The long awaited full WL SDK. Released.In addition to what we included in the beta release is a very full manual. The work that went into this thing is pretty crazy. We are all very lucky to have Jim on this team as he is very thorough and you can see the manual to understand. But it's all there.
Tim wrote a scenario editor and has put a ton of hours into it. He is going to work with you guys on these forums to get it to a place where it gets everyone writing scenarios. Only our team has seen it so far and we have tunnel vision by now. It's pretty cool and has a ton of helpful features that should make the process much more fluid.
All of the MYGUI tools and resources as well as the source for the AI DLLs (including the campaign), all of our csv data and scenario files. It's all here.
Download SDK here (17.1MB): couple of things that we had to put off for now so that we can move on with the patch.
1. map editor is not ready for prime time yet, we have a lot of requests and we want you guys making maps, it's just that we need to clean it up some more as anyone that has used our map editors knows that they are very rough and take a lot of time to master.
2. we expect that once Tim is ready, we'll release the source for the scenario editor as well
Scenario editing forum section: