics Menu description for Full Screen option
•   Fixed Seeker arresting logic; if the Seeker is interrupted during the arrest attempt, the holographic circle will disappear after 10 seconds
•   Added missing wall collider near Garrison entrance
•   Genelab - fixed invisible colliders leading to player getting stuck
•   Genelab - fixed loot not spawning

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #116 on: May 08, 2020, 01:13:07 PM »
Dev Blog #90: Status Update
Fri, 8 May 2020

Update from the PAMELA Team about Covid-19 and upcoming Story Release

Happy Friday Sleepers!

What crazy times! As covid-19 has been affecting just about everything and everyone in the world these last few months, we too have taken steps to adapt to the current landscape. To that end, we are happy to report that the PAMEAL dev team has been able to shift to remote work with minimal impact on production, and we are all in good health and spirits as we push forward to the finish line. We truly hope that all of you are also staying safe, sane, and are making the best of these difficult times.

We want to thank our whole community from the bottom of our hearts for the support, not just during this time but over the years, it means the world to us as keeps us pushing hard towards the finish line. It has been some time since our last update (sorry!), so we wanted to take a quick opportunity to check in and give you all an update of what to expect in the coming weeks.

As we've mentioned, our total focus at this stage is on finishing the huge "Story" update, which brings a significant narrative element to the game, including a main quest-line, much side missions, and much more extensive dialogue from PAMELA throughout the game. Rather than release this content piece by piece, we have opted to aim to wrap all of the update together, so you can experience the "complete" PAMELA experience on release rather than bits and pieces. This is the main reason things have dragged a bit these past months, but rest assured we have been busy.

Aside from this major content update, we are continuing work on polish, bug fixing, and optimization as much as possible. Several primary issues like save game corruption are at the top of our list to resolve, as we understand how frustrating it is to lose hours of progress.

With ALL of that being said - stay tuned for a big announcement in the next couple weeks. We are getting close to the finish line here, and can't wait to share the news with you all. Aside from announcements here, make sure to check out our various social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok - all @nvyvestudios) for updates and teaser posts every day.

Thank you again for the continued support and patience! We're excited to share the big announcement soon, until then, from the NVYVE Studios team - stay safe and have fun!

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #117 on: June 05, 2020, 01:45:20 AM »
Dev Blog #91: P.A.M.E.L.A. is releasing on June 18th!
Thu, 4 June 2020

Experience the full story coming soon!

Happy Thursday! We have some major news we are extremely excited to share - at long last, P.A.M.E.L.A. will be fully released on June 18th!

The main meat of this major milestone is of course the story - you'll be working with PAMELA herself to return Eden from the brink... if you can survive long enough! We don't want to give too much away since you'll be able to experience it for yourself firsthand in the very near future... we're so excited to share this after keeping it under wraps for so long!

Aside from that are a ton of other additions and improvements - Steam Achievements, new side quests, stability improvements, balance tweaks, and of course bug fixes... we've been keeping a close eye on all of the discussions here and have been hard at work addressing every point brought up.

Just because P.A.M.E.L.A. is leaving Early Access doesn't mean we are dropping all further development; we will be closely monitoring and staying involved with the community after release, making sure to tweak and address any issues and suggestions that might arise with this huge content drop.

It has been a truly wild ride since development began, leading up to Early Access release, and everything since... we cannot say THANK YOU enough to those of you who have so patiently waited and supported us along this journey. We are so excited to share the major update, bringing the long awaited story to life and finally calling the game complete after all these years.

Back to work for now while we button up everything before the 18th... as always, stay tuned, and mark your calendars!

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #118 on: June 19, 2020, 03:21:23 PM »
P.A.M.E.L.A. 1.0 is Live!
Thu, 18 June 2020

Experience the fully story of P.A.M.E.L.A. in Version 1.0

Happy Thursday, Sleepers! What a day it is, a long, long time in the making. Let's savor the moment...

P.A.M.E.L.A. 1.0 is LIVE!

When we set out to bring the world of P.A.M.E.L.A. to life as our debut title, it was a huge step into the unknown. Like waking up from cryo sleep into the deserted halls of Eden, we had no idea the challenges in store for us along the way as we embarked upon a truly epic 5+ year journey. But just like the Sleeper, those challenges have only made us stronger!

Unlike the Sleeper, thankfully, we didn't have to go it alone - since day one, we have been supported by our INCREDIBLE Early Access community. To every single one of you, to those of you who have been with us since the beginning, and to those of you that joined us more recently, we want to say an extremely special thank you as P.A.M.E.L.A. truly would not be the game it is today without your patience, support, positivity, and brutal honesty. Though today we are closing our Early Access chapter, we will always carry those memories with us.

To everyone joining the community today and beyond... welcome! What a great time to come on board. P.A.M.E.L.A. today is a better game than it has ever been, and we cannot wait for you to experience it for yourselves.

At long last, the story of PAMELA has been brought to life. Experience a fully voiced prologue, main story missions, side quests, and more to discover and survive within Eden in a whole new way. Work alongside P.A.M.E.L.A. to save the city, or explore and discover at your own pace... the choice is yours. We wish you all the best of luck in your journeys to save Eden, and attempts to bring it back from the brink.

Simply start a New Game (this update will wipe any existing save files, we're sorry!) to experience the story, beginning with the all-new prologue cutscene!

Now, bug-fixes aren't as exciting as a shiny new story to play through, but it is worth mentioning all the same - this 1.0 release brings a TON of them, as we have pushed like crazy these last couple months getting the game to a more stable place than it has ever been. Aside from the amazing reports and feedback from the community, we've worked diligently with QA partners to iron out crashing, save corruption, AI glitches, and everything in between.

Just because we are crossing the 1.0 finish line doesn't mean we won't still be listening - we'll be continuing to keep a close eye on the discussions here as well as on Discord (join the server here! ) especially over the next while, making sure everyone is having a smooth experience with the huge amount of next content.

Without any further adieu, on behalf of the NVYVE Studios team: enjoy, good luck, have fun, and once again - THANK YOU for supporting us on this wild ride, it is one we will never forget.

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #119 on: June 27, 2020, 01:21:32 AM »
Update: P.A.M.E.L.A. V1.0.0.3 is Live!
Fri, 26 June 2020

Bug fixing and balancing, oh my!

Happy Friday sleepers! We've been keeping a close eye on the forums this past week, and have got an update in time to enjoy over the weekend!

This update includes a bunch of fixes and balancing tweaks based on all the feedback we've received since release. Overall difficulty has been reduced in a few ways (difficulty can still be tweaked when starting a New Game), a few missions have been tweaked in terms of instructions and success conditions, and more...

See below for the full changelog, and let us know what you think of the changes in the discussions!

Version Changelog

Bug Fixes
•   Fixed missing collider in Garrison main entrance
•   Adjusted V-sync settings to address screen tearing experienced by certain players
•   Fixed issue in which a crafted item occasionally is not full durability
•   If the player has already fixed enough many tubes or generators before the Repair Power System mission, the mission will complete right away when it starts
•   Fixed Battery information not updating when scanned
•   Added more information on mission description for "Find the Note”
•   Fixed a typo in document “Possible Contamination”

•   Lowered the default difficulty
•   Reduce Afflicted’s attack
•   Nerfed Reaper’s roar, only drain half of your stamina now
•   Riot event chance is now related to your gene level
•   Reduced enemy spawn rate; less enemies will come to help their allies
•   Containers drop rates have been increased
•   Containers that has an item in it will not reset when player die in non-permadeath mode
•   Become hungry & thirsty a little slower
•   Decrease the light required for some buildables items to work

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