Twenty-Seven Years of A-10 Warthog Computer GamesTwenty-Seven Years of A-10 Warthog Computer Games
These sims will make your speakers go BBRRRRTT
For almost as long as combat flight simulators have existed, the A-10 Warthog has been there. The low-flying beast is America’s main dedicated ground-attack jet — heavily armored and packing an arsenal of missiles, bombs and a 30-millimeter rotary cannon that spews exploding shells.
The A-10 works for games because it’s simple, and has one mission that the aircraft does better than any other: attack tanks and troops on the ground. From an engineering standpoint, it’s smart. Designs that know what they are — and what they’re trying to accomplish — make for successful designs.
It’s true for software … and close air support aircraft.
No wonder there’s a history of Warthogs in computer and video games. That’s not to say all of the A-10 games out there are good. But some are downright classics. Here is a non-exhaustive account with some of the best, and some not-so-good ones added for balance.
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