I didnt really get into this thread to debate either but I do enjoy a good debate
I dont take it personally because I have no ego wrapped up in it & believe everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I like you Stardog, I think you're a good man & I respect your opinion but I just don't happen to always agree with you. Please dont see this as an attack. Its more of a meeting of the minds
I don't own the sim nor have I flown it but quite a few people have that I flew with for many years in EAW, Air Warrior, Warbirds and IL-2 1946
Ok I DO own the sim & the guys above that you mention I happen to be one of as well (well maybe not performance tables in the shitter). About the time I started working on my PPL Warbirds came out. I cut my MP teeth in Warbirds & went on to became truly good in Airwarrior. To my dying day I will tell you that Warbirds is/was better but there are those that disagree & have their various reasons why but that brings us back to "opinions". I did fly the original IL2 but did not do 1946, I was on a gaming hiatus of sorts & only within the last 4-5yrs have really gotten back into it. I do not say these things to boast but to illustrate that I do have a semi informed opinion.
I guess what rumples my feathers is the whole elitist mindset that I see prevalent in the aviation gaming community. You got the rivet counters that loudly declare that such & such part should be more rounded so the whole thing SUX & isnt worth the money. Or my personal favorite the PC ace that has ZERO real life aviation experience, never even sat in the cockpit of warbird let alone fly one & yet will tell you that such & such plane is broke & come up with a argument that boils down to the plane doesnt fell like he think it should... REALLY??? LOL I laugh as I type this but boy do they burn me up reading their posts.
The worse part is these opinions suddenly become "facts" & are circulated about the community as such & from there they gain momentum.
Glancing at my steam profile to date I have 137hrs in BoS. I am sure that is a pittance compared to some but it is plenty long enough to have a solid opinion on it & I gotta say its one of the best SP WWII sims I have ever played. Its got some faults like I really dont care much for the AI. They have a level system in it to show player experience & once you get above level 7 EVERY enemy plane is piloted by an ace! They have perfect SA & can perfectly hold their corner speed through the entire flight envelope. If you dont get them on the bounce you are dead because if the fight turns into a turning fight they will wear you down. They do not make mistakes!
MP it is very good & honestly I think that is where BoS has the most potential but it has its problems too. The biggy is the guns on German fighters are nerfed. Just the other night I poured the better part of a cannon load into a Yak. I wont say every round hit but many did, he was smoking from everything & yet was able to limp home while I RTB Winchester ammo. Every Russian plane is hard to shoot down but the PE2's are damn near impossible to bring down whats more on the WOL server more often then not their gunner positions are filled with people so they are a flying fortress. I will literally leave them alone. Thats about all the negative I have to say about it. Sure the nerfed guns are irritating but does it mean its broke? No! Does it mean I wont fly it? Absolutely not. There is still a huge amount of fun to be had.