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Author Topic: Graviteam Tactics: Dawn of Blau DLC  (Read 7289 times)

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Offline Asid

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Graviteam Tactics: Dawn of Blau DLC
« on: August 05, 2016, 01:18:00 PM »
Graviteam Tactics: Dawn of Blau DLC

Price: £10.99

About This Content

First days of the German operation "Blau" in the summer of 1942 in the Oskol river area. The Wehrmacht 6 Army dealt a crushing blow at the boundary of the 28 and 21 RKKA Armies, forcing them to retreat in disorder to the Oskol river. To prevent the units of the Wehrmacht 6 Army from reaching the west bank of the river, the RKKA command redeployed the 91 TBde to Verhnyaya Lubyanka - the last point before the crossings near Volokonovka - with the objective to impede the enemy advance, and thus, gain time for the retreat of the battered RKKA units.

•   Two operations of 6 turns for each of the parties.
•   Precisely recreated area of over 60 sq. km: hilly plains with harsh terrain and extensive gullies.
•   Historical organizational structure of units at the time of the offensive.

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Re: Graviteam Tactics: Dawn of Blau DLC
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 03:01:41 PM »
Dawn of Blau

Operation Blau began on June 28, 1942. German forces were advancing in two main directions: to Voronezh 2 A and 4 TA, and, from June 30, further south - 6 A. The main striking force of 6 A were 3 and 23 TD, which were penetrating the Soviet forces’ defenses in a narrow section in the direction of Volokonovka. 336 ID operated together with them.

By July 1, 336 ID together with the units of 23 TD reached the Oskol river crossings in the Volokonovka area.

Volokonovka in 1942

Units of the Soviet rifle divisions were also retreating to the crossings. In order to cover their retreat and slow the advance of the German forces, the Soviet command brought 91 TBde forward to positions near Verhnyaya Lubyanka village. This settlement was located on the highway going in the direction to Volokonovka.

In the morning of July 1, the tank brigade took defense to the west of the village, and units of the retreating infantry divisions took defense in Krasnyi Pahar village.
Forward units of the German 336 ID attacked Soviet positions from the south-west and north-west. Krasyi Pahar defense lasted several hours, and Verhnyaya Lubyanka - until the night of July 2, and only the arrival of the 23 TD units forced the Soviet forces to retreat in the direction of Volokonovka.

Video from about the center of the battle area modeled in the game (present times, Russian language).

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Re: Graviteam Tactics: Dawn of Blau DLC
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2016, 06:22:56 PM »
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