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WWIIE Patch v1.05


World War II Europe
Patch  v1.05
Download: You need to contact Schwerpunkt for the latest installer Click Here

Changes (from v1.04)

1. Supply paths along railroad networks are stopped by enemy controlled cities (garrison).
2. Maximum stack rules (6 ground, 6 air, 6 naval units) are enforced for stack moves.
3. Supply truck moves incur a penalty for enemy unit ZOC (removed v103 modification).
4. HQ Reserve cannot be allocated if distance between combat unit and its HQ unit is greater 12 hexes. +3 is added
to the distance if the weather is snow, and +5 if the weather is storm.  2 is subtracted from the distance for
German units.
5. A Dialog box is displayed when maximum combats have been reached.
6. Low level unit stack displays has been changed so that the offset is smaller and display stays primarily in the
same hex. (-3,-5 pels instead of -5,-8 pels).
7. Combat modifier for defenders in city hexes is now DF/4 for city points of zero or one, DF/2 for city points of
two or three, and DF for city points of four or greater.
8. Units receiving replacements cannot move or attack that turn.
9. Various order of battle improvements have been made.
10. Several scenarios have been added.  #42, #70, #71, #74. Total of 61 scenarios have now been released.  #42 is the first
Campaign scenario lasting from 22 June 1941 to 30 November 1941 (24 turns, Operation Barbarosa).


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