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Author Topic: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 3/09/16 @ GMT19:00 - Hot potato part 2 and 3 by Lumi  (Read 5452 times)

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Offline Lumituisku

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D.O.W. Saturday Mission 3/09/16 @ GMT19:00

Notice 2 different missions

Hot potato part 2 by Lumi
Hot potato part 3 (night) by Lumi


This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Mission Summary :
UN convoy is to travel 28km route from camp Charlie to base Cortez. Their cargo being politically very hot, and stakes to get it safely away from country being extremely high.


Excerpts of the battalion commander's (HAVOC 6) orders for...BLUEFOR (D.O.W.)


a) Enemy:Due to last weeks events resistance forces in the area are less organised than before but extremely aggressive. They are known to have set road side bombs, IED's on our patrol routes. And have used suicide bombers, and small strike teams against our camps.

b) Own: Our convoys consist of 2x Eagle IV trucks and 2x Pirantha 3IIC PCs and from Wisent ARV (mineplows / IED demolition)

c) Attachments and detachments:  UN forces on camps Jofu and Benzel will give support, supply, medic and repair assist from call.

2) MISSION: Make sure that your cargo will get safely to Base Cortez before local time 14:30.


Move along 28km patrol route to Base Cortez, you have 1 hour 30 minutes. That should be plenty.

Use your Wisent ARV to breach possible IEDs or minefields - In case of trouble, request help from other UN camps.

Intent: Will be revised once bluefor commander has decided on course of action.


So far happened.

South of Camp jofy convoy spotted local restlessness. As they continued, they arrived to a location of civilian car accident. There was no hostiles in the area and no IEDs, Convoy continued to camp Jofu where a crazy car driver nearly hid leading vehicle.

Just east of Camp Benzel convoy was ambushed by rebels. Convoy fought back and managed to survive without losses. One vehicle having a broken suspension.

Convoy continued to camp Benzel to repairs, but were put under a mortar fire. They then continued west of camp Benzel very carefully, and received a radio message that helicopter that was supposed to come pick their cargo was shot down.

They were adviced to continue to base Cortez as a large force of rebels had attacked and passed a checkpoint at the mountains few tens kilometers west of base Cortez.




Multi-crew mission = Blind vehicles


** Notes **
SB Version: V4.0
Mission Name: Hot potato part 2 and Hot potato part 3 (night)
Created by: Lumi
Modified by:
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Platoon
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: estimated time... 30 + 60 mins
Minimum / Maximum number of players: 2/16
Date: Saturday Mission 3/09/16
Time: 19:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak  IP:
Room: Dogs of War

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Completion of at least 1 full tutorial of Leo2A5 or M1A2Sep, preferred also M2A2 and or CV-90.
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)

Eagle IV

Piranha IIIC

Wisent ARV

All vehicles are equipped with

Lemur RWS

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