As I continue to go deep "in the weeds" with this discussion, I want to point out again that as a player you do
not have to know and understand all aspects of this discussion. I don't want to scare anyone away with the level of detail, but the level of detail is here if you want it. If you take nothing else away from this discussion, just know that a lot of deep thought and concept evaluation has gone in to creating this sim.
I am trying to strike a careful balance of keeping this an operational level game, yet allowing players to dig in to enough detail to appeal to the players that may be more interested in the tactical level. Personally I really like both the tactical and operational levels, so I want to allow for a lot of flexibility in the "task force" nature that became so common with WWII and continues today. The base game-level maneuver unit is the battalion, but players may break down most battalions to companies. We may allow for armor units to be broken down in to platoons, but we will see how the programming goes. The rate of idea production far exceeds the rate of programming, so I have to be careful that I don't get scope creep and "kitchen sink" this game!
Once we get the game published, we can then evaluate areas of expansion, so this could be one of those areas.
Moving ahead, we want to make it so players can make tweaks/adjustments within battalions regarding the various organic combat support weapons. For example a US infantry battalion primarily contains 3 rifle companies in terms of maneuver elements. The battalion also contains the following organic support: a weapons company (containing 2 MG plt's, and 3 mortar sections), an AT plt and a pioneer plt to directly support the rifle companies (Brit, German and Soviet battalions were organized in a similar manner too). When a battalion is full (i.e. has no detached elements) then the distribution of the the combat support elements makes no difference, because the battalion is considered an entire integrated unit and fights as such. What happens if a player wants to break down in to rifle companies and spread them out further? Players will be able to assign the various organic combat support sections to the desired company before a company is detached. Note that the combat support sections are never represented on the map, they are considered part of the company they are assigned to.
Taking this all a step further, breaking down units in to elements can lead to the creation of "battle groups". Battle groups are typically (but not exclusively) battalion-sized ad hoc units formed by combining inorganic combat elements and/or artillery support elements from other units that are formed around a lead unit (typically an infantry battalion or tank battalion). For example, a player could create a battle group by taking an infantry battalion (i.e. the lead unit) and assigning it a company of tanks plus a company of combat engineers, then assign it movement orders. The creation of a battle group requires time for the units to plan and integrate their abilities. Maintenance efforts and supply are much less efficient for battle groups, so it is generally a good idea to create battle groups on a temporary basis. Battle groups are generally created to achieve a specific objective for an attack/counterattack.
I think this completes the discussion of basics of unit design. Feel free to ask questions, and/or let me know if there are other aspects I have neglected to explain.