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Author Topic: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-American Perspective  (Read 31607 times)

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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-American Perspective
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2017, 08:03:13 PM »
Current Time 1400 12 Jul

Turn 16 Staff Report: this is the best information we currently have available…
3/115 reports strong resistance, but reports no enemy artillery. The engagement ended at 1251 with a 100m advance at the cost of 31 casualties.
1/115 reports crossing the LD at 1210 and enemy contact at 1226. They report strong resistance, but we will need to wait for further details as this engagement may still be in progress.
3/116 reports fierce resistance supported by artillery, and the engagement ended at 1313. They report an advance of 200m at the cost 43 casualties and the loss of 2 tanks.
2/116 reports fierce resistance supported by artillery with a slow advance and moderate casualties. We estimate this engagement has ended, and we expect detailed information to be available within the next half hour.

1400 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: forces can recover as we await further information.
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-American Perspective
« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2017, 05:22:55 PM »
Current Time 1600 12 Jul

Turn 17 Staff Report: 1/115 reports that their attack ceased at 1406. They report no enemy artillery support, however they report the presence of the previously discovered Stugs. Despite the Stugs they still managed to advance 200m, at the cost of 31 casualties.

We also have the final after action reports for 2/116. They had hopes of a significant advance based on various indicators, but were only able to manage a 400m advance with 44 casualties and 3 Shermans KO’d. German artillery was especially dense in this area during this assault. It is likely that the arrival of the Stugs freed up some of their artillery support. And there is also the possibility that they received additional artillery assets.

All our forces have just completed their efforts at re-grouping, and are now awaiting orders.

We also want to report that a weather front is moving through the area and storms are forecasted for almost the entire day tomorrow. (Sorry this was a game manager mistake! Players should have been informed of this earlier, although I’m not sure it would have changed anything).

1600 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: we will make one last assault before night falls. At 1700 all battle groups will resume the attack. Under the circumstances I will take a calculated risk and make a "stubborn" attack with 2/116 to see if we can make significant gains. If it goes badly, the situation allows additional recovery time. We will see how things develop (especially with 2/116), but I see little benefit in a night attack at the moment. So this will most likely be our last assault for at least 24 hours. The weather will give us good reason to use tomorrow as a day of recovery. The infantry can recover from their mind numbing fatigue, the tanks can start to repair and recover from their losses, and the artillery can thoroughly re-stock their supplies. The Germans can attest to the liberal use of artillery. 😉
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 06:03:06 PM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-American Perspective
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2017, 08:44:36 PM »
Current Time 1800 Hours 12 Jul

Turn 18 Staff Report: Sir, we can report that all 4 units crossed the line of departure at 1700 as planned, and all units made contact with the enemy a short time later. We have no details to report except it appears that all forces continue to meet stubborn resistance.

1800 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: wait and see what develops.
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-American Perspective
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2018, 06:41:32 PM »
Current Time 2000 Hours 12 Jul

Turn 19 Staff Report: Sir, the gamble has paid off! The latest reports are that 2/116 met stubborn enemy resistance (including artillery) at 1710 hours. We have not confirmed final results, but they appear to be on the verge of breaking through with reportedly moderate casualties. If a breakthrough has been achieved, we can expect them to carry on with their currently assigned movement waypoints with a continued advance down the St. Lo-La Calvaire highway toward St. Lo.**I revised Turn 17's Plan of Action for this unit based on a miscommunication with the American commander’s intent this turn.

3/116 met stubborn enemy resistance (including artillery) at 1712 and appears to have advanced 300-400m with moderate casualties before losing momentum at 1701. They are re-grouping and awaiting further orders.

Perhaps the biggest surprise is that 1/115 met the enemy at 1711 and advanced approximately 500-600m before being stopped at 1903 with moderate casualties despite stubborn enemy resistance (including artillery). They are also re-grouping and awaiting further orders.

At 1714 3/115 met stubborn enemy resistance in it’s supporting attack. They were able to advance approximately 100m before the attack stalled, even though no enemy artillery was reported to be used in this area. They suffered moderate casualties. The are currently re-grouping and awaiting further orders.

Additional details on these engagements will become available later as reports are updated.

2000 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: awaiting input…
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