Hey sounds good Longknife, as long as you are enjoying it thats what matters.
I think the sim was meant to serve the MP community so that makes sense.
As far as better sims thats very subjective obviously so hard to answer that. Depends really on what you are looking for in your sim.
As for MP flying I think Cliffs of Dover is now the sim of choice for the old IL-2 crowd, for many reasons. Some of those reasons are related to some design choices by 777 Studios when it comes to BoS but also a huge part of that is the Fusion mod for Cliffs of Dover makes it a whole new sim and a very very good one with quite a few hardcore persistent servers running. Not sure how that community is fairing at the moment as I havent looked lately.
If Single player immersive dynamic campaign flying there is no sim that touches Battle of Britain II when it comes to WWII era. The only sim that even touches its campaign engine is Falcon 4.
The graphics are a bit dated yes but if graphics are top of the list of importance then your likely not looking for the difficulty that comes with Battle of Britain II.
Its the only WWII sim that I think truly gives you the feeling of just being thrilled to actually survive a mission and get home safely let alone actually getting a kill. And it does it with a dynamic campaign engine that will never give you the same exact campaign experience. Hard to beat that if single player is your thing.
And for WWI I can't speak highly enough for WOFF, its truly a great sim also with a dynamic campaign and unparalleled immersion.
So really it all comes down to what you are looking for. It sounds like BoS is working great for you and you are enjoying it!
Just some thoughts from an old guy who has been flying WWII sims since the beginning of time.