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Author Topic: Developing Story  (Read 4840 times)

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Offline choppinlt

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Developing Story
« on: December 12, 2016, 06:49:19 PM »
There is an evolving story that I am finally ready to share more about. I alluded in an earlier post about some conversations with some publishers. I am pleased to say that we are coming close to finalizing a contract to take a board game and make it in to a computer game.  ;D I am not going to give any further details until its official, and that may still be a couple weeks away.

So why is this a good thing?  :-\ The board game will be relatively easy to develop compared to ToO. This will publicly show that we have the expertise to develop a computer game. Internally we will be able to apply lessons learned from this simpler project. These are both critical aspects going forward. Once we computerize this board game, we will have a number of feasible options going forward.

Isn't this going to direct your efforts away from Theater of Operations?  ??? Correct, the programmers will not be programming ToO while doing this new project. Ironically this project may speed up development of ToO for a couple of reasons. The board game will be easier to develop (less intimidating) with a simpler scope, but it will give our team more experience and confidence when it comes to programming a game like ToO (more confidence, faster execution). Perhaps most importantly doing the board game will produce a revenue stream, and to be honest this has been the greatest limiting factor in developing ToO. Like Cicero said "the sinews of war are infinite money"!  :) It is every bit as true for war-games too!! If I had the money this game would already be on the market.... I also expect you will see little difference on this forum. I still plan to be be active with this forum and continuing with ToO design tweaks.

In short, this is good news for attaining the final goal of developing ToO!  :)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Developing Story
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2016, 07:51:16 PM »
Good news my friend.

Please keep us updated with the board game development as much as you can.

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Offline Christian Knudsen

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Re: Developing Story
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2016, 11:55:00 PM »
At first I was quite shocked, because I thought you were going to develop a board game and then port it.  But then I read closer.  Then I wondered if the game was ASL, but on a still closer reading, you said that development was going to be "relatively easier" than TOO.  No ASL then, lol.

At any rate, good luck in the programming endeavour, and keep us posted.  Hopefully the Blue and Grey playtest is not on hiatus too long!
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Developing Story
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2016, 02:31:51 AM »
Thanks gentlemen!  ;D No worries CK, the play-test is still continuing. The current pause is more coincidental than indicative of things to come. The current slow down has more to do with the playing out of the latest engagement. We have had discussion on this and we will be moving forward very soon, but more on that in a different thread.

This much I can tell you, no we are not doing ASL.  :( ...but that's OK.  ;)
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