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WWIIE Patch v1.08


World War II Europe
Patch  v1.08
Released: 13/11/16
Size: 962MB
Download: You need to contact Schwerpunkt for the latest installer Click Here

Changes (from v1.07)

World War II Europe
Patch version 1.0.8 Content
1. The combat markers and temporary markers are now reset at the end of each turn.
2. Added list of Russian airfields on Turn 1 in scenario #42 to the Help file.
3. AF of less than zero is displayed as zero.
4. Display OOB has three options. Mouse left click selects the unit and centers the low level map on it.  Mouse right click
allocates HQ Reserve to the unit.  Select the Display OOB or Cancel icons to continue with the game.
5. Fixed bug on Naval Supply ops, Axis only, scenarios 3,4,8,10,11,12,26-32,33-41 and 101.
6. Changed AI self imposed limit from one Naval S&D op per hex to three. Ensures coverage of key areas.
7. Changed the AI so that it follows the weather rule of no ops in storm weather at destination hex. Changed both Naval
and Air ops.
8. Selection of HQ unit for Change HQ Unit ops is now done from the Command Panel.  WWIIE displays the friendly on map
HQ units within 12 hexes for selection. Previously the player selected a hex, and the game selected the top HQ unit in
that hex.
9. A message is displayed for each unit being transferred from the scenario next turn, and one for current turn transfers.
10. For Air Tactical Ops only: There is a 10% chance that a loss to a ground unit that is dugin will not be allocated,
a 20% chance that a loss to a ground unit that is entrenched will not be allocated, and a 30% chance that a loss to a
ground unit that is fortified will not be allocated.
11. During the Combat Phase, the number of remaining attacks is displayed in the Command Panel. "Combats Left: #".  The
# number is displayed in red text.
12. Made enhancements to the air, naval and ground AI operations.
13. Selection of a unit not on map with the Display OOB displayed results in an error message instead of displaying
map where unti will be coming in.
14. Fixed weather bug on North Africa scenarios that prevented supply ops sometimes.
15. Naval combats that result in a ship sunk due to combat losses being greater or equal to DF is not listed as "sunk"
on the report.


Updated original post to reflect release info.


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