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MDE Tutorial By Schwerpunkt
« on: June 03, 2016, 12:23:13 AM »
MDE Tutorial By Schwerpunkt

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Middle East War 1948 – 2010 Tutorial

For those of you who have played Russo-German War 41-44 (RGW) and/or Anglo-German War 39-45 (AGW), you will notice that the main difference between RGW/AGW and Middle East War 1948-2010 (MDE) is the user interface. The items that you have provided feedback on that you liked are all still there. These include the maps, the boardgame look and feel, the grading system regardless of the historical balance, simple IGO-UGO with minimal phases for PBEM, and a rich set of battles to select from along with an easy method to create you own battles. However, MDE has a new command panel which handles the user interface with a standard set of mouse clicks for each operation, minimal player mouse movement, and an intuitive method for game play. This tutorial will have you and up running on MDE quickly. As always, the Help files and email/phone to the Schwerpunkt Help Desk are available for your questions. The Wargamer web site ( forum for Schwerpunkt is another source for information and opponents. The Schwerpunkt web site also has information on our games, and is located at . We are also available by phone (281.309.8485) for help desk questions.

Installation for MDE is the same as RGW and AGW. Copy the install file (mdev10.exe) to your desktop by drag and drop, then double click on the icon. MDE installer will ask to select a directory to install (default is c:\mde). The installer will do the rest, copying the files into the directory and letting you know when it is finished. An icon will be put on your desktop for MDE.

Game Main Screen Layout
Start MDE by double clicking on the MDE desktop icon. MDE will display the lead in screen. Click once anywhere and a second lead-in screen will be displayed. Click again anywhere, and MDE will display a Middle East map, command panel (hereafter called CP), and a set of flags of the nations in the Middle East. The CP is initially displayed on the right hand side of the screen, but can be moved to the left side by pressing the Ins key on the keyboard. Pressing a second time will put it back to the right hand side of the screen. Mouse right click takes the CP off the screen entirely, and mouse right clicking a second time puts it back. If during game play the CP is in the way, then use these methods to move it.

In order to learn more about the Middle East, a good way is to click on the flags. There are 21 flags displayed representing the major countries involved in the Middle East since 1948. Clicking on a flag will result in MDE displaying a Country Description screen. The description includes country name, established date, area in square miles, population, religions, major geographical features, borders, capital city, major cities, exports and conflict since 1948. Continuing clicking on flags until your curiosity is complete, and then click on the Cancel icon in the CP. MDE will display the Middle East map, CP main menu and flags.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 03:38:58 PM by Asid »
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