The CS B757 was the very first plane I bought when I got FSX. The problem was it had to many bugs and took them some time to fix them. I have it ported to P3D via Estonia Tool. I really like the 757 and wish PMDG would dig into it some day. I also have the CS B-777, but the documentation (besides the manual) is a bit on the poor side.
In the past two years I have setteld with just a handfull of dev´s after spending ALOT of money on useless planes, or unfinish planes that never got there bugs fixed! Last year I moved to P3D.
I used to be a big fan of RealAir, have all there stuff for FSX. When they ported there stuff to P3D they made a bad move (at first) by asking you to pay the same amount of money for the P3D version, after some time they fixed that by just asking for a small portion of money for owners of there FSX version to P3D. So that kind of put me off and forgot about RealAir. Now the dev´s I stay with are Majestic, iFly, Milviz, Aerosoft and A2A, being A2A the only one I have paid twice for the same plane. The Dash 8 Q400 and iFly B-747 are my fave´s. The iFly B-747 has a excelent FMC very in-depth in my opinion, you can use the official 747 FMC manual to use it, with parallel off-sets, holding off-sets and other goodies, real nice.
Another fav that I just love is Coolskys DC-9, to bad you have to port it via Estonia but it works very well. The should all be like the Coolsky DC-9! Apart that it was the first plane I ever got on when I was young. Miami>Germany>Madrid.
At the momnet Iam on stand-by with civil simm´s as Iam a bit tierd of paying money for up-grades that all they do is give a facewash and/or fix things that should have been fixed out of the box, specially with P3D, so Iam still in P3D 2.5 and will wait till P3D moves to a 64bit platform. Reason? I have more then 3k spent on FSX/P3D and I don´t want to spend more money on fixes, royalties or what have you. Beside having to upgrade weather engines every 3 weeks. You all know what I mean
Anyway, I have alot of Milviz stuff and like how they work, just wish they would finish there B-350i which I also have. Iam a dual prop fan