Thank you both for the worm welcome!
I will happily provide some tlog files.If is ok i prefer to send in private mode for obvious reasons.

Your program once again is fantastic Vyrtuoz.Both me and my brother we have a paid licenses.
By the way tlog files will be a very nice touch to work with tacview, but bin files i think it will be more important.
You see, for tlog file to be created you need your flight controller (pixhawk,apm), to be connected to a pad or pc using Bluetooth,wifi,uhf tx-rx etc.
As an option by my opinion is not much convenient.To be able direct to download from your flight controller bin files is much more convenient and independent.
I know a bin file can be converted to KML or gpx using Mission planner.
It is your call of-course.I`m not a programmer but anything you need just let me know.
Thank you again.