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Author Topic: BMS korea flight 14/1/17  (Read 11691 times)

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Offline Nitai

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Re: BMS korea flight 14/1/17
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2017, 09:56:56 PM »
Actually Beef, we all need a lot of polishing on a lot of things, but communications is arguably the most important. i'll try to get some written tutorials out there if you guys let me know what topics you want them to be about.
Also, as iv'e mentioned i saved 2 files for that campaing, one is that of right after we landed, and the other is one i've continued, where it's 19:22 of the same day, we have 18 aircrafts left, our squadron has some 130 air killes and 32 ground killes and large portions of the enemy airforce is destroyed (i'd say they have about half the planes they started with, and a few airbases destroyed), however they are pushing into our territory quite aggresivly. i'll let you guys choose which file we continue, but if we choose the original one, we're in for some rather sticky A2A situations.
I'd like to suggest thougth that we make sure to confirm we heared whatever is said to us, makes things a LOT more easy in my expiriance...
don't forget to let me know what tutorials you want! any help makeing them is also very appriciated!

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