Forum > Falcon 4.0

How to convert Falcon 4.0 coordinates in Tacview coordinates?


At some point Tacview will natively support Falcon 4.0 coordinates for static objects declared in KML files. Meanwhile you can use the following formula to convert Falcon 4.0 coordinates in Tacview longitude/latitude.

Use the resulting coordinates to populate XML or KML files to add objects in Tacview world. Please see the dedicated documentation on that matter:

--- Code: ---longitude = west  + x * (east  - west ) / (width  * 819.995);
latitude  = south + y * (north - south) / (height * 819.995);

// Where:
//   x,y are falcon coordinates
//   north, south, east, and west are the terrain boundaries (in degrees)
//   width and height are the terrain size in samples (4096 in most case)

// This gives us the following for the Korean theater declared in
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Stra Software\Tacview\Data\Xml\Data-Falcon4Theaters.xml

longitude =   123 + x * (132.26 -   123) / (4096 * 819.995) =   123 + x * 0.00000275701
latitude  = 33.79 + y * (    43 - 33.79) / (4096 * 819.995) = 33.79 + y * 0.00000274213
--- End code ---

(reference: )


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